Lord Harland

Chapter 297 Great Victory on the Eastern Front

In the three days of fierce offensive and defensive battles at Platos Fortress, the orcs suffered 4,000 casualties.

Although the orc culture is barbaric and their ability to withstand casualties is greater than that of the human army, the casualties are close to one-third, which has a serious impact on the morale of the orcs.

Moreover, there are still human defenders in the Pratos defense line. There are 800 soldiers from the Northern Army in Fortress No. 3, and nearly 2,000 coalition troops in Fortress No. 9 and No. 8.

In order to protect the retreat, four thousand orcs must be left to watch over this enemy.

Leading 6,000 orcs deep behind enemy lines, a slight mistake could lead to the entire army being annihilated. Grodan was a cautious commander, and it was difficult for him to make such a determination.

Moreover, the three consecutive days of fierce attacks also exhausted the last bit of the orcs' strength. Grodan was no longer able to continue the march and could only take a short rest.

After weighing the pros and cons, Grodan immediately wrote a battle report to the commander-in-chief Kiram, reporting the details of the battle, writing his own opinions, and requesting that he be sent some reinforcements. Only by bringing back the four major brigades of our army can we be sure to carry out the order to insert ourselves behind enemy lines.

Through the Harpy aerial reconnaissance, Grodan already knew that passing through the Platos Mountains was the densely populated area of ​​​​Harland's territory. This area could recruit more than 50,000 serf soldiers to defend the city.

Although the serf army is weak in combat effectiveness, as long as they dare to fight tooth and nail, they can still kill orcs in defensive battles. Without enough troops, it would be really fatal to attack castles one by one.

While Grodan was waiting for reinforcements to repair, the orc army on the eastern front of Harland's territory fell into a dilemma of being surrounded on three sides.

Gatling's Ministry originally planned to go deep alone, attract the Grant Kingdom's army, adopt the tactic of blooming from the center, attack the rear of Harland Territory, shake the morale of the northern frontline army, and cooperate with the main force to encircle and annihilate the enemy.

Unexpectedly, after passing through the Harland Territory, they fell into the trap of the Grant Kingdom army.

The orcs had just conquered Nelson Viscounty and were about to follow the Black River into the core of Harland territory, but found that the Grizzly Bear Army had entered Graveson County and stopped them halfway.

After the establishment of the Grotta Province, the Kingdom of Grant has a total of four legions in the northern border, three of which have been put into battle. Each legion has contained an army of orcs, and only the Grizzly Bear Legion is still active in the rear.

Although the Grizzly Bear Legion suffered heavy losses in the last war and more than half of its soldiers were new recruits, this army still exceeded 20,000 and was equipped with alchemy bombs. Its combat effectiveness far exceeded that of the Gatling orcs.

The orcs thought that the Grizzly Bear Legion would learn from the lessons of the last war and would not leave the strong fortress rashly to avoid falling into the orc trap.

Unexpectedly, William took over as the commander of the Grizzlies Legion. William has a special relationship with Harland and will definitely cooperate with Harland in fighting.

After the orcs invaded, Thoros had already informed William of the Gatling Department's situation through the Griffin Knights.

With detailed intelligence, William overcame all objections in the Grizzly Legion and persuaded the main officers to appear near Graveson with reinforcements, blocking the Gatlin army.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gatlin wanted to return from the original route, but Soros blocked his retreat. At the same time, the Flying Eagle Legion in the east also blocked the lower reaches of the Black River, leaving Gatlin's tribe surrounded by three armies.

Among the three armies, the Grizzly Bear Legion in the west has the strongest combat effectiveness, with about 20,000 soldiers and a 300-man Warcraft Cavalry. The Soros Division on the North Road is next, with a total of 7,000 regular troops in the Harland Territory. Although the Flying Eagle Legion in the east has 12,000 soldiers, its combat effectiveness is the weakest and is far less powerful than the Soros Division.

Gatlin's command originally had five orc brigades, totaling more than 10,000 orcs. However, they were ambushed by Norman in the Canyon Castle and lost 1,600 people. They attacked the Viscount Nelson and lost more than 700 people. Today, the main force of the orcs has less than 8,000 people left.

Eight thousand orcs were besieged by three armies, and they suddenly fell into a situation where the sky was not responding and the earth was not working.

The orcs originally planned to adopt a two-wing tactic, with the main force hoarding in the middle of the Eagle Mountains to contain the army of Harland Territory. They used Gaitlin and Grodan as arrows to penetrate into the hinterland of Harland Territory and disrupt Harland Territory from within. German territory front, completely eliminate this rising enemy.

