Lord Harland

Chapter 228 Book of Curses

If the human scouts want to regain their disadvantage, there are only two ways.

The first one is to develop your own aerial reconnaissance force and establish aerial Warcraft Cavalry. For example, the Griffin Knights and the Flying Dragon Knights are tall flying military branches.

Because the Kingdom of Lane has cultivated the Griffin Cavalry Regiment, it can suppress the Harpies.

The second method is to send Warcraft Cavalry to perform reconnaissance missions. The individual combat effectiveness of Warcraft Cavalry is very strong, and they are not afraid of harpies when encountered in the wild.

Although the battlefield will still be transparent to the orcs, it will be difficult for the harpies to cover the battlefield and hunt down the Warcraft cavalry.

These two methods are difficult to achieve in the Harland territory. Not to mention forming the Flying Knights, the Flying Warcraft will not appear in the trading market at all.

The Flying Warcraft Knights are one of the most powerful combat forces in the Dawn Plane. Purchasing a Flying Warcraft is as difficult as purchasing nuclear missiles in the previous life.

Moreover, the large forces in the Dawn Plane are relatively conservative, and it is impossible for them to sell flying monsters to outsiders.

It is also difficult to send Warcraft Cavalry on reconnaissance missions. The number of Warcraft Cavalry in Harland's territory is only over 100, and they undertake very heavy combat tasks. The power of Warcraft Cavalry is to concentrate its strength and defeat the enemy like a majestic enemy.

If the Warcraft Cavalry is dispersed to gather information, it will be difficult to concentrate during the war.

If you want the Warcraft Cavalry to perform reconnaissance missions, you must expand the number of Warcraft Cavalry.

The current World of Warcraft breeding base in Harland Territory has about dozens of feral horned horses. Some of these feral horned horses come from the Baron of Harden, and some come from wild feral horned horses captured in the Eagle Mountains.

Without affecting the breeding of Warcraft, fifteen Iron Horned Horses can be drawn from the Warcraft Breeding Base. For the remaining vacancy, Richard prepared to purchase a gelding from Duke Edward.

The feral horned horse has a very high IQ and is considered an intelligent creature. Castrating intelligent creatures is a very inhumane thing.

The Warcraft Cavalry in Duke Edward's Domain does not castrate the Iron Wildebeest.

However, in order to prevent the spread of the feral horned horses sold outside, the Warcraft Cavalry Corps was bred to compete with itself. The feral horned horses sold by several Warcraft breeding bases are all geldings.

Richard also hated the conservative ethos of the Grant Kingdom and was very troubled.

After spending three thousand gold coins and purchasing thirty geldings, Richard formed forty-five Warcraft Cavalry.

Although there is a war this year, there are still more than twenty soldiers who have been promoted to professionals from the Haaland Territory Army.

These twenty new professionals were all transferred by Richard to the newly formed Warcraft Cavalry.

Most people in Northern Xinjiang can ride horses, and the Warcraft Cavalry has a high IQ and is easier to communicate with.

Richard prepared to disperse the forty-five newly formed Warcraft Cavalry among the scouts.

When the time comes, a group of several people, with the Warcraft Cavalry as the core and ordinary scouts as assistants, will be enough to withstand the Harpy attack.

Forty-five Warcraft Cavalry were formed, and Richard also expanded two squadrons of scouts.

For the new scouts of these two squadrons, Richard mobilized some of the backbones from the old reconnaissance squadron, and the rest were selected recruits.

The two newly formed reconnaissance squadrons will need at least one or two years of training before they can become combat effective.

The next time the orcs invade, the reconnaissance force in Harland's territory will increase dramatically.

Entering November, Sophia has made new achievements in magic research.

Because Richard proposed an alien version of the periodic table of elements, the magicians in the Harland territory discovered a variety of new elements based on the guidance of this periodic table of elements.

As the periodic table of elements continues to be adjusted, humans in the Dawn Plane have recognized forty-eight elements. In just one year, fifteen new elements were discovered in Harland territory.

Not only were there rare gases and unknown metals, but Butler also discovered two radioactive elements.

Sophia also discovered X-rays through research on the particle theory written by Richard.

By drawing a special magic circle and using magic crystals to provide energy, Sophia invented a stable X-ray emission device.

Just when the research reached a critical point, Sophia became pregnant again.

