Lord Harland

Chapter 274 Dividing Counties

After collecting the prisoners, Richard dispersed the soldiers and assigned them to the original army.

Five thousand more soldiers were added, and Richard expanded four infantry brigades at once.

Now the Harland Territory has organized a total of ten infantry brigades, a Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, a Scout Cavalry Brigade, a Guard Brigade, a Magic Hot Air Balloon Squadron, a Lion Cavalry Squadron, a Territory Mage Group, plus the headquarters staff, Logistics personnel, there are already 16,000 regular troops in Harland territory.

Sixteen thousand soldiers, enough to form a legion.

After completing the reorganization of the army, Richard began to ask soldiers and officers who practiced breathing techniques to sign a contract to prevent leaks.

After the soldiers completed the signing, Richard took the seal of royal power and began to let the territorial mage apprentice and all the secret personnel of the institute sign the contract.

After completing this work, the time has entered November.

Every winter is the season when Harland Territory holds commodity fairs.

Last year, the Harland Territory held its first commodity expo and achieved a foreign trade order of 60,000 gold coins.

Seeing that the commodity exposition was so effective, Archon Rogge decided to hold an exposition every winter.

The second commodity expo this year is scheduled to be held in October.

The autumn harvest has been completed in October, and the climate is relatively warmer, making it more suitable for trade activities.

Large-scale commodity expos are more suitable to be held in September and October. November in northern Xinjiang is a bit too cold after all.

At this year's commodity expo, Rogge sent invitations to more businessmen and nobles, and there were more trade orders.

During the entire expo, foreign trade orders have reached 100,000 gold coins, and the import and export volume has almost doubled compared with last year.

After discussing with big businessmen and nobles, Rogge decided to fix the time for the commodity fair. From now on, every year's commodity fair will be held on the third day of October and last for 12 days.

Throughout September and October, Rogge was busy preparing for the commodity expo, counting the supplies in the territory, and organizing and preparing the supply of goods.

Most of the government affairs were left to Richard.

This year has been a year of rapid development for the Harland territory. Through the war, Richard was granted the second earldom. After exchanging territories, the area almost doubled.

The newly added territory was so large and the population increased by more than 200,000, so overall management naturally became very difficult.

Moreover, after returning from the Grand Duchy of Stanik, Richard was busy drafting a confidentiality contract and signing the key members of the territory with the seal of royal power. He did not have much free time to manage the new territory.

Tens of thousands of people need to sign a royal power contract, which takes up to three or four months.

Territory patrols and inspections are basically in charge of Hayden this year.

Hayden has managed the intelligence system for many years, and although his deterrent effect on bureaucrats is not as good as Richard's, it is still somewhat effective. But because the stalls are so big, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them. The more remote and remote the area, the more corrupt officials there are.

By the time Richard finished his work and signed the royal power contract, the commodity expo had already concluded successfully. Rogge was also able to find time to share some of the government affairs with him, and Richard also had a little free time.

On a sunny afternoon, Richard arrived at He'an Elementary School early, preparing to pick up Margaret after school.

This year, Halland Territory started building a fourth elementary school, and the number of children attending school in the territory has reached nearly 3,000. Next year, Richard is also preparing to build a fifth primary school in the King's Castle in Earl Roger's territory.

After the handover of the territory was completed, Richard discussed with Rogge and decided to divide the Harland territory into counties.

Today, the Haaland territory covers an area of ​​56,000 square kilometers. According to the experience of the Grant Kingdom, the territory of a province is approximately 30,000 square kilometers.

Based on the actual situation of the earldom of Harland, it is more appropriate to divide it into two provinces.

According to Richard's thinking, the area of ​​a province of 20,000 to 30,000 square kilometers is too small. From his previous life experience, a province of two to three hundred thousand square kilometers is more appropriate.

Twenty to thirty thousand square kilometers of land is more suitable for establishing a prefecture and a county with several counties under its jurisdiction.

The administrative division of the Grant Kingdom is a four-level management system of provinces, counties, forts, and villages.

According to Richard's idea, the Harland Territory established a five-level management system of province-prefecture-county-fort-village. Macroscopically, it has one more level than the Grant Kingdom, and is more similar to the Holy God's Glory Empire.

Under Richard's leadership, the entire Harland territory was divided into two counties and nine counties.

