Lord Harland

Chapter 388 Battle of Samba River III

As Harland's army continued to advance, the Orc brigade also entered their strike range. ๐†๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฅ๐ž Search for ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐œ๐จ๐ฆReadโ—†

Three hundred scorching ray guns were activated at the same time. The archers of the first group led by Harland also shot feather arrows. The magician also released fireballs and lightning to attack the orcs from a distance.

However, the long-range strike power of both sides is still clearly strong and weak, and the exchange ratio is obviously at a disadvantage.

In this case, Sophia could only let the first brigade charge against the orc brigade under the rain of arrows, hoping to be able to fight hand-to-hand to offset the long-range attack advantage of the orc brigade.

The situation on the battlefield has long fallen into Richard's eyes, although he can now release the third star bomb to defeat the orcs, improve the battlefield situation, and allow Harland to lead the army to reduce casualties and gain the upper hand.

But Li noticed that his talent for danger perception had awakened, and he vaguely sensed that there was danger hidden in the dark.

Think about it with your brain, if an army of hundreds of thousands of orcs is attacking, how is it possible that there are no legendary orcs standing in the way?

Richard has been leading troops in wars for twenty years. He is already a veteran of many battles in northern Xinjiang. In addition to his cautious personality, he feels that the crisis is still hidden in the dark. Naturally, he needs to be on the safe side first to see what other trump cards the orcs have. He won't exhaust his magic power.

Seeing the orc archers shooting arrows continuously, the second and third rounds were quickly fired.

After six rounds of arrows, Haaland led the first brigade to cross this road of death.

In just three hundred meters, they withstood six rounds of arrows from the orcs. The soldiers of Harland's first brigade had suffered nearly 500 casualties. The casualty rate reached two-fifths level.

If it were an ordinary army, suffering such heavy casualties, it would almost be defeated. However, the First Brigade led by Harland was a force with a strong sense of honor. Although the casualties were heavy, they still launched a fierce charge towards the Orc Brigade.

The officers and soldiers were like injured tigers, their eyes were completely red, and they fiercely crashed into the orc formation.

Entering hand-to-hand combat, the casualties of the first brigade were immediately reduced.

At the same time, the magicians who were cooperating with the first brigade released their greasy spells, spider web spells, and fireball spells one after another to help the first brigade defeat the enemy.

Although the rain of arrows from the Orcs was powerful, the magicians could release defensive arrows, magic shields and other spells, coupled with the protection of professional officers, the Orcs rained six rounds of arrows, and the magicians led by Harland were almost unscathed.

The orc archers fell into hand-to-hand combat. Although they were equally strong in hand-to-hand combat and could compete with the first brigade led by Harland, they were not as terrifying as long-range attacks. With the help of magicians, the battle line maintained a balance.

Just when the first brigade was in a bitter battle, Haaland led the second brigade to break the balance.

Although this brigade is not as elite as the first brigade, it is also equipped with more than 600 pieces of enchanted armor, and the number of professionals in the brigade exceeds 300. The Second Brigade was also equipped with three hundred searing ray guns, and the Orc Ninth Brigade suffered heavy casualties during the long-range attack.

After entering into hand-to-hand combat, they quickly defeated the ninth brigade of orcs.

The second brigade was freed up and immediately cooperated with the first brigade to flank the orcs.

The flank was attacked by the second brigade, and the orcs' casualties immediately increased, and the situation became worse, falling into the dilemma of fighting on two fronts.

At this moment, the retreating orcs had completed their reorganization, and the three legions of orcs were free to launch a counterattack, cooperating with the Thirteenth Legion to surround the Harland soldiers leaving the city.

The magic crystal cannon on Military Station No. 10 continued to attack, blocking the orc reinforcements. The orcs, despite the casualties, still gritted their teeth and moved forward.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more serious, the senior leaders of the Harland Leader Mage Association took action one after another. The elven squadron and the special squadron jumped out of the military formation and acted as skirmishers to hunt down the orcs.

Flying units such as gryphon cavalry, bipedal flying dragon cavalry, and magic hot air balloons were all dispatched, preparing to cooperate with the infantry to attack the orcs from the air.

The harpies in the orc army also gathered together and launched a counterattack against the griffons and wyverns.

Griffins and wyverns are inherently much more powerful than harpies, and with the help of the knights on their backs, their combat effectiveness is far superior to that of harpies.

Although there were six to seven hundred harpies near Military Station No. 10, they were at a disadvantage against the flying troops led by Harland.

Undine, Wendy, Eve and other magicians are very powerful in combat. When the magicians from the Harland Mage Association use their strength, the casualties of the orc brigade suddenly increase.

