Lord Harland

Chapter 492 Pegasus Knight

The Delong Kingdom was originally a populous country with fertile land, and its total population was around 50 million more than ten years ago.

In recent years, due to continuous defeats, large areas of territory have been divided and the population has fallen into the hands of neighboring countries.

Before the civil war broke out, the population size of the Kingdom of Delon was no longer comparable to that of the Kingdom of Harland. It was only about 26 million, which was equivalent to the loss of half of the population. Now another four million people have been lost due to the war. After the war is over, without enough population, the development potential will be seriously insufficient.

Because of this civil war, even if the Anton Kingdom quells the civil strife immediately, most of the Harland Kingdom's strategy has been realized.

In the past year, the civil war in the Kingdom of Delong broke out, resulting in the influx of a large number of war refugees from nearby countries. Except for a small number of nobles, these war refugees were basically reduced to slaves.

The large influx of slaves directly caused the price of slaves to plummet. The Harland Kingdom immediately seized the opportunity and began to use supplies and arms to purchase serfs from the Maya and Grant Kingdoms.

Under Richard's governance, the Harland Kingdom has become very prosperous. Because of the development of industry, the Harland Kingdom has a light tax policy, and its tax revenue capacity is about three times that of the Grant Kingdom.

There is no comparison in the level of national wealth between the two countries. The free people of the Kingdom of Harland can live a pretty good life, but many of the serfs under the Grant nobles do not even have trousers to cover their bodies.

The Kingdom of Harland not only has outstanding financial capabilities, but can also engage in industrial scissors through arms sales. As long as it sells some magic hot air balloons, it can exchange a large number of people.

Since the magic hot air balloon appeared on the battlefield, as a low-end flying unit, it has been welcomed by almost all nearby kingdoms. Compared with the Lion Knight, the Magic Hot Air Balloon can not only attack behind enemy lines, but can also perform reconnaissance and airdrop missions, and its power in air combat is also more prominent.

After the war between Grant Kingdom and Lane Kingdom, they relied on a large number of magic hot air balloons to restrain the griffons.

Apart from being limited by the weather, magic hot air balloons have few shortcomings. If the Harland Kingdom had not developed better magic airships, it would also be equipped with a large number of magic hot air balloons.

The most important thing is that the magic hot air balloon will be sold in large quantities.

This is particularly important because the Lion Kingdom only sells a small amount of griffons every year, which cannot meet the needs of nearby countries to build flying units.

The advantages of flying arms are so outstanding that forces such as the Holy Radiance Empire and the Lion Kingdom that have mastered the ability to cultivate flying monsters will of course ban their sales.

Even the Kingdom of Harland has implemented a sales ban in the past few years.

In recent years, the Kingdom of Harland has only sold magic hot air balloons to Stanik, Grant and other allies every year. This time, in order to purchase the population and weaken the potential of its opponents, it expanded the scope of arms sales and began to sell to the Kingdom of Delon, Maya, etc. Kingdom for sale.

Compared to the conservative Kingdom of Lane, the Kingdom of Harland also provides a variety of after-sales services, such as training soldiers, repairing equipment and other miscellaneous requirements.

This time, the Kingdom of Harland provided a large amount of logistical services to the arms sales to the coalition of nobles of the Kingdom of Delon.

From the training of soldiers, to the assembly and maintenance of the internal equipment of the magic hot air balloon, and even the know-how of observing wind direction and climate, they are all taught to customers.

In short, as long as you are willing to sell people, Harland will provide you with all the services.

Under the training of the Harland Kingdom, in April of the Dawn Calendar 3283, the magic hot air balloon appeared on the front line.

The Delong Kingdom does not have many flying troops. There are only two flying tigers and a dozen griffons in the palace.

These griffons are still male griffons purchased from the Lion Kingdom and cannot breed. Relying on a small number of flying monsters to fight alone, there is no way to stop the large-scale formation of more than a hundred magic hot air balloons.

The emergence of flying units immediately had a serious impact on frontline battles.

The aristocratic coalition took advantage of the reconnaissance of the flying arms and its fast speed to successfully attack King Anton's grain road many times in a row, leaving the siege army of the Kingdom of Anton to be overwhelmed.

At the same time, a large number of magic hot air balloons carried supplies, using airdrop tactics to airdrop food, cloth, medicine and other supplies that were lacking in the city into the castle.

Due to the lack of anti-air firepower outside the city, it was unable to pose a threat to the magic hot air balloon, so the success rate of airdrops was unusually high.

In desperation, King Anton could only gather a small number of flying monsters and high-level magicians to attack the magic hot air balloon.

