Lord Harland

Chapter 407 Cutting off the escape route

Mark Dean made a mistake in his decision-making. He rashly sent reinforcements without understanding the enemy's situation. As a result, it turned out to be a fueling tactic, which made it easy for Haaland to lead three battles.

Discovering that Duke Hubble and his troops appeared nearby, Richard directly set a trap in the dense forest halfway and defeated his opponent in a short time.

In just five days, Richard led Harland's army to attack the enemy's left flank, winning three battles and annihilating 64,000 enemy troops. However, Harland's army suffered losses of less than 600 people. .

Such a brilliant victory calmed the aristocracy of the United Kingdom on the east coast.

Mark Dean noticed that the morale of the soldiers was low and decided to personally lead the team to a great victory. However, he did not want to confront Harland's army head-on, because Mark Dean had already received the intelligence and figured out the reason for the defeat of the Nineteenth Army.

The killer weapon of star bomb has fallen into Mark Dean's eyes.

Although Mark Dean also has legendary-level treasures on his body, and the reinforcements of mages from the headquarters have arrived, he is still unwilling to face the power of the hard-top star bomb.

Since he was unwilling to fight a decisive battle with Harland's leader, Mark Dean decided to launch a fierce attack from the Hubbard Mountains, attack the logistics line of Harland's army, and first defeat the 30,000 coalition forces of Steven and the southern nobles.

In this year's war, the three kingdoms mobilized nearly two million troops. The main front-line troops exceeded one million troops. The width of the main battlefield was one thousand kilometers long.

On the western front, William commanded the Grizzly Army and the four Dukes of Grant, leading an army of 150,000 to attack the 300,000 defenders of the Kingdom of Delon and the 100,000 troops of the Dukes of East and Orlando. Although it started very smoothly, with the elite cavalry of Duke Anton joining the battlefield, it has now fallen slightly behind.

The center line is commanded by Zachary. The five legions are all elite soldiers of the royal family. Their opponents are 100,000 troops from the Kingdom of Delon, plus six legions with approximately 120,000 troops from the United Kingdom on the East Coast. Despite the huge difference in strength, Zachary had gained a considerable advantage, reached the south bank of the Mara River, and began to approach the Castle of St. Sith, the capital of the Kingdom of Delon.

The Eastern Route Army commanded by Richard had the smallest number of troops. Together with the coalition forces of Earl Steven and the southern nobles, the front-line force was only 75,000. Richard's opponent was Mark Dean, the legendary knight of the United Kingdom on the East Coast. He commanded a total of nine legions. Together with the armies of Duke Hubble and Isaac, the total number was 220,000.

In addition, there is the northern battlefield. The four Marquises in the east of the Grant Kingdom and the three regiments of the Royal Guards have about 150,000 front-line troops, while the United Kingdom on the east coast has a total of 220,000 troops including the navy.

In this direction, the United Kingdom on the East Coast has the strategic initiative because of its naval superiority. It can come and leave whenever it wants. The United Kingdom army on the east coast mobilized the defenders back and forth and fought a very exciting battle, annihilating 30,000 people from the Grant Kingdom.

King Roger failed in the first battle and was forced to adopt the method of strengthening the walls and clearing the country, and issued an order to move to the sea. As soon as the sea migration order was issued, the four eastern marquises suffered heavy economic losses, and more than 100,000 slaves died during the migration. Only by using this lose-lose approach was the attack of the United Kingdom on the East Coast blocked.

In the war five years ago, although the Grant Kingdom won a complete victory and expanded its land to 150,000 square kilometers in the south, it lost the Earl of Silver Moon Island and fought against the United Kingdom on the East Coast. Strategically, it has become passive.

If the Earl of Silver Moon Island had been saved in the last war, this war would not be so passive.

Through this war, the fleet of the United Kingdom on the east coast woke up King Roger. In this war, King Roger clearly felt the important role of the navy.

On the battlefield in four directions, no party has been able to break the balance, and they are all in a stalemate.

Realizing that Richard was approaching with his troops and wanted to fight a decisive battle to break the balance of the war, Mark Dean decided to do the opposite.

He hoarded six legions in the south of the Hubble Mountains, adopted the method of clearing the country with strong walls and setting up many forts, hoping to hold back Richard's army. He personally led two legions, pulsed down from the Hubble Mountains, and attacked Steven. The earl and the southern nobles allied forces.

The timing of Mark Dean's attack was very sudden, ensuring the concealment of the attack. He took the lead and led the elite infantry to break through six fortresses in a row.

This unstoppable momentum suppressed the coalition of southern nobles.

