Lord Highlander

Chapter 1100: 1086. Poor Relatives in Hometown

  Chapter 1100 1086. Poor relatives in my hometown

   A group of villagers gathered around to say hello to Samira, and everyone was asking about Suldak's situation.

Samira didn't say much, looked at the bruises on Charlie and Luke's faces, and looked at the other villagers. Although their clothes were torn and their faces were bruised, no one was involved in the fight. The middle bone was broken and the tendon was broken, so his face softened a little.

  The half-elf archer was as indifferent as ever, just nodded to Charlie and Luke, and said in a hoarse voice:

   "Dark asked me to come pick you up, don't worry, he will help you punish those who made mistakes."

  She jumped over the railing nimbly, and led a group of Wall craftsmen towards the temporary residence of Suldak, saying as she walked:

"Next time you meet this kind of situation, you can tell each other about your relationship with Suldak. At least it will save you a lot of suffering here, but you must pay attention to one thing. These words must not be against those black magicians. The teachers said."

  Charlie and Luke looked at Samira's back and looked at each other again, although they wanted to tell her:

  'Hamas, the chief of the guard, has already handled this matter. The villain who should be punished is not only whipped, but also imprisoned in the prison of the guard camp. Everyone is not dissatisfied. '

  But when they stood with Samira, that delicate elf face was cold, always carrying a clear sense of alienation.

   Even if people have a stomach full of words, they can't say anything.

The villagers walked northward along this long street. From the headquarters building of the guard battalion to Suldak's mansion, they were destined to pass through the central square. When the villagers saw the tall teleportation gate in the square from afar, they couldn't help it. I remembered the scene of last night.

  This is something that the craftsmen of Wall Village have never experienced before. Now that I think of it, many craftsmen of Wall Village can't help but tremble all over, and their hearts are still surging.

  Halanta City is located in the most remote corner of the northwestern region of Bena Province. The city is backward and poor, but the people there are very simple.

  They saw the guard battalion knights escorting the group of city guides, bound by ropes, forming a long line on the long street, and returning to the guard barracks building in a long line.

  There are a lot of people on both sides of the street, some are laughing and sarcasm, some are cursing and complaining, some are crying and whining, some even stand in the crowd and throw stones at the city guides,

  But when the carriages of the craftsmen in Wall Village passed by the guides, the villagers just watched quietly, watching them pass by the four-wheeled carriages with their heads bowed without saying a word.

  Actually, these guides couldn’t figure it out. Although Harry is a scoundrel in Mucuso City, he has a good sister with **** and white ass! He also married the chief of the security, Hamas. Although the chief of Hamas didn't want to take care of Harry at all, the relationship between Harry and his sister was very close.

  Based on Harry’s big-mouthed description, the guides even knew what position the chief of the security, Hamas, liked lying on the bed.

   Everyone can't figure out why so many people were involved in a fight this time?

   At best, the person should be released. If it still can’t be resolved, a small amount of money should be compensated. Could it be that Harry accidentally beat him to death in prison?

  I saw the artisans of Wall Village riding a carriage and passing slowly in a long line on the central street.

Every four-wheeled wagon returned to two horses pulling the carriage side by side, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of some thoughtful guides. Even if they didn't know where the horses came from, they knew very well that these The original Gubolai horse on the carriage is still tied in his backyard...

   Take a closer look at the Gu Bolai horses brought up by the four-wheeled carriages. They are clearly the war horses in the guard camp.

  The knight masters in the guard camp are willing to take out the war horses raised in the camp to compensate these bumpkins...

   The guides didn't know that Harry, the broom star, had offended a big shot.

   Captain Edmund stood at the end of the **** team, riding a horse with his hands on his chest, and saluted Samira.

  Samila didn't even look at it, she stood on the front four-wheeled truck and drove towards the temporary mansion in the city center...

  Surdak is next door to the temporary residence in Mukuso City, which is also a luxurious noble mansion.

