Lord Harland

Chapter 203 Palace Coup

The birthday of the Goddess has just passed, and the Grant family is already miserable.

Duke Brenner, the pillar of the royal family, leaned weakly on the bed, as if he would die at any time.

A year and a half ago, Duke Brenner could raise his marshal's scepter and beat King Charles.

But at this moment, it was difficult for him to even lift his arms.

The top brass of the Grant family gathered at Duke Brener's mansion, waiting for the Duke's last words.

Important figures in the Grant family include King Charles, president of the Magic Association, nine-ring magician Pansy Grant, the great-grandson of Duke Brenner and the new generation of Duke of York. King Charles's adult sons, Chris, Crafford, and Felix, also stood by Duke Brenner's bedside.

"Is Roger here?"

"Duke Roger is riding a Warcraft horse and is still on his way."

"Can't wait that long."

Duke Brenner shook his head weakly and said to several important members of the Grant family: "My health is failing, and my death should be within the next few days. I have been prosperous for more than a hundred years in my life, and I have enjoyed everything I should have." , I have no regrets. The only thing I can’t let go of now is the business left by my ancestors.

My body could have lasted for more than ten years, because the water of life donated by the Warda family seemed to follow the God of Kingship and Order in advance.

The Seventh Earl of the South was originally a loyal minister of the Venus family, but he must have resentment in his heart after being suppressed by us for so many years. The Warda family sent the water of life this time with the clear purpose of murdering me.

Since the Warda family has jumped out, other earls in the south must have colluded with the Warda family. The Warda family must be uprooted as soon as possible after my death. Remember, the Grant family must be united.

Now is the time for the life and death of the Grant family, and a battle for the throne must not break out.

The Grant family now urgently needs the support of the Jonathan family to stabilize their power. My last wish is to make Prince Chris the first heir, while Princes Crawford and Felix give up their inheritance rights. "

As soon as Duke Brenner finished speaking, Duke of York pulled out the enchanted sword and stabbed Prince Crawford to death.

Prince Crafford was the son of Lady Warda.

Since Duke Brenner personally said that the Warda family had murdered him, the Duke of York would naturally not allow a prince with Warda family blood to survive.

When King Charles saw his son's tragic death, there was a trace of resentment in his eyes, but he did not dare to show it.

Seeing that Duke Brenner's breathing was getting weaker and weaker, and that the mountain pressing on his head was about to collapse, King Charles felt relaxed again.

Duke Brenner still did not wait for Roger, the last important figure in the Grant royal family. Roger breathed his last before he arrived at the capital.

Immediately after the death of Duke Brenner, King Charles ordered a dinner to be held that day.

On the night of the banquet, King Charles launched a successful palace coup, killing Queen Madame Durand and Prince Chris, and then sent members of the Royal Guard to capture Duke Roger.

The day after the coup, an order was made to make Prince Felix his heir, violating Duke Brenner's last wish.

After the coup broke out, the Duke of York made a decisive decision and fled the royal capital. After returning to the territory, he immediately mobilized and could rebel at any time.

Duke Roger had just arrived in the outer suburbs of Nolan when he heard rumors of a coup.

After hearing the news that Queen Duran died tragically and Prince Chris was killed, Roger was instantly heartbroken.

Roger and Queen Duran are in love with each other and have been secretly together for more than ten years.

Although Chris is not Roger's son, he has a closer relationship with Roger.

Roger was riding on a sixth-level fire dragon colt, wearing three layers of armor, and looked at the royal guards officers and soldiers who came to hunt him.

The Guards walked at the front holding the flag of the Grant family high. In the center of the flag was a magic six-pointed star. Outside the six-pointed star was a purple ring. The ring was surrounded by vines, and the vines were dotted with seven petals. Underneath the six-pointed star are crossed swords.

Roger raised his riding crop, pointed at the Guards officer in front and said, "Finnan, are you here to arrest me?"

"The king has sent me to greet the Duke."

Roger had served in the Praetorian Guard for many years and had high prestige among the soldiers. Finnan was unwilling to fall out with him directly, so he planned to trick Roger into Nolan first.

By the time Roger got to Nolan, he was a lion without its claws and could only be at the mercy of others.

Roger smiled and thought to himself: "If I hadn't received the news about the coup, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been prepared. Once I entered Nolan, I would be a caged bird. Charlie, the bastard, missed something and didn't watch it. Lives Duke of York.”

