Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 96: five years ago

Madam Su was in a hurry and gave a harsh sentence:

Marry, yes!

But from now on, I will be without this daughter!


In the past five years, Ji Ci didn't know that there would be a gift sent from Beijing North to Ningnan's home every New Year and festival, but every time he heard from his father that Aunt Su threw those things into the trash can again.

Ms. Su Luoyun's temperament is indeed violent enough!

Obviously, five years later, the original knot has not dissipated.

Even, as a biological mother, the only daughter getting married, such a major event in life, it is true that if you do not participate, you will not participate, and you will not show a single face!

Of course Ji Ci didn't know that Su Zhixiao didn't have contact with his family all these years, and there was indeed a factor five years ago.

But not hate.

It's guilt and dread!

Especially after having children, I understand how much I hurt my mother and them at that time!

This time, sending the child to Ji Ci first actually meant that he wanted to explore it first.

Su Zhixiao has been counseling since childhood, and even more counseling Ms. Su Luoyun!

The little boy tilted his head:

"Since I was a child, the uncle has been bringing porridge and porridge!" Answering the question from Ji Ci just now.

Hiss... Since childhood?

"Mom is very busy with work, and Dad is also busy with work. They rarely have time to bring porridge and porridge. Sometimes, it takes a long time to see them with porridge and porridge."

The words are said like this, but the tone is still full of small resentment.

Although the child is still young, he is not stupid, how can he not know this?

"By the way, what about grandma and grandpa? Why didn't you see the porridge?" The children glanced around the house many times, but they didn't see anyone.

Ji Ci reached out and stroked the top of the little man's head twice:

"Grandma and grandpa are not here, in Ningnan, we will go back to Ningnan in the afternoon."

Today is Ms. Su Luoyun's 52nd birthday.

No matter how busy he is, Ji Ci rushes back every year.

This year, I can bring another little guy back.

I wonder how Ms. Su Luoyun and Mr. Ji Zhengguo will react then?

In fact, everyone in the family knows that there is no overnight feud between mother and son? Not to mention they are their own mother and daughter!

It's just that in five years, someone has never come home once, so Ms. Su Luoyun is just very angry!

I've been stupid for five years, but now I'm a little enlightened.

Ji Ci's lips curled slightly, and his eyes looked aside:

"What do you have to eat at home?"

Because I was going back to Ningnan, I could stay at home for a few days this time, so last night Shang Jici emptied everything that could be eaten at home.

Who knew that such a big surprise would appear this morning.

Chen Yuefan hurriedly said:

"There are, there are, when my mother came to see me last time, she made me a lot of dumplings and froze them in the refrigerator. I'll go get them."


"Haha, what are you polite? Who are we and who?

Small porridge, do you like dumplings? "


"Okay, wait, uncle will go get it."

Chen Yuefan went home to get dumplings, and Ji Ci picked up the mobile phone on the cabinet and started contacting to change the ticket, and he had to add a child.

"Porridge, did your mother prepare an ID card for you?"

"Yes, it's in the box."

Oh, everything is planned!

No, even the documents are ready!

Ji Ci beckoned to the villain. After that, the uncle and nephew both squatted on the ground and began to rummage in the mini-version of the small suitcase.

"Uncle, this is it!"

All neatly packed in bags.

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