Lord Harland

Chapter 292 Annual Summary

For a short time, Haaland's territory could only walk on two legs.

While the Chemical Industry Research Institute continues to conduct research to separate various extracts from coal tar, it also improves the condensation system to increase the efficiency of collecting coal tar. In addition, the planting of natural dyes cannot be delayed. After all, chemical dyes cannot be produced in a short time. Dyeing cloth made of natural dyes can avoid the outflow of funds.

There are more than 200,000 free citizens in the Harland territory, many of whom have very high incomes. Failure to meet the luxuries required by high-income people will only result in capital outflows.

At the end of the year, Richard once again summoned the civil officials of the territory to hold a financial meeting. The reason why he invited officials from other systems was mainly to give everyone a comprehensive understanding of the development of the territory.

Last year, the Haaland territory increased its population by 230,000 people, and this year the number of people who have poured into the territory is about 70,000.

There were 46,000 refugees who came in because of the plague, 20,000 were serfs purchased at the commodity fair, and 4,000 were high-quality people who voluntarily migrated to the Harland territory.

Not counting the population brought about by natural reproduction, the influx of people in the past two years has been 300,000, accounting for almost half of the total population.

According to statistics from the civil affairs department this year, the Haaland Territory has a population of 660,000, and the fertility rate this year is about 4%. Even without purchasing indentured slaves from outside, the natural growth of the population in Harland territory would exceed 20,000.

In recent years, the Harland Territory has purchased hundreds of thousands of serfs from the slave market, which is about a quarter of the slave trade market. Through Richard's hands, slave traders such as the Duke of Guise received an income of approximately 800,000 gold coins.

Because of the strong demand in the Harland territory, the slave trade expanded by a quarter, surpassing the population tax and becoming the most important tax in the Duchy of Guise.

A large amount of income has increased every year. Two years ago, the Duke of Guise expanded his army by six thousand, purchased a large number of armors, bows and arrows, and increased his weapons and equipment, intensifying his plundering of the Kingdom of Delon.

Due to the massive influx of people, Harland Territory has increased the intensity of land reclamation this year, reclaiming 400,000 acres of farmland, and successfully developed a potassium rock mine. The extensive use of potassium fertilizer has increased food production.

The annual grain output exceeded 225,000 tons, ushering in a bumper harvest.

However, 95,000 tons of these grains are produced by free people. The Harland territory has nearly 230,000 free people. The land allocated to free people is more than one million acres, which is more than half of the total cultivated land. . If the freedmen had not grown many cash crops, the proportion of food production would have been even higher.

Although grain production has increased significantly, there is still no surplus in agricultural production this year because the population has increased so much.

The animal husbandry industry also suffered heavy losses due to a sudden plague. At the officially controlled pastures in the Harland Territory, only 600,000 sheep were slaughtered throughout the year, reducing production by about half.

Freemen who raised sheep suffered greater losses because their capital was small and their ability to withstand risks was low. If they encountered a sheep plague, the losses would be almost unbearable.

According to statistics from the animal husbandry department, more than one million sheep may have died from the plague last year.

Such heavy losses greatly dampened the enthusiasm of freedmen for breeding.

Before the plague, the officials and citizens of Harland Territory had about three million sheep, and three million sheep could be slaughtered every year. After a plague, the stock and output of livestock were reduced by about half.

The farming industry is like this, the risks are very high.

Cattle and sheep are already less susceptible to plagues, and raising chickens and pigs is more risky. After a plague, many years of accumulation in breeding farms will be wiped out.

Of the 600,000 sheep produced for slaughter, the army consumed hundreds of thousands of them. Officials, researchers, teachers, and factory management consumed some of them, and only about two-thirds of them could be put on the market.

Moreover, the grain surplus this year is relatively small, and some mutton needs to be stored in the winter. There are only 200,000 sheep sold in the Heihebao market, which can be exchanged for about 20,000 gold coins.

Compared with previous years, the income from animal husbandry has dropped by two-thirds, which has greatly affected the financial income of the Haaland Territory.

Although there is no war in the steel industry this year, due to the increase in the population, the domestic demand market is very strong, especially the real estate industry, which has an extremely outstanding ability to drive the economy.

The number of freedmen had increased by one hundred thousand in the last two years, and these people needed to build their own houses. The demand for steel bars and iron tools increased significantly. Although Richard continued to lower the wholesale price of steel, the steel production in the Harland territory exceeded 4,500 tons, bringing in an income of 40,000 gold coins.