Compared with the army of Earl Steven, the southern noble coalition was more loose. Facing the severe test, it lacked internal cohesion. Under the attack of the United Kingdom army on the east coast, it first collapsed. The collapse also dispersed Earl Steven. The camp, causing Steven's army to fall into slight chaos.

Sensing that the situation was not good, Earl Steven did not choose to lead his troops to escape. He knew in his heart: "Once he flees and allows the East Coast United Kingdom army to cut off the food route, Duke Harland will definitely hold himself accountable after returning.

Although I have Grant royal blood, Duke Harland will not care about this and reduce his punishment. There is a high probability that my head will be used to intimidate the army. When the time comes, the territory will also be exonerated and taken back by the royal family. I believe the Roger Kingdom will also agree to it.

Now the only thing to escape is to live a few more days, it is better to fight for the children. If I win this battle by luck and still achieve meritorious service, even if this battle fails and I die here, King Roger and Duke Harland will not be able to hold the officers who died in the battle accountable.

In the blink of an eye, Steven had already thought clearly. He decisively issued the order to suppress the fleeing soldiers, leading Steven's army to fight a bloody war with Mark Dean.

Count Steven led his soldiers to fight bravely, but could not withstand the fierce attack of the legendary knight. Mark Dean took the lead and personally led the troops into the formation, breaking through Count Steven's formation.

Although Count Steven was a ninth-level epic knight, he could not compete with the legendary second-level knight. Despite the fierce resistance, he still died at the hands of Mark Dean.

In this battle, Earl Steven was defeated and died. The southern noble coalition lost 90% of its troops, and only collected less than 3,000 defeated troops in the rear.

More than 30,000 troops were wiped out, and Mark Dean's losses were only 4,000.

After winning this battle, Mark Dean successfully completed the combat objective, cut off the food channel of Richard's Ministry, and trapped Richard's Ministry into a pincer attack from the front and rear.

Because they marched all night and fought a hard battle, Mark Dean asked the soldiers to rest for the night and decided to attack Saron Castle tomorrow.

Although Mark Dean was caught off guard, there were Haaland airborne scouts hundreds of miles above the ground nearby. The Griffin Cavalry quickly noticed the anomaly and passed the news to Saron City.

After discovering that the back road was lost, Levin, the defender of Saron City, did not hesitate. He immediately burned the food and grass, abandoned the 20,000 slaves he had collected and captured, massacred the prisoners of war, and decisively led the army back to Jinshan City. Convergence of Kesi.

After the two armies merged, there were three infantry brigades and three Warcraft Cavalry squadrons, with a total number of approximately 5,000 people.

Five thousand people relied on the city wall to hold on, and they had barely touched Mark Dean's troops.

After Mark Dean defeated the coalition forces of Earl Steven and the southern nobles, he still needed to cut off the army's food routes and attack and control several key castles. The army he personally brought to Jinshan Castle only numbered 18,000 people.

Losing the surprise of the attack, Mark Dean could only order the soldiers to attack by force.

Jinshan Castle has complete fortifications. Although the number of defenders is small, they are well-trained soldiers. The siege on the first day made no progress.

Although Mark Dean personally led the troops to raid, he was attacked by a large number of alchemical bombs, explosive arrows, magic feather arrows, and even Warcraft cavalry ambushed under the city wall, constantly releasing magic missiles and besieging Mark Dean.

Although Mark Dean killed and injured hundreds of soldiers during the battle, the defenders still did not collapse and withstood Mark Dean's fierce attack. On the contrary, Mark Dean consumed most of his magic power, and the ninth-level enchanted armor on his body also appeared. Severely worn.

Levine and Sokes blocked the first round of Mark Dean's fierce attack. Richard led the army with Haaland and was already approaching the United Kingdom's defense line on the east coast.

Now that the way back was cut off by the enemy, Richard's troops only carried supplies for seven days. Although there were 500 tons of food stored in the space props, this amount of food was only enough to feed Richard's army for three days.

The food was only enough for ten days, and the enemy could not be defeated in ten days. Harland led an army of 40,000 people and had to kill horses to satisfy hunger. After the horses and livestock were eaten, he had to eat people in order to survive.

At this critical moment, Richard did not choose to deceive the soldiers. Instead, he conducted a brief pre-war mobilization and told the soldiers the true situation on the battlefield.

"Soldiers, our food routes have been cut off. The five thousand brothers in Jinshan Castle are also surrounded by enemies and it is difficult to escape. Now we only have enough food to last for ten days. If we cannot defeat the enemy within ten days, we will fail. Even if you barely save your lives, you will become slaves, lose your freedom for the rest of your life, and live miserable lives.