Relying on a small number of flying monsters and high-level mages, they can only occasionally ambush the unwary magic hot air balloon team, without fundamentally changing the development of the situation.

Seeing that the situation was not conducive to him, the Anton Kingdom once again showed an excellent overall view. He used his skill and left the front line decisively. He personally went to the Lion Kingdom to meet with Rosen, the plenipotentiary envoy of the Holy Glory Empire, hoping to obtain the Holy Glory Empire. Rosen for help and support.

In recent decades, the envoy of the Holy Radiance Empire has been stationed in the Kingdom of Lane.

Although the ancestor of the Delong Kingdom was a duke of the Holy Glory Empire. The ancestor of the Sith Kingdom is the second son of Charles VI of the Holy Glorious Empire. Logically speaking, he has a closer relationship with the Holy Glorious Empire.

But with the passage of time, the Kingdom of Lane abandoned the God of Earth and converted to the God of Glory more than a hundred years ago. It received the support of the Holy Glory Empire, and now its national power is very high among the eastern countries.

Today's Lion Kingdom actually serves as the handle for the Holy Radiance Empire to control the situation in the eastern part of the continent.

At that time, King Thomas of the Kingdom of Lane actively participated in the Five-Nation War, partly to expand his territory, and partly to actually implement the regional balance strategy of the Holy Radiant Empire.

But Special Envoy Ron never expected that the Harland family would be so ferocious, helping the Grant royal family withstand the pressure, defeating the Three Kingdoms Alliance in one fell swoop, and eating up the east coast.

In order to prevent the Grant Kingdom from being dominated by one family, the two major families of Harland and Grant merged into one. Special Envoy Rosen reported to Emperor Edward VII and used the method of division and instigation to drive a wedge between the two major families of Grant and Harland, which ultimately succeeded. Use a crown to divide the powerful Grant Kingdom.

The Hallands preceded their independence from Grant. The Grant Kingdom is already a powerful country with a land of three million square kilometers and a population of 80 million. After the Harland family became independent, the potential of the Grant Kingdom was even weaker than that of the Lane Kingdom. It no longer had the power to unify the east and no longer threatened the Holy Radiance Empire.

The most popular one right now is the Kingdom of Harland. Because Richard established a new order and vigorously developed magic civilization and industry, the Kingdom of Harland is developing at a rapid pace, and even the Holy Empire of Radiance feels threatened.

Although the Holy Radiance Empire has enough power to destroy the Kingdom of Harland, the situation does not allow this.

Richard is the favored one of the Goddess of Dawn, and the Kingdom of Harland also uses the Church of Dawn as its state religion.

The strength of the Church of Dawn in the eastern part of the mainland far exceeds that of the Church of Glory.

Moreover, recently, the demigod Catherine of the Church of Dawn came to the mortal world and took control of the Red Moon Plane, while the Church of Glory lost its divine incarnation, and the situation became even worse.

Zooming in on the entire crystal wall universe, the Goddess of Dawn and the God of Glory are both gods of the good camp. Although there is internal competition, they are ultimately on the same front.

Facing the threat of the demon lord and the undead king, both sides have to work together to fight against the enemy. Internal competition will never reach the point of fighting a religious war.

Since the Kingdom of Harland cannot be destroyed by violence, the Holy Radiance Empire can only use other means. In order to prevent the Kingdom of Harland from taking a breather and swallowing up the Kingdom of Delon, Rosen, the special envoy of the Holy Radiance Empire, contacted the two major churches of Royal Power and Justice, and used diplomatic means to pressure the Kingdom of Harland to sign a supplementary peace treaty.

Rosen has been responsible for much of the situation in the eastern countries in recent years.

Before Richard was promoted to Duke, he was just a chess piece on the chessboard. It was not until he wore the crown that he was promoted to a chess player, and his influence gradually rivaled that of Rosen.

Rosen originally planned to let the Kingdom of Delon recuperate, but he did not expect that King Anton would forcefully promote changes, triggering a civil war in the Kingdom of Delon.

Although the Kingdom of Harland did not directly tear up the treaty, it took advantage of the loopholes in the four-nation treaty and sold a large number of magic hot air balloons through commercial means, which directly changed the situation of the civil war in the Kingdom of Delon.

After listening to King Anton's report on the situation, Rosen was somewhat in a dilemma.

According to the national policy formulated by the Holy Glory Empire, when intervening in the situation of the eastern countries, try to hide behind it, and try not to use your own power if you can.

But in this current situation, the political, diplomatic, and economic support behind it is no longer sustainable. If you want to break the balance, you must provide military support to improve the situation.

