Lord Harland

Chapter 213 Financial Revenue and Expenditure 2

After winter, the supply of fuel is very critical. The climate in northern Xinjiang is cold. If there is insufficient fuel for heating in winter, a large number of people will freeze to death.

Richard spent a lot of gold coins to buy people, so he naturally had to care about whether the indentured servants had fuel for the winter.

Coal mines were discovered in Haaland territory, and there was no shortage of wood. The supply of fuel has not been compromised.

This year, about 20,000 tons of coal were mined and 6,000 tons were sold externally, bringing in cash income of 2,000 gold coins.

Of the remaining 14,000 tons, 2,000 tons were supplied to the army, and 12,000 tons were given priority to the indentured servants.

Most of the indentured slaves had more than a dozen people crowded into a 30-square-meter house. Each house consumed one ton of coal every year to survive the winter.

Although there are now more than 90,000 indentured slaves in the Harland territory, 12,000 tons of coal is enough.

Because of the increase in mining volume, Richard plans to expand the coal mine next year and increase its output to more than 30,000 tons.

In fact, this year's coal miners only mined for one and a half months, and the rest of the time was basically spent building coal mines.

Repair wooden tracks, build houses, build coal washing plants, and even dig toilets and other messy tasks.

There is enough food and fuel. Although there are many indentured slaves entering the territory this year, the conditions are actually not too difficult.

At least once you enter Haaland's territory, you can have a full meal.

Many serfs, because their lords exploited them so much, could not even hope to have a full meal.

After the time entered December, Richard once again summoned the territorial officials to summarize the income.

The first person to report was Thomas, the head of the steel business.

"The territory's steel trade has been very stable this year. The annual income is 12,000 gold coins, which is about 50% lower than the peak in one year. If the orcs continue to invade at a frequency of once every three years, the profits of steel weapons will surge next year. It may reach more than 18,000 gold coins."

Nowadays, the steel production in Harland Territory has stopped growing. The main reason is due to market restrictions.

The steel industry is also a traditional industry in the Dawn Plane, and competition is fierce.

The profit of more than 10,000 gold coins in the Harland Territory a year almost devours most of the market. Only by continuing to lower prices can it be possible to capture the rest of the market.

There will inevitably be opponents to seize the market, and the commercial competition methods in the Dawn Plane are very cruel and direct.

In the past, the market that Richard captured was mainly that of Baron Franklin. Now Baron Franklin's mine has been squeezed by Richard, and its output has dropped by 70 to 80%.

Several large steel merchants in northern Xinjiang, except Richard, are now some powerful nobles.

Before he is fully prepared, Richard will not attack the market of the great nobles and easily lower the price of steel products.

From now on, the steel trade will mainly rely on the domestic demand market to grow, unless Richard is promoted to a great nobleman and has enough strength to compete with several dukes in northern Xinjiang for the market.

After Thomas finished speaking, the second person to report was Scott, who was in charge of the textile business.

Since the new spinning machinery was manufactured, the textile business in the Harland territory has developed faster and faster. By this year, there are already 800,000 sheep in the territory.

Fourteen hundred tons of woolen cloth are woven every year, enough to clothe more than 200,000 people.

In addition to the woolen cloth provided to the indentured servants, the Harland Territory earned an income of 10,000 gold coins through the sale of woolen cloth.

The northern Xinjiang region has always been short of cloth, and even the Harland Kingdom's cloth production is not very sufficient.

Whether it is linen, cotton or woolen cloth, as long as the cloth is produced, there is no need to worry about sales.

The third is the income from hunting World of Warcraft. Last year, the territory earned 6,500 gold coins from hunting World of Warcraft.

The liquor market has now fallen to fourth place, and the income from fruit wine is only 5,000 gold coins a year, which is almost one-third of its peak.

As the number of free people in the Harland Territory increases and the market scale expands, liquor revenue should increase. However, if we want to recover to two years ago, we may have to wait for the domestic demand market to expand, which will take several years.

The fifth item is the territory's tax. Counting miscellaneous taxes, the total is 4,300 gold coins.

The sixth item is brown sugar income. It has been five years since the establishment of the brown sugar industrial park. This year, the output of brown sugar has reached 60 tons. Although the selling price of brown sugar has dropped a bit, to twelve copper coins per pound, it still brought cash income of 3,300 gold coins to Harland's territory.

Moreover, the brown sugar industrial park is still developing rapidly, and the output of brown sugar next year may reach about 100 tons.

This business has great potential and will become an important financial income for the Harland Territory in the future.

The seventh item is hemostatic ointment. Due to the production of royal jelly in Zitoufeng, the income from hemostatic ointment is very stable, about 3,000 gold coins per year.

The eighth item is the income from the coal mine. The coal mine brought in cash income of two thousand gold coins.

The ninth item is glass income. Due to the sales of fruit wine and cans, the glass mine has reached 1,800 gold coins this year.

The remaining miscellaneous income from brick kilns, cement, fruit sales, flame spider silk, honey, etc. totaled a total of four thousand gold coins.

In addition, Mrs. Olla's business in Black River Castle is quite stable every year, and can bring in a cash flow of 1,500 gold coins.

