Lord Harland

Chapter 280 Holy Light Token

After the personnel selection was completed, everyone followed the Kaiya River into the depths of the mountains.

Although this crusade team is only a small team of a hundred people, its combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade of the Central Legion. All of these 100 people are professionals with rich combat experience. The total number of magicians and priests is as many as 20. The best of the Dawn Church in the four northern provinces has been poured out.

Because Richard has the treasure of the Starry Vase, everyone does not need to worry about food and baggage. There is no logistical drag and the squad moves very quickly.

On the fifth day after leaving Flame Castle, the group had arrived at the source of the Kaia River.

This is an uninhabited primitive jungle, with trees dozens of meters high everywhere. Even though it was morning, the tall tree crowns blocked the sunlight, and the ground was still a little dim. I couldn't see very far, and I couldn't even tell the direction clearly.

Sulla and Behrman quickly climbed up the big tree, carefully observed the nearby plants and trees, relied on the sun to identify their position, then slid down from the tree, and carved several marks on the trunk.

Sulla and Behrman are the backbone of the demon-hunting team led by Harland, and have been operating deep in the Eagle Mountains for seven or eight years. They have a lot of experience in operating in dense forests.

"How is it going?"

Seeing the two people sliding down from a tree dozens of meters high, Richard asked.

Sura narrowed his eyes and said, "No trace of human activity has been found yet."

Sulla was one of the first indentured slaves to enter the Harland Territory. He had served the Harland Territory for thirteen years.

Although Sura's talent is not as good as that of Jennings, it has also been upgraded to the third level. In addition to being a key member of the Demon Hunting Team, he also serves as the deputy captain of the Seventh Brigade.

Seeing that Richard turned his head, Behrman said, "My opinion is that if we walk another ten kilometers northwest, we might find something."

Bellman is a member of the Stopa family and is about forty years old. He is Sophia's distant cousin. He has just been promoted to a fourth-level warrior and serves as the captain of the ninth group.

After hearing what Behrman said, Bernie shook his head and said: "The further northwest we go, the closer we get to the legendary ogre's lair. Along the way, we have discovered an ogre tribe. If we leak the traces, we may be attacked by ogres." The roundup of human demons.”

According to public information from the Grant Kingdom, the ogres in the west of the Eagle Mountains are the overlords at the top of the food chain. There are more than thirty tribes of these terrifying creatures, with a total number of about two to three thousand.

Two to three thousand ogres gathered together, and even the central main army was no match. Moreover, behind these ogres, there are also powerful legendary ogres.

The two territories of Edward and Martins cannot develop. There are no good roads. Logistics materials are difficult to transport. The army cannot go deep into the jungle. Even if the Grant Kingdom is strong, it is no match for the Ogre tribe in the west of the Eagle Mountains.

Richard pursed his lips slightly, turned around and asked, "Bishop Denglerkin, what do you think?"

"Now that we have gone deep into the jungle, don't be afraid of risks. I think we should continue searching to the northwest. Now that the Necromancer has developed a new magical virus, he will definitely not stop. If we cannot solve this hidden danger, we must be prepared for the Necromancer every year It is unknown how many people will be lost in northern Xinjiang if a new virus is released.

Since we have entered the territory of the legendary ogre this time, we have taken a huge risk. The church will never stop until the necromancer is completely killed. "

After listening to everyone's opinions, Richard said decisively: "I also agree with Behrman's idea. Everyone cheer up and continue to move northwest."

After walking in the dull forest for too long, everyone's emotions became depressed, and they wanted to have a fight right away.

They were all professionals, and their physical strength was far beyond that of ordinary people. They had just entered the afternoon and had already moved about ten kilometers to the northwest.

As long as there is no shortage of supplies, this elite army organized by professionals, with fifty iron-horned horse pack animals, can march on the plains, covering about three to four hundred miles a day, and its speed is far faster than that of ordinary soldiers.

But in the desolate primitive jungle, because there are no roads, every step requires a lot of hard work. The distance the team can move in a day is only about 20 to 30 kilometers at most.

While Richard and others were taking a break, Bellman and Sulla climbed up the big tree again. They carefully observed the terrain and found that after walking two or three kilometers, the terrain gradually sloped downwards, and then a layer was shrouded in gray. The swamp in the mist appeared in their field of vision.

