Lord Harland

Chapter 300 The general attack at dusk

After cleaning the battlefield, Richard went directly to the field hospital to express his condolences.

After Richard arrived at the hospital, he immediately expressed condolences to the wounded soldiers. Relying on better medical conditions, many veterans with serious injuries can save their lives. The vast majority of soldiers can recover physically and return to the army. These injured and recovered soldiers will greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the army.

Excellent medical capabilities are an important reason why Haaland's army has strong combat effectiveness.

According to the statistics of the staff officer, today's raid killed more than 5,600 orcs, of which more than 900 bodies were left behind by dragon-veined kobolds.

Harland led the troops and not only captured the Orcs' front camp, but the Grizzly Bear Legion also captured the Orcs' left camp.

The orcs' middle and right camps also suffered heavy losses.

Because the human army won and controlled the battle line, they could not only treat their own wounded after the war, but also massacre the wounded orcs.

In this battle, as many as 5,600 orcs were killed, and more than 700 orc prisoners were captured. In addition, more than 3,000 wounded people entered the orc camp.

The casualties caused by this battle to the orcs were no less than 10,000.

Although the results of this battle were brilliant, Harland's losses were not light.

Two hundred and eighty soldiers of the First Battalion were killed, and more than 560 were slightly or seriously injured. The casualties exceeded 800, and the casualty rate was close to 60%.

The casualties were 60% and they did not collapse. They persisted until the end of the war. The First Battalion led by Haaland was undoubtedly a strong force.

The Warcraft Cavalry Brigade suffered over 160 casualties, with 45 killed in action and over 100 lightly or seriously injured. For a team of 400 people, the casualties were very heavy.

Eighty-six people in the guard brigade were killed and more than 200 were lightly or seriously injured. The Haaland territorial army that attacked the right camp suffered more than 600 casualties.

In this fog raid, Haaland led the regular army to lose more than 600 people and injured more than 1,300 people.

Harland's casualties were close to 2,000, and the losses of the Grizzlies were not light at all.

Because the Grizzly Bear Legion was not equipped with many alchemical bombs, they suffered heavy casualties during the attack on the Orc Left Camp. Although they annihilated many Orc Legions, more than 800 were killed and more than 1,500 were lightly or seriously injured.

In this battle, the human army suffered more than 4,200 casualties and annihilated an army of more than 10,000 orcs. Especially the dragon-veined kobolds, the core of the orc army, suffered more than two thousand casualties, and the losses were already very heavy.

After this battle, the number of human regular troops had exceeded that of the orcs.

The military power in the northern part of the Grant Kingdom gradually became somewhat unbalanced.

After the battle, Richard came to the Grizzly Bear Legion camp and met his father William.

After William went to Grizzly Bear Castle to take office, he did not take his family with him. Although Fort William is now very prosperous, and Richard also extended an invitation to Mrs. Ola, Mrs. Ola still does not want to settle in Fort William. She and her children still live in Black River Fort.

William was sitting in the command tent, a little unhappy with Richard's withdrawal of troops. But Richard was already the Earl of Harland, and his status was somewhat higher than his own, so he was patient and did not reprimand him directly.

"Through the battle in the morning, I found that the morale of the orcs has declined. Now the Grizzly Legion still has nearly 17,000 soldiers who can fight. Harland has about 13,000 soldiers. Together, we have a total of 30,000 regular troops. The orcs suffered over 10,000 casualties, with only 20,000 remaining in the main army. The six auxiliary brigades of the orc rear camp were of no use in the field. Fighter planes have appeared. We should seize the opportunity to storm the orc camp. I don’t know, Count Why withdraw troops?"

Richard heard the displeasure in his father's voice, so he explained a few words.

"The heavy trebuchet has not been assembled yet, and there is no long-range strike force. The casualties in the storming of the orc camp must be heavy. I don't think we should be anxious. We might as well wait for a while. When the trebuchet troops are assembled tomorrow, we will continue to strike with long-range projection power. Next, we can force the orcs to leave the fortifications and fight with us in the field. This will not only reduce casualties, but also increase the probability of victory."

William was still not very satisfied with Richard's explanation.

"If we don't seize the opportunity to attack and give the orcs time to reorganize, the orcs' morale will recover a lot, and we may have to pay more sacrifices in the field battle tomorrow. Besides, if we give the orcs time to rest and recuperate, the orcs will take the initiative. Once the orcs retreat tonight, We will lose the opportunity to completely annihilate the enemy, and such a situation will never be forgiven."

