Lord Harland

Chapter 466 Undercurrent

After MacMillan was promoted to the legendary knight, King Roger's mood became a little worse again.

In recent years, although the Grant Kingdom has developed smoothly and expanded outwards to a large area of ​​land, it has also accumulated a lot of internal problems, gradually forming a situation of internal and external imbalance.

The Harland and Jonathan families are already powerful enough to pose a threat to the Grant family.

In a kingdom, when this kind of situation occurs, it is very troublesome to deal with it. If you are not careful, a civil war will break out.

About twenty years ago, a civil war broke out in the Grant Kingdom.

It was with the support of the Jonathan and York families that King Roger defeated the royal guards and seized the throne.

Compared with twenty years ago, the contrast in power is more obvious. In the next battle for the throne, due to the interference of external nobles, the Grant family is in danger of losing power.

In the past twenty years, the Grant family has expanded three legions, and the army has increased by 60,000, but the Jonathan family has also expanded two legions, and the army has increased by 40,000. The Harland family has grown from small to large, and the number of troops has reached 190,000, and the number of direct troops is almost comparable to that of the Grant royal family.

Because they are equipped with magic crystal cannons, magic airships, and magic firearms, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers led by Harland is obviously much stronger than that of the Grant Kingdom army. From a purely military perspective, the Harland family is obviously stronger.

In terms of high-level combat power, the Harland family has five legends, as well as two powerful magicians, Richard and Sophia, who are far ahead. The father and son of the Jonathan family advanced one after another. His father, Neo, was promoted to the legendary third-level knight. Because of the outstanding dragon blood in his body, his combat power exceeded that of Duke Brenner. His son MacMillan has also been promoted to the legendary knight, and the Jonathan family has successors who can maintain the situation.

Only the Grant royal family and Duke Brenner have been dead for twenty years, but no one has been promoted to the legendary realm?

Although there are many ninth-level professionals in the Grant family, they have a very big shortcoming without legendary cards.

After Macmillan's promotion, King Roger felt a lot of excitement and was ready to break through to the legendary realm as soon as possible?

Breaking through the legend requires legendary level resources, which is also very troublesome for the Grant royal family.

In the past twenty years, although the Grant Kingdom has greatly expanded its power and accumulated a large amount of gold coins, it has not received many legendary opportunities.

Evans, the president of the Grant Mage Association, exchanged the legendary Styx potion with Harland Leader, and also consumed a legendary magic core.

After refining the legendary Styx potion, Evans' spiritual power reached forty-two points. Last year, he ventured to break through the legendary, but his spiritual space collapsed and he died in the meditation room.

Without Evans, the nine-ring mage, the Grant family has become somewhat dangerous.

Without top-level combat effectiveness, it is difficult to hold down the position. Once there is an internal problem, the rule will be at risk of overthrowing.

Roger's worries are getting more and more serious. Now the situation has forced him to advance to the legendary realm as soon as possible, otherwise it will become more and more troublesome as time goes by.

Even after hundreds of years of accumulation, there is only one legendary wind elemental heart in the Grant family's treasury today, which can be exchanged for treasures such as the legendary sky crystal flower.

If you do not use potions to break through the legend, the result will be very dangerous. For example, Evans did not use the meditation potion to advance to the legend, but only used the legendary Styx potion to assist the breakthrough. His own foundation is also quite average, and the ending is of course very bad.

Almost all ninth-level professionals will not take risks easily. Dare to break through the realm without using legendary potions.

Ninth-level professionals have a more distinguished status no matter where they go. Even in the Holy Glory Empire, they can get generous income as soon as they start and become high-ranking officers.

People with this kind of noble status are actually more afraid of death and value life more than ordinary serfs and soldiers. They will not break through the legendary realm unless absolutely necessary and without protection.

The Grant family released news to secret channels and wanted to exchange legendary extraordinary resources, but the secret Venus family immediately found out.

In a battle twenty years ago, the Grant family relied on Duke Brenner to fake death, severely damaged the Venus family, and killed the legendary magician Elena. But Elena got a page from the book of artifact contracts. She used this book of contracts to sign a life-sharing contract with a legendary lich, and her soul state was very special.

As long as the Lich's phylactery is not destroyed, Elena's soul will never dissipate. Through this book of contract, Elena almost gained immortality and became an ally with a legendary Lich.

Although Duke Brenner's sword was very stunning back then, Elena was still resurrected in the body of a girl from the Venus family. After twenty years of cultivation, Elena's strength has returned to the legendary level.

