Lord Harland

Chapter 251 Wing Defense Battle Three

The battle was already so intense that the orcs had no time to put out the fire. The orcs hiding inside the ladder truck instantly turned into firemen and kept running away under the city wall, making bursts of shrill roars.

Some brave orcs braved the fire and climbed up the city wall and were killed by elite soldiers.

Seeing that the war was stalemate, Morsa immediately sent out elite orc troops, hoping to open up the situation with elite soldiers and strong generals.

Ten squadrons of snake-like men were scattered on all sides of the city wall, attacking from all directions.

The snake-like people participated in the battle and immediately put a lot of pressure on the defenders.

Obviously, Morsa hoped to crush the defenders in one fell swoop, and rashly used his trump card, hoping to break the balance quickly.

Seeing the snake-shaped man quickly approaching the city wall, the soldiers of the Northern Legion remained calm.

"Where's the bed crossbow? Hurry up and push it up. The archers are equipped with exploding arrows and focus on shooting the snakes."

A series of ferocious-looking heavy-duty crossbows were pushed out by the soldiers. The crossbows were cocked in advance. The giant arrows installed were more than three meters long, and the steel arrows were more than a foot long.

The arrow flashed with cold light, waiting fiercely for the snake-shaped man to approach.

Based on the orcs' past combat experience, the snakemen would be relatively dispersed when attacking the city.

Although the snake formation is very powerful and can easily break through the defense lines of human soldiers, it will also be hit by concentrated fire from human heavy weapons.

Trebuchets, bed crossbows, alchemy bombs, Warcraft cavalry, and mage groups can all effectively attack the snake formation.

Generally speaking, when the orcs are fighting in the field, the serpentine professionals will fight in formation, and they will be scattered most of the time when attacking a city.

Only when the commander wants to finalize the decision, he will gather the snake-like squadrons, climb to the top of the city in one fell swoop, and defeat the defense line of human soldiers.

This time, the serpentine professionals attacked from all sides and were scattered among the ordinary orc army.

If the defenders are inexperienced, it is easy for the snake-bodied men to board the city without warning.

Dozens of serpentine professionals boarded the city. Relying on their powerful close combat capabilities, they could defeat the city's defenders, stabilize their position, open a gap, and wait for subsequent reinforcements to break through the city in one fell swoop.

If the defenders were the Feiyan Legion, they would have fewer archers and not be equipped with too many crossbows. Once the orcs attack the city with all their strength, the defense will be extremely stressful. As long as there is a loophole in one place, the battle line will be chaotic.

It was for this reason that Flying Eagle Castle fell. The core reason was that the defenders were weak, allowing the snake-like people to break through the defense line.

The combat effectiveness of second-line legions such as Feiying and Feiyan is quite different from that of the main legion. Even if they engage in a city defense battle, they cannot stop the attack of a single orc legion.

Feiyan Castle now has reinforcements from two elite brigades of the Northern Army, as well as the Cavalry Regiment of the Kingdom's Knight Academy. The number of elite reinforcements is as many as 5,000.

With the main legionnaires serving as the backbone, the strength of the city's defenders has almost doubled. Under the aim of the sharp archer, the snake-shaped man was continuously shot by exploding arrows, and the casualties suddenly increased a lot.

Huge arrows shimmering with cold light were shot from the top of Feiyan Castle. As long as they were hit by crossbows, even if they were snake-like and thick-skinned, they would still be like piercing sugar-coated haws. They would not survive at all.

As the defenders focused their attacks, the casualties of the Snakemen gradually increased.

Seeing this scene, the face of the orc commander Morsa became very ugly.

The defenders did not collapse as easily as he expected. Instead, the battle became stalemate, and the orc casualties continued to increase.

The orc army has always bullied the weak and feared the strong.

Seeing that the enemy was fighting to the death, the orc brigades kept reporting on the battle situation and made plans to retreat.

But Morsa's will to fight was very resolute. Even though the orcs suffered heavy casualties, they still demanded to continue the siege and overwhelm the defenders in terms of momentum.

The orcs defeated a squadron, and Morsa immediately reorganized.

The snake-like people continued to climb up the city, the defenders suffered more and more casualties, and the resistance became more and more fierce.

Even commanders Veron and William, two high-level professionals, went to the front line to put out the fire and led the team to hunt down the snake-like people who climbed to the top of the city.

The soldiers of the First Brigade and the Sixth Brigade were also very brave. William witnessed many familiar grassroots officers, and the backbone of the soldiers rolled down the city with the snake-like man in his arms, and died together.

The fighting continued cruelly and fiercely until the evening.