The Holy Radiance Empire also has a powerful force in the eastern region of the continent. The number of troops in the Red Moon Plane alone exceeds 100,000. In addition, Rosen himself has a guard of more than a thousand people, which is very capable.

In recent years, the Holy Glory Empire has adopted a contraction strategy, reducing its garrison by 60,000 troops and three legions in the Red Moon Plane.

Two of these three legions were transferred back to their headquarters, and one was stationed in the Kingdom of Lane.

Compared with a few years ago, the power of the Holy Radiance Empire in the eastern region of the continent has actually weakened somewhat. Even if it is not as strong as it was a few years ago, this power is still very impressive.

The Legion of the Holy Radiance Empire is far better at fighting than the armies of local kingdoms. Each legion has three thousand Warcraft Cavalry and a Pegasus Knights of 500 people. In addition, the legion also has a 300-person mage group. The total number of professionals within a legion of the Holy Glory Empire is nearly 10,000.

As for Grant, Lane and other eastern power legions, generally speaking, there are only a few hundred Warcraft cavalry, an elite semi-professional heavy infantry brigade, and a dozen-person magic support team. The total number of professionals in the entire legion is only two. thousand.

The armies of Delong and the East Coast were still far behind those of Grant, Lane and other powerful countries.

If the two sides fight, the Holy Radiance Empire Legion can defeat one against five, or even one against ten.

Even the prestigious regular army of the Kingdom of Harland usually has a Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, with a number of between 300 and 1,000 people, with an average of about 600 people. In addition, it has a magic crystal cannon brigade, a magic airship brigade, a reconnaissance demon hunter squadron, and a mage group of more than 80 people. The number of professionals within the legion exceeds three thousand.

Even the regular legions of the Kingdom of Harland cannot compete with the regular legions of the Holy Radiance Empire in terms of special arms.

However, the Harland Kingdom's army is equipped with a large number of magic crystal cannons and alchemy bombs. If it has twice the strength advantage, it is enough to compete with a legion of the Holy Radiance Empire.

Although the Holy Glory Empire does not have many troops in the eastern part of the mainland, it still has the strength to intervene in the civil war of the Delong Kingdom.

Rosen thought about it, weighed the pros and cons and decided to support King Anton. He personally coordinated a loan for King Anton, and then transferred the Pegasus Knights from the Holy Radiance Empire Legion to help King Anton fight in the name of mercenaries.

Now that he had raised his stakes, Rosen also spent some resources to recruit magicians from within the Holy Radiance Empire, and soon formed a group of more than 200 magicians. Then, through the ultra-long-distance teleportation array, this mage group and the Pegasus cavalry were mobilized to assist King Anton in the battle.

Pegasus is a third-level monster cultivated by the Holy Glory Empire, and it is also the lowest flying unit of the Holy Glory Empire. Although the combat effectiveness of Pegasus is not as good as that of griffons, its weight-bearing capacity is much greater than that of griffons, and breeding is easier.

Compared with the Lion Knights, the Pegasus Knights can wear armor as well as heavy enchanted armor, and their defensive capabilities are superior. At critical times, they can even attack infantry formations, enriching the army's tactics.

Taking the Holy Radiant Empire as an example, there are three types of flying troops. The lowest one is the Pegasus Knight, the middle one is the Griffin, and the high-end one is the Flying Dragon.

As for more powerful dragon knights, of course the Holy Radiance Empire also has them, but their total number is less than five fingers.

Although the Holy Radiance Empire invested 700 soldiers in the name of mercenaries, the effect was immediate and once again changed the situation on the front line.

When the Pegasus Knights appeared on the battlefield, they directly suppressed the magic hot air balloon force of the Delon Kingdom Noble Alliance. The two sides fought several fierce air battles. In the end, most of the magic hot air balloons were shot down, and the Pegasus Cavalry also suffered two casualties. About ten people.

The flying troops were severely damaged, and the mage group hired by Anton also took action unexpectedly. Dozens of mid- to high-level magicians used fossils as mud spells to directly open a gap in a strong city wall.

King Anton also personally went to war, leading an elite force to attack the breach. The Lion Rock Castle, which had persisted for eleven months, could no longer be defended.

After the fall of Lion Rock Castle, despite heavy casualties on his side, King Anton did not let his soldiers massacre. After the war, he only killed the die-hard nobles, but he spared his followers, showing his generosity.

In the unlucky Lion Mountain family, most of the adult men were killed in battle, and the women were demoted to slaves and became the sex slaves of the officers.

After conquering the Lion Rock Castle, King Anton's power greatly increased and he directly forced more than thirty hereditary nobles to surrender. The front advanced directly for one hundred and fifty kilometers, and it was not until Marcel Castle that it suffered again.

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