Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 98: to stink

"There is a case in H City that has been handed over to our team. If I have time, I will go back."

Chen Yuefan didn't say anything more, after all, it's family affairs:

"Okay, if you have any questions, tell senior brother at any time, don't carry everything.

You don't have to worry about that little guy. I think Aci took good care of him. This afternoon, Aci will take the little guy back to Ningnan, and the air tickets are all booked. "

Su Zhixiao was really relieved when he saw the message sent by Chen Yuefan.

"Thank you, brother."

Over the years, if I hadn't been in touch with Chen Yuefan at any time, I would have been relatively clear about the family's affairs.

Ms. Su and Uncle Gu are in good health, and Ji Ci also flourished in the provincial office.

Of course, I didn't look for it. Senior Brother Chen secretly sent a message to himself on the balcony. At this moment, he was caught by Ji Ci.

"Hey hey, Aci, are you ready to eat?" He quickly stuffed the phone into his pocket.

Ji Ci snorted coldly:

"What did Zhixiao say?"

Do you really think you don't know?

That's too small to look down on Director Ji.

Chen Yuefan smiled stiffly:

"Then what, I didn't say anything, I simply asked."

As long as he has been with Ji Ci for a long time, he will be more cowardly, let alone Chen Yuefan, who has been in friendship for 30 years.

"I only know that Junior Sister and the others have gone to City H, and there seems to be some complicated case over there."

It is not complicated, and it is impossible to transfer it to the Beijing Municipal Bureau.

Ji Ci hummed softly, as a response, and then turned back to the living room.

The child had already eaten and sat back on the sofa to watch cartoons. Seeing Ji Ci coming over, his face turned red at first, and then he said pitifully:

"Uncle, you want to pull the smelly smell."


Everyone in the family knew that Ji Ci had a serious cleanliness addiction since he was a child.

But now....

"Uncle, I can't hold it anymore."

Ji Ci shook his neck fiercely, then stepped forward to grab the little man on the sofa, and went directly to the bathroom.

"Go on your own, call me when you're done!"

"No, uncle, your toilet is too high!"


"Then what do you want?"

The little man opened his arms:

"Uncle can hold the porridge and stinky it!"

I go!

Little boy, don't you know that your uncle is going crazy now?

People who are obsessed with cleanliness really can't afford to hurt.

But, it seems, can only endure.

You can't, pull in your pants, right?

Ji Ci was holding his arms stiffly, and the little boy hummed, and soon, a 'smell' spread.

When Ji Ci could hardly hold on:

"Are you okay?" He said word by word.

The child exerted all his strength again, and finally felt comfortable:

"Okay uncle."

The toilet automatically senses the flush, but you still have to wipe your ass!

Moreover, after wiping the ass, it's not over yet?

"Uncle, you have to wash your **** after you stinky!"

Look, everyone and children know that they pay attention to personal hygiene.

Ji Ci let out a long sigh, and took the villain directly to the shower:

"Take a shower, take off."

Director Ji, who has never taken care of milk dolls, is so simple and rude!

What **** to wash?

Just take a shower!

The little man snorted, but took off his clothes on his own.


After a simple rinse, outside, Chen Yuefan had already washed the dishes, and saw his uncle and nephew come out:

"Aci, how does it feel to be a dad?" It was full of fun.

Looking at the constipated face, I'm afraid I'm not in a good mood.

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