Decision-making on the battlefield has always been based on public opinion and mother-in-law's opinion. William and Richard's disagreements were mainly determined by the style of fighting.

Although William was older, he was more ferocious in commanding the war and more greedy than Richard. As long as a fighter plane appears, he will bite the enemy tightly and not let go, regardless of the severity of his own casualties. He will do whatever it takes to defeat his enemies.

Although Richard is young, his commanding style is more steady and he is not too greedy for merit. Even if a fighter plane appears, he will focus on me to minimize his own mistakes and reduce his own casualties.

This command style is partly determined by their position.

William is the commander of the Central Army. Even if there are battle losses, he mainly relies on the central government to supplement them, and he himself does not worry too much. Richard is a local earl, and every casualty of a soldier depends on his own territory to bear the consequences and make up for the battle losses.

For the Harland Territory, as long as the Kilam Army is repelled and the casualties on one's own side are light, it will be a great victory. Even if the Killam Legion was annihilated, Harland's soldiers would suffer heavy casualties, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

Because fighting the orcs is a long-term war, the orcs may devote more legions to attack the Harland Territory three years later. Once Haaland suffers heavy losses and cannot recover in three years, he may face a worse situation.

But for William, only by annihilating Kilam's Legion can he achieve great military success. If he kills the legendary kobold with his own hands in battle, William will also become an earl, and the Harland family will take over a new earldom.

William does not only have Richard, there is a high probability that this new earldom will be passed on to his favorite eldest son, Ron. Or split the three viscounties and leave them to Ron, Hayden, George and others.

The essence of this matter is that the interests between father and son are no longer the same.

The two argued for a while, and seeing that Richard's opinion was very firm, the two sides could only compromise and decided to advance the attack time and attack the orc camp in the evening.

Harland leads the craftsmen very efficiently and has successfully assembled twenty trebuchets in the afternoon.

Seeing this scene, the orcs sent troops to harass and delay the assembly process of the trebuchet, but were repulsed by Richard and William who were well prepared.

The two armies joined forces and organized a 600-man Warcraft Cavalry. With this warcraft cavalry watching, the orcs' actions must be in vain.

After seeing the trebuchet being assembled, Kiram knew in his heart that failure was inevitable. The human army had taken the initiative and this battle was unwinnable.

In Kiram's military career, he had many experiences of losing battles. When he had just advanced to Legend, he was beaten by Duke Brenner and almost lost his life.

More than ten years ago, he was chased by Duke Jonathan, and there were only a dozen soldiers left.

But losing to a rising star, Count Harland, Kilam was still very unwilling.

Kilam was a man with strong self-control. He quickly suppressed his distracting thoughts and quietly gave orders to the dragon-veined kobolds to prepare to retreat after nightfall. With a large number of Warcraft cavalry watching, it is impossible to successfully retreat during the day. Once the retreat turns into a rout, the losses will be even more severe.

The retreat of a large-scale army is impossible without breaking up the rear. The dragon-veined kobolds are members of the Kilam tribe and are the core of his foothold in the orc empire. Of course, they cannot leave behind any descendants.

The only ones left as scapegoats are the four orcs from the right camp.

This morning, the right battalion was attacked by infantry led by Haaland. More than 600 people were killed and more than 1,000 were injured. However, after the war, they gathered nearly 2,000 remaining soldiers from the left camp, and after the replenishment, their paper strength actually increased a bit.

In order to stabilize the right camp, Kilam personally rushed to the right camp to inspect and talk to the grassroots officers.

Just when Kilam finished his inspection and was about to leave, large armies marching in neat steps were slowly approaching.

Before the army even approached, Kilam heard the sound of neat footsteps.

At the same time, a high-pitched horn sounded, followed by intensive drumbeats.

Kilam walked out of the tent, looked up, and found that it was already approaching dusk, and night would fall soon. Looking at the sunset, Kilam thought to himself: "As long as we hold on for a while and persist until night, the enemy may retreat. No matter what, tonight's breakout is inevitable."

More than twenty trebuchets launched alchemy bombs, and screams suddenly came from the camp.

In this morning's battle, the alchemy bomb caused serious casualties to the orcs. Hearing this explosion again reminded the orcs of horrific memories, and their military morale was immediately unstable.