After the Duke of York left Norland, he immediately sent his cronies to spread the news.

Relying on the powerful channels of the York family, the news that Kingdom Charles violated Duke Brenner's political wishes, launched a palace coup, and killed the queen and prince has reached the ears of Duke Roger.

Duke Roger remained calm on the surface, but secretly he held the knight's spear tightly.

He lightly kicked the fire dragon colt, and the magical beast that had been following him for many years immediately ran and suddenly breathed out a mouthful of flames at Finnan. This flame is the famous spell Dragon Flame Breath.

The Fire Dragon Colt has dragon blood and is a common magical beast in Grant Kingdom.

Generally speaking, adult fire dragon colts are only at the third level, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of iron horned horses. Many high-ranking officers within the main army use fire dragon colts as mounts.

Duke Roger rode this fire dragon colt, and his bloodline had a benign mutation. Under his careful training, his level was raised to the sixth level, and his wisdom also increased to that of an adult.

Powerful blood spells and a clever mind make this Warcraft horse stronger than even a sixth-level knight.

Although Finnan was already a seventh-level silver knight, he did not dare to take the fire dragon colt's breath. He hurriedly turned the horse's head and moved the monster lizard under his crotch to avoid the flames.

However, the four or five guards around Finnan did not react so quickly. In an instant, they were ignited by the dragon's flame breath and turned into burning men. They died miserably.

Roger urged the horse, took a deep breath, and calmly raised the spear. A layer of bright light slowly lit up in his hand, and the magical light spread along Roger's hands toward the spear.

In an instant, the lance became very dazzling. Roger spurred the horse, and the lance blazed with light, stabbing Finnan.

Just as Finnan dodged the dragon's flame breath, the spear was stabbed towards him. He hurriedly raised the enchanted sword and tried to knock the lance away. Unexpectedly, this shot was so powerful that it knocked Finnan off the Warcraft Lizard.

Finnan got up from the ground in embarrassment, brandishing the sword in his hand and stabbed the fire dragon colt.

Roger gently lifted the horse's reins, and the fire dragon pony jumped lightly to avoid Finnan's attack.

Roger turned around, stretched out his hand and released a bloodline spell, Death Law.

This was a spell that acted on the soul, and there was no way to dodge it. In an instant, Finnan felt a sharp pain in his heart, and his body's reaction became very slow.

The Death Order is a nine-ring magic. Roger's ability to release this magic means that his knight blood has reached the ninth level. Thinking of this, Finnan suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Roger took Finnan's enchanted sword and slashed it with his backhand. Finnan's vision went dark and his head fell to the ground.

Roger kills Finnan and takes his head.

There are high-level magicians in the royal capital who can use the seven-ring magic resurrection technique. As long as the body is intact and the soul is not far away, it can be resurrected with the help of magic.

Finnan is already a Silver Knight and an important assistant to King Charles. Roger does not want him to be resurrected and cause trouble for him.

After killing Finnan, Roger pointed to the other officers of the Guards and shouted loudly: "Charlie violated Duke Brener's political will and wantonly created a coup in the royal capital, killing the Queen and Prince Chris. How can one be a monarch with such foolish behavior?

As a member of the Grant royal family, I, Roger Grant, swear that I will inherit the legacy of Duke Brenner and overthrow Charles' rule.

Charlie broke the political rules of the Grant family for hundreds of years and was opposed by many nobles. The Duke of York, the Duke of Duran, and the Duke of Jonathan would all organize armies to attack him. Being loyal to Charles was a very stupid act and would have no future at all.

You have been loyal to the Grant family for generations, and many of you have Grant family blood flowing in your body.

Now is the time for you to make a choice, whether to follow me to clean up Charlie, this foolish king, or to be loyal to Charlie and fight with me. "

Roger commanded the Royal Warcraft Cavalry Regiment and had high prestige in the Guard system. In addition, King Charles launched a coup, which was unpopular. Moreover, Roger killed the Silver Knight Finnan, and the remaining soldiers were encouraged by him. Many people changed their camps and decided to fight with Roger.

After Roger returned to the territory with this group of soldiers, he immediately contacted the neighboring Duke Jonathan.

Duke Jonathan was full of complaints against King Charles because his daughter and son-in-law were killed. After analyzing the situation of the major forces in the Grant Kingdom, he felt that Roger's side had a better chance of winning.