Unexpectedly, the Harland Territory did the opposite and tried its best to delay Grodan in the west, taking advantage of Grodan's cautious character to buy time. Cooperating with the garrison of the Grant Kingdom's Lach Province on the eastern front, they successfully besieged Gatlin.

Among the three armies, the Flying Eagle Fort garrison has the weakest combat effectiveness. It is difficult for this army to withstand the orc attack in the field. William has commanded the Feiyan Legion in combat and is not confident about the combat effectiveness of this second-line army, so he arranged for them to Guard the Flying Eagle Castle and set up a water fortress to block the orcs and prevent the orcs from advancing eastward.

The Grizzly Bear Legion marched north and south against Thoros's troops, annihilating the orc army in the field.

Although the Gatlin tribe was bent on advancing, they were unwilling to fight the humans and wanted to rely on their marching speed to get rid of the enemy.

However, the Grizzly Bear Army and the Harland Army are both elite field armies. Although their marching speed is slightly slower than that of the Orcs, they are marching on the inside and can get a certain amount of supplements. In addition, with their large numbers, the Orcs can quickly be restrained. It is located in a narrow terrain of several square kilometers.

At this moment, Gatlin could no longer avoid the fate of being surrounded.

The spring rain continued, and big drops of rain fell from the sky. In this bad weather, humans and orcs had to fight hard.

The orc army was stationed on a mountain ridge, occupying a favorable terrain.

The Harland leader and the Grizzly Bear Legion must attack from above if they want to destroy this enemy.

Behind Soros's department, dozens of catapults were assembled by a large number of craftsmen.

Harland has developed for so many years and has trained tens of thousands of craftsmen, and its industry has also developed to a certain level. Especially the standard equipment, the size and specifications are exactly the same. As long as you bring enough parts, it is very easy to assemble the trebuchet.

In just half a day, a large number of trebuchets have been assembled. Following the officer's order, the winchman waved the sharp blade in his hand and cut the rope on the trebuchet. The huge racket pole was raised high, and stone bullets weighing dozens of kilograms rained down on the orcs.

Despite the unfavorable terrain, the orcs lacked long-range projection means. Thoros' forward camp was very close to the orc camp, and the stone bullets could still be fired at a distance of more than 130 meters to attack the orcs.

In an instant, a large number of orcs were hit by rocks. For a while, the orc camp was filled with blood and many people were killed and injured.

The orc officers organized several teams, hoping to take advantage of the geographical advantage and launch several counterattacks to drive Harland's army down the mountain. Unfortunately, they could not break through Harland's formation at all. Instead, they were killed by arrows and alchemical bombs, resulting in heavy casualties.

Thoros alone gave the orcs a headache, and the Grizzly Bear Legion led by William was not a fuel-efficient lamp either. The orcs could only disperse their forces to resist the enemies on both sides of the mountain ridge.

In just one afternoon, the orcs killed and injured nearly three thousand people, and they were squeezed into the small ridge.


A stone bullet hit the wooden fence with a muffled sound, and the broken wood flew everywhere, hitting four or five orcs immediately.

The wailing sounded immediately, and the miserable scene affected other orcs, making everyone fall into fear.

Seeing that the wailing of the wounded soldiers was affecting morale, perhaps due to too much pressure, a third-level lion officer immediately ran over, brandishing a long knife in his hand, and hacked to death several wailing wounded soldiers without hesitation. Seeing this scene, The orcs nearby suddenly widened their eyes.

In an instant, the area suddenly became extremely quiet, and the air seemed to freeze.

Most of the wounded soldiers killed by the lion officers were werewolves.

In the Orc Empire, various races have serious conflicts. If it weren't for the pressure of the human empire, the various chaotic races would not unite to form the Orc Alliance.

The lion-man officer massacred the wounded werewolf soldiers, instantly arousing public outrage.

A werewolf soldier let out a loud roar, raised the iron spear in his hand and stabbed the third-order lion man. The werewolf next to him had red eyes and almost no hesitation, holding a weapon to attack the brutal lion man.

The orc army has a clear hierarchy, and there is a serious power imbalance between superiors and subordinates. This kind of thing rarely happens.

The third-level lion man did not react at all, and died in the blink of an eye under the siege of the werewolf soldiers.

Once civil strife occurs, it is difficult to suppress it, and the orc army is still under siege. Gatlin received news of the werewolf soldiers' rebellion and finally suppressed the civil unrest, but the human army at the foot of the mountain launched a general attack.

William and Soros are both experienced commanders. They have more than thirty years of military service and have participated in hundreds of battles. They are both veterans of the northern Xinjiang region.

Although the orcs' civil strife was short-lived, they seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack from the north and south at the same time.

