Lord Harland

Chapter 249 Flank Defense Battle 1

Pratt asked the orcs to camp at the foot of the mountain five miles away from the Fort. After nightfall, he climbed up the hillside and relied on his talent of night vision to continue observing the defenders of the Fort to see if he could find any loopholes.

The torch swayed gently in the night wind, and red sparks popped out from the top of the torch. Soldiers were constantly patrolling the walls of the military station. The armor reflected the light under the moonlight. The soldiers were orderly and without any panic.

Pratt was very patient and waited until the second half of the night to witness with his own eyes the defenders of the Fort depot completing two changes of defense.

He thought to himself: "The garrison should be stationed every four hours. Every change of defense is done quietly, without any panic. With elite troops stationed, it seems that a night attack has no chance of winning."

The night was dark and it looked very peaceful, but Pratt was distraught.

Pratt observed it all night and knew very well that although the military station was quiet, it contained a strong murderous intent.

Faced with the complete city defenses, if you rush to attack this castle, you will definitely end up with a lot of blood and casualties.

However, the orc army arranged for the Pratt Army to fight in this direction, leaving no room for bargaining. The combat mission of Plett Corps is to find a way to break through the defense line of Harland's territory and disrupt the northern area of ​​Black River Fort.

Arriving at the front line of the battlefield, Plett knew clearly that the Orc headquarters had underestimated the power of Harland's territory, and it would be very difficult to achieve its strategic goals.

Early the next morning, Plett sent harpies to scout the deployment of the army in Harland's territory.

The harpies spread out and entered the sky above Harland's territory. Some even flew to the Black River Fort to investigate the situation of the Northern Army.

Now there is a magic hot air balloon in Harland's territory. When the harpies fly over the military camp, the magic hot air balloon can take off to fight and push back the smaller number of harpies.

There are magic archers on top of the magic hot air balloon. It often takes four to six harpies to attack from all directions to destroy a magic hot air balloon. During the attack, the harpies will also be shot by the magic archers.

Even if the magic hot air balloon is exploded with energy missiles, the members of the magic hot air balloon team are equipped with parachutes, so it is not easy to kill the magic hot air balloon crew.

It is difficult for harpies to reproduce. There are only one hundred and twenty harpies in an orc legion. Several harpies can be sacrificed to shoot down a magic hot air balloon. After fighting several times, the harpies found that the exchange between the two sides was no match. Not cost effective.

After several aerial battles, as soon as the harpy finds the magic hot air balloon taking off, he immediately uses his speed advantage to stay away to avoid fighting with the magic hot air balloon.

In addition, the Haaland territory reconnaissance brigade is based on the Warcraft Cavalry as the backbone. The Warcraft Cavalry is very powerful in combat and is not afraid of hunting and blockade by Harpies. The scope of intelligence reconnaissance has been greatly expanded.

Although the intelligence reconnaissance of the orcs is still at a disadvantage, compared with a few years ago, the situation has greatly improved.

During this time of the orc invasion, the army in Harland's territory also had certain battlefield intelligence rights. We also have a general understanding of the movements of the orc army.

Pratt attached great importance to intelligence work and must clearly investigate the situation of the army in Harland Territory. Even if he lost some Harpy scouts, he waited for six days in the military station.

Within six days, the harpies carefully scouted the Black River County, and even flew into the Dragon Canyon to detect the mobilization of the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy organization and complete the assembly. The Canyon Lord and the nobles of Brenner County also organized a coalition to reinforce the northern front line.

After analyzing the situation, Pratt believed that the fighter plane had not yet appeared.

It is simply foolhardy to fight the soldiers of Haaland Territory now. Even if there were heavy casualties and the depot was captured, there would still be Fort William blocking the way.

Attacking one castle after another, even if all of your own legion is wiped out, it will be difficult to penetrate Harland's territory. When the Northern Army, the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment, and the coalition of nobles from the Gedda Province mobilize, their own army will inevitably be surrounded and annihilated.

Pratt had no backing in the upper echelons of the Orc Empire. He was able to climb to the position of legion commander only by being cunning and good at fighting.

Since the fighter plane did not appear, Pratt withstood the pressure and chose to camp north of the Fort without any intention of attacking the city.

The number of soldiers under Richard's command was small, and he had to fight against the orc army in the field. Even with the help of alchemy bombs, he had little chance of winning at his own expense.

Both sides responded to the ever-changing situation by staying still. Time passed like this day by day, and it was April in the blink of an eye.

In mid-April, the war suddenly took its first turning point.