  The architectural style of Mukuso is very similar to that of Ruyt City. The house is divided into three parts: the vestibule, the main building and the back garden.

  Samira took them to this luxurious noble mansion, said that Suldak would have dinner with them and left.


  Although the artisans in Wall Village have been picked up by Samira, Harry and a group of guides are also being held in the prison of the guard camp.

  But Chief of Security Hamas is still a little worried that the Suldak Consul will be dissatisfied with himself because of this incident.

It's not that he is greedy for the position of chief of security. This dilapidated and dilapidated city has nothing for him to do, but he is reluctant to part with the large property he has built in Mukuso. A large number of lands and manors were purchased, some were bought with money, and some were taken back with power.

  Once the post of Chief of Security is lost, I don’t know how many people will be clapped and applauded, and how many people will fall into trouble.

So while drinking afternoon tea, the chief of the security, Hamas, went to Suldak's office, reviewed his work mistakes very seriously and deeply, disclosed some problems currently existing in the security battalion, and made a commitment to actively rectify and measure.

   After obtaining Suldak's approval again, Hamas, the Chief of Security, left the city hall in a magic caravan.

  If he didn’t know that Suldak was about to go to Bena City to hold a wedding with Marquis Luther’s beloved daughter, he would send him two hot blonde girls this time.

  Samira had already told Suldak about the details of the incident before the Chief of Security Hamas came.

"I heard that Harry is a relative of the head of Hamas..." Sia sat at the desk outside the office, made a cup of tea for Suldak, and prepared two puff pastries, a handful Shelled nuts are presented in a delicate dish.

  When she was at home, the maids were doing all these things for her. Now Siya tried to do it herself, but she didn't feel anything, but a sense of novelty.

  Suldak leaned back on the chair, looking at the unsightly peeled nuts, as if scratched by a cat, the nuts were shattered badly... He was speechless for a while.

   But looking back, a Naga would actually sit quietly in front of the table peeling nuts. He looked at Siya who was sitting across from his desk, and said casually:

"I know this, but it's impossible for me to change the chief of the guard just because of this incident. Now Mukusuo can pick and choose, and always give officials some privileges, and they won't get any benefits. Why are you still working in the city hall? Do you really think they are servants of the city?"

   "It's normal to take a little bit, within the scope of authority, but not beyond the bottom line."

   "For me now, it is necessary to clearly tell them where the bottom line is, what can be held and what cannot be moved."

"Then it is to take a group of sailors to push this big ship that has been riddled with holes and is extremely old and even has been stalled. There are always people pulling the sails, cleaning the decks, and repairing the damage on the ship. loopholes."

   "For Mukuso City to develop, the city hall also needs capable people to do things."

   "However, speaking of it, those moths in the city must be cleaned up severely. Starting today, all those who violated the criminal law will be sent to the city wall to move stones."


  Siya put her hands on the desk, her pointed chin resting on the back of her hands, looking at the slightly tired man in front of her, she didn't know what to say.


   It was the first time for the villagers to live in a mansion. Everyone jumped out of the carriage one after another, looked up at the tall gate and the intricate reliefs on the wall, and didn't know where to go.

  The door of the main building was pushed open by two maids, and the villagers walked up the steps timidly.

Seeing that the room was covered with thick woolen blankets, for fear that the shoes under their feet would stain the carpet, before entering the house, a group of villagers ran to the fountain in the front yard one after another. After washing his face and feet in the sink, he put his shoes into his backpack before entering the three-story main building.

The maid came up and said to Charlie, who was walking in the front: "There are ten master rooms, twenty guest rooms, and thirteen servant rooms. Miss Sia has told me that all rooms are available. Please come with me." .”

  The master room and the guest room are both standard. There is a single bed in the outer room, and a double luxurious bed in the bedroom.

  Servant room has four single beds in each room.

The room was obviously not enough. The maid originally wanted to ask if some of the people should be separated to live. Charlie and Luke were afraid of causing trouble to Suldak, so they quickly said that there was no need for such a big house, just squeeze everyone together .

