Lord Highlander

Chapter 1366: 1353. The price

   Chapter 1366 1353. Price


  Earl Allen Benton looked at the glass vase on the window sill with some nostalgia. Although the flowers in the vase had withered, there was a wry smile on his face, and the wrinkles on his forehead were so deep.

   "Oululia, help me take those things out..." Earl Allen Benton called softly to the young man who was guarding him.

  The young man walked to the cabinet with red eyes, took out a parchment portfolio from the cabinet, and walked in front of Earl Allen Benton.

   "Open it..." Alan Benton was very weak, struggling to speak every word.

  The file bag was opened by the young man, and inside were several land deeds on magic parchment and a gold seal.

  The young man named Aulullia handed over the title deed and seal to Suldak.

   Each title deed has a detailed description of the area and land boundary. Suldak counted them, and there are seven in total. The magic parchment at the bottom is not a title deed, but a letter of recommendation.

Before leaving office, each logistics minister has the last right to recommend the next logistics minister. The recommendation letter that Earl Allen Benton gave to Suldak is a recommendation that has been written and signed by himself In the letter, the only blank place is the name of the recommender, which also means that Surdak can fill in anyone's name on it.

  With the recommendation of Earl Allen Benton, it can make it easier for Suldak to promote his own people.

  This recommendation letter, those land deeds, and official seals are probably prepared by Earl Allen Benton for Suldak in advance...

Suldak saw a map of the outskirts of Ruyt hanging on the wall. This map can almost fully explain all the territories owned by the Benton family. There are large red graffiti on this map, and Suldak bowed his head again. Looking at those land deeds, I realized that the land deeds in my hand had all been wiped out on the map on the wall.

  Suldak estimates that the seven land deeds in his hand occupy at least two-thirds of the land owned by the Benton family on this map.

  Earl Allen Benton looked at Suldak, there was no pleading in his eyes, but a kind of anticipation before relief.

  Suldak looked down at the several land deeds in his hand, put them together with the recommendation letter and official seal into the file bag, and then put it into the magic pocket.

   "What happened before ends here." Suldak said to Earl Allen Benton.

  Earl Allen Benton even felt a sense of relief in his eyes at this moment, and whispered: "Thank you!"

  Then he slowly closed his eyes, with difficulty showing a faint smile on his face, and Suldak could clearly feel that the last trace of life in him began to disappear quietly.

Suldak rushed forward, trying to send some power of holy light into his body, but when he grabbed Earl Alan Benton's hand, his palm didn't even have a trace of warmth. Suldak Then he stretched out his hand to Earl Allen Benton's chest, only to find that his heart had stopped beating.

   Immediately, he stood up, everyone in the room stood up, and mourned for a while towards Earl Allen Benton.

   Earl Allen Benton's wife and children walked into the room one after another, and the room was full of people.

  Suldak took the opportunity to go out, stood in the corridor and took a breath.

It seems that the people in the manor knew that Earl Allen Benton was about to die. The news of his death did not make the manor chaotic. Even some magic caravans that were about to leave slowly stopped by the roadside. The family members returned one after another to say goodbye to Alan Benton.


  Suldak didn't expect that Earl Allen Benton's last wish was that his family would burn his body to ashes, put the ashes in jars, and bury them in the cemetery.

  The wooden platform for incinerating the corpses was in the back garden. After walking to the back garden, Suldak discovered that there were actually two incineration platforms built here. They were all very burnable and grease-rich pine branches, and some kerosene was poured on them.

  Each wooden platform is about three meters in length and only 1.5 meters in width. The firewood is placed very densely, which looks like a large single bed.

  Suldak was a little curious as to who owned the other burning platform, but it was not easy for him to ask these busy servants.

While hesitating in the garden, Suldak spotted Marilena in a long black dress, a black top hat on her head, and a black veil covering her face. The servant behind her even carried a The suitcase looks like it's about to go on a long journey.

  She walked towards the gazebo where Suldak was, bowed her knees slightly, and said hello.