The Orcs' eastern commander adopted the tactic of encirclement and reinforcements, besieging the Flying Eagle Fort. The main force was hidden in the south of the Flying Eagle Fort, luring the Grizzly Legion into a decisive battle.

The Grizzly Bear Legion couldn't calm down, fearing that the Flying Eagle Fort would fall, so they rushed reinforcements when their strength was insufficient.

In this battle, the orc army successfully defeated the grizzly bear army. The Grizzly Legion lost six brigades as a whole, and even the Warcraft Cavalry brigade lost more than half of its troops.

The Grizzly Bear Legion was the main force of the Lach Province. The main army suffered a defeat, and the situation in the Lach Province suddenly became very bad.

The first person to suffer was Richard's neighbor, Viscount Nelson.

Although the resistance of Nelson Viscounty was very fierce, and it could be said that the battle was fought to the last soldier, the strength of the two sides was too great. In late April, Felin Castle fell, and the orcs broke through the Heihe defense line, and they could break through to Heihe without any worries. to the south.

Fehling Castle is the main castle of Nelson Viscounty. Its status is like Fort William in Harland Territory. The main castle of the territory was lost. The defenders of several castles located in the southern part of Nelson Viscounty had no intention of holding on and led the people to march towards it. To avoid the war in the west.

There were as many as 27,000 refugees who fled from Viscount Nelson into Graveson Castle, including 600 soldiers of the Nelson family.

After receiving the information, Richard rushed to Graveson Castle, vigorously drove away the members of the Nelson family, and recruited six hundred soldiers.

Members of the Nelson family all have noble status, and Roland has no authority to deal with them at all. If you want to swallow this soldier and eat the refugees in Nelson's territory, Richard can only do it himself.

Richard is a hereditary viscount, with a higher status than the remaining members of the Nelson family. He is also a reserve major general, the highest strategic commander.

The northern part of the Heihe Fort area is a war zone under Richard's jurisdiction.

As long as he is not a hereditary noble, Richard has the authority to kill first and report later.

Richard personally rushed to Graveson Castle and presided over the reorganization of the army. The remaining members of the Nelson family did not dare to stop him.

If Ji Ji Wai Wai Wai, they are not Viscount Nelson, they were beheaded by Richard, and there is no place to redress their grievances.

These Nelson family members were all kicked out of the army by Richard.

Without the interference of this group of people, Harland Territory successfully swallowed 600 soldiers.

Viscount Nelson is on the front line and is under great pressure to defend against the orcs. The soldiers in the territory will basically practice breathing techniques as long as they have the conditions. These 600 soldiers have the quality of more than 300 people, which can be compared with the soldiers of Haaland Territory.

In addition to more than 600 soldiers, the 27,000 refugees were a windfall that was swallowed up by the Haaland territory. Of course, it was impossible to return it to the successor Viscount Nelson.

The remnants of the Nelson family originally planned to take refuge in the powerful Harland territory, but they didn't expect that Richard would eat people without spitting out bones.

The population and soldiers were all wiped out by the Haaland territory, which naturally made the Nelson family members aggrieved. Some young people even threatened to sue themselves to the Noble Council, but were beaten and stopped by their fathers.

We are now in a period of war, and Richard is the supreme commander of the Graveson area. At this time, there is no reason to lose his head.

Having angered Richard and killed all the remnants of the Nelson family could be completely blamed on the orcs. Whether the members of the Nelson family could survive or not was actually decided by Richard.

The living environment of the hereditary nobles in northern Xinjiang is very harsh. Richard led the troops to fight at the age of sixteen, and it has been twelve years now.

In the past twelve years, the situation in the northern Xinjiang region has been changing. Some nobles have climbed up the ranks and been promoted to noble titles, while some nobles and their entire families have died. Some nobles lost their territories, received a sum of money and moved to the royal capital, losing their status as nobles, and generations of hard work were ruined.

The Harland family can grow and develop, so Richard will naturally not be merciful at critical times.

As long as the Nelson family members are obedient, Richard has no intention of doing anything wrong.

Regarding the tragic situation of the Nelson family, Richard also had a sense of hurting others. Although he devoured the soldiers and population of Nelson's territory, he had no intention of killing any members of the Nelson family.

The young people of the Nelson family did not know that the Parliament of the Nobles was a tool for the great nobles to negotiate with the Grant royal family. The minor nobles actually do not have much authority in the Parliament of Nobles.

The strength of the Harland family has reached the standard of a great noble, and their treatment in the noble council is also extraordinary.