Compared with when the territory was first established, the price of steel has dropped to about 30% of the original price.

According to the current development speed of Harland's territory, once steam engines are used in steelmaking, production will usher in a surge, and steel prices will also experience a huge drop.

Although the woolen products market is not saturated, the output has been reduced by about half due to the impact of sheep plague. Due to insufficient production, the price of woolen products has increased by 40%. This year's income is only 28,000 gold coins, which is slightly worse than last year.

Affected by the plague, many nobles who were preparing to raise sheep and manufacture woolen products suffered heavy losses. Some nobles with insufficient financial resources decided to withdraw from the industry. Northern Xinjiang lost a large number of competitors, and the Harland Territory may have a few more years to monopolize the market.

Harland Territory has two main pillars: agriculture and animal husbandry, which contribute the majority of tax revenue. In the past few years, the territory's income and expenditure relied almost entirely on these two legs. Although there was no agricultural surplus last year, animal husbandry brought an income of 60,000 gold coins to the territory.

This year, agriculture and animal husbandry, two major contributors to the fiscal system, are lame. The biggest contributor is tax revenue.

There are 228,000 free people throughout the year, and the land tax alone has a tax revenue of 57,000 gold coins. Adding in the revenue from customs duties, commercial taxes, and real estate taxes, this year's tax revenue has reached 75,000 gold coins. The territory’s largest revenue this year.

The growth of brown sugar trade is also very impressive, with output increasing by about 50% compared to last year. As brown sugar trees continue to grow taller, brown sugar plantations continue to expand, and the rapid growth in output can continue for a long time.

This year's brown sugar production is 2,200 tons. In order to absorb the increased production capacity, Harland Territory is expanding the domestic demand market while continuing to reduce prices and export to the outside world. Not only did the Grand Duchy of Stanik's export volume double, the Nolan market also completely destroyed honey, with a total profit of about 40,000 gold coins.

Magic crystal charging technology has improved this year, and the efficiency has increased to about 6%. In addition, Fort William built a mage tower and installed a third set of magic crystal charging equipment. The annual income increased by 20% compared to last year. Five, converted into gold coins, the income is about fifteen thousand.

Magic crystals are a very important strategic reserve, and the Harland Territory will naturally not exchange magic crystals for gold coins. In addition to charging magic props, these magic crystals are used for scientific research.

I was lucky this year. I hunted a seventh-level demon crocodile and also captured a large group of feral wildebeests. In addition to the bonus for the demon hunting team, Harland Territory received about 20,000 gold coins in revenue.

The eyes of the seventh-level magic crocodile can be used to refine the magic eye potion. Although this potion is not as effective as the life evolution potion, it is also very helpful for sixth-level warriors to break through to the seventh level.

Richard is already a sixth-level warrior, but judging from the attribute panel, his accumulation is far from enough. The magic eye potion could only be stored for half a year. In the end, the potion was traded by Richard in exchange for several precious magic minerals.

This year, the Harland Territory launched three products. The first was an alchemy bomb. Two thousand were sold, bringing a net income of about 20,000 gold coins to the territory.

The second type is soap. There is a large amount of animal fat in the Harland territory that cannot be consumed. In addition, the territory has a salt lake mine that can produce a large amount of natural soda ash. The cost of producing soap is low, and Richard does not sell it at a high price. The new products also brought Harland Tie a net income of sixteen thousand gold coins.

The third type is dyed cloth. Dyed cloth is a luxury product in the Grant Kingdom. The dyed cloth produced in the Harland territory is only sold within the territory and the four provinces of northern Xinjiang. The market size is small, with a net income of only about 6,000 gold coins.

Although the Harland Territory was the first to invent highly distilled liquor, it can now only rely on the domestic market for sales. Even the markets in the four northern Xinjiang provinces have many competitors. This year, the domestic demand market has expanded, the army has expanded, the wine market has increased a lot, and the profit has reached about 24,000 gold coins.

Because the plague is prevalent in the summer, Haaland Territory sells medicines to suppress the plague. This year is also a very important income. However, by the time the drug is developed, the plague is almost over. This medicine brings a lot of benefits to Haaland Territory. An income of twelve thousand gold coins.

