Lord Harland

Chapter 462 Alien Labyrinth 2

The two nine-ring magics released by Richard and Sussman were more effective than the legendary magics. They even banished the two most powerful professionals present into a dangerous environment.

Richard and Sussman left the battlefield one after another. Sophia, Sylph, and Eve respectively stopped three enemy legendary warriors.

Sylph is a legendary knight, and her combat power is much better than that of the legendary warrior, so she easily gained the upper hand.

As a ninth-level magician, Sophia discovered two new types of magic particles after entering the red moon plane. The theory of magic particles she mastered has made new progress, and when it is fed back to her mental power, she actually has another It has improved a little, now it has exceeded fifty points, and the talent of water element body has been awakened. The mental power has exceeded fifty points, which is equivalent to the level of an ordinary legendary magician. Although his spell casting ability is not as good as Sussman, his combat power is still much stronger than that of a legendary warrior.

A nine-ring magician is a bit more threatening than a legendary knight. What's more, there is a small legendary mage like Sophia. Her destructive power and adaptability are more powerful than Sylph and Sutton.

Unless encountering extreme circumstances, usually a nine-ring mage with more than 40 points of spiritual power is enough to compete with the legendary first-level knight.

Although Eve is only a seventh-level magician, she controls a legendary steel golem. Although this combination had weaknesses, the legendary warrior could not seize the loopholes at all. Instead, he maximized his advantage in frontal combat and defeated the enemy in a shorter period of time.

The legendary battle fell into a disadvantage, and the Red Moon plane side naturally could not win.

The battle lasted for less than an hour. In the end, Sylph and the legendary golem defeated the opponent, while Sophia used magic to control the opponent, and then killed the enemy with the freed legendary steel golem.

Legend retreated, and the Red Moon Holy See's sneak attack naturally had no effect. Instead, the two elite echelons suffered nearly 160 casualties.

Nearly a quarter of the key elites were killed or injured. The foundation of the Red Moon Holy See coalition was damaged and they no longer had the strength to attack Beers City.

After winning the war, Sophia stood on the top of the city, but there was no trace of happiness on her face.

She fought this battle relatively easily, using only 30% of her magic power, but the mental pressure was relatively heavy because Richard was still trapped in an alien plane.

In the previous battle, Sophia had already recognized Sussman's alien labyrinth spell. As a well-informed nine-ring magician, she knew very well that Richard had infiltrated Sussman's lair.

Alone, he fell into the demiplane that the enemy had managed for many years. Even if the legendary magician could not come back for a while, Richard's situation was still full of dangers.

So despite winning the battle, Sophia still didn't look happy at all.

When Sussman released the alien maze just now, Sophia had already memorized the spatial coordinates of the demiplane. At this moment, she had no time to modify it, so she immediately decided to enter the demiplane and rescue Richard from the maze.

Although Sussman established a portal to the demiplane, this portal was established in Gruin, the headquarters of the Red Moon Holy See.

The Gruin Temple Cathedral has the body of a saint and is protected by the power of the gods. Sophia does not dare to lead everyone to Gruin to find the portal arranged by Sussman.

Without the teleportation array, knights and warriors would naturally be unable to enter the alien plane. In addition, low-level magicians are also unable to open different dimensions. Only mid-level magicians and above can be mobilized to rescue Richard.

Although magicians have strong fighting power and extremely high adaptability, their bodies are their weak points after all. Without the protection of knights and warriors, the risk of entering an unfamiliar plane is very high. After all, the demiplane that Sussman has been operating for many years may not be able to survive. There will be a shortage of people left behind.

Moreover, there is a certain probability that the spatial coordinates calculated by Sophia are inaccurate. If you make a mistake in casting the spell and fall into space turbulence or a dangerous plane, your own safety is not guaranteed.

Although the risk was high and more than 30% of her own magic power was consumed, Sophia decided to immediately open the interdimensional channel to help Richard escape.

According to Sophia's understanding, although Sussman was exiled to the blue plane by Richard, he had to go through inter-dimensional teleportation if he wanted to come back. However, if he was lucky and did not alert the legendary lich of the blue plane, he could get there in about half a day. Complete the spell preparations, mark the spatial coordinates of the azure plane, and release the nine-ring magic plane to travel.