Suddenly, fierce drum beats appeared in the wilderness. Heavy infantry phalanxes organized their formations and quickly attacked the orcs.

"Soldiers, the time has come to avenge our brothers and sisters. The orcs can no longer hold on. We will win this battle. Everyone, follow me and charge and kill all the orcs."

Thoros rode an iron horned horse, let out a roar, and took the lead in charging towards the orcs. He was riding on an iron horned horse, and he kept pulling the bow string in his hand and firing the bow left and right. Soros's archery skills have reached a state of perfection, and among the millions of armed men in the Grant Kingdom, he can be ranked among the top 100.

Every time he shoots an enchanted arrow, he can kill an orc professional.

Although Thoros is only a seventh-level professional, he poses a greater threat to the orcs' grassroots officers than even ninth-level William.

Seeing that Thoros was so brave and killed a large number of his own people, the orc deputy commander Gatlin wanted to organize a counterattack to kill this enemy.

Unexpectedly, the Grizzly Bear Legion attacked the top of the mountain first.

After all, the Grizzly Bear Legion has a Warcraft Cavalry of 300 people. This cavalry is the core of the Grizzly Bear Legion's combat effectiveness. Although the Grizzly Legion suffered heavy losses in the last battle, this Warcraft Cavalry had relatively light losses in combat effectiveness due to its faster speed. It has been replenished after three years.

During the attack, the impact of the Warcraft cavalry was extremely shocking. Hundreds of Warcraft horses released spells at the same time, causing extremely destructive power. Three hundred rounds of magic missiles were fired, and combined with the rain of arrows, they directly defeated two squadrons of orcs.

William took the lead, and the enchanted sword in his hand turned into afterimages, rolling up a whirlwind of death on the way forward. A dozen orcs who were unable to dodge were cut in half by William.

Blood mixed with internal organs sputtered out, turning into a hellish scene.

Seeing that the enemy would be so brave, Gatlin could only give up the trouble of Soros and confront William head-on.

Gatlin is an eighth-level lion man with very strong strength. William is also a gifted person. His professional level is even higher than Gatlin. The fight between the two is extremely dangerous. Every time the weapons collide, it explodes like thunder. sound.

But William was surrounded by countless comrades and rode on iron horned horses, while Gatlin was surrounded by only twenty or thirty orc soldiers.

After just one confrontation, Gatlin was already alone.

Although he was an eighth-level professional and could still use bloodline spells, Gatlin's fate was sealed by being surrounded by three hundred Warcraft Cavalry.

Gatlin had just blocked the attacks of several professional officers, but his flaws were immediately revealed. Seeing that a flaw had appeared, William raised the enchanted spear and launched a decisive charge. The huge impact instantly pierced Gatlin's enchanted armor. Although the eighth-level lion man struggled desperately, he still died in William's hands.

Gatlin's death greatly damaged the morale of the orcs. The remaining orcs could no longer organize resistance and wanted to escape down the mountain in a panic.

The orcs had already been surrounded by human legions. Except for a few lucky ones who escaped under darkness, the vast majority of the orcs became prisoners.

After the war, the two armies gathered together and captured a total of 3,200 orcs, including more than 200 orc professionals. Unfortunately, there were no harpies among the prisoners.

Richard has participated in six orc invasions and is a veteran with fifteen years of military experience. He once led his troops to capture the deputy commander of the orc army, but he never captured the harpy.

The casualties between the two armies were not very heavy. The Harland troops led by Soros suffered more than 260 killed and 450 lightly or seriously injured. William's Grizzly Legion suffered heavy casualties, with about 426 killed and nearly 700 wounded.

In this battle, the human army suffered 1,800 casualties and nearly 700 were killed. They completely annihilated the 8,000 orc army, killed the orc deputy commander Gaitlin, and captured 3,200 orcs, winning a brilliant victory. win.

After this battle, half of the orc legion was annihilated, turning the balance of victory a few points.

After annihilating Gatling's tribe, the Grizzly Legion led by William had no time to rest, and letters for help were sent from the east and west in no particular order.

The west is naturally dominated by Harland. Richard sent a letter asking for help to his father William, hoping to join forces with the Grizzly Army to defeat Kilam's main army in one fell swoop.

The request for help from the east came from the Dukedom of Jonathan. The troops led by Prince Macmillan could no longer withstand the attack of the two orc legions, so they sent a request for help to the Grizzly Bear Legion in the rear.

William is Richard's father and a member of the Harland family. The Harland leader is closer to the Grizzly Legion, so he will naturally support Fort William nearby. Besides, there are three legions of orcs in this direction, so the pressure is even heavier.

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