Lord Highlander

Chapter 708: 697. North City Wall

   Chapter 708 697. North City Wall

The town hall of Dodan Town is made of bluestone strips, and the surface of the wall is painted with a layer of white ash. On both sides of the steps at the door, there are two sculptures of imperial guards holding shields and spears. Entering the hall of the town hall, facing the entrance of the hall is It is a colorful mural depicting war. Below the mural is the front desk of the town hall. A middle-aged woman is standing behind the front desk, writing on parchment with a quill pen.

Hearing the sound of footsteps at the door, the middle-aged woman raised her head, and her eyes fell on Suldak's chest immediately. Seeing that he was wearing the Noble Medal and the Knight's Badge of the Guard Battalion on his chest, she quickly stood up from the chair and walked around the front desk He walked directly in front of Suldak and said kindly:

"You must be Baron Suldak of the Luthor Legion. Your transfer order has arrived three days ago. Our mayor has been looking forward to your arrival for the past few days, but today is really unlucky. Yesterday outside the city There was a vicious incident in which a bandit group attacked the adventure group, Mayor Marko led the city guards, the armed business group, and the temporary organization of the adventure group went out of the city last night, and they have not returned yet.”

  Suldak knew that Mayor Marko was no longer in the town hall, so he asked the middle-aged woman:

   "I heard about this from Baron Maynard, is the adventure group's loss big this time?"

"The specific loss has not yet been reported. It is said that this matter has caused a lot of trouble in the adventure group union in the town. Yesterday, just in time for the Langdon Legion garrison to leave, the town did not have enough manpower, so the mayor organized a union The team went to search the mountains outside the city." The middle-aged woman said to Suldak with a smile,

Suldak could feel her politeness and alienation. It seems that the relationship between the local garrison and the town hall is a bit delicate. Suldak didn't ask for details, but asked: "Has the mayor Marko sent back from outside the city?" information?"

  The middle-aged woman said quickly: "I heard that some clues have been found, but that mountain is the territory of a local indigenous chief. If the joint team wants to operate there, it is estimated that they need to communicate with the local indigenous chief."

  Suldak frowned, and asked the middle-aged woman:

   "Do you know the specific location, I will send someone to ask Mayor Marko if there is a need to dispatch troops."

  The middle-aged woman said with surprise on her face:

   "It's great of you to come, is there anything I can do?"

  Suldak thought for a while before saying:

   "I need a guide who is familiar with the terrain on the outskirts of the town."

  The middle-aged woman quickly said:

   "I happen to have an aborigine here who is familiar with the surroundings of the town. Let him take you to Mayor Marko and the others..."

After she finished speaking, she quickly walked through the corridor of the hall, walked to the stables in the backyard of the town hall, and told an aboriginal groom: "Cory, stop what you are doing, now you will follow this Sur Lord Baron Dak, take him to the north of the town to find Mayor Marko and the others."

   "Okay, Mrs. Luna!" The groom quickly stopped what he was doing, stood up and patted the broken grass on his body, and said in a low voice.

   After bidding farewell to Mrs. Luna, Suldak led the local aboriginal guide named Corey out of the town hall. Only then did Suldak realize that he did not know the identity of Mrs. Luna.

Suldak inquired with the groom Corey, and found out that Mrs. Luna was actually Mayor Marko's secretary. However, due to the lack of suitable manpower in the town hall, her secretary is currently holding several positions. , even the front desk receptionist, because the only Miss Delia who insisted on the front desk asked for leave, she had to be replaced temporarily. It seems that this town hall is not big.

  Andrew walked out of the gate before asking Suldak: "Boss, do you want me to go to the camp to gather a cavalry squadron?"

  Suldak nodded, and said to Andrew: "Bring more people, and you should familiarize yourself with the environment of the northern mountains in advance!"


   After Andrew finished speaking, he ran towards the cavalry battalion station on the west side of the town.

   Walking to the small square opposite the town hall, Suldak happened to see Signa and Selena sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree enjoying the coolness.

Nika stood by the pool with her head up, looking curiously at the stone statue of a water girl holding a water bottle in both hands. A stream of clear water flowed out of the water bottle held by the girl in the stone statue, rushing. Entering the pool, a few small fish swim happily in the pool.

  Suldak walked up to Selena and sat down, held her white and soft hand, looked at the small square with people coming and going, and said to her: "We will live in this small town for a while..."

   Selena seemed to be unaccustomed to being held by Suldak in public, her face was reddish, but her eyes were extremely gentle. She held Suldak's thick and powerful hand behind her back and nodded slightly.

  Signa, who was sitting on the other side of Selena, asked Suldak, "How long are we going to stay here?"

   "Probably have to live until the end of the garrison mission. It is estimated that it will take at least two years." Suldak doesn't know how long it will take to end the garrison mission.

  In fact, if he wants to develop the mine and expand the territory in Dodan Town, it will take some time to operate it.

  Suldak asked: "Does Signa like it here?"

   "Although I am a bit reluctant to part with Wall Village, the environment here is better. There are grasslands and lush trees everywhere, and the climate here is much better than Wall Village." Signa sat beside her mother and said obediently.

  Signa is about the same age as Little Peter, but much more mature than Little Peter.

   Not long after, Andrew rushed to the small square with three cavalry squadrons.

Suldak asked Selena to take Signa and Nika back to the garrison camp on their own, and left them two veterans of the cavalry battalion, and then they and Samira rode on the ancient horses brought by Andrew. , a cavalry team of nearly 200 men marched through the center of the town and rushed to the gate of the north city wall of Dodan Town.

The people of the small town on the street gave way to the cavalry one after another, and came to the gate of the north city wall unimpeded. The gate of this city wall is usually closed. The guards at the door rushed up with their spears in their hands.

   "Lord Baron, are you leaving the city?" the guard asked.

   "I'm going to support Mayor Marko, and help me open the gate!" Suldak said on horseback.

  Then my city gate guards didn't talk too much nonsense, and quickly waved the flags in their hands to the guards on the top of the city who were in charge of guarding the city gate's cable winch.

As the winch was slowly pushed by ten aboriginal coolies, the iron fence like an iron gate slowly rose with the sound of 'clicking'. Each iron bar of this iron fence has Suldak's big arm Thick and thin, the entire iron fence is three meters wide, seven meters high, and weighs several tons. However, this is only the first gate of the city wall.

  The bottom of the entire north city wall is almost thirty meters thick, and the gate opening of the north city gate also looks like a deep tunnel.

  There are five city gates before and after the North City Gate, which need to be opened by the city gate guards one by one.

   After waiting for a long time until all the city gates were opened, Suerdak led nearly two hundred cavalry into the V-shaped mountain pass gorge outside the northern city.

  (end of this chapter)

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