Therefore, in order to avoid this outcome, we can only fight tooth and nail to defeat the defense line of the United Kingdom Army on the east coast. Then we can go deep into the enemy's territory, grab money, food, and women, and control the fate of the defeated. At that time, no matter the high-ranking noble lady or the charming noble lady, they will need to express their love under your crotch in order to save the lives of their relatives. "

Under normal circumstances, the military discipline led by Harland is very strict, especially within the country, and the penalties for violating military discipline are very severe. However, when fighting abroad and invading the enemy, in order to keep the morale of the soldiers and fight tooth and nail in the battle, military discipline must be relaxed slightly. .

Although Richard allowed his soldiers to rob and rape, he prohibited his soldiers from slaughtering the city. Zooming into the army of the Dawn Plane, the moral standards of the soldiers led by Harland are already at a relatively high level.

Even though the United Kingdom troops on the east coast avoided fighting, Harland's attack was still very rapid.

In just two days, Harland led the army to attack the city three times, and Richard used star bombs twice to defeat the enemy's counterattack. After five battles, three fortresses were captured and more than 20,000 enemy troops were annihilated.

The war has continued until now, and the enemy's Eastern Route Army has lost 90,000 troops.

The loss of 90,000 troops was equivalent to 40% of the battle damage. Since many troops were lost in the organic form, the remaining enemy troops were basically fully organized and could barely support themselves.

Richard won a great victory on the front line, and the vicinity of Jinshan Castle could no longer be supported.

Facing the attack of the legendary knight, there were no masters of the same level, so the defenders faced serious difficulties. They only defended for two days, and the losses were already very serious. Although the defenders smashed a set of ninth-level enchanted armor by Mark Dean, they still Unable to seriously injure this man, nearly a thousand people on his side were killed by this legendary knight.

The war has continued to this day, with only 2,400 defenders left, and more than 300 wounded soldiers. If it were not for the strict military laws of the army led by Haaland, as well as good logistical support and the pension system that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, ordinary troops , after suffering more than 60% casualties, it could no longer support itself.

The main force led by Richard is about 80 kilometers away from Jinshan Castle. Now Harland's army is entangled with the United Kingdom defenders on the east coast and it is not easy to withdraw. Therefore, through the Griffin Cavalry, Richard issued an order to the defenders of Jinshan Castle. Military orders to retreat.

After receiving the order for the airdrop of the Griffin Cavalry, Levin and Sokes abandoned the wounded soldiers and issued the order to break out late at night.

As the saying goes, kindness does not control the army. Although it is inhumane to abandon the wounded, at the moment of life and death, the commander must make a choice, and this choice often destroys humanity.

The breakout operation was very decisive and swift. Instead of breaking out to the east and getting closer to Richard, the two Levins went in the opposite direction and launched an attack to the west.

The two were caught by surprise, and the process of breaking through the encirclement was very smooth.

Although Mark Dean personally led the troops and chased for a distance, Levin and Sokes still escaped with their lives. There were about 1,200 troops who broke through the encirclement with them.

Because Levin and Sokes were wandering away, Mark Dean had to leave three thousand soldiers to guard Jinshan City.

During the two-day siege, the United Kingdom troops on the east coast led by Mark Dean also lost more than 3,000 soldiers. In the battle with Earl Steven and the Southern Allied Forces, Mark Dean's troops lost 4,000 people. In the attack on Jinshan Castle, they lost 3,000 people. They cut off the food route of Harland's army and needed to leave 18,000 people.

Now Mark Dean was able to flank Richard's army, with only 12,000 men left. The continuous hard fighting also made this army lose its fighting spirit.

Through the griffon and the flying dragon, Richard already knew that Jinshan Fort had been lost, and the enemy was about to arrive the day after tomorrow.

Before the enemy arrived, Richard once again led Harland's army to launch a fierce attack. Regardless of fatigue, he attacked two castles in one day and once again annihilated more than 10,000 enemies.

The war has reached this point, and the soldiers led by Harland have maintained high morale. Relying on the support of artillery, they took the initiative to attack the city five times, breached five enemy castles, defeated the enemy's two counterattacks, and annihilated the 30,000-strong army of the United Kingdom on the east coast. His losses were only fifteen hundred people.

The war has continued to this day, and together with the losses of Levin and Sokes after they were cut off, the losses of Harland's army have been close to 6,000. And the enemy troops they annihilated were close to 100,000 people.

After this day's fighting, the United Kingdom's front line on the east coast was already shaky and almost unsustainable.

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