Not counting Mrs. Olla's small treasury, the Harland Territory had about 52,000 gold coins in cash income last year.

This year, I robbed Baron Harden's treasury and got a huge windfall. I got 17,000 gold coins, which added up to 69,000 gold coins.

There is no war this year, and military expenditures are not very large. The army will be expanded by 1,000 in the spring, plus military support and pension expenses, which will add up to 38,000 gold coins.

The number of territorial bureaucrats is relatively small, about a few hundred in total, and their salary expenditure is less than 5,000 gold coins.

Next is investment in hospitals and education.

The cost of treatment at Haaland Territory Hospital is not too high. Even if it is surgery, the cost is only about one gold coin.

Because the hospital has expanded a lot this year and some necromancers have been added, these people have to pay high wages. Throughout the year, the hospital lost two hundred gold coins.

In terms of education, because the Harland Territory has trained some talents, the salary of new teachers has been reduced to six silver coins per month.

In addition, the number of students has expanded a lot, and we managed to break even throughout the year.

After all, the tuition fees in Harland Territory are too expensive. At one gold coin per year, only children from upper-class families can afford it.

Next year Richard plans to reduce tuition fees by about half.

The annual tuition fee of six silver coins should be able to benefit a part of the middle-class population.

At the end of this year, Harland Territory has a balance of 26,000 gold coins.

After eight years of operating the territory, Richard finally had cash income in his hands.

With this amount of money, Richard is no longer prepared to buy more people.

A large number of people have entered the territory this year, and it will take some time to absorb this population. Moreover, a war is likely to break out next year. This money is a reserve fund, used as war funds to make up for the lack of territory income.

Throughout this year, Richard learned two new spells, one is the four-ring magic to summon the fire element.

This is a summoning magic. Before learning this magic, you need to open the door to space and sign a contract with the summoned creature. Every time he summons the fire element to fight, Richard needs to pay a magic crystal.

Magic crystal is a crystal ore rich in magic energy particles, usually mixed in metal veins.

Magic crystals are very precious in the Dawn Plane. One magic crystal can be exchanged for ten gold coins.

Although Richard had a lot of gold coins in his hands, he was reluctant to exchange them for magic crystals. Now he only has a dozen magic crystals in his hand.

These magic crystals were accumulated from years of iron ore mining, and Richard was reluctant to use them.

Richard has not yet learned the five-ring magic space gate, and he would not have been able to learn to summon the fire element on his own. It was Sophia who helped him open the door to the elemental space, and Richard signed a contract with a fire element, making this fire element his summoned creature.

When Richard uses this magic, the fire element in the elemental world will cast a projection to cooperate with Richard in combat.

The fire element projection has powerful lethality and is immune to fire attribute magic, and most spiritual magic is useless against the fire element. The power of fire element spells is doubled.

But it was restrained by water and ice magic.

Using this magic consumes a lot of money, ten gold coins at a time, which is equivalent to hiring a four-ring fire mage for a short period of time.

Although magicians with a single attribute are more lethal, they are easily restrained by comprehensive magicians. They are only suitable for large-scale wars and are not suitable for adventurous activities and solo fights.

The other one is the fifth-circle magic dream spell, which is a psychedelic type of spell. After using this spell, you can enter the dream of a sleeping person and explore the secrets deep in the dreamer's subconscious mind.

This spell is very useful in special situations.

After entering the winter, Richard would occasionally give personal guidance to the territorial mage apprentices and teach them some magic knowledge.

There are now more than a dozen magic apprentices in Harland's territory. These people have different foundations, different learning progress, and different knowledge.

Most of these magic apprentices are very ordinary, and their knowledge is not in-depth.

The five magicians of the Harland Mage Association all have the task of teaching. Generally speaking, there is one class a week, and each class teaches about two hours.

Richard is talking about classical mechanics.

The physical and chemical rules of the Dawn Plane are somewhat different from those of Earth. Quantum mechanics, in particular, cannot be copied at all.

After Richard's verification, there is almost no difference in the rules of classical mechanics, except for the acceleration of gravity and the gravitational constant.

Classical mechanics plays a very important role in magic. Many transformation and protection magics require stress analysis.

However, most of the magicians in the Dawn Plane do not understand some concepts of classical mechanics. They cast spells mainly by relying on the experience of their teachers.

Three thousand years ago, the legendary magician Aelin proposed the law of inertia. Two thousand two hundred years ago, another legendary magician Flatt proposed the law of action and reaction.

Two of the three laws of classical mechanics have already appeared in the Dawn Plane, but the development of science is accidental. No magician has yet proposed the law of acceleration.

Richard, a plagiarist, became the first person in the Dawn Plane to propose the law of gravitational acceleration, and was also the first to measure the gravitational acceleration and gravitational constant of the Dawn Plane.

Many wild mages are just magic tool people who can only cast spells imitating cats and tigers, and have no understanding of the principles of magic and the nature of magic.

Richard does not want the magicians in the Harland Mage Association to be all magic tool people, but hopes to cultivate magic researchers. Even if they are not talented, they should have a heart to study magic.

Sometimes great discoveries come from ordinary people with average talents. The science of magic can develop only through the promotion of a large number of magic researchers with ordinary talents.

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