Sophia was pregnant in June. Because it affected her research on magic, Sophia was not happy about this pregnancy and her will was a little depressed.

In August, Sophia's belly gradually became pregnant. Based on their experience, the doctors confirmed that she was pregnant with a boy.

Richard and Sophia's eldest daughter Margaret is already three and a half years old. After the goddess's birthday, Richard plans to send Margaret to Riverside Primary School.

Next year will be the fifth year of He'an Primary School. After five years of accumulation, the teaching quality of He'an Primary School has gradually improved.

Starting this year, schools in the Harland Territory will be able to steadily send primary school graduates to the territory every year.

Students at He'an Primary School can write and do arithmetic, and their long-term collective life has also cultivated their discipline. After the fourth grade, there are also courses such as history and geography.

Now that the territory is full of illiterates, such trained readers are very welcome in various departments.

After discussing with Sophia, Richard decided that his children would be different from the aristocratic tradition and not hire tutors. When the children grow up, they will receive education at He'an Primary School, so that they can have contact with the grassroots from an early age.

The principal of Riverside Elementary School is Margaret's cousin Flora. Of course Flora will take care of Margaret when she gets to school.

Moreover, Richard will send guards to protect Margaret's safety.

Riverside Primary School is just outside the walls of Fort William, very close to the castle lord's palace.

Studying at He'an Primary School is safe.

Margaret was very smart since she was a child, but her childhood was lonely.

In the city lord's mansion, Margaret had no peers. Richard and Sophia were very busy every day and did not have much time to spend with their children.

Because of the lack of communication with her parents, Margaret was obviously closest to Anne, who had taken care of her since childhood.

Children are very innocent-minded and what they need most is companionship. But for most ordinary people, even spending time with their children is a luxury.

Richard has seen some babies that were not cared for, bitten to death by cats and dogs, bitten to death by snakes, eaten by wild beasts, and some that fell to death or drowned.

Most of the parents of these babies were indentured servants who had to bear heavy workloads and had no time to care about their children.

The Grant Territory is not the Earth either. Mothers can be given maternity leave and have time to take care of their children.

Pregnant indentured slaves in the territory had to work a few days before giving birth. Many women gave birth to their children in farmland, wild fields, and construction sites.

Compared to ordinary people at the lowest level, Margaret was already a winner in life as soon as she was born.

Things in the world are never perfect.

Although I gained superior material conditions, I lost the company and care of my parents.

Because I don't have time to spend with my children, I feel a little indebted to Margaret Richard. It is also a good thing for Margaret to go to Riverbank Elementary School.

Richard knew that radioactive elements contained radiation and were very harmful to the human body. After Sophia became pregnant, he stopped her from continuing to study radioactive elements and X-rays to prevent her from becoming Madame Curie in the Dawn Plane.

Although Sophia stopped researching X-rays, she took the initiative, and other magicians were not afraid of risks and chose to continue following up.

Many magical researches contain powerful energy radiation, which is inherently dangerous.

Wendy and Heath collaborated and discovered that X-rays are extremely penetrating and can penetrate muscles and reveal the outline of bones.

After this discovery, Adrian from the hospital also joined in and began to study the application of X-rays.

They pursued the radiation principle of X-rays and created a new magic link, detecting rays.

After using this magic, X-rays can be emitted.

This new magic can be used to cure diseases and save people immediately.

With this detection magic, the surgical level of Harland Territorial Hospital will be improved.

Especially for the treatment of bone injuries, the effect improves very quickly.

Participating in the creation of new magic was of great benefit to Adrian. The feedback from his meditation during this period was particularly good, and he completed the advancement in winter and became the seventh magician in the territory.

Adrian has been studying magic for five years, and it took him five years to become an official magician. His magic talent is obviously average. Normally, it would be difficult for him to be promoted to the fourth level in his lifetime.

If it weren't for the new research results, Adrian would still have to accumulate a year or two if he wanted to be promoted to an official magician.

By this winter, five intermediate apprentices had broken through in the territory. Bonova, Connie, Alizee, Harrison, and Greta had all been studying magic for two or three years and were successfully promoted to advanced magic apprentices.

The magic apprentices of the Tower of Death, because the meditation method is too extreme, Richard is not prepared to let them practice the Book of Death.

