Lord Harland

Chapter 289 Recruit Exercise

The Haaland Territory has a small population. According to the current development rate, it will be enough to mine hundreds of thousands of tons of coal next year. However, with the extensive use of steam engines, coal consumption will also increase significantly.

As coal mining volume increases, the coal chemical industry can be developed.

It has been many years since Richard established the Chemical Engineering Research Institute, but there has been no rapid progress in this field.

Under the guidance of Richard, the Chemical Industry Research Institute has begun to study coal tar. With the help of microscopes, they have made some discoveries.

If you want to extract various substances from coal tar, you must do many experiments. There is no shortcut.

After observing for more than half an hour, the steam mine car was started twice and the coal accumulated in the mine was transported outside.

Listening to the roar of the steam engine, Richard left the mine and returned to Chavison's office. He casually searched through Chavison's office and found the miners' wage books.

Richard opened it and looked at it, and found that the wages of miners had increased rapidly, and the monthly salary had increased to eight silver coins, catching up with ordinary soldiers.

Work in coal mines is quite dangerous. There have been many accidents in recent years, killing and injuring dozens of people.

The coal mine is now operating well and can turn over a large amount of profits every year, so the salary of the coal mine unit has improved rapidly. Richard knows that this is human nature.

Richard put down his salary book and said to Chavison: "There are miners' files in the mine, right? Go and find the miners' files. I want to take a look."

"Two years ago, the coal mine was assigned a few educated people. Under their work, the file registration work has been completed."

When the Harland Territory was first established, a household registration system was established. In the first year, both Richard and Wendy personally participated in the construction of the household registration archives department.

At that time, there were not many literate people in the Harland territory. In order to leave a file for everyone, Richard often wrote files late at night, and he had to write more than a dozen files every day.

Early files were very simple. They usually recorded name, gender, age, household registration, professional skills, etc. There was also a red fingerprint in the lower left corner of the file.

With the establishment of the Riverside Primary School, education work has continued to develop. Now there are a large number of literate people in the Harland territory, and the household registration and archives systems have been effectively implemented.

The files are becoming more and more complex, adding education, work experience, height and weight, physical health, marital status, immediate family members, etc. In addition, honors obtained and crimes committed will be recorded in the files.

In today's Harland Territory, files and household registration are very important to a free citizen, and are related to a person's future life.

Richard opened the miners' files and began to read through them at a glance. He found that their cultural level was extremely poor, and there were almost no knowledgeable people.

There are only five or six primary school graduates who were assigned to coal mines in the past few years, and they are basically in the logistics and archives departments.

Among front-line workers, the illiteracy rate exceeds 99%. Only a few team leaders and managers can understand documents.

After reading the files, Richard said with a heavy heart: "The illiteracy rate is too high."

"We also want to recruit educated front-line workers, but the working conditions in the mines are too harsh. Those with knowledge can basically find an easy job, they can pay tuition, and their family conditions are also very good. Even if they are assigned to a coal mine, they are still unwilling to go down the mine. The people who go into the mine are poor people who have just become free citizens, in order to get a high salary and become government workers. They are not afraid of death because we provide pensions. "

"You need to improve the conditions and directly grant basic official status. You are a deputy county-level department with high autonomy and rapid promotion of positions. It is attractive to some young talents who are interested in official careers. The coal mine needs to recruit some talented people. In the future, we will focus on cultivating new workers with knowledge and turning these people into skilled workers. The improvement of mining technology cannot only rely on experience, but also on knowledge and scientific calculations.

Although output is important, production safety must also be paid close attention to. Next year we will equip you with a steam mine car, and your efficiency will improve. Your main task is to ensure production safety and reduce the occurrence of accidents. If a serious accident occurs, I will hold you accountable. "

After inspecting the coal mine, Richard returned to the military camp.

From last autumn to this year, Haaland added 9,000 soldiers, almost doubling the number of troops, but the average quality of the soldiers has dropped seriously.

In one and a half years, the five thousand captive soldiers recruited last year have completed their literacy training, replaced their equipment, and started practicing breathing techniques. Two soldiers with good qualifications have been promoted to mid-level warrior apprentices, receiving key training from the army and promoted to Departments directly under the headquarters.

