Lord Harland

Chapter 247 Territory Income

Nowadays, textiles have surpassed steel and liquor, and become the income of Harland Territory after food.

The textile industry in northern Xinjiang is very backward, and the output of cotton cloth is low. Whether it is the three northern provinces or several duchies, the output of cloth has always been insufficient. The relationship between supply and demand is unbalanced, so the low-priced woolen cloth from the Harland territory can quickly occupy the market. According to Richard's estimation, if the market potential of Northern Xinjiang is fully developed, the revenue from textiles may exceed 60,000 gold coins.

After textiles came the steel trade.

"This year, the territory built a third steel-making furnace. The new steel-making furnace is taller and larger. This year, the steel production in the Harland territory exceeded 2,000 tons, an increase of about 50%. Two thousand tons of steel, net The profit reached twenty-two thousand gold coins.”

Following Thomas Weber's report, Richard had a rough idea of ​​the development of the steel industry.

Due to the increase in production, the wholesale price of steel in the Harland territory has now dropped to eighteen gold coins for one ton of iron blocks, and the retail price of one kilogram of iron blocks has dropped to seven copper coins. That’s down by more than half compared to a decade ago.

Although the selling price is low, the steel business faces considerable competition, especially from the northern Xinjiang nobles, who own iron ore. Although the cost of production is high, the lords are afraid of the outflow of gold coins and still restrict Harland from taking over iron products. of entry.

The scale of the external market has been restricted, so the profits from steel trade have increased slowly over the years. It was not until domestic demand developed in the territory that the profits from steel trade exceeded 20,000 gold coins.

In addition, a large number of sheep have been raised in the territory in recent years. The number of sheep in the Harland territory has increased more than 20 times, with the number exceeding three million.

Even if one-tenth is eaten every year, more than 300,000 live sheep are put on the market, and the price of mutton has dropped a lot. Since last year, ordinary freedmen have also been able to occasionally eat mutton.

There are more than three million sheep, one-third of which are controlled by Richard. The satyr tribe managed by Bernard now herds more than one million sheep. The annual tax of 200,000 sheep is an income of about 20,000 gold coins based on the current price of sheep.

Only half of it needs to be used to supply the army, provide benefits to bureaucrats, and provide pensions to disabled and fallen soldiers. The gold coins that fell into Richard's hands were only about 10,000.

The reproduction rate of sheep is very fast. As long as there is enough pasture, and with good luck, the population can increase about ten times in two to three years.

The Haaland territory has relatively large rainfall, lush vegetation, vast territory and sparsely populated areas, which is suitable for the development of animal husbandry. According to Richard's estimation, the sheep herd can expand to tens of millions.

What limits the expansion of the sheep herd now is the population of the territory. Only when the population increases can there be enough people to raise sheep.

Next to report is Ihaqir, who is responsible for managing the brown sugar plantation. Nowadays, the brown sugar plantation has expanded to several nearby hills. Tens of thousands of brown sugar trees have been cultivated in the plantation. Although most of the brown sugar trees are not yet mature, this year's brown sugar production has reached a new high, exceeding the revenue from liquor.

"The output of the brown sugar plantation this year reached 523 tons, which is double that of last year. The net profit is 11,500 gold coins. The brown sugar trees in the plantation are still in the rapid growth stage, and the output in the next year will exceed One thousand tons will reach 2,000 tons in five years. If we cannot open up new markets, we can only sell at a reduced price."

This year, the wholesale price of brown sugar in Haaland territory has not dropped, but the retail price has dropped a bit, to ten copper coins per kilogram. If the domestic demand market in the territory had not increased rapidly, and the new channels brought by the Goddess of Wealth Church had absorbed the increased brown sugar production, the brown sugar production would have doubled this year, and the market would have been oversupplied.

Although brown sugar is a commodity in short supply, there are only so many consumers in Northern Xinjiang. Even if the honey market is squeezed out, according to the current brown sugar price, the consumption capacity of the population in Northern Xinjiang will only be 500 tons of brown sugar market capacity at most.

Only by selling at a reduced price can brown sugar be transformed from a light luxury product into a common commodity, and the market capacity can be expanded.

Even so, apart from the Harland territory, the northern Xinjiang region only has a consumer population of about 200,000. Even if it reaches the level of Richard's previous life, on average each person consumes ten kilograms of sugar a year, and the total market capacity is only two thousand tons.

If you want to make profits from brown sugar, the most important thing is to expand the consumer population.

By the end of this year, there were 75,000 free people in Harland Territory. These 75,000 people can be considered a population with spending power. In the future, the income from brown sugar will probably mainly rely on the domestic demand market.

