Lord Highlander

Chapter 1341: 1328. Return to Ruyter

  Chapter 1341 1328. Return to Ruyt

Suldak stayed for one night in the high tower room where Hathaway used to live. The furnishings inside were still the same as before. It could be seen that the servants often cleaned the room. The vanilla on the window sill grew very lush, with countless leaves and stems. Hanging from the windowsill like a green waterfall.

  Open the window and you can see the beautiful night view of the whole city. This dimly lit city is still extremely brilliant.

  The upper berths on the main streets are almost always open all night, and the real rest time is from dawn to noon.

Once again rejecting the sleeping maid arranged by Mrs. Marianne, the Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marianne saw that the lights in the room on the tower went out, and then they walked back to the bedroom from the window. Under the service of the maid, Mrs. Marianne replaced Nightdress.

  Marquis Luther sat on the sofa, with one arm resting on the back of the sofa, and the other hand pinched between his brows, and said slowly:

   "Back then, the Duke of Newman led the Bena Legion, and they were not sure enough to completely wipe out the ant nest of the ghost-striped red ants. Do you know the reason?"

  Mrs. Marian waved away the maid beside her, straightened the tassels of the silk shawl, and sat down in front of Marquis Luther without saying a word.

  She knew that what the Marquis Luther needed at this time was an audience who would not reveal any secrets, and she did better than Mabel and Sissy in this regard.

  Marquis Luther opened his eyes, picked up the water cup on the coffee table, took a sip of warm tea, and continued:

"When the swordsmen of the Beinar Legion entered the ant nests to fight, they found that those ant nests were the main battlefield of the ghostly patterned red ants. The group of red ants could continuously pour in from all directions, and the underground ant nest was like a huge In the underground palace, there are not hundreds of thousands of soldiers who can't fill the battlefield over there, so they retreated from the ant nest in the dark worm valley."

  After hearing what Marquis Luther said, Madam Marian realized that the victory of this war of dimensions is not so easy...

   "Didn't Duck win this war?" Mrs. Marianne asked.

Marquis Luther nodded and said, "That's why he impresses the lords in Bena City... No one thought that he would succeed this time. In fact, with the current strength of his lord army, he can conquer the Three Rivers Plain. It is a big profit to be included in the territory. He has shown good water control ability in the barren land of Hailansa City. When he first went to Bailin, he once said to me: If you want to occupy the Three Rivers Plain, you must pinch the water. Dwelling on these three rivers is like choking the lifeblood of the entire plain."

   "Whether it is the group of salamander ghost snakes, or the giant swamp crocodile and giant red-ridged tortoise, once they leave the waters they rely on for survival, their combat power will be greatly weakened. It is only a matter of time before they seize the Three Rivers Plain."

  Mrs. Marian sat aside, listening quietly.

"He has been stationed in Bailin for the past two years, and many things are clearer than me. In order to control the rivers in the Sanhe Plain, he built a large dam on the upper reaches of the river. Reservoir, I didn't even know he had such a large number of outstanding craftsmen under his command." Marquis Luther sighed softly.

  Mrs. Marianne asked strangely: "He performed so well on the battlefield, isn't it exactly what you expected? But why are you still frowning?"

  Marquis Luther waved his hand and said to Mrs. Marianne: "Grand Duke Newman wrote me a letter. The Warsaw plane needs someone to break the situation. He asked me in detail about Duck's situation..."

  Mrs. Marianne covered her mouth with her hands, and asked with a look of surprise: "You mean that Grand Duke Newman wants to transfer him to the Warsaw plane?"

  Marquis Luther sighed and nodded slightly.

   "What does Duck think?" Mrs. Marian asked worriedly.

Marquis Luther sighed and said: "You may not know, but he served in the Warsaw plane for four years. It is said that the heavy armored infantry regiment he belonged to was wiped out in the Battle of Moyunling, so this This matter has always been in his heart, and his response is to wait for Hathaway to give birth to the child, and then march into the Warsaw plane..."