Once Sussman returns to the red moon plane and Richard is still trapped in another dimension, the situation must be very bad, and the worst situation is likely to occur.

"After I leave, the command of the entire army will be handed over to Martin."

Sophia settled down for a few words and decided to take Eve and Annie into the alien plane to help Richard escape.

After years of development, the Harland Wizard Association is no longer just two or three big cats and kittens. Now there are six senior magicians in the Harland Wizard Association, namely Richard and Sophia of the Nine Rings. , Undine of the eighth ring, Wendy, Eve and Freya of the seventh ring.

Freya, like Eve, is an elf mage. She is an elf from the East Coast Province. She joined Sylph for five years and completed her promotion under the Tree of Life two years ago. She is relatively old, already seven hundred years old, and is considered the oldest among the elves. Her appearance is similar to that of a middle-aged woman.

Eve is relatively young, just over a hundred years old. According to the age of elves, she is still as old as a girl.

For immortal species like elves, it is easy to improve their professional level when they are in the transformation period of their bloodline. If they miss the transformation period, it will be very difficult to upgrade their professional level. After Freya entered middle age, her bloodline had stabilized, and it took about one hundred and sixty years to complete a professional level promotion.

Eve was in the stage of transformation before she reached adulthood. She was promoted twice in a row in more than ten years and grew into a high-level professional before she reached adulthood. Only by laying a solid foundation can she hope to break through to the legendary realm.

In addition to six high-level mages, there are more than 40 magicians above the fourth level in the Harland Mage Association, including more than ten mid-level elf mages.

Anne is a leader among mid-level mages. She has been promoted to the sixth level and has a relatively high level of magic.

Of course, the one with the best qualifications and talent is Margaret, the daughter of Richard and Sophia. She has been promoted to the fifth ring at the age of twenty and is also a very rare Star Mage.

Harland Territory has a very complete inheritance of Star Mage. There is no need to consider the adaptation of meditation method, and it can be promoted all the way to the fourth level of legend. Her potential and career development prospects are brighter than those of Sophia and Undine.

This time, the threshold for entering an alien plane to reinforce Richard is very high, and one must have a level above the sixth ring.

Because if you want to enter the alien plane through the space coordinates controlled by Sophia, you must release the six-ring magic to open the door to the alien plane.

Although the four-ring magic dimensional door can also open a different dimensional space, this spell is still relatively rough and its positioning is not accurate. Usually it can only be used to avoid danger and cannot be used for plane exploration.

In fact, if you enter a familiar plane space, it is better to use the nine-ring magic plane teleportation.

For example, magicians such as Richard and Sophia can release this magic and enter the world of standard good plane coordinates such as azure, red moon, and morning light.

The more experienced a magician is, the more powerful he will be, and this spell is also a very important reason.

Because of this ability, legendary warriors below the fourth level are basically unable to kill nine-ring magicians who are proficient in space magic. Legendary knights have different magical abilities. Some knights master bloodline spells that will restrain the teleportation of planes and spaces. , the threat to magicians far exceeds the warrior profession.

Although space magic is easy to use, it is actually difficult to master. Most magicians can only learn elementary space spells such as shapeshifting, dimensional gates, and dimensional anchors. When it comes to sixth-ring magic to open the door to an alien plane, it is difficult to master. It's already very high. Very few can master the more complex banishment techniques, alien mazes, plane travel, and alien gates.

About 70% to 80% of legendary mages are unable to understand the core nature of time and space, and basically cannot use more complex space magic.

Even Sussman, the best space magic he has mastered is the alien labyrinth, because he has studied the demiplane he has mastered for many years and is very proficient in this magic. Secondly, the best space magic I have learned is plane travel. Sussman also has rich experience. He has entered the two planes of Dawn and Leith.

Sussman didn't know how to use the gate to another world released by Richard, and he couldn't understand it.

In terms of space magic, Sussman's knowledge is far more complete and deeper than that of Richard and Sophia.

The situation in the Harland Territory is relatively special. Although the universe where Richard lived in his previous life did not have magic particles and could not develop magical civilization, the technological civilization was already at a considerable level. The understanding of the microscopic world is already relatively deep, and the research materials are overwhelming.

