Lord Highlander

Chapter 578: 567. The price of growth

   Chapter 578 567. The price of growth

  In Suldak's impression, fire is omnipotent.

Most of the magic guilds in the Green Empire are fire-type magicians, so that the price of fire-type magic materials is a bit higher than that of other-type magic materials. Meat can enhance fire resistance and fire element affinity, and is highly sought after by fire magicians.

In addition, the inheritance of fire magic and various types of fire magic books are very complete. Many great magicians will write some books about fire magic experience or analysis in their later years, so that more young magicians The master has gone further on the road of fire magic.

  However, on the battlefield in the valley in front of you, dozens of magicians are riding around in the air and chasing each other. The performance of the magicians of the law enforcement team did not show that the fire magic is superior to others.

  A fireball broke through the canopy of the tree, fell on the grass and detonated instantly, causing the grass blades and soil to splash around in the flames, and there was a burnt smell everywhere.

   Fortunately, Samira was very vigilant and pulled Suldak to hide behind an oak tree in advance, avoiding this wave of explosions.

The ogre Gullitum who was following behind was not so lucky. The mud and grass clippings were all over his body in an instant. The ogre reached out and wiped the grass clippings off his face. The fire magician who flew by had a displeased expression on his face.

Carol and his fellow hunters also got up from the ground, patted the broken soil and grass clippings on their bodies, and continued to follow behind everyone in a very low-key manner. These hunters often hunt in the jungle. When tracking their prey, they rely on Sensitive to avoid danger.

Fifty meters away, the top of the canopy shook violently. A magician from the Recluse Order rushed out of the canopy riding a magic scorpion. His whole body was covered with branches and leaves. A few red marks were drawn on the arm, and a hole was drawn in the magic robe.

  He squinted one eye, that eye seemed to be injured, and only one eye was opened and looked forward.

  He pulled up the handle of the magic scorpion vigorously to increase the flying height, trying to avoid a towering ancient tree in front of him.

  A young fire magician from the Law Enforcement Team followed closely behind, holding a fire magic scroll in his hand, always trying to find an opportunity to throw the fireball out.

  In this high-speed flight state, the accuracy of the fireball will be greatly affected.

   To hit the black mage in front, both timing and luck are essential.

Seeing the magician of the Priory rushing from the complex jungle to the high mountain with strange rocks, the young magician of the law enforcement team behind was still chasing after him. Carol, the hunter standing behind the team, said worriedly: "He's going to suffer like this!"

  Suldak followed Carol's gaze, and saw the magician of the Priory doing extreme flight against the rock wall of the mountain, as if he was showing off his flying skills.

  The magician of the law enforcement team behind is also very skilled, using the same movements to complete the difficult flight against the rock and the extreme turn.


The strong mountain wind blew across his cheeks, and the sleeves of the magic robe made a crackling sound. The young mage of the law enforcement team tightly held the scroll in his hand, and once again missed the fleeting opportunity, he said a little annoyedly: " Dry!"

  The mountain wind poured into his mouth, and he quickly closed his mouth.

He felt that his flying skills were a bit higher than that of the magician from the Priory in front of him. The magic handle was also the latest model launched by the Magic Union this year, but every time he was about to catch up, the other party would post a Facing the rock wall, he made a big turn when he was caught off guard, so as to widen the distance between the two of them.

  The young mage of the Law Enforcement Team decided to increase his speed, and at the corner of the convex rock in front, he threw the magic scroll in his hand, blowing the guy in front of him away.

  The magician of the Priory seemed to have a premonition that it might be dangerous to fly to the front. He turned ahead of time and rushed towards a raised cliff.

   At this moment, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and precisely landed on the head of the young mage of the law enforcement team.

  In an instant, the brand new Magic Xun hit the cliff, making a violent explosion.

  The young mage fell from mid-air, his whole body rolled back and forth in the sky, and hit the cliff with his head. He was too close to the stone cliff, so that he couldn't tear the scroll of the magic light shield in time.

  The flesh and blood body hit the rock wall, a pool of blood burst out immediately, and the corpse rolled down the cliff.

  On the rocky cliff at the top of the mountain, a magician from the Dark Moon Gate put away his staff, stepped onto the magic handle floating beside him, and rushed into the battlefield in the sky following the magician from the Priory in front.


On the battlefield above the valley, when the magicians of the Law Enforcement Group first appeared, they caused some confusion to the group of magicians in the valley, and then these magicians discovered that there were only twenty magicians in the law enforcement group rushing into the valley. Many, Cyril Dent commanded his magicians to quickly launch a counterattack.

  A streak of lightning strikes down from the sky, far more accurate than a thrown fireball.

  The magicians of the Law Enforcement Team propped up their magic light shields, quickly lowered their flight altitude, and flew ultra-low over the dense forest that had not been destroyed, trying to use the surrounding branches to guide the falling lightning into the ground.