Mrs. Marianne froze in place. The answer was so natural, but it came a little suddenly. She walked to the side of Marquis Luther and rested her head on Marquis Luther's shoulder. She didn't say any words of comfort, nor did Marquis Luther. Need her to comfort...

   On the contrary, it was the Marquis Luther who comforted Madam Marianne at this time, saying: "He is now the great lord of the plane, and he has a few very good followers around him, so there is no need to worry about his safety."

  Madam Marianne asked again: "What about Bai Lin?"

Marquis Luther waved his hand, and then said: "The power he possesses over there is much greater than you imagined. Do you know where the most elite fighters of his lord army come from? Those from the Bailin plane The aborigines took the initiative to join, and one thing I have never understood is why those aborigines are proud to join the Suldak lord army..."

  After hearing what Marquis Luther said, Madam Marian had a completely new understanding of Suldak.

  She was a little excited but also a little worried, and sighed: "Our women marry excellent people..."

  Marquis Luther also said with deep emotion: "Yes, based on what he is doing now, his name is destined to be engraved on the monument in the Heroes Square in Bena City."

  1. No words at night...


  Suldak didn't stay in Bena City for too long. As the great lord of the Ganbu plane, after the war between the planes ended, he needed to return to the territory quickly.

On the airport pier outside the city of Bena, Suldak directly rented a magic airship, brought Gulitham, Samira, Carrie Decker and 500 constructed knights back to Ruit City .

  The 100,000 lord army staying in the dying camp, as well as a large number of armaments and supplies traveling with the army, will return to Ruyt City by land.

  Suldak won a complete victory in the Bailin plane this time, so he shot very boldly.

The main force of the lord's army was marching on land, and actually entrusted the military trading company to hire nearly 2,000 four-wheeled trucks. In addition, the Thunder Rhino Merchant Group of Malakom merchants followed behind. Suldak was still in the Bailin plane this time. I bought 5,000 ancient Bolai war horses on the ranch. These means of transportation allowed all the soldiers of the Lord Army to sit in a carriage on the way back, and some people rode on the road...

  The lord's army returned to Ruyt City in mighty force.


  The captain of the magic airship ordered someone to clean the most luxurious room on the airship, and graciously invited Lord Suldak to live in it.

I thought that Samira and Carrie Decker were the women around Suldak, and arranged them to live in this luxurious room, only to find out that those two beautiful ladies were actually the lord of Suldak followers.

   Obviously, Lord Suldak was not satisfied with this, and actually asked the crew members about the airship captain in private.

  After some vigilant crew notified the captain of the news, the airship captain immediately hid in the captain's cabin, not daring to show his face easily...

  Amidst the buzzing sound of the floating device, the airship slowly passed through the clouds and rose into the high-altitude wind current layer.

   In the process of finding the channel, half of the sails of the airship's five masts raised continuously, making the airship appear a little bumpy.

Suldak pushed the door and walked out of the cabin, just in time to see the two-headed ogre sitting on the deck gnawing on the crispy red ant legs, saw Suldak come out, shaking the crispy red ant legs, signaling to Su Erdak, let's eat together...

  Suldak waved his hand immediately, he knew: ‘The ogre is really polite to you only when it invites others to have a meal together! '

Turn around and walk into the cabin below the deck. There are four people in one room in the cabin here. There are more than fifty rooms on the first floor. There are two floors below the deck and four floors above the deck. The crew basically live On the second floor below the deck, it doesn't look stuffy below the deck, but the space is very small, and Suldak needs to lower his head all the way to pass through the corridor.

  Most of the constructed knights were lying on the single beds in the cabin, and some were sitting by the round windows, looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside.

Suldak turned around on the next floor, and he told the construction knights: After the airship enters the wind and flow layer and flies smoothly, you can walk around on the deck more. In addition, the restaurant on the magic airship will be available all-weather. Be open, and tell them not to forget to order a delicious dinner for themselves while admiring the sea of ​​clouds.