Although the number of people in Harland's territory is small, their combat effectiveness is stronger, so their task is to attack the orcs' middle camp. The Grizzly Bear Legion's combat effectiveness is slightly weaker and they attack the orcs' right camp.

As alchemy bombs continued to be thrown into the orc camp, the human army slowly approached, and the orcs were suddenly in a dilemma.

If the orcs stay in the camp and are continuously hit by the enemy's trebuchets, they will not only suffer a steady stream of casualties, but also have an extremely heavy blow to their morale.

The Orc army is also equipped with heavy trebuchets, but the Orc soldiers who control the trebuchets can only use this weapon based on experience. The orcs are used to throwing heavy stone projectiles with a very short range. It is impossible to shoot at the trebuchet troops in Harland's territory.

If they retreat, the orcs have average organizational skills and can easily turn the retreat into a rout. Moreover, humans still have Warcraft cavalry watching, and the casualties will be heavy once they retreat.

The only better option is to mobilize troops to fight against humans.

Although Kilam had plans to retreat, he regarded the eight thousand orc army in the right camp as a scapegoat.

The cohesion of the orcs is average. If Kilam directly orders them to cut off the rear, the orc officers and soldiers in the right battalion may not obey the order. At that time, the situation will inevitably be dispersed in a rush, and it will not be able to contain the enemy at all.

Therefore, Kiram could only resort to deception and personally came to the right camp to boost the morale of the officers and soldiers. Unfortunately, in the evening, the humans launched an attack. Seeing that morale was getting lower and lower as the delay continued, Kilam thought for a while and decided to let the soldiers from the right battalion launch a countercharge.

In order to mobilize morale, Kilam decided to take the lead and personally lead the team to participate in the operation.

The commander took the lead and had a great impact on morale. Soon, under the sticks and whips of the orc officers, the four groups of orcs in the right battalion organized their formation.

"Hurry up, run fast, get through the trebuchet range, and we can defeat humanity."

The orc officers continued to boost morale, and the orcs dragged a scattered formation and charged into the Grizzly Bear Army formation in a somewhat chaotic manner.

Facing the charge of the orcs, the Grizzly Bear Legion did not dare to underestimate them, especially the veterans with rich combat experience. It was this seemingly chaotic attack that broke the Grizzly Legion formation three years ago and killed countless Grizzly Legion soldiers.

Of course, the orc attack three years ago was much larger than this time. There were 16 orc brigades and more than 30,000 orcs participating in the battle.

"Don't panic, shoot! Shoot!"

The officers kept urging, and the Grizzly Legion soldiers fired arrows one after another.

The orcs have rough skin and thick flesh, and some professionals have dozens of feather arrows stuck in their bodies, but they still rush forward bravely.

A tauren professional held up a shield, with hundreds of arrows densely nailed on the shield, and fiercely collided with him. The Minotaur professional was so powerful that he knocked down three shield soldiers of the Grizzly Bear Legion in an instant.

As the tauren professionals broke through the shield formation, a dozen orc warriors rushed up through the gap in an instant, disrupting the squadron's formation and causing the squadron to collapse.

The brigade headquarters discovered this situation and immediately dispatched dozens of elite soldiers to fill the gap.

These elite soldiers were armed with enchanted bows and had extremely high archery skills. They opened their bows and set up arrows, and in one volley they killed more than a dozen orc professionals and helped their companions stabilize the shaky formation.

For a time, such scenes appeared everywhere on the one-kilometer-long front.

Although the orcs' offensive was fierce, the number of troops was small after all, far inferior to the soldiers of the Grizzly Bear Legion.

Half an hour into the battle, the Grizzly Legionnaires had begun to gain the upper hand.

Seeing that the battle was stalemate and his own side was already at a disadvantage, Kilam made a prompt decision and decided to lead the charge himself, defeating a large human brigade and regaining the disadvantage with some points.

Kilam reached out and pointed, and a giant flame dragon appeared in the sky. This is the blood spell of the dragon-veined kobold, and its destructive power is already at the seventh-level level.

Kiram is a legendary first-class creature who can use three standard model Fire Dragons despite having average magical abilities.

The flame dragon rushed downwards and exploded directly among the soldiers, killing and wounding fifty or sixty people in an instant.

Kiram's bloodline spell caused more than a third of the casualties to a squadron, and the battle line was on the verge of collapse. The strength of the legendary professional was so tyrannical.

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