   I have to say that Mrs. Marilena has the best figure among the old Earl Benton's wives. Suldak turned to her and asked, "Mrs. Marilena, why are there two tables here?"

   "The one lying on the other incineration platform is Mrs. Jenny..." Mrs. Marilena stood on the edge of the gazebo, looked towards the direction where the incineration platform was built, and said lightly.

  Suldak thought for a while before he remembered that Mrs. Jenny was the youngest lady of the old Earl Benton. At the funeral of the old Benton, that young woman with a beautiful face left a deep impression on him.

  Afterwards, Marilena told Suldak the story of Mrs. Jenny.

  Mrs. Marilena said that she actually wanted to tell Suldak something she knew at the funeral of the old Earl Benton last time, but unfortunately she didn't have the chance to say it at that time.

   Although Mrs. Jenny was not a necromancer, she was very obsessed with necromancers during her lifetime. It should be influenced by family factors. Jenny liked necromancy since she was a child, and she often came into contact with some undead potions.

  Just because of her talent, she failed to awaken the magic pool, so she couldn't learn magic.

  Old Benton met Mrs. Jenny exactly two years ago, when she fled Mucuso with her parents and had nowhere to stay, and it was old Benton who took them in.

  Later, her parents left him in the Benton family. They were going to marry a young member of the Benton family, but it was discovered during the wedding that the person who married her was the old Benton.

For this matter, Earl Allen Benton even had a very unpleasant quarrel with the old Benton. Although everyone knew that the old Benton was famous for being a romantic, but due to physical reasons and family honor considerations, everyone did not agree with him. I don't want him to marry another wife, because I don't want him to die in a woman's belly one day in the future.

  Unfortunately, the old Earl Benton did not accept everyone's suggestion, the wedding was still held as usual, and Mrs. Jenny became the last wife of the old Earl Benton.

  Old Benton came into contact with undead magic because of Mrs. Jenny. At first, it was because the undead potion allowed him to find his own second spring.

Later, with in-depth understanding, the old Earl Benton's thoughts gradually changed, perhaps because of the fear of death, old Benton began to have a strong interest in the immortals, although he knew that the souls of the immortals would forever fall into the world of the dead, But immortality in another sense gave him some new ideas.

   It was this young Mrs. Jenny who made old Earl Benton go down a road of no return.

This made Suldak never expect the truth to be like this, and he saw Mrs. Jenny's complexion was too pale at the old Benton's funeral, and thought that the death of the old Earl Benton had hit her too hard. I didn't expect her to be a lover of necromancy.

  Thinking that if he knew the truth earlier, he might be able to discover Viscount Du Wei's conspiracy earlier...

  Suldak shook his head vigorously, and put these thoughts behind him. There is no medicine for regret in the world. There may be two planes with different time flow rates in this world, but that is not time and space reverse flow.

  After Madam Marilena finished speaking, she let out a long breath, and secretly glanced at Suldak with her eyes under the black veil, and said:

   "I'm leaving here, so before I left, I thought about telling the secret I kept in my heart."

  Suldak turned around and glanced at her, and said casually, "Are you planning to leave the Benton family and Ruyt?"

She turned around, walked towards the front yard, and said casually: "Well, I plan to go to the bustling imperial capital to take a look. In my life, I always have to go and have a look, otherwise how would I know?" What a wonderful world out there."

   She walked and talked without looking back.

  Suldak watched Earl Allen Benton lying on the burning platform with his own eyes, and his whole body quickly disappeared into the flames and thick smoke.

Sitting on the magic caravan, on the way back to the city of Ruyt, Suldak suddenly thought that perhaps one or two cremation furnaces should be built in the city of Ruyt. This method of cremation does not require buying expensive coffins. For those poor people living at the bottom, it may be possible to reduce the burden of life.

It's just that the old life concepts and customs may make it difficult for them to accept cremation, because usually they are judged to be pagans, demons, undead, etc. before being sent to the stake by magicians .

