Lord Harland

Chapter 217 Annihilation Zhanyi

Duram mobilized his troops, reorganized his formation, and led the orcs out of the camp.

He led the attack with kobolds, tauren in the middle, and quilboars in the rear. The werewolf cavalry roamed outside, and the snake-like professionals acted as a reserve team, appearing at the most critical moment.

Seeing the orcs walking out of the camp, Richard immediately ordered the trebuchet to lighten the counterweight and adjust the range to four hundred meters.

Duram waved his hand violently, and the orc army advanced rapidly. His eyes were very sharp, staring at the human camp.

Duram knew in his heart that the orcs and humans were far from being able to compete with humans in long-range shooting.

The advantage of the orcs is in close combat. Only by using their strength advantage can they defeat their opponents in battle.

Seeing that the kobold entered the range of the alchemy bomb, Richard did not intend to attack his opponent.

The reserve of alchemical bombs is insufficient and can only be used to attack high-value targets. Richard has asked the auxiliary soldiers who control the trebuchet to focus on the snake-like people.

As long as the snake appears on the battlefield, the alchemical bomb will greet the snake.

The kobolds advanced very quickly and entered the range of the archers in about three minutes.

In Harland's territory, every veteran practices archery, and there are many sharpshooters. There were more than 2,000 soldiers equipped with bows and arrows, accounting for almost half of them.

These veterans have been in the army for many years and wear steel armor.

Those who can use bows and arrows are good in the army. Because of the military skills, archery is the most difficult to practice. The spear skills and sword skills used in actual combat are not really fancy. They often only have a few moves. It is not very difficult to master and you can get started in a few months.

Unless one is very talented in archery, it usually takes many years to train a qualified archer.

According to Richard's experience, soldiers who can practice archery well are not only powerful, but also often have a solid foundation in breathing techniques, and are also good at using other weapons.

It takes about five or six years to train a third-level archery expert.

The arrows struck the kobolds with a sharp whistling sound, and several kobold squadrons were immediately covered by the rain of arrows.

Seeing the rain of arrows coming, the kobolds quickly raised their shields.

But with the powerful bow and crossbow, the kobold's thin wooden shield couldn't stop it at all.

The kobold squadron leader's eyes were dazzled, hot blood splashed on his face, and his ears were suddenly filled with a scream that hurt the eardrums.

The white light in front of him quickly passed by him. In the blink of an eye, many of the soldiers he commanded had fallen down due to arrows, leaving a large gap in the formation.


Before the kobold squadron leader could react, the second round of arrows had been fired. The dense arrows were like falling raindrops, with an arc of death, hitting the kobold forward again.

This time the kobold squadron leader was unlucky and was shot into pieces by seven or eight arrows.

Immediately after the third and fourth rounds, after six consecutive rounds of arrow rain, the three leading kobold squadrons had already suffered more than half of their casualties.

Although the orcs could withstand more casualties, such a miserable scene still exceeded the limits of the kobold squadron.

The fear of death was hitting the nerves of the kobolds all the time. Seeing another round of arrows coming, the kobold forwards finally couldn't hold on any longer. They shouted wildly and retreated in unison, but were stopped by the second echelon of tauren. stop.

The orcs' military laws were strict, and the tauren were not polite to the kobolds' retreat, and immediately imprisoned them and executed them.

When Duram saw this scene, he immediately had a bad thought in his heart. He had participated in many wars, and Duram was still shocked by such swift and powerful long-range attack power.

Duram had only seen so many sharp archers in the backbone of the main human legion. He really couldn't understand why a small viscount had such elite soldiers under his command.

Duram simply did not understand that the military strength of Haaland Territory had been established for nine years.

Over the past nine years, Richard has been in the army intermittently, investing millions of gold coins in resources. In the past nine years, this army has not suffered any major losses and has been developing healthily.

Nowadays, the combat effectiveness of several main infantry squadrons in Harland's territory is second only to the Warcraft Cavalry, and is far superior to ordinary infantry squadrons.

Although there are not many in number, they can indeed be called an elite force.

The first echelon of kobolds collapsed, and the second echelon of tauren rushed forward.

Cold arrows shot out continuously, whistling sounds were heard in the air, and black dots fell from the sky. The tauren hurriedly raised his big shield to protect his body firmly.

The tauren are powerful, and the shield they hold is very sophisticated. The outside is covered with a layer of wrought iron, the inner layer is made of six to seven centimeters of elm wood, and the innermost layer also has a leather-lined handle. Unless the crossbow is enchanted, it will have the kinetic energy to penetrate this heavy shield.

Harland's territory has hunted many high-level monsters, and it can also produce some blood steel. Over the years, it has accumulated hundreds of enchanted crossbows.

These enchanted crossbow users are all master archers. Their archery skills have generally reached the third level, and seven or eight people have even reached the fourth level.

The third-level archer is already one of the best in a hundred. The arrows almost never miss the mark and the arrows bite the flesh.