At the edge of the swamp, there is an imperceptible road.

The two suppressed the joy in their hearts, quickly slid down from the big tree, and told Richard and Deng Lejin the good news.

With a smile on his face, Deng Lejin immediately released the negative energy detection spell.

I saw a golden magical aura, vaguely pointing towards the Gray Mist Swamp.

"With so much negative energy gathered, it seems like the Necromancer is hiding here."

After receiving the exact information, everyone was shocked and immediately accelerated their speed, arriving in the gray mist swamp in less than an hour.

Sensing that the enemy was approaching, Savio, the necromancer hiding in the Gray Mist Swamp, made a quick decision and immediately used teleportation to escape.

The undead wizard Savio is an old rival between Richard and Denglerkin. During the battle in the Swamp Basin, Yura, the high-level magician of the Tower of Death, was killed by Richard and others, but Savio seized the opportunity and escaped successfully.

Unexpectedly, Savio did not leave Northern Xinjiang, but actually hid in the territory of the legendary ogre, and successfully created a magical plague, killing more than tens of thousands of people.

Savio is cunning and smart, and has a deep understanding of the situation. After the dense base was exposed, he had no idea of ​​fighting Richard and others and immediately used the portal to escape.

Although Savio reacted quickly, Denglerkin had already taken precautions in advance. Before the portal could be activated, Deng Lejin released the eight-ring magic dimensional lock to freeze the nearby space.

Seeing that the teleportation was hopeless, Savio screamed and immediately used the magic of awakening the undead. In an instant, countless undead creatures staggered out of the thick fog.

These undead creatures carried countless viruses in their bodies. Even though they were far away, Richard still smelled a strong corpse odor.

Although these undead creatures are low-level living corpses, they are not easy to deal with. Cutting off an arm or a leg will not kill the opponent. On the contrary, they are easily infected with various messy viruses.

Although the living corpses move slowly, they form a dense formation, making them very difficult to deal with. Especially in hand-to-hand combat, it is very restrained against human armies. Only by encountering an army that is determined to die together and with the determination to die together with the enemy can we defeat this troublesome opponent.

Richard and Deng Lejin are leading an elite team. The death of one person is a serious loss. Of course, it is impossible to fight hard. Although their team is small in number, there are many magicians inside.

The magician's powers are very diverse and suitable for combat in various environments.

Seeing the living corpses slowly surrounding them, the magicians immediately released the fireball and spider web techniques.

The fireball exploded inside the group of living corpses, instantly sweeping down a large group of living corpses. Impacted by the fire attribute energy, the soul fire hidden in the skulls of the living corpses was immediately extinguished.

A simple three-ring magic fireball technique can kill a large number of living corpses, which is far more efficient than a warrior.

Although first- and second-level magicians cannot use fireball, they can also use spider web and greasy spells to control their opponents. Once a living corpse is wrapped in a spider web, it will be very difficult to move. The archers behind the magician will immediately take action, aiming at the living corpse. corpse's head.

Although the number of living corpses was large, they were far from the opponent of the hundred-man squad. Relying on correct tactics, the hundred-man squad solved the most powerful trump card of the necromancer and killed thousands of plague zombies carrying the plague virus without any casualties. corpse.

Seeing that all the living corpses were about to be killed, the necromancer could only use mind control spells again.

Savio used this spell the last time he fought against the Necromancer. Now that it was used for the second time, Richard and Deng Lejin had already prepared countermeasures in advance. They simultaneously released a group requiem spell, making the necromancer's attack ineffective.

Richard, Deng Lejin, Sophia, Delian and others stared at the necromancer, while the remaining people eliminated the undead creatures.

About an hour later, the other members of the team had cleared away all the undead.

After all the undead creatures were killed, the gray fog gradually dispersed, and a half-finished mage tower appeared in the center of the swamp.

The mage tower is built on only two floors above the ground. How many floors are there underground?

The two-story building on the ground looks a bit old, as if it has been there for some time. However, this kind of building that has been eroded by negative energy all year round, even if it lasts for a short time, still shows signs of decay. Therefore, the mage tower built by the necromancer needs to be repaired every three or two years.