As long as people with good talents and qualifications invest resources in training and work hard to improve themselves, they can basically be promoted to high-level warriors and play a big role on the battlefield.

After all, Leader Harland is not an old aristocrat, and there are not many available people. As long as he is talented, he can easily get the attention of the higher-ups.

People with outstanding talents have very smooth channels for advancement.

This group of soldiers has completely integrated into the Harland Territory because their relatives have moved here.

Although the combat effectiveness of the captive soldiers is not as good as that of the veterans of the Harland territory, after all, they have many years of war experience and are considered qualified soldiers in terms of thinking and skills. After practicing breathing techniques and replacing them with sophisticated weapons and armor, their combat effectiveness far exceeded before. They were considered good soldiers when placed in the main army.

Four thousand new recruits have completed their recruit training and will soon be assigned to various units.

The training period for recruits in the Haaland territory is one year. When he first joined the army, the amount of training was not very large and the training tasks were not heavy. There will be queue training in the morning, literacy activities in the afternoon, and after dinner, they will recite military regulations, become familiar with military drums and horns, learn to obey orders, and begin to cultivate military style.

Three months later, the literacy work was over. They started practicing breathing techniques in the morning, training various military skills in the afternoon, and training on formation and physical fitness every few days.

During the year-long training period, the management is very strict, and only two days per month are allowed to leave the camp to receive family visits.

After completing recruit training, the soldiers have been transformed and have a military style. But without actual combat experience and without having fought several cruel wars in mountains of corpses and seas of blood, recruits will never be able to complete their transformation and will never become veterans.

The influx of a large number of new recruits into the army will inevitably lead to a period of adjustment, which will also make the commanders of each unit somewhat uncomfortable. In order to avoid affecting the combat effectiveness of the old troops, most of these four thousand recruits were divided into the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 14th Infantry Brigades. Each new brigade needs to receive 600 recruits and 600 converted prisoners.

The proportion of new recruits in these four brigades exceeds 40%, and the proportion of converted captive soldiers exceeds 40%. The old base of Harland's territory is only 20%.

The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth brigades will also receive 300 new soldiers and 400 converted prisoners. More than half of these four old units are veterans. Because their numbers have increased a lot, their combat effectiveness has improved compared to before the reorganization.

The Second Brigade received 200 new soldiers and 300 captive soldiers, and basically the old base was not mobilized. This reorganization also added more than sixty pieces of enchanted armor made of ogre skin, strengthening a skeleton squadron. During the recent period, Captain Lost always had a smile on his face and walked with wind.

The First Brigade is the core of the infantry in Haaland Territory. Not only did it not lose any blood, but it also drew 500 veterans from other infantry, which greatly improved its combat effectiveness.

The remaining recruits and converted prisoners were mainly assigned to guard brigades, second-line units, etc.

The special forces in Harland's territory, such as the Magic Hot Air Balloon Troop, the Lion Cavalry, the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, and the Scout Cavalry Brigade, will not select soldiers from new recruits. If there is a vacancy in these troops, only key veterans will be transferred.

After Richard arrives at the military camp, the recruits will have their final drills in three days, then a farewell ceremony, and finally they will be divided into different armies.

In recent days, the boot camp is about to disband, and the boot camp has dinner every day.

The officers and soldiers in the boot camp spent a year together, and many of them developed deep feelings.

We are about to part ways. In this era of frequent wars, once we are separated, we may never see each other again for the rest of our lives.

The recruits are about to leave the army, and many officers pay for the soldiers to eat and drink at their own expense. During this time, the discipline of the recruit camp is not strict.

Richard also attended a dinner for recruits, but with him present, the soldiers behaved more reservedly and the atmosphere was solemn.

Seeing that he had affected the farewell of the officers and soldiers, Richard did not continue to participate. Instead, he found Frank, who was in charge of recruit training.

It has been ten years since Frank joined the Harland Territory. When he first entered the Harland Territory, he was already a third-level professional. At that time, Harland's territory was not very strong, and third-level professionals were still relatively rare. Frank was an officer whom Richard relied on ten years ago.

Among the officers in Haaland Territory, Frank already had seniority.

Frank was born in the Grizzly Bear Legion and practiced the Giant Bear Breathing Technique. Because he was stuck with advanced skills, he had not been promoted in more than ten years.

