Lord Harland

Chapter 276 Fiscal Surplus

By severely dealing with Tang En, Richard successfully frightened the monkeys and upheld the seriousness of the law. However, it is difficult to recover the more than 10,000 tons of stolen grain. The territory's population has increased by 250,000 this year, and the grain reserves are less than 100,000 tons.

Of the 100,000 tons of grain, 20,000 tons will be reserved for growing grain next year, 13,000 tons of military grain will be reserved, and several thousand tons will be used for brewing wine. What was really left for the indentured slaves was 60,000 tons of grain.

There are now 400,000 indentured slaves in the Harland territory, each of whom weighs only three hundred kilograms on average, and 60,000 tons of food is simply not enough.

Richard turned around and asked Rogge: "How are you going to solve the problem of food shortage?"

"According to the standards of previous years, we need to buy 30,000 tons of grain to get through the difficulties. Now this problem is not a problem because we have a large number of sheep for slaughter this year.

This year, the number of sheep we control has reached one million. In addition to selling it at Black River Fort, we also sold part of it to Duke Jonathan as military rations. After the winter, we slaughtered more than 500,000 sheep, and we have a total of 20,000 tons of mutton in stock. . Coupled with the 20,000 tons of meat, it will not be a problem to sustain it until next autumn harvest. "

Since last year, there has been a serious surplus of mutton in Halland territory. This year, more than a million sheep have been sheared and awaiting slaughter, and the hundreds of thousands of people in Haaland territory simply cannot eat them all.

This current situation seems like black humor.

However, Richard was well-informed in his previous life and knew that this situation would indeed occur in some areas.

In the 19th century, English colonists in Australia had more than 10 million sheep waiting to be slaughtered after the shearing season every year. The sheep could not be eaten locally, so the sheep had to be slaughtered and buried.

After the Spanish colonists in South America slaughtered the bison, they would only cut off the tongues and eat them, not even the hides and tendons, and let the beef rot in the wild. This life lasted for about three hundred years. Even in the 21st century, Argentina's average beef consumption exceeds the level of developed countries.

Although Harland Territory is a mountainous area, it has abundant rainfall and rich resources. It can support hundreds of thousands of people on tens of thousands of square kilometers of land, and has not reached the upper limit of its population carrying capacity.

Although the agricultural potential of this area is average, it is very suitable for mountain animal husbandry.

After years of continuous support from Richard, the mountain animal husbandry in Harland Territory has developed, which is equivalent to walking on two legs. The ability to resist risks has naturally increased a lot.

Because the population has increased by 250,000, this year's agricultural surplus needs to fill this hole. Naturally, it is impossible to sell grain to foreign countries in exchange for funds.

Due to the war, the steel trade had very good profits, and the output was slightly higher than last year. Although Richard lowered the wholesale price slightly, the profit still exceeded 35,000 gold coins.

The market for woolen products is still not saturated this year, with profits even exceeding those of steel, with a historic breakthrough of 40,000 gold coins.

Woolen products in the Harland Territory have been on the market for six or seven years. Many nobles have sent textile craftsmen to specialize in woolen spinning technology and have produced original products.

The threshold for wool spinning technology is not high. This year, wool spinning technology has begun to spread. Many nobles are preparing to raise sheep. This market can be monopolized for three or four years at most. Although the wool spinning technology in Harland's territory is better, it is impossible to compete with the nobles in other people's territories.

There is no free trade or market economy in the Dawn Plane, and nobles will engage in commercial competition through political and military means. Because the nobles controlled everything about the serfs, there was almost no labor cost in production. If the life dependence relationship between serfs and nobles was not broken, capitalists with advanced technology would not be able to compete with feudal nobles.

There is extraordinary power in this world. By monopolizing extraordinary power, the nobles are far more powerful than ordinary people and can easily suppress the resistance of the serfs. Without strong external force, it is basically impossible for the serf class to stand up.

The nobles hated the outflow of gold coins and tried every means to develop a manor economy and a small peasant economy. They liked to be self-sufficient and did not like to buy external goods.

As long as technology spreads, there will be copycat products everywhere. In the foreseeable future, the woolen market will slowly decrease in three or four years, and profits will gradually decline. Just like the liquor trade, it will take many years to return to the original level.

Nowadays, the livestock industry in Harland Territory is developing rapidly. Half a million sheep were sold this year, of which 300,000 were sold to Duke Jonathan as military rations, bringing in a total income of more than 60,000 gold coins.