  Thinking of this, Suldak sighed slightly. If he wants to change some of the deep-rooted concepts of the citizens, I am afraid that there is still a long way to go.

  He didn't expect that Alan Benton would take this step in the end, sacrificing himself and most of his territory in order to continue the Benton family.

   But this really saved the Benton family. The carriage was driving on the forest road, and a group of constructed knights slowly came out from the dark woods, one after another, slowly gathering into a whole group of constructed knights.

  If it weren't for Earl Allen Benton's operation before his death, Suldak would have disbanded the Benton family and confiscated all the territories tonight.

The reason is that although it seems that Viscount Du Wei is leading this matter, in fact, the abomination is the protagonist of this plague incident, but there are some mistakes in the process of cultivating and merging souls. Old Benton's The soul was not completely integrated into the body of the abomination, so that the combat power was greatly reduced, and it even affected the devouring ability.

  If this abomination has a clear mind and can devour enough souls, it may be a devastating disaster for Ruyt City.

Now things have finally calmed down. Although Ruyt City has suffered huge losses, Suldak has mixed results. First of all, the plague incident has allowed Ruyt City to obtain a large area of ​​public territory. All involved nobles will be punished if they fail to do so, and according to the laws of the Green Empire, nobles can pay fines to mitigate punishment.

In this way, Suldak can confiscate a large amount of public land, which Suldak does not plan to include in his own territory, but turns them into the public property of Ruyt City, and then this part of land will be used in the future It is rented to the poor in the city at a low price to improve the living standards of the poor.

  And the new logistics minister of Ruyt City, Suldak intends to let Baron Martino take over.

  The important position of the Minister of Logistics is in charge of the material dispatching of the entire city, and has almost the same power as the Minister of Finance. Especially at this time when the city is being built in full swing, this position must be one of its own to ensure that the wealth of Ruyt City does not flow out.

   Obviously Earl Allen Benton is also very aware of this truth, so he gave Suldak a blank letter of recommendation.


  Carrie Decker got into the carriage, and sat side by side with Sia and opposite Suldak.

At this moment, the sky was gradually getting brighter, and the magic caravan was passing through the mountain road full of thick fog. The wet fog had a smell of grass. Carrie Decker took off his helmet and shook his dew-wet hair. He took the towel handed over by Sia and began to wipe it seriously.

   "I really hate this kind of foggy weather, even my breath is wet..." Carrie Decker complained. "I thought I would encounter resistance from the guarding knights of the Benton family, but I didn't expect it to end like this?"

  Suldak said to Carrie Decker: "Let the other cavalry regiments withdraw as well. Next, let me see who else is on the list Aphrodite gave us."

  Sia quickly took out a piece of magic parchment from her arms, which was filled with noble names.

   I have to say that Aphrodite's charm and hypnotism are simply spells for interrogation. Even the strong-willed Viscount Du Wei confessed a list of nobles under the charm and hypnotism.

   "Shall we just keep cleaning every house like this?" Xi Ya looked at the list and asked Suldak.

Suldak nodded, and said as a matter of course: "Of course, only in this way can we get a clean city of Ruyt, and I don't want a plague like this to happen again sometime after we leave Ruyt! "

   "Boss, where are we going next?" Carrie Decker asked.

  Suldak scraped the step on his chin and said, "Go to the Ma Li family estate."

  Carrie Decker determined the next destination, and before the magic caravan stopped, she pushed open the door and jumped off. She wanted to arrange the next course of action for the Constructed Knights.

  At this time, only Xiya remained in the carriage. She rolled up the list of parchments, raised her head and asked Suldak:

   "Dak, are you leaving Ruyt City? Is there any news from the military department?"

Suldak shook his head and said, "Not yet, but I think since I was the first to touch the cake on the Bailin plane, the next thing is to pay the price, and the Lord Army must go Warsaw plane, help Duke Newman deal with the mess over there..."

  (end of this chapter)

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