As time goes by, Frank's position in Haaland's leadership becomes lower and lower, and his position has not been transferred for eight years.

"The army is expanding recently. Have you ever thought about leading the troops?"

Both Richard and Frank were in Fort William, and Richard often came to the boot camp. The two met often and had a deep relationship.

"I have considered this issue. My professional level is only level three. I cannot convince the public as a captain, and I am too old to be a squadron leader. It is better to stay in the boot camp and make some contributions to the territory."

"If you can't be the captain, you can be the deputy captain. Do you only want to be the chief officer and not the adjutant?"

Frank shook his head and said: "I have been the deputy squadron leader in the Grizzly Corps for three years. Of course I am willing to be the adjutant. It's just that I have been in the boot camp for these years and have developed feelings for this place. I don't want to leave."

Frank has good talent, but his background is too low. He did not have any breathing techniques passed down from his family, and he was controlled by others after joining the army. After escaping from the Orc Empire, he served in the Harland Territory. If you are an ambitious person, for the sake of your own future, you will immediately leave Harland and join the Grizzlies.

Frank doesn't have much ambition, and it seems he doesn't want to go down and lead the troops to fight. Since Frank was unwilling to go down and lead the troops, Richard did not force anyone to do anything.

There are many elite soldiers in Harland territory now, with more than dozens of third-level warriors. Richard has many people who are motivated and capable, who want to stand out and make military exploits.

Richard stayed in the army for three days, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the recruit training.

"Sixth Squadron changes into another team and comes forward!"

At the command of the commander, the 120 soldiers of the Sixth Squadron quickly changed from a horizontal formation to a column, and quickly ran to the front of the queue.

After a year-long formation training, the soldiers formed a very strict formation. The distance between them was about half a meter, and there was no chaos in the action. Just looking at the queue, it feels like elite soldiers.

"After the first squadron is separated, the column changes into a horizontal formation, accelerates the march for 100 meters, forms a formation and shoots arrows. Six rounds of rapid fire, ready to start!"

Following the drill officer's order, the First Squadron quickly turned the marching column into a formation, then turned back and began to march quickly. When they arrived about a hundred meters away, they arranged their formation and started shooting six rounds of feather arrows.

The quality of the first squadron of recruits was good. Even during the accelerated march, the queue was not too chaotic. After arriving at the predetermined location, the time to complete the team is also very short.

Richard looked at the hit rate and found that more than half of the shots from 60 meters away had hit the target.

The bows and arrows used by the new recruits are about eight-dou bows, which are considered soft bows compared to the main force.

There are many talented people in the main force, who are very powerful and very accurate. After more than ten years of accumulation, there are more than a hundred people who have reached the third level of archery.

A considerable number of these soldiers who have reached the third level of archery skills are already professionals and have become grassroots officers. They use Dusanshi enchanted bows.

The strength of professionals is far greater than that of ordinary people. Coupled with the destructive power of fighting spirit, the lethality is very strong and the destructiveness is extremely shocking. Even a snake-like man, the backbone of the orcs, might lose his life if targeted by a third-level shooter.

For example, the enchanted bow used by Richard's uncle Soros, if the bow string is fully drawn, has a power of nearly one thousand kilograms, which is more than sixteen stones. Among the more than 20,000 officers and soldiers in Harland's territory, no more than ten can fully draw the bowstring. When this kind of enchanted bow is used, even without the addition of fighting spirit or the use of enchanted crossbow arrows, it is as destructive as a bed crossbow. It is impossible for professionals below the mid-level to survive as long as they are shot in the vital part.

Although the combat effectiveness of new recruits is far inferior to that of veterans and grassroots officers, their qualities demonstrated in the drills show strong discipline and they are considered qualified soldiers. Relying on these 4,000 new soldiers, Richard was confident of defeating 100,000 serf soldiers.

Recruits can sometimes play a key role on the battlefield. The key is to see how the commander uses them.

Especially in defensive battles, recruits can also rely on fortifications and equipment to kill professionals. A recruit using bows and arrows and throwing alchemy bombs can also kill professionals. Soldier quality, tactics, equipment, psychological state, geographical conditions and even climate conditions are all part of determining the outcome of a war.

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