Lord Harland

Chapter 102 Jerram

Just when Richard was preparing to organize a caravan to trade with Duke Jonathan.

At the Consul's Mansion in Wright City, Butler Savile pointed to a thick stack of ledgers and said to Consul Jerram: "We have raised the sales price of salt, and many lords have rebounded."

"What did Viscount Luomen say?"

"Viscount Romen said he would let us raise prices for a year at most? If it's still like this next year, he will have to find a way to buy salt by himself."

Geda Province is a province directly under the central government, but most of the land is owned by hereditary nobles.

Only a few castles and fortresses, such as Fort Wright, Fort Black River, and Grant Knight Academy, are directly managed by the royal family.

The province of Geda is divided into five counties, namely Black River County, Leyte County, Canyon County, Brenner County and Lomon County.

There is still a large area of ​​undeveloped open space in the northeastern part of the province, which is ready to be given to new hereditary nobles.

Among the five counties in Geda Province, the noble power of Luomen County is the most powerful, and it is almost an independent kingdom in Geda Province.

Eighty percent of the land in this county is the fiefdom of Viscount Roman. The decrees of the provincial consuls can hardly be implemented without the consent of Viscount Roman.

The local influence of Viscount Luomen in the past generations far exceeds that of people like Jerram.

The reason why Viscount Roman was so powerful was directly related to the Grant Kingdom's territorial expansion war.

When the Grant Kingdom defeated the orcs, the Luomen family made great achievements.

The first Viscount Luomen was a ninth-level epic knight whose combat prowess was comparable to that of a legendary warrior.

He once single-handedly defeated the Orc Legend in front of two armies. He also once led a group of surprise troops alone and cooperated with Marshal Brener to defeat the orcs in the decisive battle.

Therefore, after the war, the Roman family's fiefdom was extremely large, covering 19,000 square kilometers, almost equivalent to the area of ​​an earldom.

If Viscount Romain of that generation had not had a bad relationship with his coach Brener and was suppressed by Brener for several years, he would probably have been promoted to earl during the war and become a great nobleman of the Grant Kingdom.

There are more than 30 barons and nobles in the province of Gedda, and Viscount Roman has been their spiritual leader in the Parliament of Nobles for generations.

If he breaks out and makes trouble against the provincial consul. There will be some political turmoil in Nolan, and the provincial governor may be replaced. At such a critical time, the Holland family is not willing to provoke such a person.

After listening to Butler Savile's report, Jerram sighed: "It seems that Viscount Luomen is a smart man and has heard some rumors from the royal capital."

Saville strongly agrees with Jerram's analysis. Although he is only Jerram's housekeeper, he is actually a distant branch of the Horan family.

In terms of kinship, Savile is also Jerram's distant cousin.

His real job is not only a housekeeper, but also responsible for communication, intelligence, wealth collection, strategy and other work for Jerram. He directly takes orders from Mrs. Holland in the royal capital, and his status is almost equal to Jerram.

"Although the Roman family has been suppressed by Duke Brenner, they have been operating in the royal capital for hundreds of years. I guess he has also heard the news that the king wants to change the heir."

"Do you think Viscount Romen might support Prince Felix?"

"Unless we give conditions that others cannot give, such as allowing the Roman family to obtain more territory, promoting them to earls, and giving the Roman family a higher political status, the Roman family will not openly support anyone. A prince's."

Jerram nodded and said: "I also agree with this. When you reach the status of the Luomen family, you are only one step away from the great nobility. You really don't need to easily support the prince and take sides in politics. By the way, let's increase the salt. Price, are there any nobles who strongly object?"

Savile nodded and said: "There are still some, especially Baron Richard of the Harland family. I heard some rumors that Richard is planning to form a caravan to buy salt from the Dukedom of Jonathan and completely bypass us."

"Where did you hear the news? Harland's territory is still relatively closed, and they don't like outsiders entering. Information about their family is very rare."

"If Richard wants to form a caravan, he must have a guide who is familiar with the roads. The guide he came to Black River Fort to look for happened to be the one we placed."

"You are indeed very thoughtful. As early as six years ago when I came to Gedda Province to take office, you had placed many people in the caravans trading with the Duke of Jonathan. Now that Richard wants to avoid us, he has indeed made arrangements in advance. The people put in worked.”

"Richard is the first to have this idea. If he makes money, I'm afraid the hereditary nobles of Geda Province will join forces. Then everyone will follow suit. What should we do? You are the leader, now it's time to make up your mind. "

"The Harland family has many talents and is likely to become the backbone of guarding the border. I didn't intend to offend such a family. But if Prince Felix wants to sit in that position, he needs a lot of gold coins.

Our Holland family is from a humble background. Compared with the Queen's children, we have already lost at the starting line.

Only by spending a lot of money to buy, build momentum, and cultivate party members can we compete with the big prince Chris.

The salt monopoly is related to our fundamentals. I will not make it easy for anyone who dares to touch this point. Send a message to Simon and ask him to find reliable people from the royal capital to get things done. "

The Harland family is a new noble, and they are not very well-informed, especially the upper-level palace news in the royal capital. They have no knowledge at all.

If he knew the detailed information, Richard might be like Viscount Luomen and endure it for a year without getting involved in the disputes in the royal capital.

But he didn't know all of this.

Just when Richard was ready, he organized a caravan and just left Fort William.

A letter was delivered to Simon.

Simon is the illegitimate son of Earl Wimble.

Earl Wimble's family has elf blood. The ancestor of this family is the famous legendary elf, Curufin Wimble the Sun Chaser.

This legendary elf was so powerful that he not only shot and killed legendary knights, but even legendary magicians were killed by his bows and arrows.

Although the Sun Chaser's bloodline has become thinner from generation to generation, the family still has a tradition of being good at shooting.

All family members have good archery skills.

Although Simon is a despised illegitimate son, his bloodline is somewhat atavistic, much stronger than that of his father, Earl Wimble.

Now he is a sixth-level knight, and his fighting power is extremely powerful.

Especially his elusive archery skills, he once killed an eighth-level orc in a sneak attack.

Because of his outstanding bloodline talent, Earl Wimble even planned to divorce his wife, marry Simon's mother, and make him his heir.

However, almost everyone in the earl family opposed it. Whether they were members of the Wimble family or long-time in-laws, they would never agree to let a socialite become a countess, let alone change the heir.

After this incident got serious, Simon left the Earldom of Wimble. After entering the royal capital of Nolan, people like him seemed to be in the pocket and were attracted by many big nobles.

The reason why Simon served the Holland family was because Prince Felix promised him that after inheriting the throne, he would support him in his military exploits, be named an earl, and make his mother a real countess.

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