Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 889: cardiac arrest

A few minutes later, with a 'swish', a page was torn off.

On the paper is already written:

"Hey, see for yourself, I've already signed it."

The man looked at the wife opposite him amusedly, and then reached out and picked up the piece of paper.

I have to say, the word daughter-in-law is so beautifully written.

There is another rainbow fart in my heart.

Only after that, did I see the contents of the documents listed on the paper, but when I saw the contents, my face collapsed.

"I don't agree!"

Such unfavorable terms, a fool would agree.

Capitalists never do business at a loss, okay?

Su Zhixiao sighed:

"I don't agree to this, I don't agree to that, let's separate!"

It's not that I didn't guess how men would react, but there are policies above and countermeasures below.

So, to put it bluntly, neither of the couple is stupid and sweet, they are both old foxes.

Sure enough, when he heard the word of the woman's resolute separation, the man loosened up a lot:

"Four times a week, no less."

Look at the terms listed on this paper, the couple's obligation is limited to once a week, how about sending beggars?

It's silly to say yes!

This is your own benefit!


"Four times!"

Not giving in at all.


Threat of separation continues.

The man had to back down again:

"Three times, if you don't agree again, all the previous promises will be voided!"

"make a deal!"


However, three times a week is better than seven days a week, every day!

Doctors have said that it is not good for the body.

But how can a woman be so cunning as a man?

Although the man promised to do it three times a week, he didn't say how long each time was?

There are too many holes that can be exploited here.

After a few swipes, the man has already signed his name.

"Wife, here it is."

The paper was moved to the woman again.

Su Zhixiao picked it up and glanced at it. Seeing that the man had signed his name in a proper manner, he quickly put away the paper.

"I'm going to take porridge to see Huo Yun's daughter in a while, what are your plans?"

After all, the child is still clinging to his dad.

The man looked down and looked:

"Well, I'll send you over there, and then I'll go back to the company."

Otherwise, what else can we do?

Su Zhixiao has no choice:


After that, I simply cleaned up, and the family of three went out around 8:30.

When going downstairs, the speed is twice as slow as before.

On the way, I also met uncles and aunts who came back from the morning exercise.

"Xiao Su, what's the matter?"

"Falled in the morning."

"Then you have to be careful."

"Well, I remember, Auntie, let's go first."

"Good good."


Su Zhixiao really didn't know much about Huo Yun's daughter's situation. She was too busy on a business trip some time ago, so she didn't have time to visit.

So, after arriving at the hospital, I learned that just today, the little girl is going to undergo a bone marrow transplant.

Hiss, what a coincidence.

When the family of three arrived, the entire Huo family, including the elders who were still in the Shen family, had already arrived.

Huo Yun's eyes were swollen and he was crying hard.

Shen Chengxuan's face was also very tired, but he still held Huo Yun tightly and had to keep comforting:

"It's okay, Xiaoxiao will be okay, all the experts are here."

Huo Yun couldn't stop crying. As a mother, it was indeed impossible to calm down.

Unless the operation is successfully concluded, there may be a sigh of relief.

Before that, I am afraid, the heart can stop suddenly.

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