According to Richard's estimation, the woolen textile market can be monopolized for at most three to four years. Without the woolen market, sheep breeding has lost a large part of its profits. Starting next year, Richard will arrange for the transformation of the wool spinning business to produce more products such as blankets and felts.

Because the market prospects are not good, sheep breeding cannot continue to expand.

Moreover, the carrying capacity of the county at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range is close to the upper limit. In order to avoid damaging the environment, Richard is not prepared to continue to expand the sheep population and maintain the annual number of sheep at one million. Starting from next year, Richard will lower the purchase price of wool in the territory, charge higher wool tax to free people, and suppress the enthusiasm of free people to raise sheep.

There are more than 160,000 free people paying taxes in the Harland Territory this year, and the income from land tax has exceeded 40,000 gold coins. Adding the income from real estate tax, commercial tax, and customs duties, the tax income has reached 53,000 gold coins. Next spring, 60,000 indentured slaves will become freedmen. Coupled with the new tax type of wool tax, tax revenue will be greatly increased.

This year, brown sugar production exceeded 1,400 tons, and the market expanded to Nolan. Even though the wholesale price dropped by another copper coin, the total profit exceeded 30,000 gold coins for the first time.

The brown sugar tree is a forest resource monopolized by Harland's territory. The threshold for this industry is very high. Only the big nobles have the ability to develop this industry and compete with the Harland family. The small nobles don't even have magicians, so they can't cultivate seeds at all. This level.

The upper limit of this industry is also very high. The market is expanding every year and the speed of development is very fast. The potential of the brown sugar industry is far from exhausted. In a few years, the annual income will exceed 100,000 gold coins, making it an important commodity in Harland's territory.

Richard attached great importance to the brown sugar plantation and sent soldiers to patrol it to prevent outsiders from approaching. Nowadays, the great nobles of Grant Kingdom do not know the brown sugar production process, and they have not discovered the precious economic tree species such as brown sugar tree. Even if the brown sugar manufacturing process is leaked, it will take at least ten years of cultivation to produce enough goods to compete with Harland's territory.

With a buffer of more than ten years, the brown sugar produced in Haaland territory will exceed tens of thousands of tons, sinking the market to the freedmen class, leaving competitors unable to make much profit.

The income from hunting World of Warcraft is still unstable. This year, we are lucky. The Demon Hunting Team hunted several mid-level Warcraft and successfully caught a dozen Iron Wild Horses. In addition to the bonus for the Demon Hunting Team, it also brought a lot of money to the Harland Territory. Profit of fourteen thousand gold coins.

Due to the interference of the war, the research on magic crystal charging technology did not develop too quickly. Although the efficiency increased a little, the total revenue was only 12,000.

Due to the expansion of the territorial market and the expansion of the army, the profits of the liquor industry have increased a lot, reaching eighteen thousand gold coins, reaching the highest level in history.

Because of the war, the prices of various materials have increased, and the revenue from hemostatic ointment has increased sharply, with a profit of 26,000 gold coins.

Hemostatic ointment is a strategic resource in the Grant Kingdom, and the market is always in short supply. The three major armies control one-third of the share at low prices, and the Haaland Territory Army deducts another third of the market share. It simply cannot meet the huge demand.

This year, the price of hemostatic ointment has tripled due to the war, and the profits it has brought are very considerable. Together with other medicines in the Haaland territory, the medical income this year is actually 32,000 gold coins.

After so many years of development, relying on the relatively advanced medical research level of the Harland Territory, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has gradually grown into an important industry in the Territory. The types of medicines are becoming more and more abundant, which also brings more and more profits.

Because of the intervention in the war, the transportation industry is still developing rapidly. The Haaland Territory has won some military transportation orders. Together with the income from the sale of four-wheeled carriages, the profit is almost the same as last year, with a total of 18,000 gold coins. Compared with last year, orders for four-wheeled carriages have decreased by 40% due to the large number of counterfeit goods. The profit from military transportation orders has increased by 30% compared with last year.

Due to the increase in population, the output of the coal mines in Harland Territory has also increased. The annual output exceeds 60,000 tons, and the net profit is approximately 14,000 gold coins.

The increase in population has led to the development of the building materials industry. The profits of masonry, cement, and glass have all increased a lot, and the power of real estate has begun to show.