William saw that the orc army had lost its energy, exhausted all its strength, and was very tired. Immediately and decisively deploying the last reserves, he ordered the soldiers to open the city gate and let the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment launch a counterattack against the orc army.

Although the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment is equipped with not many Warcraft horses, the quality of its officers and soldiers is very good. The soldiers are all students of the Knight Academy, mainly middle and high-level apprentices. They are young and energetic and have certain combat experience.

The officers are all teachers and principals of the Knight Academy. There are dozens of professional officers inside, and the principal is also a powerful Silver Knight.

Although this new force has a small number, less than a thousand, its combat effectiveness exceeds that of an infantry brigade of the main army.

This new force entered the battlefield and achieved immediate results. The soldiers of the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment were very brave. After leaving the city, they resolutely attacked the orc army and penetrated the orc defense line fiercely.

The orc army had been fighting for most of the day and was very tired in the evening. Facing the cavalry charge, they were unable to stop them. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

The soldiers of the Knights held spears in their hands and fiercely penetrated the defense line of the orc brigade.

Seeing that the battlefield situation had changed, the orc captain personally went to fight, hoping to block the enemy and maintain the front line.

Conde, the leader of the cavalry regiment, was a seventh-level silver knight. He rode a fourth-level fire beast and took the lead, leading the young soldiers from the Knight Academy to the front.

The dean of the Knight Academy has rich battlefield experience. With a flash of his mind, he instantly captured the key to the battlefield. He activated the fire beast and immediately sprayed out a fire dragon, hitting the fifth-level werewolf captain.

This fire dragon is the fire dragon spell that the fire beast is born with, and its spell level is already at level four. The power of the fire dragon is similar to that of the fireball, but it can be controlled by the fire beast and can automatically pursue the enemy.

The fire dragon attacked, and the orc captain hurriedly dodged. He barely dodged a blow, but before the orc captain could be happy, the fire dragon spun around in a circle, attacked from behind, and hit the orc captain hard on the back.

The armor on the back of the orc captain had weak defense. He was hit by the flame energy and immediately vomited blood.

Kongde, the dean of the Knight Academy, was experienced. He jumped hard on his horse, raised the spear in his hand, and stabbed the fifth-level werewolf's chest fiercely.

In a flash of lightning, Conde killed the werewolf captain. Under his leadership, the cavalry broke through the orc brigade's defense line in one fell swoop.

Seeing the enemy's cavalry entering the formation, Morsa could only order the soldiers to retreat.

Withdrawing now, the orcs still have the initiative. Otherwise, it will turn into a huge rout if we are attacked from both sides by the enemy.

The Knights College Cavalry Regiment rushed forward and launched a successful counterattack.

The orcs at the south gate of Feiyan Castle were routed thousands of miles away, and many orcs were driven into the Leite River.

These orcs were not killed by human soldiers, but more than a thousand were drowned.

The orcs from the south gate failed to attack the city completely. The orcs from the other three gates finally recognized the reality and retreated to the camp before night.

If the soldiers led by William were all from the Northern Army, and they could take advantage of the orcs' retreat to counterattack the orc camp, they would definitely be able to achieve significant results and severely damage the orc army.

However, the main force of Feiyan Castle's defenders was the Feiyan Legion. William looked at the Feiyan Legion soldiers' faces after the disaster and knew that it would be difficult for the Feiyan Legion soldiers to undertake the counterattack mission.

Relying on the three elites of the First Battalion, the Sixth Battalion, and the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment, the number of soldiers is too small. Once they are besieged by the orcs and suffer a loss, the orcs may turn defeat into victory.

After weighing the pros and cons, William decided to focus on stability and stop when the situation was good. After hunting down some of the orcs, he cleared the battlefield and treated the wounded soldiers.

After the battle, the sun had set and torches were lit on top of the city. William returned to the temporary residence, took off his armor that was stained red with blood, and asked his soldiers to apply medicine to wrap the wounds while he personally cleaned the armor and repaired the damaged armor. piece.

Two wounds were left on William's body, one was injured by a spear. The spear pierced William's enchanted armor, pierced the chest flesh, and was blocked by his ribs. If William hadn't dodged in time and taken a step back, reducing the kinetic energy of the spear, this shot would have pierced his body and punctured his lungs.

The other wound was a blunt force injury. An iron rod hit the shoulder, which was already black and blue.

Blunt force injuries come from snakes. Although snakes are only third-level professionals, they are good at close combat. Even a high-level professional like William would still be injured by a snake-shaped man in close combat. This stick hit him on the head, and William couldn't survive.

The gunshot wound came from a seventh-level kobold. This kobold was so insidious that he disguised himself as an ordinary soldier, slowly climbed up the city wall, and shot William unexpectedly, almost killing him.