For twenty years, although the Venus family has been hiding in secret, they have been very lucky. They obtained a legendary magic core and refined it into a eukaryotic potion. Charlemagne relied on the eukaryotic potion to be promoted to a legend, and Viscount Anthony's professional level was He went a step further and became a ninth-level knight. Only Baron Harden is now over ninety years old and is already decrepit.

After twenty years of accumulation, the power controlled by the Venus family has gradually recovered.

The main members of the Venus family gathered here at the Viscount Gauss Palace in the province of Seldorf.

The core of the Venus family, in addition to old people such as Elena, Charlemagne, Anthony, and Harden, two middle-aged people entered the room. Both of them are rising stars of the Venus family.

Of course, in addition to the above six people, the Venus family also has many people in other areas. There are a total of fourteen high-level professionals in this family. Elena has three high-level magicians under her command, who can be regarded as her assistants. It's just that the remaining manpower is not nearby, so there are only six people making decisions.

Among the six people present, except for Elena, the remaining two are newcomers trained by the Venus family in the past twenty years.

One of them is the eighth-level warrior Edwin. With the secret help of the Venus family, this person has been developing in the frontier army, and then transferred to the Royal Guards Corps and became the senior legion of the legion. Then he married a lady from the House of Viscount Gauss, and designed to kill the previous Viscount Gauss. After cruel internal fighting, he became a hereditary viscount of Seldorf Province.

The other man's name was Bert, the highest commander of the garrison in Seldorf Province.

The province of Seldorf covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers. Because of its proximity to Noland, there are not many hereditary nobles in this province. There is only one viscount and three barons. The power of the nobles is not strong.

The Venus family has a legendary magician. Although it is hidden in the dark, its background is also very deep. It relies on various means to infiltrate. In just twenty years, through various means and relying on Edwin and Bert, it has actually grown from Secretly controlled the province of Seldorf.

Compared with the Gascoigne Province controlled by the Venus family, the strength of the Seldorf Province is far insufficient. This province only has 6,000 garrison troops, and it is still a second-line garrison. Its combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the maintenance army back then. The Mad Lions infiltrated by the Nas family.

The private army controlled by Viscount Gauss is also unable to compete with the private armies under Harden and Anthony.

The only advantage of this province is that it is very close to Nolan and has good information, making it easy to penetrate into Nolan. .

Relying on Dengxiahei's operation, the Venus family actually spent twenty years peacefully under the eyes of the Grant royal family.

"According to the intelligence we have, Roger is already a little anxious. It is obvious that the Grant family wants to exchange the legendary heart of wind element for a sky crystal flower to reach the legendary realm as soon as possible."

In the battle twenty years ago, although Harden saved his life, none of his sons survived. Only two illegitimate sons hidden in the dark survived. Such a heavy blow made Baron Harden age rapidly, and his appearance There have been great changes from twenty years ago.

Baron Harden looked at the news from Nolan, and his voice was very old. If they meet again, Richard may not recognize the old baron.

"Now Jonathan and the two nobles of Harland have put too much pressure on the Grant family. This was the same situation in our Kingdom of Venus hundreds of years ago, and the Grant family finally succeeded in making a comeback.

Now that the Grant family can no longer suppress the two major families of Harland and Jonathan, Roger's strategy is to support the two major families in their outward development and let them go out independently and bring new crowns.

A few years ago, he supported the Jonathan family and regained the Stanik regime. Now that the Jonathan family has left the Grant Kingdom, this strategy has been half successful.

When Duke Richard put on the crown, the internal structure of the Grant Kingdom was actually healthier.

This is undoubtedly a good strategy. If we had chosen this strategy back then and given up suppressing the Grant family, but supported the Grant family's expansion to the south, maybe the situation would have been different, and the Venus family would not have needed to hide in Tibet for hundreds of years. "

Belt answered a few words. He is a seventh-level warrior. His qualifications are far inferior to those of his elders, and his words are not very polite. From their conversations, we can know that the internal atmosphere of the Venus family is relatively open and quite direct.

As soon as Bert finished speaking, Anthony immediately defended himself and started arguing with Bert.

"The situation at that time was different from now. The Delon Kingdom has not yet decayed, and there is no opportunity to expand to the south. In the northern region, we focus on developing the Eagle Mountains, and we cannot give it to the Grant family. We can only choose to suppress the Grant family."

