Lord Harland

Chapter 30 Highland Meditation

When Richard returned to Harden Castle, he did not alert anyone else.

Richard went to Fort Vick last night and happened to not receive a combat mission today.

This time he went to Vicksburg, and outsiders did not know about it yet.

The reason why Richard took the lead and obtained the information about Baron Stopa's family was because of his position.

After defeating Walder's brigade, Vicksburg was deserted.

In fact, only a few officers such as Richard, Diarra, Owen, and Ron could seize this opportunity.

Richard's brain was the fastest and he immediately took action that night to obtain the inheritance of the Baron family.

After a day of rest, Richard received the battle report.

Baron Harden and Lieutenant Colonel Marvin teamed up with Captain Sharp to defeat the Silver Moon Wolf Cavalry Brigade. Gunderson could only escape into the Eagle Mountains with the remaining defeated soldiers.

The battle at the Platos Mountains defense line finally ended early.

After the battle at the Pratos Line of Defense, Baron Harden and Lieutenant Colonel Marvin reunited and went to Flame Castle for reinforcements. The Eighth Battalion stayed and rested in Harden Castle and was responsible for the defense in this direction.

After fighting for two consecutive months, the Eighth Battalion suffered heavy losses. The strongest force now is the Sixth Squadron commanded by Diarra and the temporary squadron commanded by Richard.

After Captain Sharp came to Haddon Castle, he brought new appointments.

Richard was transferred to the position of captain of the 7th Squadron, and his eldest brother Ron took over the position of deputy captain of the 6th Squadron.

The 7th Squadron is a newly formed squadron. It originally did not have enough soldiers. Most of the soldiers were killed or injured in the battle. The former squadron leader was also killed in the subsequent battle.

There are now only more than 20 soldiers in the 7th Squadron.

However, these more than 20 soldiers had participated in the city defense battle for more than two months. Although their physical fitness was not good enough, mentally they were veterans who had participated in hard battles.

The temporary squadron commanded by Richard are all recovered wounded soldiers, mainly soldiers from the 8th Brigade, and there are also some wounded soldiers from the Legion Reconnaissance Brigade.

The temporary squadron is now the most complete, and Captain Sharp only gave Richard thirty soldiers to take to the 7th Squadron.

Hayden still followed Richard this time and was transferred to the 7th Squadron. With Richard's care, although Hayden is not strong, he is not in the key direction of the battle every time.

When encountering tough battles, Richard always went into battle personally, leaving Hayden to stay behind. After several months of fighting, Hayden remained intact during the battle.

Seriously short of soldiers, Captain Sharp recruited hundreds of recruits from refugees to supplement the battle losses of the Eighth Battalion.

Richard took the soldiers to the 7th Squadron and found that the 7th Squadron was in pretty good condition. There were more than fifty veterans in total, and its combat effectiveness was estimated to be second only to the 6th Squadron. The previous main squadrons were all crippled this time, and 70 to 80 percent were made up of new recruits.

If the Eighth Battalion wants to regain its combat effectiveness, it is estimated that it will take two to three years of training.

In the following battle, the Eighth Battalion could only assume the tasks of the second and third lines. The legion headquarters did not transfer them to the main battlefield, but stayed in the direction of Platos to rest.

Now that the seventh and sixth squadrons have the strongest combat effectiveness, Captain Sharp has these two squadrons stationed in the Platos Fortress Group.

The remaining main force is stationed in Harden Castle, seizing the time to train and restore combat effectiveness.

With the books found in Baron Stopa's castle, Richard and the 7th Squadron once again stationed in Castle No. 3.

Castle No. 3 changed hands several times, and a lot of the city's fortifications were damaged, with part of the city wall collapsing.

After entering the castle, Richard organized training and repaired the city defenses. More than a month passed quickly, and it was August.

In the past month, rewards from the legion headquarters have also been distributed.

Ordinary soldiers received double military pay, and officers at the squadron level also received a bounty of twenty gold coins.

The most critical thing is the military exploits. The canyon ambush commanded by Diarra and Richard completely wiped out three squadrons of the Wald Brigade, which played a key role in the victory of the Platos defense line.

For victory in this battle, the two squadron leaders will each be awarded three medium merits.

In addition, Captain Diarra reinforced Platos Castle and cooperated to defeat the orc commander-in-chief Gunderson, and was awarded a medium merit. Richard led 20 cavalry to defeat half a squadron of orcs, and was awarded a medium merit.

Richard cooperated with the soldier Dida to kill the fifth-level lion-headed man Wald, and rewarded Richard with two medium merits and Dida with one medium merit.

Including Richard's killing of the orc professional, he accumulated six medium skills and three small skills in this battle.

After the entire war this year, Richard has already accumulated one major achievement and three minor achievements.

After Ron became a professional, he made two small contributions in subsequent battles, but Hayden still made no achievements.

We are still at war, and many areas cannot communicate.

Richard didn't even know about his father William's situation.

Whether it is safe can only be determined through rough intelligence analysis.

According to the battle report coming now, the main castles such as Black River Fort, Flame Fort, and Flying Eagle Fort were not lost.

However, the fortresses at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains suffered heavy losses. Some of these fortresses were noble territories, and others were castles directly under the kingdom, where the main force of the Northern Army was stationed.

The second brother, Barron, was in the Grizzlies Legion. The Grizzlies Legion was stationed far away from the Mad Lions Legion, and Richard didn't know much about the situation there.

Barron's position was relatively low and his strength was not very strong. In this cruel war, the losses of grassroots officers were particularly heavy.

After the war started, Richard did not receive any letters from his family. I don’t know if my father William, third uncle Bernie, and second brother Barron have made any military exploits?

William has already accumulated a lot of military exploits. If he gains something this year, the combined merits of his family will be enough to become a hereditary noble.

Living in the Grant Kingdom, without a noble title, he is inferior in every way.

In the past month or so, Richard has been leading soldiers to train and handle military affairs in the morning, repairing city walls with soldiers in the afternoon, and reading magic books in the evening.

This magic book is called "Charlotte Explains Thirteen Common Spells". In addition to recording complete meditation methods, it also records thirteen commonly used spells.

From the preface of the book, Richard knows that Charlotte is a local magician.

Active before the establishment of the Grant Kingdom, around 2000 in the Dawn Calendar.

It has been more than 1,200 years now.

Charlotte is a leader of a magical organization called the Highland Wizards Guild.

The meditation methods recorded in this magic book are very advanced and complete. This set of meditation methods is called Highland Meditation Method. There are twelve chapters in total, which is enough to become a nine-ring magician.

But the number of spells is relatively small, only thirteen. Nine of them are low-level magic, the other three are four-ring magic, and one is five-ring magic.

For a magician, the more magic he masters, the stronger his ability to adapt to complex environments and his combat effectiveness.

Thirteen types of magic are far from enough for a magician.

Because of the busy military affairs, I mainly focused on reading magic books, which even affected the practice of breathing techniques. There was not much progress in various skills, which was reflected in the experience value, which did not increase much for more than a month.

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