Without thinking for too long, Duke Jonathan made a decision and sent a legion to join forces with Duke Roger and send troops to Nolan.

Civil war broke out in the Grant family.

The three legions in Lach Province were unable to react in a short time.

The Flying Eagle Legion was unprepared and was coerced by the coalition forces of Duke Roger and Jonathan, so they had no choice but to join the coalition forces of Roger and Jonathan.

Waldo Jeff, the leader of the Grizzly Legion, was a close confidant of King Charles and decided to support King Charles. But he knew that the Roger and Jonathan coalition forces were stronger, so he couldn't hold on, hoping to delay time.

The Feiyan Legion behaved at both ends, neither willing to support the Grizzly Legion nor to fight against Roger and Jonathan's coalition forces.

The strategic location of Grizzly Bear Fort is very important. If Grizzly Bear Fort is not breached and the Grizzly Bear Legion is solved, the coalition's retreat will be easily cut off.

However, the fortifications of Grizzly Bear Castle are strong and it is very difficult to attack the castle.

The coalition forces of Roger and Jonathan were unable to capture Fort Grizzly for a while, and the war in Lach Province entered a stalemate.

Because King Charles broke the unwritten political rules and launched a military coup.

The Morningside Church, a major force in Grant Kingdom, decided to sit back and watch. The Grant Mage Association was also very dissatisfied with King Charles and strictly ordered the magicians in the Mage Tower to ban them from participating in the civil war.

After Roger and Jonathan launched an army, the Duke of York immediately sent troops to respond.

With Duke Brener as a powerful backer, the Duke of York has developed very rapidly in recent years, and its military strength is second only to Duke Jonathan.

Duke Jonathan only sent one legion to cooperate with Roger in fighting, while the Duke of York sent almost all the troops in the territory, totaling three legions.

Seeing the Duke of York sending troops, the Duke of Duran immediately responded and also sent a legion to attack Nolan eastward.

Duke Duran's daughter was killed by Charlie, and he already hated Charlie.

If the situation in the Grant Kingdom was stable, he might still be able to bear this tone due to the situation, but now there are big nobles revolting everywhere, and it is obvious that King Charles is carrying out a coup, which has caused everyone to complain.

The strength of the Duke of Jonathan ranks second in the Grant Kingdom, and the Duke of York ranks third.

Although the Duchy of Duran is slightly weaker, it is also ranked sixth in strength.

The combined power of the three families is greater than that of the Grant royal family.

Moreover, the Grant royal family was obviously not of one mind. Duke Roger had already launched a rebellion, and the Mages Association was unwilling to cooperate with Charlie.

The Royal Guards were panic-stricken. If they did not send troops at this time, the vassals and lords below who wanted to gain benefits would probably complain.

Besides, if Duke Duran raises an army, he has a good chance of winning over Duke Lorraine.

The Duke of Lorraine and the Duke of Duran are related by marriage, and they have always advanced and retreated together in the Grant Kingdom.

After receiving the letter from Duke Duran, Duke Lorraine sent half of his legion to form a coalition with Duke Duran, with a combined force of 30,000 troops to attack Nolan.

In just ten days, the situation in Grant Kingdom changed suddenly.

The combined forces of Roland and Jonathan marched south from the north with fifty thousand troops.

The Duke of York commanded three legions, and 60,000 soldiers attacked from the northwest. They had already left the Duke of York and entered the province of Sodamia, which was already 300 kilometers away from the royal capital of Nolan.

The combined forces of Dukes Duran and Lorraine entered the province of Maryland with a combined force of 30,000 men. The Duke of Guise, who was bordering them, chose not to help each other and stood aside.

Duke Edward and Duke Fox both needed royal support to withstand the orc army, and they were slightly closer to King Charles.

Inwardly speaking, the two dukes were very reluctant to have civil strife break out in Grant Kingdom.

But the situation will not change according to their wishes.

Seeing that the two forces must decide the outcome, the two Dukes, Edward and Fox, were unwilling to get involved in the war.

Although their personal relationship with King Charles is closer, they will not consume the power of the territory and bleed for King Charles.

After the news reached Black River Fort, Army Commander Zachary immediately convened a military meeting and decided to first eliminate the brothers William and Bernie, then unify the thoughts of the Northern Army, attack Viscount Richard, and then lead troops south to quell the rebellion. .

Unexpectedly, William had a wide network of contacts and very well-informed intelligence. He received news of the civil strife in the royal capital almost at the same time as Zachary, and did not participate in the military meeting.