The original earldom of Harland was renamed as the Southern Foot County of the Eagle Mountains, and governed seven counties: Harland County, Swamp County, Graveson County, Two Rivers County, Salt Lake County, Eastern Canyon County, and Southern Platos Mountain County. county.

Harland County, with the Harland Valley as its core, has jurisdiction over three castles: Fort William, Fort Depot, and Fort Coal Mine. This county is the most important area of ​​Harland Territory. It has developed some primary industries and has a total population of more than 60,000.

Swamp County is centered on the Swamp Basin and has jurisdiction over two castles: Flame Castle and Lightning Castle. Although this area has not yet been fully developed, two mage towers have been built, making it the most defensive area in Harland's territory. For the Rand Territory, this area is also very critical and has been the focus of territory development in recent years. It has a population of about 30,000.

Graveson County governs Graveson Castle, Copper Mountain Town, and Flower Castle. This county has the most important copper resources in the Harland Territory. Because of the newly established Salt Lake County, Graveson County is already considered a second-tier area and is no longer the focus of defense. , due to Richard's large number of immigrants, the population of this county has reached about 50,000.

Mesopotamia County is under the jurisdiction of Malte Castle and Vicksburg, which almost inherited the original two baronies of Dirham and Stopa. It is the traditional agricultural area of ​​Harland territory. The population of this county is larger than that of Halland County, with over 100,000 people.

The eastern county of the canyon is located in the area east of the Platos Canyon and governs Fort Sophia, Tieshan Fort, and Zhuanyao Town. This county also has some industries. Although it was developed very early, it has not been the focus of territory development in recent years. But in the early years, a large number of people migrated to this county, and the total population exceeded 40,000.

The southern county of the Platos Mountains is the original barony of Harden, which governs three castles: Iron Lion Castle, South Bank Castle, and Rohm Castle. This territory has been maturely developed and is protected by the two baronies of Sharp and Thoros. It is relatively safe. Under Richard's vigorous immigration, it already has a population of 60,000.

Salt Lake County is a newly built county. It currently only has one castle, Salt Lake Castle. It also relies on salt lake minerals. It has a population of only a few thousand and is relatively low-developed. It is also located in the northernmost part of the territory. It is easily attacked by orcs and is not very safe.

However, the geographical location of this county is very important. It is a strategic location connecting the two counties. Even if there is no salt lake mine, it will be the focus of Richard's development in the next few years.

The former Earl of Roger was renamed East County of the Grotta River. This county is located on the west bank of the Grotta River and consists of two counties: King County and Norman County.

King County has jurisdiction over King's Castle and Riverside Castle, with a total population of 80,000. In particular, King's Castle is the original Roger Castle. Not only are the city fortifications built very majestic, but a large amount of farmland has also been reclaimed in the nearby river valleys. In King Roger's , under the management of two generations of lords, Duke Jonathan, it has developed very well.

Norman County has jurisdiction over Canyon Castle. Norman Castle is the front line of the county east of the Grotta River. This county is considered a military fortress with a population of just over 10,000. Like Salt Lake County, it is one of the two counties with a smaller population.

Norman County has a very dangerous geographical location. It defended the Canyon Fort and almost protected the security of more than 100 kilometers of defense lines in the counties east of the Grotta River.

Now that the eastern county of Grotta River has been merged into the Harland Territory, Canyon Castle and Riverbank Castle are also the focus of Richard's management.

In the blink of an eye, school was over, and Richard and a few soldiers had already picked up Margaret.

Throughout this year, Richard and Sophia rarely saw their children.

After forming the intervention force, they left for half a year. After returning to the territory, they were also busy. Richard was busy drawing up the royal power contract, and Sophia was busy specializing in magic research.

The children's lives are basically managed by servants and guards. The person who takes care of them every day is mainly Sophia's assistant Anne. The relationship between the children and the servants is more intimate.

After meeting Margaret, Richard suddenly felt guilty. He spent too little time with his children and was not a qualified father.

But as Richard is the owner of the Harland territory, and hundreds of thousands of people depend on him for survival, it is impossible for him to be like a little man, hanging around his wife and children every day. Sophia's character doesn't like men like that either, which should be understandable when the children grow up.

Richard became a great nobleman and could only try his best to spend time with his children. The time of the great nobles is very precious, and many times it does not belong to them. Even if Richard has many assistants, it can't change this.