After Richard learned magic, his memory became better and better. After his mental power exceeded fifty points, he could even recall in his mind all the documents he had read in his previous life if he wanted to. The space geometry, theory of relativity and other knowledge he learned in his previous life have actually greatly promoted the study of magic in this universe.

Based on the time of the crystal wall system where the Dawn Plane is located, more than 3,600 years ago, the vibration of the cosmic wall collided, resulting in the formation of a special energy channel between the Earth and the Dawn Plane. More than 10,000 earthling souls traveled to This crystal wall system.

Especially the Dawn Plane, which is on the edge of the wall of this universe, has accepted the souls of more than 99% of the people on earth.

According to the information left by Shao Gongyuan, this group of people traveled through time around the 1920s. Even in Europe at that time, most people did not have a modern university education. At that time, the scientific level of the people on earth was not as good as it is now, and their quality was not comparable to Richard's. The Dawn Plane is at the end of the Wizarding Age. It is very dangerous and chaotic, and you will lose your life if you are not careful. But there are still many fellows from Earth who have achieved success. According to what Richard has learned, seven people from the Star Alliance alone have been promoted to legends, and they have also given birth to Shao Gongyuan, a powerful fourth-level legend.

At that time, Shao Gongyuan's strength was already very close to that of a demigod.

The situation when Richard traveled through time was far better than that of Shao Gongyuan, and the knowledge he brought from his previous life was of greater help to him. Soon after he was promoted to the ninth ring, he mastered almost all space-type magic, and even dabbled in time-type magic.

Thanks to Richard's help, Sophia has mastered a lot of knowledge about different universes that no one has ever seen before, and her understanding of time and space is also very deep. So she only saw Sussman release a spell once, and she was able to complete the calculation of the spatial coordinates and take Eve and Annie into Sussman's demiplane.

Just when Sophia and others entered the alien plane, the battle between Richard and Sussman's students was already breaking out fiercely.

After falling into the maze of another world, Richard immediately discovered that the maze was a super cube, consisting of nearly 100,000 rooms. There were a large number of traps in these rooms, and they continued to rotate irregularly, as if they were an extremely complex human-controlled cube. rubik's cube.

It is simply impossible to decipher the operating rules of the maze and escape from the maze in a clever way.

Since he couldn't use tricks to break the situation, Richard released a large number of spells directly at the maze. Fireballs and lightning were fired continuously. In just ten minutes, tens of thousands of rooms in the maze were destroyed by Richard, which seriously affected the Maze Rubik's Cube. operation.

Seeing that the Maze Rubik's Cube was seriously damaged, Sussman's students could only enter the maze in person to stop Richard's actions.

As a legendary mage, Sussman not only wrote numerous books, but also trained many students over the decades. Although the magic organization he established is not as large as the Harland Master Mage Association, it has more than 300 members.

A small number of these three hundred magicians followed Sussman and participated in the attack on Biers. Most of them stayed in the half-plane controlled by Sussman, and the total number exceeded 200.

Among Sussman's disciples and grandsons, there are also two who have been promoted to high-level mages. There are six intermediate magicians in total, thirty-seven junior magicians, and the rest are magic apprentices.

The magic apprentice has only a few dozen points of magic power in his body, and the spell models he masters are also very simple. If he is in an encounter, he can't keep up with Richard's pace. No matter how many people there are, tens of thousands of people, they can't keep up with Li Cha's pace. Watch this powerful mage contend.

But in the lair that Sussman has run for many years, the magic apprentice can also play a strong role.

Because Sussman has arranged many magic arrays. Although most of these magic arrays are powered by magic crystals, they require magicians to manipulate them. Magic apprentices can cause certain troubles for Richard by manipulating the magic circle.

Moreover, through some magic arrays, the magic power of magic apprentices can be gathered to release some simple but powerful spells, such as freezing rays and magic missiles.

Although the magic power gathered through this special magic circle is not very efficient, the magic power contained by thirty magic apprentices combined is roughly the same as that of Richard. Although the efficiency of magic use between the two sides is not comparable, more than a hundred magic apprentices The apprentice is no longer a burden. He can also consume Richard's magic power and play a role in the battle.

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