Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 905: your wife is checking you

However, when the person really stood at the entrance of the city bureau, he was still stunned in the bottom of his heart, and he froze in place for a while without moving.

Or the uncle of the doorman shouted:

"Xiao Fu is here?"

The man who was stunned in the same place came back to his senses:


"Looking for Officer Su? Xiao Su seems to be on the night shift today."

Hearing this, the man frowned slightly:

"Uncle, I'll go home first."

Along the way, the man's back actually appeared a little indescribably desolate.

When I went upstairs, I also met a comrade from the next department who went downstairs:

"Mr. Fu is back? I haven't seen you for a while."

"Well, just came back from the northwest side."

The two men didn't have much to talk about, and besides, they didn't know each other at all.

The meaning of the two sentences is separated.

After going upstairs, open the door.

There was no one in the house, it was pitch black everywhere.

Because it was on the fourth floor, the street lights couldn't shine.

It is sparse and sparse, and there is a bit of moonlight.

With a 'click', the lights in the room were all turned on.

Without any delay, I grabbed a change of pajamas from the room and went to the bathroom.

And at night, someone who was alone in the empty room didn't sleep at all, and stayed busy in the study all night.

By the next day, it was already bright, and Officer Su, who was on the night shift all night, went home.

The moment he opened the door, he realized that someone was in the room.

There were no leather shoes on the shoe rack before.

Change your shoes and walk into the room.

"Fu Jiyan?" He called out when he reached the door, but unfortunately, no one answered.

After entering, the quilt on the big bed was well folded, and no one touched it at all.

Only then did he back away deeply and head towards the study next door.

knock knock...

Knocked on the door.

Of course, when he knocked on the door, he had already twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

Therefore, knocking on the door is just a formality.

"get off work?"

Hearing the movement, the man who had been burying his head raised his eyelids.

"Well, did you get up early or did you stay up all night?"

In fact, it seems that you can guess that it must have been a sleepless night.

At the moment when the woman lifted her foot, the man inadvertently covered the laptop in front of him, got up with a smile, and after waiting for someone to come over, he habitually hugged him tightly in his arms.

"How can I sleep without you?"

cough cough.

Is it so frustrating in the early morning?

Su Zhixiao tweeted several times:

"let go."

"Hold for a while."

"What to hold? Why are you the same as your son? Haven't you had breakfast yet?"

It was impossible for Song to let go, but instead he knocked his whole head on the woman's shoulder:

"Well, I didn't eat."

"Okay, okay, I'll cook something for you."



While Su Zhixiao was busy in the kitchen, the man washed up in the bathroom.

When Su Zhixiao came out, the man just happened to come out.

"Fu Jiyan, look at the fire yourself, and then turn off the fire after another five or six minutes, understand?"

I was on a night shift and called the police twice in the middle of the night. I wanted to take a shower for a long time.


Of course a man knows his wife's habits.

After all, the husband and wife are already married, and both of them know each other well.

Before leaving, he reassured him again:

"Look at the fire!"

The man chuckled softly:

"I see, I'm not stupid."


The woman just left the kitchen.

It was the man who stayed in the kitchen, the corners of his mouth were uncontrollably raised, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

This good mood didn't last long when the phone received a message from an unfamiliar number.

--Your wife is checking on you!

In an instant, the man's eyes narrowed dangerously.

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