Although they spent less time together, and Margaret and Richard were strangers, their blood was connected after all. Seeing her father come to pick her up, Margaret was very happy, waving her little hand from a distance, towards Richard ran over.

Margaret is seven years old this year. Because she has been very smart since childhood and can easily complete her studies, she has skipped a grade and entered the third grade.

Unlike other nobles, Richard did not hire a tutor. The children of the Haaland family all went to He'an Elementary School to study. They were exposed to ordinary people from an early age. When they grew up, they would also be able to gain a sense of the world and would not be easily deceived.

Many of the children of the great nobles were born in deep palaces, grew up with women, and had no idea about life in the market.

The joke about Emperor Daoguang giving thirty taels of silver to one egg occasionally appeared among the nobles of the Dawn Plane.

Especially the longer the nobles have been inherited, the more decadent and decadent they become, and the farther away they are from civilian life.

The nobles of the Grant Kingdom were slightly better off. After all, they faced orc invasions all year round. The nobles needed to experience war, and the society needed to maintain good war mobilization. Although class solidification is serious, there are still channels for circulation, and competition among the aristocracy is relatively fierce.

It is difficult for a foolish nobleman who is not down to earth to adapt to this environment. Most of the nobles who were able to establish their positions in the Grant Kingdom were smart, capable, and proficient in martial arts.

Riverbank Primary School is the best elementary school in the Harland Territory. The tuition is much higher than the other three primary schools. Children who can go to Riverbank Primary School must go through strict political review. Basically, those who go to school here are from the Harland Territory. Upper middle class. Basically, the families are mainly military officers, and the school atmosphere is also very strict.

The children here have to receive military training since childhood.

They started lining up in the first grade, and started practicing archery in the physical education class of the third grade.

"Are you having a good time at school today?"

"Not very happy."

Normally, Margaret is not yet old enough to enter school.

The average age of students at Riverside Primary School is ten and a half years old. Margaret has been very smart since she was a child. She entered school when she was six years old. Because she skipped a grade, her classmates are basically thirteen or fourteen years old and have entered adolescence. . Children of this age naturally have no common language with Margaret. ,

During school days, Margaret was actually relatively lonely.

Richard touched Margaret's head and said: "Even if you are unhappy, you still have to go to school every day, because knowledge can change your destiny. Besides, you are my first heir. In this school, you can go to school every day." Get in touch with ordinary people and market life. When you grow up and become a noble lord, you will have enough understanding of society and common sense, so you will not be easily deceived.

For a noble family like ours, in addition to meditating and cultivating to enhance one's own strength, the most important thing is to be good at employing people. The human heart is the hardest to see through the belly. As a qualified noble, we must have the ability to recognize lies. In addition to observing words and colors, identifying lies relies on knowledge and experience.

The years of studying and going to school will be a very important experience in your life and a valuable experience.

Dad has been too busy this year and paid too little attention to you. He is not a good father. But your father's love for you is the same as that of other fathers. I hope you can understand it when you grow up. You skipped a level this year. How is your homework? "

"My homework is okay. I ranked third in our class in this year's exam."

Hearing Margaret's answer, Richard held his daughter in his arms very happily. He laughed heartily and said: "Very good. When you graduate from elementary school, let your mother test your qualifications. If you have the talent to learn magic, you can follow us every day."

Richard took his daughter back to the mansion. At this time, there were many people in the city lord's mansion. These people were basically direct members of the Harland family. When the direct clan members were gathered together, apart from family gatherings, there were also some work matters that Richard was prepared to ask in detail.

When discussing work at home, Richard allowed his family to listen in. His eldest son Philip was only three and a half years old and knew almost nothing. On the contrary, Margaret was already quite interested in government affairs at a young age.

After the dinner, Richard called several brothers into the study.

"Tang En, you are in charge of agricultural work. How many tons of grain will we produce this year? How much grain is in stock now? Do we need to purchase grain from outside?"

"This year, the territory has cultivated approximately 1.6 million acres of farmland, of which 130,000 acres have been planted with cash crops. Because a large amount of farmland has been allocated to freedmen, the territory's grain output can only be estimated at about 160,000 tons. Including last year's From the accumulated old grain, there are 110,000 tons of grain in the treasury. Including the sheep for slaughter, according to my estimation, there is no need to purchase grain from outside."

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