Hundreds of mages released a round of magic, and nearly 200 orcs were killed or injured. After all, Harland leads a large number of mid-level mages, and coupled with a large number of low-level mages, the mage group is already a heavy weight that determines victory or defeat on a medium-sized battlefield.

The Orcs were originally flanked by the First and Second Brigades and were in a dilemma. Now they were hit hard by the Mage Group, and the situation was suddenly unsustainable.

At this moment, Richard had led the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade to flank the Tenth Brigade of Orcs.

The combat effectiveness of the 10th Orc Brigade was relatively weak and was unable to withstand the attack of the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade. Almost in one charge, the 10th Orc Battalion was defeated.

The Warcraft Cavalry Brigade freed up its hands and immediately circled to the right wing of the Orc Brigade, cooperating with the First Brigade and the Second Brigade to attack the enemy.

Now the orcs were caught in hand-to-hand combat, being besieged by the first and second brigade led by Harland. They couldn't spare much manpower to shoot arrows, and they were quickly approached by the Warcraft cavalry.

The battle has reached this point, and Harland's army has defeated the 1st, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 15th infantry brigades of the Thirteenth Orc Legion, as well as the two special brigades of the Snake Man and the Silver Moon Wolf Cavalry.

Now the Warcraft cavalry rushed up, and the last elite soldiers of the Orcs were in a desperate situation surrounded on three sides.

Including the orcs killed by the magic crystal cannon, the orc casualties were already very heavy.

Although Melonla mobilized four legions in the direction of Grant this time, these four legions were all legions with average combat effectiveness and their numbers were relatively low.

The Orc Grassland Governor-General covers a vast area. It not only has three million square kilometers of northern prairie, but also has one million square kilometers of Silver Wolf Mountain area, one million square kilometers of eastern coastal forest area, and six million square kilometers of northern ice sheet area. , a million square kilometers of Filet Highlands area.

More than a hundred years ago, the Orc Grassland Governor-General still managed millions of square kilometers of the Eagle Mountains. Its territory extended to the south of the Dragon Canyon, including the three northern provinces of the Grant Kingdom and the four duchies of Edward, Fox, Harland, and Jonathan. .

More than a hundred years ago, Duke Brenner won a decisive victory in Dragon Canyon. The orcs gradually withdrew from the Eagle Mountains and have now lost nearly 600,000 square kilometers of land.

Despite losing a large area of โ€‹โ€‹territory, the territory managed by the Orc Grassland Governor-General covers an area of โ€‹โ€‹more than 12 million square kilometers. Although nearly half of it is a cold ice sheet area, the orc troops are very tight to guard such a vast land.

There are sixty-eight orc legions in the entire grassland governor-general, with nearly 1.4 million regular troops. In addition to the ten legions controlled by Melonla, they were divided into three front armies.

The main opponent of the Eastern Front is the Kingdom of Grant, organized into fourteen orc legions, with an army of nearly 300,000 people.

Nineteen years ago, Richard invented the counterweight trebuchet. Martins, who commanded the Northern Army, relied on this new weapon to achieve a great victory. The Grant Kingdom invaded the northern prairie and killed the commander of the Eastern Front. Legendary quilboar.

In order to improve the situation of the Eastern Front, the orcs mobilized four legions of reinforcements in this direction.

After more than twenty years of fighting, the orcs lost many troops and generals. In total, the Harland leader annihilated more than 200,000 troops, and also lost the legendary dragon-veined kobolds. In the last battle, even the seventeenth legion, the ace unit, was completely lost.

Although cannon fodder troops are easy to replenish, in a war, cannon fodder alone cannot win. Every elite unit is surrounded and annihilated, and the war potential of the orcs is weakened by one point.

This time four legions of reinforcements were mobilized, and Melonla had tried his best. In order to stabilize the situation, the Grassland Governor-General has been unable to continue to increase troops to the Eastern Front in the past ten years.

You can't give up on the Feli Highlands, the Silver Wolf Mountains, and the Orc Grassland Governor's Region is not the only enemy led by Harland. The red dragons along the coast and the legendary ogres in the Eagle Mountains are all enemies of the orcs to some extent.

What's more, there are five human countries, the Grant Kingdom, the Stanik Grand Duchy, the Lane Kingdom, the Larsson Grand Duchy, and the Crimean Grand Duchy. They are all enemies that the Grassland Governor-General needs to defend.

Faced with so many enemies, the Prairie Governor-General was simply unable to mobilize all its troops to the Harland Territory.