The Nelson family went to the Parliament of Nobles to file a complaint. It felt like someone in the family was suing me for what reason.

Even if the noble council makes a judgment that is not conducive to the Haaland territory, the return of the population will still be based on public opinion and the mother-in-law's reasons, and you can still bargain when implementing it.

You say this person is a serf of the Nelson family, but others say otherwise, how can you prove it?

If you use a soldering iron to make a mark, it is easy to destroy the mark.

Moreover, the Harland territory covers more than 18,000 square kilometers and now has a population of close to 300,000. How to find the serfs in the Nelson Viscounty territory is also very difficult?

It is estimated that in the end, they will make peace and let Richard return some people.

With a population of more than 27,000, the most that can be returned is a few thousand.

Ordinary serfs would of course stay in the Harland territory. Even if the freedmen became indentured servants, it would be safer to stay in Harland territory.

Only the middle and upper classes in the Nelson territory, who have broken bones and connected tendons with the Nelson family, can possibly follow the Nelson family and rebuild the territory.

These people used to have good living conditions, and the contrast between being reduced to indentured servants is huge. They must not be able to accept such a change in their hearts. Richard was also unwilling to let them stay in the Harland territory, harboring resentment, causing messy things, and affecting the development of the territory.

This group of people was screened out by Richard. There were more than 3,400 people in total, and they were all taken away by the Nelson family. As for some of the gold and silver belongings carried by Nelson family members, Richard was not greedy.

This sum of gold and silver, which adds up to about 20,000 gold coins, can be used to turn the Nelson family around.

When the Harland family ran the territory, their initial capital was only a few thousand, and they borrowed some from relatives, which was only ten thousand.

If the successor Viscount Nelson is very capable, he will still have a chance to turn around.

The Nelson Viscounty fell, and the eastern part of the Harland territory became the front line. Although 600 Nelson family soldiers were recruited, the force guarding Graveson Castle was still weak, and Graveson had become a weak point in the defense line.

Discovering that the war situation had changed and that there were weaknesses in the defense line, Richard immediately chose to ask for help from Heihe Fort.

Because the war situation was not critical, Heihe Fort dispatched 600 city defense troops to serve as the first wave of reinforcements.

Because he did not trust the remnants of the Nelson family, Richard split up the 600 soldiers and added them to six brigades in Harland territory, and then transferred four infantry squadrons to Graveson Castle in an organic manner. After completing this step, Graveson Castle already has nine infantry squadrons, six auxiliary squadrons, and the number of defenders has exceeded 2,000.

As soon as Richard completed the reorganization in Graveson, the Northern Army received a request for help from Feiyan Castle.

After the defeat of the Grizzly Legion, the situation in the Lach Province became very bad.

Although the Grant Kingdom invested the most force in the Lach Province, with one main army and two second-line armies, the orcs also invested four legions in the Lach Province, with a number of more than 100,000.

Now seven brigades of orcs are holding back the defenders of Eagle Fort, and six brigades are approaching Grizzly Bear Castle to fight against the remnants of the Grizzly Bear Legion. The four brigades dispersed and plundered the northern part of Lach Province.

A main army went south to attack Feiyan Castle. Thirteen brigades were gathered in the southern part of Nelson Viscounty. They would invade Geda Province at any time, attack the direction of Heihe Fort, and contain the main northern army of Geda Province.

The strategic location of Feiyanbao is very important and it is the most important strategic stronghold in the eastern part of Geda Province.

The castle is located on the north bank of the Leyte River and is transported by water into Leyte County, the core territory of the Gedda Province. If Feiyan Fort cannot be defended, Wright Fort is also in danger of falling.

Lightburg is located in the hinterland of Gedda Province. Except for the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment, there are no strong troops nearby.

This is the richest area in the Gedda province and is also the direct territory of the Grant royal family. The population of Wright County reaches hundreds of thousands.

If Wright County falls, Nolan will certainly hold him accountable.

After receiving Feiyan Castle's request for help, although the commander of the Rab Army was under great pressure, he still decided to send reinforcements to help the Feiyan Army maintain the situation.

Compared with the main army, the number of soldiers in the second-line army is only 16,000. There are no Warcraft cavalry or mage groups in the establishment, and the weapons and equipment are also inferior.

The most important thing is the fighting will and combat experience. The second-line army is not as good as the main army.

The Feiyan Legion has 16,000 soldiers. Even in positional warfare, they are no match for the 7,000 elite soldiers in Harland's territory. Facing the attack of a complete orc army, the Feiyan Legion could not withstand it for too long.

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