The fourth-level archery skills are even better than others, and can hit a swinging willow branch from a distance of 300 meters. Even the eagle in the sky cannot avoid this terrifying archery technique and can be shot down easily.

These more than a hundred sharp archers are almost the backbone of Harland's territory.

More than a hundred sharp archers used enchanted crossbows, and each round of shooting caused heavy casualties to the orcs, with about a hundred people killed or injured.

Even though the orcs were holding shields and wearing armor, they still couldn't withstand the damage from the enchanted crossbows for too long.

Seeing that the casualties were getting worse, the tauren increased their speed. After suffering many casualties and entering the shooting range, they used slings to throw stones at the human formation.

The tauren are very powerful, and the stones thrown with the sling are very lethal.

But throwing stones is far less accurate than shooting arrows. This exchange ratio is very disadvantageous.

In order to avoid greater casualties, the tauren could only continue to speed up and engage in close combat with human soldiers.

After five to six hundred casualties, only about half of the more than a thousand tauren in six squadrons remained.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides was only a dozen meters.

"go ahead."

The tauren commander pulled out his command sword, yelled wildly and slammed into the first group.

Seeing the orcs rushing to the front of the formation, the soldiers could even see the hot breath exhaled by the orcs. The veterans of the first group were not confused at all, and fired the last round of arrows almost right in the face of the orcs.

The lethality of shooting arrows close to the face is extremely strong. This round of feather arrows almost killed the orcs rushing at the front, opening a large gap in the orc army formation.

After shooting the last round of feather arrows, the veterans planted the enchanted crossbows on the ground, pulled out the enchanted swords from their waists, and actively stood in front of them.

All the archers in the territory wear enchanted armor. Many people wore brute force armor and activated brute force techniques.

Seeing that the orcs were about to charge forward, the magicians in the mage group took action one after another.

In this battle, the entire Harland Mage Association was dispatched. Junior apprentices participated in the treatment team, and mid- and high-level apprentices followed the magicians and were responsible for releasing spells.

More than twenty spells were released in an instant.

These spells include attack spells and control spells.

In an instant, fifty or sixty orcs were killed and wounded, and more than a hundred tauren were restrained.

In war, once movement is restricted, there is no way to survive. The orcs restrained by the spider web and grease spells were immediately killed by swords, guns and arrows.

The second echelon suffered heavy casualties, and the third echelon of wild boars had already killed them.

The reason why the orcs rushed up echelon by echelon was to use the refueling tactic.

The main reason is that the camp built by Richard is small in scale and there are too many soldiers to move around. The soldiers in front will block the attack route of the soldiers behind, and crowding together will easily become the target of archers.

The quilboar charged very quickly and quickly filled the gap left by the tauren.

Seeing how lethal the mage group was, Duram decided to lead his own soldiers to attack the human mage group.

Richard observed the battlefield and did not take action. Seeing Dulam coming up to kill him fiercely, Richard held the thunder staff, invested ten points of spiritual power, and used the powerful four-ring magic lightning technique.

With ten points of spiritual power, the power of the powerful lightning spell is no less than that of high-level magic. With the blessing of the lightning staff, the power of this magic is slightly more powerful than the nine-ring magic.

The lightning spell is not only powerful in destructive power, but also attacks quickly.

Dulam had no time to dodge and was hit by this spell. His energy and blood suddenly surged and his body became numb.

If it weren't for his high magic resistance, this spell would have killed him.

Although he survived the powerful lightning spell, Duram's chest was already scorched and smelly, and even his internal organs were almost cooked by the powerful electric current.

Seeing that Duram had suffered heavy injuries, the orc shaman hurriedly released a healing spell.

The powerful life energy entered the body, and Duram finally escaped. Seeing Richard raising the lightning staff again, Duram's scalp went numb and he immediately hid behind the guard.

The two sides began to engage in hand-to-hand combat, and the snake-body professionals also organized their formations and prepared to enter the battle.

Although the army of serpentine professionals is powerful, its weaknesses are very obvious. It moves slowly and cannot catch up with the elite human soldiers, so it is easy to be targeted and restrained.

It is difficult for such an army to fight independently. If the Snake Squadron were to fight against the No. 1 Squadron of Harland Territory, the First Squadron could easily use kite flying tactics to kill all the Snake Squadrons.

Even Thoros alone, riding an iron horned horse and holding an enchanted bow, can easily defeat his opponent.

Therefore, due to its obvious weakness, the Snake Squadron has no independent combat capability and can only cooperate with the main force of the Orcs.

Although the weakness is obvious, the snake-shaped man is very strong in close combat, and Richard simply does not dare to let the snake-shaped man break into the formation.

Once you engage in close combat with a snake body, the casualties will be difficult to control.

Even if elite infantrymen like the First Squadron were to fight in hand-to-hand combat with Snakehead professionals in the same squadron, the casualties would be very heavy, which would be unbearable for Richard.

So a military order was immediately passed on, asking the auxiliary soldiers to launch alchemy bombs.

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