  The knights on the ship were greatly moved by Lord Suldak's reminder.

These people are basically elite knights in the rebel army of the Ganbu plane. They have stood out in several battles, and they were lucky to be selected as Construct Knights when Suldak formed the Construct Knights this time. .

  Suldak inspected the ship before boarding the fourth floor of the ship building, and walked into the not-so-big captain's room.

  When the captain saw Lord Suldak approaching him so quickly, his hands trembled in fright the moment he entered the door, but his face was immediately filled with a flattering smile.

   This kind of noble lords who can travel by airship are generally very powerful, and such noble lords will not be short-tempered...

  Suldak walked into the captain's cabin, and the blond captain immediately handed over the steering wheel to the first mate, and walked in front of Suldak himself.

   Before he could speak, Suldak asked him: "How many floating devices does your magic airship have? How many people can it carry at most?"

  The blond captain was obviously taken aback, and then realized that Suldak might not have come to trouble him, and immediately replied very modestly:

   "With 16 floating devices, 500 constructed knights and war horses are already its maximum load capacity. This magic airship is still a little behind the large airship, but it is already a very good passenger airship."

  In fact, when Suldak rented the magic airship, he chose the magic airship with the largest carrying capacity on the airport terminal.

  Suldak nodded slightly, and then asked: "I want to know the difference between magic airships and military magic airships... I mean those airships that can fight in the air."

  The captain of the airship found out that the lord was more interested in magic airships, so he said graciously:

"Do you want to know about those floating battleships? Compared with this kind of civilian magic airship, first of all, it does not have magic cannons, and there is no defensive magic circle. The strongest part of floating battleships is that the whole ship is at least There must be a large defensive circle with more than ten layers to ensure sufficient resistance when attacked by the enemy."

"Another difference, the principle of civilian magic airship is that the airship relies on the floating device to enter the wind-flow layer in the sky, which is what we usually call the sky channel, and relies on sails to move forward rapidly in the wind-flow layer. It is necessary to adjust the course and use the power of the wind to make the airship reach its destination, and the only magical power source is mainly to supply sixteen floating devices to keep the airship floating in the air stably.”

"But this is not the case for floating battleships. The power source is several times larger than that of civilians, and it is divided into various parts to supply floating devices, defensive magic circles, boosters and magic cannons. Floating battleships may usually be Relying on the wind layer to fly, but when fighting, you need a powerful magic booster, and once you enter the battle mode, you will consume a lot of magic spar, which is the biggest reason why floating battleships are very rare."

   "As far as I know, only Grand Duke Newman owns seven floating battleships in the city of Bena, and they are still moored at his private airport pier all year round, rarely dispatched."

  Suldak said with some surprise: "You seem to know these things well..."

The captain didn't hide it, patted his chest directly, gave a military salute to Suldak and said, "Of course, I used to be a second-class crew member on the No. To be the captain of this airship."


  In the eyes of the other crew members on the magic airship, the Lord of Suldak seemed to like chatting with their captain.

After the airship entered the waterway, the captain asked the first mate to control the airship, and he personally took Surdak to visit the entire airship, and introduced him to the main structure of each part of the entire airship graciously. Explain some of the arrangements on those floating battleships.

Only then did Suldak know that the Grimm Empire had already had this kind of floating battleship, but this kind of floating battleship was not only expensive, but once it was in operation, it was like using magic crystals as briquettes to burn. Grand dukes with rich families will not easily dispatch floating battleships...

  Suldak and the captain got along very well, so it gave Suldak the feeling that the journey passed very quickly, and he arrived in the city of Ruyt before he knew it.

The airport pier in Ruyt City is still the same as before, except that some round marble columns have appeared on the city wall around the airport pier. These marble columns are carved with exquisite reliefs, and on the top of the columns, some twenty-span Several meters of arched stone beams, the platforms of these stone beams are even as high as the platform of the high tower of the airport terminal.

  There are at least a thousand such marble columns erected on the walls of the entire city...

  (end of this chapter)

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