After receiving the news of the civil strife in the Grant family, William analyzed the situation and sensed the threat. He immediately mobilized the Third Brigade and the Sixth Brigade to get closer. He personally entered the Sixth Brigade and relied on his many years of prestige to easily pass the hands of the new captain. Seized power.

Fortunately, his younger brother Bernie had not yet been transferred to the Wild Lions. William gave the command of the Sixth Brigade to Bernie, combined the forces of the two brigades, and stationed them at the north gate of Black River Fort.

Richard received the news sent by William slightly slower than Zachary.

After receiving the information, Richard was very decisive. He immediately ordered the entire army to assemble without consulting anyone. He led his troops quickly south, hijacked the private soldiers of Baron Bazel and Baron Barton, and appeared outside the Black River Castle. Together with William and Bo. The army commanded by Ni was in the shape of a horn.

Zachary had just finished his work and was preparing to lead troops to besiege William and Bernie's two brigades. Unexpectedly, in less than a day, the situation changed.

Faced with this situation, Commander Zachary was suddenly in a dilemma.

Although Zachary had only served in the Northern Army for four years, he had already established prestige in the Army because he led troops to win battles and could command any officer.

If William and Bernie were executed by him and the other high-ranking legions were controlled, Zachary would be able to control this powerful central legion just like Waldo Jeff.

But if they lose the opportunity, the senior officers in the Northern Army will swing around and will not easily participate in the internal struggle of the Grant royal family.

Now it seems that Duke Roger has a better chance of winning.

If you fail to stand in line, you will definitely be liquidated.

On the contrary, if you don't participate in the struggle between the two sides, you won't have any trouble.

If it weren't for Richard's offending of the Holland family, King Charlie would not have a good impression of the Harland family. Once Prince Felix is ​​firmly seated and King Charlie is free, he may cause trouble for the Harland family, and Richard will not Will participate in this royal civil strife.

Zachary did not capture William immediately, and most of the captains of the Northern Army chose to stand by and watch.

Within the legion, the only ones supporting Zachary were the Guard Brigade and the Reconnaissance Brigade. This force could not change the situation at all.

There are 3,000 troops in Harland's territory, and the coalition of nobles coerced by Richard also has 1,000 troops. Together with the two brigades commanded by William and Bernie, the military strength supporting Duke Roger has exceeded 8,000.

As for the military strength supporting Zachary, there were only 2,000 soldiers in the guard brigade and 1,000 soldiers in the reconnaissance brigade.

Near Black River Castle, the forces supporting Duke Roger were actually stronger.

In this current situation, Zachary could only barely maintain the situation and did not dare to act recklessly.

Once the conflict fails, letting William and Richard and his son coerce the centrist forces of the Northern Army will bring a heavyweight to the rebels, and the impact on the battle situation will be immeasurable.

The situation was extremely dangerous, and Commander Zachary hurriedly sent his trusted aides to contact senior officials in the Northern Army to solicit their opinions.

"How is it going?"

"Deputy Commander Tengwei and Deputy Commander Rab were both firmly opposed to fighting William. Military Judge Saab and Bishop Hayes both issued orders prohibiting officers and soldiers from the military law and chaplaincy systems from participating in the war. Logistics Minister Talak also ordered the logistics system , don’t fight a civil war.

Most of the infantry captains below had some friendship with William, and it was difficult to mobilize soldiers to fight against their own people. "

"What is Viscount Luomen's opinion?"

"The messenger we sent to Viscount Roman has never returned. According to common sense, local nobles like Viscount Roman will not be involved in the internal war of the Grant royal family."

Just when Zachary was thinking hard about how to defeat the enemy, a piece of intelligence was delivered to his desk.

The nobles of Brenner County and Canyon County have openly raised their banners and organized a coalition of nobles to openly support Duke Roger.

Duke Roger once quelled the cultist rebellion in Canyon County and had great influence among the nobles of Canyon County. The nobles of Brenner County knew without asking that they would definitely support the Duke of York.

Of the five counties in Geda Province, only Leyte County can be his backup.

Although Wright County is the capital, the combat effectiveness of the city defense army is very average. The Knights Academy is not far from Fort Wright. Although this force is strong, it will not easily get involved in the Grant family's power struggle and civil war.

In the huge province of Geda, Zachary actually had no backup. The current situation is far more dangerous than when fighting the orcs.

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