This year, more than thirty small furniture factories have been opened in the Harland territory. These more than thirty furniture factories have led to an increase in the output value of the logging industry and have also trained more carpenters for the territory. No wonder countless countries in previous generations have vigorously developed this industry. Real estate has a long industrial chain attached to it, which has greatly promoted the development of the national economy.

This year, the combined profits of these downstream industries related to real estate have reached 26,000 gold coins, gradually growing into an important industry in Harland's territory.

Rose perfume has monopolized the Grant Kingdom market. However, the profits of this luxury business are far less than those of bulk commodities. The market potential has reached its peak. The market size is only a little more than 20,000 gold coins, and the profit is 10,000 gold coins.

In the Harland territory, perfume manufacturing gradually developed into an important industry. The total number of people serving this industry is approximately over a thousand. This includes rose planting personnel, perfume manufacturing personnel, product sales personnel, etc.

Fruit canning, book printing and other miscellaneous small industries bring in revenue of 7,000 gold coins, and their contribution to fiscal revenue is relatively small.

The cash income of Harland Territory this year totaled 369,000, which was an increase of 105,000 gold coins compared with last year.

Financial data shows that the industry in Harland Territory has experienced great development this year.

Profits from taxation, brown sugar cultivation, breeding, and pharmaceutical sales have almost doubled, the scale has expanded rapidly, and the market share has steadily increased.

This year, the cash income of Harland Territory is close to 370,000, and its financial capacity is close to that of the four eastern marquises.

By next year, after integrating the power of the counties east of the Grotta River, whether it is military or economic power, the Harland family will be stronger than the four eastern marquises, second only to several domestic ducal families.

This year, 4,000 people from the Harland territorial army participated in the war, and military expenditures increased a lot.

First of all, the expenditure on military pay totaled more than 80,000 gold coins. The logistics consumption was far more than last year. The materials consumed by the labor expedition were a huge amount, adding up to a total of 60,000 gold coins.

Recruiting five thousand captive soldiers requires a large amount of armor, weapons, and beasts of burden, which add up to more than forty thousand gold coins.

Pensions for soldiers killed and disabled in action have also increased this year. So far, more than 3,000 soldiers have received benefits for those killed and disabled in action. The annual pensions add up to more than 9,000 gold coins, which is already a large sum of money.

There are four thousand auxiliary soldiers in the Harland territory. Although the auxiliary soldiers' pay is low, with only one gold coin subsidy per year, the auxiliary soldiers almost all train in winter. The cost of raising the army is relatively high. Not only do they need to provide better food, but they also need to provide Winter military uniforms such as cotton coats, cotton hats, cotton gloves, and leather boots also require military expenditures of 15,000 gold coins a year.

The total number of Haaland territory intelligence, security and other paramilitary forces exceeds 3,000. The salaries of these people add up to a considerable investment.

In particular, intelligence agencies have high funding requirements, and many of them are invisible to the public. The funding for these paramilitary forces this year is as much as 25,000 gold coins.

Including some scattered expenses, the investment in the military and intelligence departments alone exceeded 230,000 gold coins this year, exceeding 60% of the fiscal revenue.

The number of territorial bureaucrats has increased by 500 this year, and the total number has exceeded 2,000. Among the bureaucrats recruited this year, there are a large number of graduates from Riverside Primary School, as well as a large number of retired and disabled soldiers.

The army in Haaland Territory has cultural education courses and will hold some literacy activities. After working in the military for several years, I can basically recognize most characters and understand official documents.

Compared with the officials initially selected from slaves, these newcomers were of higher quality, and at least their literacy rate had been greatly improved.

There are more than 2,000 bureaucrats, and the salary expenditure exceeds 20,000 gold coins. A subsidy of 8,000 gold coins was also distributed for government office expenses. Including miscellaneous funds, the total cost was 30,000 gold coins.

Because a primary school, a middle school, and a new hospital were built this year, and the investment in education and medical care exceeded 20,000 gold coins.

Due to the impact of the war, most members of the Territory Mage Group participated in the war, and magic research stagnated for half a year. The research funds were only half of last year, about 10,000 gold coins. However, the funding of major research institutes in Harland's territory has increased significantly this year, adding up to a total of twelve thousand gold coins.

Counting miscellaneous expenditures, a total of 34,000 gold coins were spent this year, and the fiscal surplus was approximately 65,000 gold coins. Counting the funds saved from last year, the fiscal surplus of the Harland Territory already amounted to 100,000 gold coins. funds.

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