Because the understanding of elements becomes deeper and deeper, Richard's understanding of the nature of magic becomes deeper. The Book of Fire he compiled is becoming more and more complete, and has reached the ninth level.

This fire-attribute meditation method can already be practiced to the sixth level.

A meditation method that can be practiced to the sixth level is considered a precious treasure for an earl family.

If Richard is willing to sell it to the great nobles of Grant Kingdom, the value of this meditation method will be more than 100,000 gold coins, which is the same as a complete breathing method.

After deducing the Book of Fire to the sixth level, Richard gave up on continuing to deduce the Book of Fire because he still didn't understand the advanced realm.

Instead, specialize in studying the Book of Death to see if there is any way to improve it?

The Book of the Dead is a meditation that can be used all the way up to Legend.

But when it reaches the second level of the Legend, the potential of this meditation method is exhausted.

The Book of the Dead meditation method is the standard meditation method of the undead faction. Using the Book of Death to meditate will absorb the magic particles that refine the properties of the undead.

As more and more undead magic energy particles are refined in the spiritual space, the essence of the magician becomes closer and closer to undead creatures.

The soul of the legendary necromancer has also suffered serious mutations, and he can no longer be considered a human being.

Through research, Richard discovered that curse-type magic energy particles are closest to undead-type magic energy particles.

But there are still many problems if you want to convert two meditation methods that are close to each other.

Magic energy particles also have special volatility and are very exclusive.

Turning to meditation is very dangerous.

But many of the magic apprentices who came out of the Tower of Death are eager to increase their power.

They are not afraid of risks and are willing to switch to other meditation methods even at the cost of their lives.

In his heart, Richard also wanted to study the problems encountered in converting to meditation.

By November, he was working on the Book of the Damned.

Richard was not very good at curse magic. When deducing the meditation method, he solicited the opinions of other magicians. After many discussions, it was only in December that he completed the deduction of the meditation method for the first three levels of the Book of Curses.

After completing the deduction of the apprentice-level Book of Curses, four magic apprentices from the Tower of Death took the initiative to serve as forerunners and transfer to the Book of Curses.

Before making the final decision, Richard finally asked for their opinions.

"If the four of you don't switch to meditation, although you can't become necromancers, you can live a stable life for the rest of your life. The apprentice-level magic ability will also make your living standards and social treatment better than ordinary people. An stable life Steady, marrying a wife and having children for a lifetime is actually a happy thing. Switching to meditation is very risky, and people will die if you are not careful. You should consider this carefully before making the final decision."

"Master Richard, our birth is very ordinary. I come from a serf family, and my destiny has been determined for the rest of my life after birth. It was the necromancers who changed our destiny. They killed my family, but they pushed me away. The door to the magic palace.

When I became a magic apprentice, at that moment I truly mastered the power, how happy I was? I don't know now whether I should be grateful to the Necromancers or resent them. Life is short. We don’t want to be mediocre all our lives, so we will become the first batch of experimenters. If we fail to transfer and die, our bodies will be handed over to the hospital for dissection and used for magical medical research. I hope that our death will contribute to the research of magic. There is promotion. "

Seeing how determined the four apprentices were, Richard felt a little moved in his heart. He turned his head and said to the other three people: "I already know Lange's thoughts. What are the opinions of the three of you? This matter is related to life and death. It is better to make a decision after careful consideration!"

"There is no need to think about it. Lange and the three of us have thought about it for a long time and are very determined. We must stand out and become respected magicians. We are not willing to live in mediocrity all our lives."

Seeing that the four people were very determined, they had already put life and death aside.

Richard immediately organized research efforts, and all the magicians in the territory put down their research and participated in the meditation method experiment.

Changing the meditation method was difficult at the beginning. The four apprentices had just changed their cultivation, and cracks appeared in their mental space.

Everyone needs to use requiem treatment every day. In addition, Richard also needs to use dreaming to enter the subconscious and correct the wrong knowledge in his thinking.

In addition, Sophia also needs to refine some potions to treat soul damage and give them to the four apprentices who have switched to meditation to treat the pain in their souls.

Although Richard and others tried their best and worked very hard during this period, only two of the four undead apprentices successfully transferred. Wild magicians rashly switch to meditation. Richard can be sure that they will not be as lucky as William, and they will definitely die without rebirth.

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