Lord Harland

Chapter 104 Special Products

Because it had to travel by water, horse-drawn carriages could not be transported, so Richard's caravan could only rely on manpower to transport goods.

It is very convenient to take the water route. Food and water on board can be replenished along the way. After entering Jonathan's territory, you can enter Eastburg after eating dry food for two days.

Richard's caravan of 300 people actually didn't need to carry much luggage.

Together with a small number of feral wildebeests to help transport, they can bring back twenty tons of goods.

Twenty tons of salt can be saved to feed 20,000 people for a year.

After transporting this batch of salt back and organizing a caravan this time, the goal of coming to the Dukedom of Jonathan will be achieved.

The purchase of salt only cost 110 gold coins, and 12 gold coins were required for water transportation back and forth. This trip saved a lot of costs.

Richard did some calculations and found out that according to the price designated by Butler Savile this year, the Haaland family would have to invest at least more than a thousand gold coins to purchase the salt controlled by Archon Jerram.

More than a thousand gold coins can support an additional squadron of regular troops.

Even though the Harland Territory now has a lot of income, the additional expenditure of more than a thousand gold coins is very heavy.

Richard was not going to take back the remaining six hundred gold coins from this sale.

The territory's current cash flow is relatively good, and the gold coins brought back are of no use other than hiding them in the cellar. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Spending it indiscriminately will only cause inflation within the territory. It is better to exchange it for goods from the Duke of Jonathan to enhance the heritage of the Harland family.

In addition to producing salt, the Dukedom of Jonathan is also very famous for its armor.

However, there is no shortage of steel in the Harland Territory. Purchasing armor from the Duke of Jonathan will dampen the enthusiasm of the blacksmiths in the Harland Territory.

Purchasing armor from outside will affect the production of armor in the Harland territory and prevent the blacksmith's skills from being improved for a long time.

Richard walked around East City and found that the productivity of the Duchy was also very low. All the goods that could be produced here could be produced in Black River City.

Although there is a shortage of cloth in the Harland territory, transporting it back from the Duke of Jonathan, including the freight along the way, cannot compete with local goods at all.

Just when Richard was a little disappointed and was about to take the gold coins back. Serena went directly to the door.

"Baron Richard, you have been wandering around East City these days, looking for special products?"

Not long after a large caravan like Richard entered East City, his information was clearly probed by the Serra Chamber of Commerce.

In an environment like the Dawn Continent, every big businessman is supported by nobles.

There is no rule in the major kingdoms that nobles cannot engage in business. Almost all hereditary nobles will personally engage in business activities.

Without a strong backing, no matter how big your business is, it will be easily swallowed up by powerful powers.

"Yes, but I found that except for salt, there are no particularly outstanding products in Jonathan's territory. If we bring them back to Black River Fort, it will be difficult to compete with local products."

In the major kingdoms of Dawn Continent, local protectionism is very serious.

Local businesses are controlled by hereditary nobles. These people have intricate relationships and are relatively powerful themselves.

Unless it is a scarce commodity that is not available locally, it is possible to make profits in this environment.

Ordinary goods cannot compete with the local chamber of commerce at all.

The Harland family's steel trade has now affected the interests of some people.

Some time ago, Baron Franklin of Brenner County sent people into the Harland Territory, hoping to steal steel manufacturing technology, destroy the Harland family's mines, and attack the territory's steel production capacity.

Baron Franklin is the largest producer of steel products in the Gedda province.

This family has made military exploits in the pioneering wars. Its territory is in Brenna County behind the Gedda Province. It has been almost immune to orc invasions in recent decades.

The family of Baron Franklin was very wealthy because of the discovery of iron ore in the territory. The management of the territory is very good. Although the territory covers an area of ​​less than 500 square kilometers, there are already 40,000 slaves and citizens in the territory.

If the territory is rich and has a large population, it can raise an army. Although the territory of Baron Franklin is small, it has six squadrons of soldiers.

Because there is steel production capacity, there are still a lot of iron armors.

The only thing worse than the Harland Territory is that it has less combat experience. Except for the officers of the Franklin family, the soldiers do not practice breathing techniques, so they are far inferior to the Harland Territory.

The Harland family and the Franklin family have already lost their lives due to business conflicts.

After catching the person who entered the territory to cause trouble, Richard had asked William to take the person away and report him to Wright County, the capital of the province.

Because of business profits, relations became increasingly tense, and eventually territorial wars broke out among the nobles.

Although Richard is only a baron, the Haaland family already has great influence in the Gedda Province, and its strength is second only to Viscount Luomen. He organized a caravan to come to the Dukedom of Jonathan to do business, and the upper echelons of the Dukedom of Jonathan naturally cared about him.

Where did Richard go every day?

How long did you stay?

How many people have you met?

Even the conversations she had with people were reported to Serena’s ears in detail.

“It is indeed difficult for ordinary products to compete with local products, but we in the Dukedom of Jonathan also have many special products.

These goods will not be sold in the market. If you want to buy them, you can only go to the Duke's Palace to find Mrs. Sera? "

"Miss Serena, can you tell me what special products you have?"

"For example, enchanted weapons, enchanted armor, magic bombs, Tenghui potions, and some special magic plants. In addition, our Warcraft Racecourse will also sell some war horses, such as the iron horned horses that our family needs."

Before Richard became a professional, he followed his uncle Soros to capture a group of feral wildebeests.

Among them, the Haaland family was allocated nine horses. In recent years, the population has been slightly expanded. There are already fourteen iron horned horses, and three of them have been successfully bred.

The iron horned horse assigned to Roland was the most valuable, but it was a pity that he died in the defense battle of Platos Fortress.

Uncle Soros was assigned three iron horned horses, and now they have grown to five.

The number of World of Warcraft horses is too small, and it is not enough to form a knightly group dominated by professionals.

Moreover, there is also a lack of professional officers in the Harland territory. If he wants to form a knighthood like Baron Harden, according to the normal development speed of the barony, Richard will not be able to do this in his lifetime.

In the past few years, the territory was short of funds and did not have the gold coins to buy wildebeests to expand the population. After listening to Serena's introduction, Richard was immediately moved.

"Miss Serena, can you take a look at the feral wildebeest for sale?"

"Of course it is possible."

Under the leadership of Serena, Richard entered the backyard of the Duke's Mansion.

A dozen feral horned horses awaiting sale are in the yard.

Richard looked at it carefully and felt a little disappointed. These iron horned horses waiting for sale are basically first-class inferior horses. There are only a few mares, and they probably have some minor problems.

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