  According to the number of villagers, seven people need to live in each room to be allocated, and everyone is crowded in the corridor waiting to be allocated a room.

  Charlie and Luke are the leaders of this team, and they were assigned to the most comfortable master room. They took their friend Val, and the three of them lived in this big room.

The artisans of other Woer Village were evenly divided into other rooms. The artisans had never lived in such a luxurious house in their life. When they walked into a room covered with soft carpets, they were afraid of staining the snow-white beds. After sleeping on the bed, I found that lying on the thick carpet was very comfortable. Everyone simply vacated the bed and lay on the carpet.

They didn't even dare to use the clean bathroom and bathtub. Someone found a square swimming pool in the backyard, so they dragged their companions in the room to take a bath in the swimming pool, and then washed their clothes by the pool. Every craftsman bought a piece of suet soap from the grocery store in Hailansa City, and after washing, a pool of soapy water was left.

They didn't dare to eat all kinds of fresh fruits in the fruit basket on the dining table, but they found that there were many fruit trees planted in the back garden, especially a few lemon trees full of green fruits, so they ran to the garden one after another to pick those fruits from the trees. The lemons that haven't grown up are soaked in water, and as a result, the branches of several lemon trees become bare, and some even lose their leaves.

  Charlie and Luke took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and slept in the room again,

When the two came out of the room, they found strange expressions on the faces of the maids. Charlie and Luke endured without asking the reason. When they went downstairs, they walked to the corridor in the back garden and saw a group of Wolverines. The artisans of Er Village gathered around a statue of a goddess by the swimming pool. Everyone was discussing why this unknown beautiful lady was carved by the artist without clothes... Tsk tsk, so plump!


  Charlie and Luke wished they could slam their heads against the stone pillar.

   Just when they felt a little embarrassed by the craftsmen in the village, they saw the milky white soapy water in the swimming pool with a thick layer of dirt floating on it, and they were depressed.

   There are also villagers who jumped down from the lemon tree, holding a dozen green lemons in their arms, and fallen leaves on the ground...

   In half a day, the entire mansion was tossed into disrepair.

  During dinner, Suldak brought Samira, Gulitum, and Siya to the temporarily arranged restaurant in the garden at the same time.

Seeing Charlie and Luke, Suldak looked very happy. He hugged the shoulders of the two of them kindly, asked them if the journey was smooth, and apologized to them. The first night in the city was actually spent in the prison of the guard camp.

The ogre Gullitum was also very familiar with Charlie and Luke, and he kept asking them about the yellow sheep he raised in Wall Village, and even wanted to find out the physical condition of each yellow sheep. Hearing that those gazelles are still alive and have given birth to many lambs, even Gullitum's good brother Naohuaer was very excited.

  Samila remained silent with a cold face.

  Siya has never been to Wall Village. She doesn't know the villagers of Wall Village, so she can only stand behind Suldak and watch them chatting enviously.

  Everyone sat at the dining table in the back garden, before the appetizers were served, Charlie mustered up the courage to say to Suldak:

   "Dark, you may not be used to living in this kind of mansion. You should let us move out. We would rather live in an expensive hotel than live in this mansion."

  Suldak asked:

   "What? Are you not used to living here?"

   "A little bit." Charlie said frankly.

  Suldak rubbed his forehead, leaned back, and Siya took the opportunity to get closer.

   "Help them find more than a dozen townhouses in the civilian area." Suldak took the opportunity to order.

   "Okay." Xi Ya agreed.

  Xia went to the house and asked the people from the logistics department to find the house.

  Hearing that these poor relatives of Lord Consul Suldak were going to move out, several maids in the house were relieved to hide in places where no one was around.

  The dinner prepared by Suldak is very rich, with flavored smoked fish, secret steak, creamy soup and golden cider.

  However, the villagers who were full after eating and drinking were drunk and said that they still miss the barbecue meal with ale at the Three Bears Restaurant in Hailansa City...

  (end of this chapter)

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