There are 75,000 free people, more than 10,000 of whom are due to expire this fall, and do not need to pay land taxes. For the 60,000 free people who paid the land tax, the income from the land tax alone was 15,000 gold coins, plus business tax, real estate tax, house installments and other income, the tax revenue this year totaled 20,000 gold coins, second only to food, Bulk trade such as textiles and steel.

For the territory, taxation is no longer dispensable, but an indispensable revenue.

In addition, the income from monster hunting this year was very high. In the spring, I captured a group of lions with a real value of more than 300,000 gold coins. After exchanging resources with the royal family, I also received 6,000 magic crystals. At the end of the year, I captured a group of iron horned horses with a total value of more than 300,000 gold coins. It's also more than 10,000 gold coins. There were also several successful hunts in between.

The net income from hunting Warcraft this year is a total of 6,000 magic crystals and 10,000 gold coins, which adds up to about 70,000 gold coins.

Due to the expansion of the domestic demand market in the territory, the income from the wine business has gradually increased. Including fruit wine, the total net income has just reached 10,000 gold coins.

Four years after the outbreak of the Wine War, the profits from the wine trade finally climbed back to 10,000 gold coins, becoming a relatively important income for the territory.

In addition, magic crystal charging technology has also brought great benefits this year.

There are two mage towers in Harland's territory, both of which have man-made magic wells. The Tower of Flame uses the module of the floating city's energy core element furnace, and the Tower of Lightning also uses the magic core of the legendary Warcraft.

With an artificial magic well, the mage tower does not need to consume magic crystals, and can also be equipped with a magic crystal charging array.

Two mage towers can charge 1,200 waste magic crystals in one year. After deducting the loss of charging array materials, the salary of the magician, and the cost of waste magic crystals, the epoch-making technology of magic crystal charging is worth it. Rand's territory brought in revenue of eleven thousand gold coins.

The output of coal mines is also rising this year, reaching 24,000 tons.

In fact, compared to the coal reserves in the Harland Territory, the output of 24,000 tons is almost negligible.

More than a hundred workers in a coal mine can complete a year's production tasks in two months of mining. Coal miners spend most of their time on infrastructure construction, building houses, tracks, roads, felling trees, planting land, etc.

But the market is only so big, and too much coal is mined and cannot be sold at all. In addition to labor and material losses, the coal mine made a total profit of 7,000 gold coins this year.

The next person to report was Gavin Harland. Gavin was the second son of his third uncle Bernie. He was five years younger than Richard and got married the year before last.

Gavin's talent surpassed Tang En's, and he followed his father and was promoted to a second-level professional at the age of twenty-two. Among the Harland family, he should be second only to Richard and Wendy, and has the potential to grow into a high-level professional.

A few years ago, Gavin joined the Grizzlies Legion with his cousin Colon and became a junior officer of the Grizzlies Legion. Starting last year, Richard's cousin Thorne entered the Grizzlies.

At one time, three of Richard's cousins ​​served in the Grizzlies.

Due to the rapid development of Harland's territory, Richard lacked capable assistants. Gavin retired from the Grizzlies and was assigned by Richard to work at the carriage factory. This year he began to be responsible for the territory's transportation.

Harland's territory lit up manganese steel alloy manufacturing technology and produced rolling bearings.

The four-wheel carriage equipped with new rolling bearings has far better load capacity and passability than the wooden bearings and copper bearings that were in circulation at this time.

"The four-wheeled carriage market in the three provinces of Northern Xinjiang has been saturated this year. We only sold about 400 carriages and earned a profit of 4,000 gold coins. The sales volume may be lower next year, but the transportation business in the territory has grown very much this year. Come on, by the end of the year there will already be a profit of 5,000 gold coins.

If the orcs invade as scheduled next year, we can undertake a large amount of military transportation business, and our profits will increase significantly. "

After listening to Gavin's report, Richard smiled and asked: "As a military transporter, do you have the ability to get money? Don't let the main army confiscate all your four-wheeled carriages?"

"It depends on Uncle William to communicate with the superiors."

After hearing this, Richard waved his hand and said: "If the Harland family wants to become a great noble in Northern Xinjiang, it must have a sense of the overall situation. We must take the initiative to participate in the army transportation work next year and operate it at cost price. The family's profitable business There are many, and there is no need to make profits on the main army. When the orcs invaded, to a certain extent, we and the three main armies in the northern Xinjiang region were both prosperous and disadvantaged."

After Gavin finished his report, it was Layton's turn.