If it weren't for his tyrannical strength, the timely rescue of the soldiers of the first brigade, and the desperate efforts of several veteran officers to block the seventh-level kobolds, today's battle with William would have been very dangerous.

Because there was no critical injury, William did not ask the army chaplain to use healing spells. Instead, he used the hemostatic ointment from Harland's territory, trying his best to use the magic power to treat the critical and critical wounded.

William has always led by example in running the army, so he can win the morale of the army and make the soldiers willing to fight for him.

"Compared to the terrible heavy trebuchet, I feel better about this invention." William has always resented Richard's invention of the heavy trebuchet and often complained about it.

William finished cleaning his armor and bandaging his wounds, and finally felt a little more relaxed. But his adjutant Noel was very busy, constantly traveling to and from various squadrons to tally results and casualties.

"Have the casualties been counted?"

"The First Battalion had eighty-six killed and 211 lightly and seriously wounded. The Sixth Battalion had fifty-three killed and one hundred and thirty-two lightly wounded. The Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment had twenty-six killed and one hundred lightly wounded. three."

After hearing the number of casualties reported by Noel, William suddenly became gloomy and continued to ask: "Where are the casualties of the Feiyan Legion?"

"The casualties of Feiyan Legion have not been calculated yet."

William waved his hand and said: "Go and urge them to hurry up."

After Noel left, William thought to himself: "The casualties of the main force have exceeded 600, and there are 165 killed. Today and tomorrow, there should be some casualties. The total strength of the two brigades is only 4,000, plus the knights The Academy Cavalry Regiment only has 5,000 elite soldiers and suffered more than 600 casualties in one battle. It seems that it will take some time to replenish its troops."

After waiting for about an hour, Noel returned to William's mansion.

"The casualties of Feiyan Legion have been calculated. About 400 people were killed and nearly 1,000 were injured."

"No exact number of casualties?"

Noel shook his head and said: "The Feiyan Legion gave me this approximate number. I guess their casualty statistics are a bit confusing."

After listening to Noel's report, William suddenly became angry at the Feiyan Legion's procrastinating and careless style. But he is not the commander of the Feiyan Legion, so it is not easy to get angry directly at the Feiyan Legion.

"Has the battlefield been cleaned? Have the results been tallied?"

Noel nodded and said: "We cleaned the battlefield and counted 3,200 orc corpses. Nine hundred orcs were captured, including more than 400 wounded soldiers. They were all the results of the South Gate. They were driven into the Leite River and drowned. The number of dead orcs is estimated to be more than a thousand. In addition, when the orcs retreated, they also took away some corpses and wounded people."

William estimated in his mind: "It seems that the loss of the orcs is about 6,000, of which about 4,000 are the main force, and the loss of the auxiliary troops should be 2,000."

When two armies fought, the victorious side was able to keep its wounded soldiers, which led to the difference in casualties between the two sides.

In fact, before the orcs fled, the casualty ratio on both sides was not so serious. About five hundred human soldiers died in the battle, and only more than a thousand orcs died directly in the battle.

As soon as the orcs retreated, all the wounded soldiers were thrown to the defenders of Feiyan Castle, and they were ambushed by the cavalry. The casualties were extremely heavy, which resulted in such a serious casualty ratio.

The defenders of Feiyan Castle finished cleaning the battlefield, and the orcs also counted the casualties.

William's estimate was more accurate. After this battle, the orc army lost no less than 6,000 people in one day.

After fighting this battle, Morsa finally recognized the reality clearly and knew that relying on the strength of his own legion, there was no way he could conquer Feiyan Castle.

Because Feiyanbao's defenders had strong combat effectiveness and an elite cavalry force, Morsa did not dare to divide his troops to plunder.

The situation on the east side of Geda Province stabilized and fell into a stalemate.

After the flanks entered a stalemate, the thirteen main brigades of the orcs also entered the south bank of the Heihe River from the Lach Province, approaching the Black River Fort, and started an outpost war with the Northern Army and the noble Viscount Roman army.

The situation has developed to this point. The 59th Army Corps under the command of Platt has also begun to tentatively attack the depot and put pressure on Richard. He is trying to contain the soldiers in Harland's territory and prevent Richard from moving his troops south to cooperate with the Northern Army. Encircle and annihilate the orcs.

It has been nearly two months since the war began, and a main legion was blocked by the human viscount in the Eagle Mountains, which the upper echelons of the Orc Empire could not handle. Killam, the commander of the Orc Front Army, severely reprimanded him, making Commander Platt Army somewhat disgraced.

However, the top management of the Orcs did not know the situation on the front line, and it was obvious that Pratt had to shoulder a heavy task that was difficult to complete.

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