Seeing that the Orc brigade is about to be surrounded and annihilated, once this elite brigade is surrounded and annihilated by the army led by Harland, the Thirteenth Orc Legion will inevitably fail to recover.

Seeing that the battle had reached this point and Richard still hadn't released the last star bomb, the commander of the Grassland Governor-General Melon La finally couldn't hold it anymore. He suddenly appeared and launched a surprise attack on Richard alone.

Melonla was already at the third level of Legendary. His speed was extremely fast, and he instantly turned into an afterimage and charged in the direction of the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade.

Melonra is a lion man. After being promoted to the third level of legend, he awakened six spells, three of which have reached the legendary level. His personal strength is no less than that of Duke Brenner back then, and slightly more powerful than the legendary second-level black dragon.

The legendary third level is already a high-level member of the Orc Empire. Melonla's status in the Orc Empire is roughly the same as Richard's status in the Grant Kingdom.

Although the level of magic civilization in the Orc Empire is not high, it has a vast territory and can produce a variety of magic resources. Through transactions with Markholm Magic Kingdom, Celtic Magic Kingdom and other magic countries on the West Coast, Melonra already has two legendary items. Props for self-defense.

Melonla held a heavy giant ax tightly with both hands, and like a bolt of lightning, he charged upstream towards the second brigade of Warcraft Cavalry.

Seeing this scene, Undine immediately released the powerful eight-ring magic dimensional cage.

A dimensional space appeared next to Melonra, instantly trapping the legendary third-level lion man in a dimensional cage.

Seeing that he was trapped in a different dimension, Melonla's ferocity suddenly increased. He roared suddenly, his body immediately tripled in size, stimulating his blood, and he suddenly raised the legendary axe, smashing the dimensional cage.

Although Melonla reacted quickly, the glimmer of opportunity that Undine fought for Richard was enough on the battlefield.

As soon as Undine's spell was released, Richard decisively released the third star bomb.

Just as Melonla was out of trouble, a ray of white light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the legendary third-level lion man.

Seeing this scene, Melonla hurriedly took out a magic bronze bell. The magic bell instantly turned into a giant bell ten meters high, covering Melonla from head to toe in the giant bell.

Thick starlight suddenly hit the giant clock, causing ripples in layers, and the two legendary magic props erupted with huge energy fluctuations. A dazzling light burst out, and suddenly there was a strong explosion above the giant bell.

In an instant, a deafening sound came from the area near the giant bell.

The aftermath of the battle made Richard, who was one kilometer away, unable to help but plug his ears and squint his eyes. The second brigade of Warcraft Cavalry led by him also fell into chaos at the same time.

The power of the starlight bomb far exceeded that of the legendary first-level magic bronze bell. The violent energy lasted for a moment and penetrated the magic bronze bell fiercely.

Suddenly, Richard heard a shrill scream. Although the legendary third-level Melonla survived relying on the magical bronze bell, his injuries were also very serious.

Melonla's whole body seemed to be steamed, and his life energy was knocked down by 70 to 80%. Even the legendary magical copper bell that he relied on had a big hole penetrated by the starlight.

This kind of injury has weakened Melonla's combat effectiveness by 40 to 50%.

Seeing that the star bomb had injured Melon La, Richard immediately turned his horse around, joined the first team, and handed the star necklace to Sophia.

Sophia refined the legendary Styx potion, and after her spiritual breakthrough, she put on the star necklace and was able to release three star bombs. If she could hit one more time, it would be enough to kill Melonra.

Melonla's eyes were very keen. Although he didn't know Sophia's details, he immediately changed his mind when he saw this scene. He turned around and tore up the extra-dimensional scroll, and escaped through magic means.

Melonla chose to give up and left decisively. The legendary first-order jackal who was hiding in the dark was cunning and ghost-like, and also did not show up.

When the two legends stopped, the orc brigade could not avoid the fate of being surrounded and annihilated.

Without the elite troops of the orc brigade, the Thirteenth Legion was quickly defeated. Even with the help of other orc armies, they only gathered 6,000 soldiers.

In this battle, the orcs suffered another defeat. Counting the results of the magic crystal cannon at the top of the city, the orcs lost nearly 20,000 soldiers.

More than half of the 20,000 soldiers were strong soldiers in the orc army. The elite soldiers and generals were wiped out and could not be replaced in a short time.

Although the attacking orcs tried their best this time and used sixteen legions to besiege Harland Territory, they still could not open up the situation. Instead, they broke their teeth at the No. 10 Military Station and lost the strong soldier of the Thirteenth Corps.

After the Battle of Samba River, the orcs quickly accepted the reality and began to withdraw on October 16th.

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