Leiden is responsible for the territory's brick kilns, lime kilns, glass kilns, coke kilns, and wood retort kilns. These kilns were basically concentrated in the William Territory. Starting from the year before last, they were transplanted to the vicinity of the Fort.

Fort Depot is the core of the northern defense line of Harland territory, located in the center of the swamp basin and the city of flowers.

If the orcs invade from the direction of Harland's territory, the Fort is the stronghold that the orcs must conquer, otherwise the way forward will be unstable.

The depot has a geographical advantage, and the human army has an organizational advantage compared to the orcs. In addition, the soldiers in the Harland territory have an equipment advantage.

Even if a legion of orcs came, Richard still had the confidence to defend the fort.

That's why he transplanted part of the industry to the Military Station Fort to support the construction of the swamp basin and the flower city nearby.

"Last year, the construction of the territory was very large. The brick kiln, lime kiln, cement kiln and other kilns together had a total profit of two thousand gold coins. The glass kiln had the highest profit. Although we lowered the price because the demand for glass for construction was too great, Last year I earned three thousand gold coins, and the kiln factory I was responsible for had a total profit of five thousand gold coins."

The fruit business is relatively stable. Today, Harland Territory has fresh fruits, candied fruits, dried fruits, canned fruits, etc. The main consumer markets are in Black River Fort, Raging Flame Castle, plus Harland Territory.

The wild orchards on both sides of the Harland Valley have been opened up by Richard as a fruit planting area. Limited by the production of fruits, the fruit park can earn a profit of 4,000 gold coins a year.

If you want to expand the income from fruits, you can only plant more fruit trees and expand the area of ​​the fruit park. However, due to the restrictions of the consumer market, it is difficult to increase the income from fruits significantly.

Because of the cultivation of the little queen bee, the revenue from the hemostatic ointment has also increased to 5,000 gold coins this year. The little queen bee grows up every year, and the production of royal jelly will increase year by year. The hemostatic ointment still has a lot of room for improvement.

The burn ointment is still in human trials and has not yet made a profit this year.

The rose perfume produced in the City of Flowers has opened a market in Heihe Fort and has been sold well in the three provinces of northern Xinjiang. However, the number of noble ladies is small, and the revenue from perfume has only made a profit of one thousand gold coins this year.

There are a large number of wild roses outside the Flower City. It is impossible to digest them relying on the markets of the three northern Xinjiang provinces.

If the market is lowered and allowed to be used by ordinary people, it will lose its competitiveness. Once this kind of luxury product loses its quality, it will no longer be possible to earn excess profits.

In order to maintain his reputation, Richard planned to sell rose perfume to the royal capital. However, entering an unfamiliar market, it was difficult to find aristocratic ladies to sell perfume.

The total income of the territory this year has reached 267,500 gold coins. Even excluding the 6,000 magic crystals obtained from capturing the lion, the income of the territory is close to 210,000 gold coins.

The income of 210,000 gold coins is already close to that of the southern earldom.

Among several counts in the south, the two weakest counts have an annual income of less than 200,000 gold coins.

Today, the Harland family's economic strength, population size, and military combat effectiveness are roughly equivalent to the level of the Southern Earls.

This year's income exceeds 260,000 gold coins, and the expenses are also very staggering.

The purchase of slaves cost 52,000 gold coins, and the purchase of 100 gelded iron horned horses also cost 1,000 magic crystals.

There are currently 7,000 soldiers in Harland Territory, and there are about 4,000 freedmen soldiers who have made war achievements.

The annual military salary of these four thousand soldiers exceeds fifty thousand gold coins. In addition, the logistics supply of seven thousand soldiers also requires twenty thousand gold coins.

To support 7,000 regular troops, it would cost 70,000 gold coins every year. When the indentured soldiers achieved military exploits and became free citizens, the cost of raising the army would increase.

In addition, this year Richard also paid out about 8,000 gold coins in pensions for disabled and fallen soldiers.

The number of territorial bureaucrats is approximately less than a thousand, and they are paid a salary of 10,000 gold coins.

At the end of the year, I calculated my accounts and found that I had accumulated 110,000 gold coins this year.

One hundred and ten thousand gold coins are lying in the vaults of various departments. This year, Richard has unprecedented wealth. Of course, he does not need to stare at the three melons and two dates in Mrs. Ola's hands. He simply repays the several thousand gold coins he owed Mrs. Ola over the years at once. Cleared.

In the past few years, Mrs. Ola had been borrowed money from Richard every year, but this year she finally saw the money coming back. Richard's credibility in her heart finally recovered.

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