Seeing that neither of them could convince the other, Charlemagne knocked on the table to silence them.

Charlemagne has been promoted to legend and is already the veritable number two figure in the Venus family. Although he did not speak, Antony and Bert also stopped speaking.

There was silence for a moment, and Elena broke the silence and said: "Duke Macca hunted a legendary grizzly bear five years ago. I think I can send this news to the Grant family."

After Elena finished speaking, Viscount Gauss's expression changed. He mustered up the courage to persuade and said: "Roger has accumulated more than 20 years in the ninth level and has a very solid foundation. Once he is promoted to legend, we want to restore the country." Even more difficult. Dear Ms. Elena, please think about it for a moment."

"You don't understand. The giant earth bear is an earth-attributed monster. The energy contained in the demonic core in its body does not match Roger's body. Moreover, Roger stayed at the ninth level for too long and lived in a wealthy and privileged environment for twenty years. Without the will to struggle in despair, it is basically impossible to advance to the legendary realm."

Before Elena could speak, Charlemagne explained a few words.

The people of the Venus family not only have strong endurance, but are also very good at conspiracy. It was they who used a portion of water of life mixed with poison to plot against Duke Brenner and make this powerful legendary third-level knight He lived less than ten years.

Of course, Brenner is also an old and cunning person. He used the strategy of faking death to severely injure Elena and buy twenty years for the Grant family.

After Charlemagne finished speaking, Baron Harden said: "If our family wants to develop, we can only win in chaos. If we want to plunge the Grant Kingdom into chaos, we must fight a cruel civil war.

King Roger now has four adult sons. Although he has chosen an heir, as long as he dies, the heir will not be able to control the situation. Each of the four sons has supporters, and a brutal civil war is inevitable.

With the help of this civil war, we can quickly climb up, accumulate the strength of the family, and further make plans to restore the country.

Now our troubles are not only the Grant royal family, but also the Harland family. Relatively speaking, the Harland family is more difficult to deal with and has smaller flaws. We almost don’t know what to do? "

As soon as Harden finished speaking, Viscount Gauss asked: "I heard that your old man met Duke Richard?"

In the past twenty years, Richard has become a legend in the Grant Kingdom. Such an amazing figure has rarely been matched by anyone in the past thousand years. Even the younger generation of the Venus family, such as Gauss and Bert, were a little shocked by the achievements of their peers, and were afraid of fighting Richard.

There was a trace of memory in Harden's eyes, and he slowly said: "Twenty-seven years ago, Richard was assigned to fight under my command. Although I valued him very much at that time, I never expected that this person would be so amazing. He was less than thirty years old. In the year, the powerful Duchy of Harland was developed and the powerful Harland family was established."

Anthony waved his hand and turned the conversation back to the right track. "Now that the Harland family is married to the Grant royal family, Philip married Vivian. Once civil strife breaks out in the Grant royal family, the Harland family will definitely support Vivian's brother, the fourth prince Albert. And Duke Jonathan will probably support The third prince Leicester. The Duke of Duran will definitely support the second prince Nelson, and the fourth marquis of the East will support the eldest prince Ferdinand.

As long as the struggle for the throne begins with violence, it will inevitably end in war and bloodshed. Judging from the supporters of the four princes, the Harland family is the strongest. The only thing we are not sure about now is how much resources Duke Richard will invest? "

Harden rubbed the intelligence guide on the table with his fingers: "According to our public intelligence analysis, Duke Richard is very courageous. Although his combat style is more cautious, he is very adventurous.

In addition, judging from experience, Duke Richard is obviously very bellicose. In the past thirty years, he took the initiative to participate in every war in the Grant Kingdom. Once given an opportunity, Richard will never let it go and will definitely invest a lot of resources. "

"In this case, we will stand on the side of the winner and support the fourth prince Albert." Charlemagne thought for a moment and made a decisive decision.

Because of MacMillan's successful promotion, Roger Kingdom could no longer suppress its inner restlessness and decided to take a risk and break through the legendary bottleneck.

Soon the news that Duke Kama had a legendary magic core reached the ears of King Roger. King Roger immediately sent an envoy to prepare to exchange the magic core into his own hands and refine it into a legendary true core potion to break through the bottleneck. The Venus family, which was hiding in the dark, was also slowly moving and began to make careful arrangements to contact Prince Albert.

Richard is still in the red moon plane, and there are already undercurrents surging within the Grant Kingdom.

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