  They just flew over the dense forest, when a group of Pompeii sea warriors holding tridents emerged from the forest, and threw bone spears in their hands at the magicians of the law enforcement group flying in the air.

   ‘嗖’ ‘嗖’ ‘嗖’

  Those bone spears shot straight into the sky under the action of huge force, one after another bone spears flew past the magician of the law enforcement team, and the unlucky magic light shield was pierced on the spot.

  The magicians of the law enforcement team fled one after another, and the magicians of the Dark Moon Gate and the Priory followed closely behind, driving them out of the desolate valley.


Suldak and his party climbed to the top of the peak, where the protruding rocks just overlooked the entire battlefield. Seeing that the magicians of the law enforcement team were beaten back steadily, Samira just snorted softly. The magicians of the Law Enforcement Corps, whose eyes were above the top, were not impressed.

  Lance was also among the retreating crowd, but he seemed to be in good condition, following Gerald behind, temporarily uninjured.

The head of the Law Enforcement Team of the Hailansa Magic Union, Magician Gerald, climbed over the mountain and saw that there were still a group of magicians from the Dark Moon Gate chasing behind him, so he manipulated the magic stick and dropped it directly on the boulder on the top of the mountain. superior.

Another great magician from the Magic Union of Bena Province also made the same choice as Magician Gerald. They landed on the top of the mountain almost at the same time. They stood on both sides of the mountain and drew the magic pattern almost at the same time. Suddenly, a series of fireballs flew out from the hands of the two magicians, and these fireballs flew a hundred yards away and exploded in the air.

  The bursting fireball forms a burning cloud of fire.

  The chasing magicians of the Dark Moon Gate did not dare to rush forward and could only fly in circles from both sides.

  A magician from the Dark Moon Gate stood out from the crowd. He propped up a mask on his body and broke through the fire cloud directly.

  When he emerged from the fire cloud, the magic mask was gone, and there were several burns on his body.

There were layers of electric arcs wrapped around his arm, and when he saw Gerald and another magician riding away on a magic scorpion at the top of the peak, he released all the electric arcs on his arms in one gulp, countless electric arcs were like sprinkles Get out a big net.

   Magician Gerald gave a light 'huh', he stopped, stretched out his hand, and a ball of flame quickly condensed in the palm of his hand.

The flame flew out following a series of spells cast by Magician Gerald, and the fireball between the fingers flew out. The moment it touched the grid, the entire fireball exploded, and then formed a ring-shaped fire wave, centered on the explosion point. Diffusion outward.

  Where the fire wave passed, all the arcs disappeared instantly as if being swallowed.

Gerald popped another spark at the magician who was chasing him. The magician at the Dark Moon Gate was too frightened to turn his head back. The flames burst with it.

  If it wasn't for the presence of a strong man like Gerald in the mage group, perhaps the magicians of the law enforcement group would have been dispersed by the magicians of the Dark Moon Gate who came out from behind.

  Suldak thought that they might lose the battle, but he didn't expect to lose so quickly.

  I have just climbed to the top, and the magicians from the law enforcement team have almost run away...


The Dark Moon Gate magicians did not chase them out. They drove the magicians of the Law Enforcement Team out of the valley area, leaving only some magicians to continue patrolling in the air on the handlebars, and the remaining group of magicians returned to the ruins. Rest in a temporary camp on the side.

  The trees in the valley were severely damaged. Suldak noticed that a group of Pompeii warriors were standing beside the temporary teleportation array set up by the magician of the Dark Moon Gate. The Pompeii warriors, like the Janna tribe, could not leave the sea for a long time.

  This temporary teleportation array is the only way for Pompeii sea warriors to leave the Green Empire alive, so there is no room for any mistakes.

  There are many Pompeii sea warriors standing around the caves of the ruins, and they seem to be heavily guarded.

   Half-elf archer Samira stared at the cave at the bottom of the valley, and asked Suldak in surprise, "Captain, is that the entrance to the treasure?"

  Suldak didn't know if that was the entrance to the treasure. But the Dark Moon Gate and the magicians of the Priory took great pains to find here, and it is impossible to come here for tourism, so he said with some uncertainty: "Probably..."

   "Captain, should we sneak in?" The half-elf archer's eyes were full of gold coins, and his heart was a little restless.

  She lived in a children's home in the city of Wojmara since she was a child. She was afraid of hunger and poverty. She couldn't control herself when she saw anything related to gold coins.

"It may not work right now... We probably can't count on the magicians of this group of law enforcement teams. Now we will see when Andrew can bring the guard battalion knights here. I hope they can come here soon. It's too late and maybe they won't get anything. Here we are," Suldak said.

  He now only hopes that the coalition forces of the guard battalion can arrive here quickly...

  (end of this chapter)

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