Lord Highlander

Chapter 826: 815. The young natives 2

   Chapter 826 815. Young natives 2

   "Oops, they found us..."

  A young aborigine's face turned ashen, his eyes were full of fear, and his whole body was trembling when he spoke.

   "Run!" Someone shouted.

  The seven young natives quickly put down their prey, turned around and ran towards the mountain wall outside Stonehenge.

  Eight ghost pattern soldier ants jumped out from the grass, their sharp hard armor cut off the grass blades, and their crawling speed was much faster than the running speed of the young natives.

  The young aborigines stepped on the gravel between the mountain walls and ran towards the halfway up the mountain. Only when they reached the halfway up the mountain and got into the dense thorny stone pillars, could they avoid the pursuit of the ghost pattern soldier ants.

   Seeing the ghost pattern soldier ants getting closer behind him, one of the most experienced young aborigines immediately yelled strangely:

   "We have to separate, or no one will live."

  He deliberately shouted loudly: "Don't run to the tribe, don't lead these **** red ants home."

  Probably trying to attract those ghost-patterned soldiers behind.

These young aborigines immediately scattered, several young people ran separately, and the ghost-patterned soldiers behind them also chased these young aborigines separately. The weapons in their hands could not break through the armor of the ghost-patterned soldiers. Facing such monsters, they There is no chance of winning.

   Fortunately, they are very familiar with the mountains in this area, and the speed of running and climbing is not too slow.

The other young aborigines ran out of sight in a blink of an eye, only the youngest aborigine followed behind the most experienced young aborigine, and the two of them ran panting to the side of a cliff. Behind them were two dark red The ghost pattern soldier ant opened its sharp claws and kept approaching the two young natives.

  The older young aborigine stretched out his hand to block the younger young aborigine, and said with regret and self-reproach: "I regret it a bit, I shouldn't take everyone to hunt those three ghost-striped worker ants."

  Although he was actually terrified to death, he trembled uncontrollably when he spoke.

The smaller young aborigine looked desperately at the ghost pattern soldier ant who spread out the claws in front of him. The disgusting mouthparts under the giant claws kept opening and closing, his legs were a little weak, and he stepped back. When I was walking, I tripped over a stone and sat down on the ground.

  The ghost-patterned soldier ants thought that the natives were the first to attack, and their bodies also shot forward. The moment they touched the pincers, they cut off the arms of the older young natives together with the broken iron knife.

The heart-piercing screams spread far away, and the older young natives were determined to save their companions, screaming in pain and pounced on the ghost-striped soldier ant, whose body was cut at the waist by the soldier ant's open pliers , blood spattered, and the colorful internal organs in the cavity flowed all over the place.

  The younger young native completely lost the courage to fight and flee, and sat on the ground trembling, watching the two soldier ants tear his elder brother to pieces in an instant with empty eyes.

   At the moment when he closed his eyes and waited to die, several spears covered with hardwood and iron flew down in front of the ghost pattern soldier ants.

A group of tribal warriors came from the mountainside, and threw hardwood flying spears with iron-tipped spears, forcing the ghost-striped soldier ant back, and then several arrows flew over, and shot through the ghost-striped soldier accurately. Ant's compound eyes.

  The wounded ghost pattern soldier ant made a dizzy 'hiss' body, and sprayed a stream of sour liquid towards the young native.

  The young aborigine only felt that his body was being hugged, and the surrounding scenery became blurred. Then he was placed next to the rock wall. The person who rescued him was Uncle Anta, a warrior in the tribe.

  He is the most experienced hunter in the tribe, and his thick beard makes him look very fierce.

   "Little Su En, stand up, you are the child of the God of Hunting, you can't be so timid..."

   After speaking, he stuffed a blood-stained iron knife into his hand, and said another sentence:

  “No matter what kind of adversity you are in, don’t forget to raise your weapon.”

   At this time, more indigenous warriors appeared beside the surrounding rocks.

  The young native's eyes were a little dull, probably because he was frightened by the **** scene in front of him.

More than a dozen indigenous warriors rushed towards the two ghost-patterned soldiers. The weapons in their hands were much better than the iron knives held by the young natives. Many of them had a heavy axe in their hands, and they carried hardwood on their backs. bow.

  After some fighting, four indigenous warriors were injured and cut off the heads of two ghost pattern soldiers.

  An aboriginal warrior chopped open the hard skull of the ghost pattern soldier ant with an axe, pulled out a handful of brains from it with his mouth curled up, and said vaguely, "I heard that the meat of this big guy is very chewy..."

   Several other indigenous warriors also came over one after another, but before everyone began to share the joy of victory, Uncle Anta shouted:

   "Don't get complacent too early, I'm afraid we're in big trouble."

Everyone followed his gaze to look between the mountain walls. Two giant ghost-striped soldier ants and more than a hundred ghost-striped soldier ants had already appeared in their field of vision. Significantly faster.

  A group of ghost pattern soldier ants quickly surrounded them.

  These indigenous warriors joined the battle one after another. With the hard armor on their bodies, the ghost-pattern soldiers kept getting injured and fell down.

  Uncle Anta and several indigenous warriors stood in front of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant. They were just wooden weapons in their hands, and they had no effect on the giant ghost-striped soldier ant.

   After a while, nearly half of the indigenous warriors fell.

  The giant ghost pattern soldier ant opened its pincers and bit off Uncle Anta's wooden spear.

Just when it was about to kill the native warrior, a group of cavalrymen and two thunder rhinoceros appeared at the foot of the mountain. At the same time, a giant crossbow bolt roared over. The giant ghost pattern soldier ant already felt the danger, and it had some He turned his head awkwardly.

  The shadow reflected in the countless compound eyes is this giant crossbow bolt galloping forward.


  The crossbow bolt passed through the body of the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant, firmly nailing it to the mountain wall.

   At the same time, Suldak led a team of cavalry along the hillside, rushing towards the ghost pattern soldiers.

  In an instant, a group of cavalry slaughtered the ghost pattern soldiers.

   These native warriors did not expect that the people who saved them would be a group of cavalry from the Grimm Empire. Just over a month ago, there were frequent conflicts between the two sides around the boundary markers in the hills and mountains.

   Several indigenous warriors took the opportunity to help their injured companions up, and began to treat the wound silently.

Following Suldak's sword cut off the head of the giant ghost-pattern soldier ant, he held it in his hand, jumped off his horse, and strode to several wounded soldiers standing beside the mountain wall. In front of the native warriors, he nodded friendly to them, and then said: "Sorry, we are a little late..."

   Several indigenous warriors looked at Surdak blankly, obviously not understanding what he was saying.

  However, the indigenous warriors also expressed their gratitude to Suldak for helping out.

  It's a pity that Aung San didn't follow this time. There was a big problem in communication between the two sides, but these indigenous warriors were really enthusiastic. After cleaning up the battlefield, they took the initiative to bring Suldak and the cavalry back to their hiding place.

  The patriarchs of the indigenous tribes were also the first to greet them...

  (end of this chapter)

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