This spring, a new little queen bee hatched in Harland's territory, and the production of hemostatic ointment continued to increase. Although the selling price dropped by 20%, the profit was stable at around 25,000 gold coins.

In addition to these two star drugs, Haaland's territory also has burn ointments, antidiarrheals, painkillers, and more. This year's drug sales in Haaland's territory brought in a profit of 45,000 gold coins. The pharmaceutical trade has gradually become the leading industry and important income of Harland Territory.

This industry has a very high threshold and is a typical high-tech industry. Even if others want to copy it, it will be very difficult. After all, other nobles have basically no chemistry or medical foundation.

The transportation industry lost military orders, and the four-wheeled carriages were also competed for the market by a large number of counterfeit goods. The total profit decreased by nearly 40%, with only an income of 11,000 gold coins.

The output of the coal mine exceeded 80,000 tons, an increase of 30% over last year. The number of miners did not increase, but the efficiency improved a lot. The net profit was turned over to 20,000 gold coins.

With the use of steam machinery, coal mine output will increase significantly next year, and profits may roughly double.

The number of freedmen increased significantly, which led to the development of real estate. There are many chains behind real estate, such as masonry, cement, glass, furniture, etc. These are related to the downstream industries of real estate. This year, they brought an income of 30,000 gold coins to the Harland territory.

The perfume industry is still very stable. The market size is relatively small and there are few competitors. The profit is relatively stable, about 10,000 gold coins.

With the expansion of schools and hospitals, the amount of paper used in Harland's territory is increasing. Small industries such as book printing, paper manufacturing, and fruit products have an income of about 10,000 gold coins this year.

All in all, the cash income of Harland Territory this year is approximately 430,000 gold coins, an increase of 60,000 gold coins compared to last year, with a growth rate of approximately 16%.

Judging from financial data, the industries in Haaland's territory are becoming more and more abundant, and they no longer rely on income from one or two commodities.

This year there is a cash income of 430,000 yuan, and there are also huge financial expenditures.

The first is military expenditure. As time goes by, there are more and more free civilian soldiers. This year, there are more than 8,000 soldiers in the territory, and the military salary expenditure is about 100,000 gold coins. In addition, the expansion of the army by 9,000 people would also be a huge expenditure on logistics. 70,000 gold coins were spent on food, clothing, and barracks construction alone.

Weapons and armor for four thousand new soldiers, war horses and beasts of burden, expansion of Warcraft cavalry, etc., all added up to an expenditure of fifty thousand gold coins.

Richard has raised the disability and pension standards, and the pension has increased to about 12,000 gold coins this year.

Two thousand auxiliary soldiers have been expanded this year. Although the salary of the auxiliary soldiers is relatively low, the cost of raising the army for 6,000 auxiliary soldiers for a year is about 20,000 gold coins.

Although the intelligence, security and other paramilitary forces have not been expanded this year, they still require an expenditure of 25,000 gold coins.

In addition, Harland Territory plans to manufacture hundreds of scorching ray guns, and it also needs to reserve some blood steel and magic crystals, which will cost about 12,000 gold coins.

Including some logistical reception, intelligence acquisition and other expenses, the investment in military expenditure alone this year amounted to 296,000 gold coins, accounting for about 69% of the fiscal revenue. The proportion is higher than last year.

Seventy percent of fiscal revenue is used for military expenditures, resulting in a lack of funds for education, medical, and civil affairs departments, which slows down development. But to survive in Northern Xinjiang, no matter which lord it is, it is necessary to maintain the highest investment in the army.

If the military strength is not enough, no matter how well developed the territory is, no matter how wealthy it is, it will only be considered fat by others.

In addition to huge military expenditures, the Harland Territory invested 13,000 gold coins in education and medical care this year.

The number of government officials increased by 300, and official salary expenses increased by 20%, reaching 24,000 gold coins. Government office expenses and financial subsidies total about 10,000 gold coins.

Richard has increased investment in scientific research this year. The territory's research funding for magic and science has reached 20,000 gold coins, accounting for approximately 4.6% of the fiscal revenue.

This year's financial statements of the Harland Mage Association are independent from the government department. More than a hundred mages and mage apprentices are all high-income earners. Their combined salary is about 4,000 gold coins.

In addition, the Harland Territory spent 100,000 gold coins this year to purchase 20,000 serfs.

Over the course of a year, a total of 467,000 gold coins were spent.

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