There may be traps hidden inside the mage tower. Deng Lejin, Delian, Sophia and others released several high-level dispelling magics. This spell is a sixth-level magic that can disable magic traps.

After everyone released five high-level dispelling magics, the magic trap attached to the mage tower had lost its effect.

There are two high-level magicians and four six-ring magicians in Richard's group, whose spell abilities far exceed those of the necromancer Savio.

After Yura and others died in battle a few years ago, although the Tower of Death still had some foundation, its power was far from enough.

This fight with Richard and others was not a fair fight at all.

In almost a moment, the two-story mage tower on the ground had been controlled by Richard and others, and the warehouse on the first underground floor and the library on the second underground floor had been lost.

The third underground floor is the magic laboratory, the fourth floor is the energy room, the fifth floor is the virus cultivation center, the sixth floor is the meditation room, and the seventh underground floor is the portal.

After taking control of the magic library, Richard immediately ordered the soldiers to move all the books and materials away.

The bottle of starlight has a total space of 450 cubic meters. The luggage required by Richard and others only occupies one-thirtieth. The remaining space is enough to take away all the valuable items in the Mage Tower.

Everyone wasted a little time on the third underground floor and took control of the energy room in one go.

Everyone carefully inspected the energy room and found that the core of the energy room had been taken away.

The Tower of Death is an organization of necromancers. A few years ago, there were legendary necromancers hiding behind the scenes. Their background is deep even in Markholm Magic Kingdom.

Last time in the swamp basin, Savio and others smelted the energy room and the foundation of the magic tower together, making the energy room unable to move. Even after the defeat, they were unable to take away the legendary magic core.

Savio learned his lesson this time and only built a simple energy room instead of a complete magic well. When in danger, the core of the energy room can be dismantled at any time. Although the magic power gathered in this way is not very sufficient.

After the core of the energy room is taken away, the value of the fourth floor of the Mage Tower is not very great.

After everyone searched, they rushed into the fifth floor of the mage tower.

At the door of the fifth floor, more than twenty necromancers gathered together and set up a magic barrier to block everyone.

The leader looked to be in his thirties, with messy hair, an unusually pale face, and no blood on his lips. If it weren't for the fact that his chest was still rising and falling slightly, it would look like a corpse that had just died.

This person is none other than Savio, the leader of the Necromancers. Although he looks young, he is actually over seventy years old. It's just that the necromancer is proficient in disguise-type spells, and his age can't be seen clearly from his appearance.

"You'd better not come up. If you rush in, I will release all the viruses. Then everyone will suffer losses and no one will survive. I tell you, there are very powerful viruses here. After being transformed by the legendary necromancer, once they are released , there can’t be any living creatures nearby for thousands of miles.”

Things have reached this point, and Savio's threats cannot scare the pastor of Morningside Church at all.

Before setting off, Deng Lejin and others prepared powerful treasures in advance. Nolan's headquarters gave a Holy Light Token, which contained a legendary spell of Holy Light.

Legendary magic props such as Holy Light Tokens are very difficult to create. Not only do they require legendary grade materials, Holy Light Stones, but they also require legendary priests to consume their source and seal legendary spells.

After the Church of Dawn, only legendary priests would create such treasures for the church when they were old and frail and their lifespan was exhausted.

This Holy Light Token comes from Maweila, an old acquaintance of Richard. This legendary second-level priest died of illness three years ago. Before his death, he made six Holy Light Tokens.

This spell is very resistant to negative energy magic. Even bacteria and viruses created by the legendary necromancer will be eliminated under the illumination of the holy light.

As soon as Savio finished speaking, Richard, Deng Lejin and others released the magic to break the enchantment. Their spell power far exceeded that of the Necromancer. In an instant, the enchantment of the Necromancer was broken.

Seeing this scene, Savio immediately chose to die together and release all the viruses. Deng Lejin immediately activated the Holy Light Token, and a powerful wave of positive energy surged out.

In an instant, the mage tower collapsed, and more than twenty necromancers were severely injured and died instantly. Even Savio was killed by the powerful holy light, and the negative energy in the nearby kilometers was immediately cleared away.

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