Lord Highlander

Chapter 874: 861. Bad Situation

   Chapter 874 861. Bad situation

  The letter of summons from the Consul of Florian was placed on Suldak's desk, but he didn't feel honored at all.

Unexpectedly, the group of magicians in the Magic Union actually approached the Marquis Florian, the consul of Wilkes City, through their connections. Last month, the Marquis Florian was still in Wilkes City A banquet was hosted for Hathaway and Beatrice.

  Hathaway arrived in the town of Dodan, and mentioned this Uncle Florian to Suldak. It is said that he has a good relationship with Marquis Luther.

  Suldak didn't expect that he would become a lobbyist for Master Christopher.

  But for the invitation of the Wilkes Consul, Suldak really has no way to refuse...

   I didn't expect that the wave of the magic union would come so violently. After thinking about it, Suldak wrote back:

  ‘Lord Marquis of Florian, it is a great honor to receive your invitation. I will visit you at the city hall tomorrow morning! Viscount Suldak, Commander of the Independent Cavalry Battalion of the Luthor Legion. '

  The servant responsible for delivering the letter immediately returned to Wilkes City Hall with the letterhead.


  Surdak rode his horse through the market early the next morning and arrived at the gate of Wilkes City Hall. He led the horse to the guard at the gate and showed the Marquis Florian's summons letter to the guard at the gate.

  The guard held the summoning letter and led Suldak into the city hall. When he passed the first gate, there was a groom who came to lead the horse.

  Wilkes City Hall is far more imposing than High Lansa City Hall. The whole building is full of semi-open inner and outer corridors, and there are various exquisite patterns on these corridors.

  Suldak walked for a quarter of an hour before being led by the guards to the office of the Consul of Florian on the third floor.

  ...knock on the door.

   After getting a response, Suldak carefully opened the door and walked into the room.

  The office of the Consul of Florian is very grand. It can be said that almost all the decorations in the room are decorated with gold patterns.

  When Suldak walked in, the secretary of the Consul of Florian was waiting inside, and led Suldak to a living room, where the attendants came in one after another and placed refreshments on the table.

   Didn't wait long before seeing the governor of Wilkes City.

   It can be said that the Consul Florian is a great nobleman who holds real power in the hands of the Bailin plane.

  He was wearing leather armor with a minimalist pattern, which looked very casual.

  But Suldak could see the quaint taste from the leather armor.

Consul Florian is a very handsome middle-aged man, with light golden curly hair trimmed neatly, exuding an aura that only a Benar swordsman could have. He asked, "You are Suldak? Hurry up?" Sit down, no wonder you can lead such a cavalry battalion capable of fighting, I heard that you are also a knight yourself?"

  In Bena Province, the most famous is the Bena Swordsman Regiment, so cavalry is not as important as other provinces.

   "Yes, Mr. Consul!" Suldak quickly replied.

"You can call me Uncle Florian. Ferdinand and I studied together at the Swordsman Academy for four years. At that time, we were still as young as you. Later, we each returned to the family to work, but we often gave each other privately. Write a letter." The Consul Florian played the family card as soon as he opened his mouth.

  Suldak quickly sat up straight, his heart was half down.

  Since the consul was a classmate of the Marquis Luther when he was young, he has a much better chance of being taken care of.

   "I'm calling you here this time, I don't think I need to say too much, you should know what I'm going to say..."

  The Consul of Florian showed a helpless face and said:

"Now this matter is so violent that Wilkes City is not at peace. I shouldn't have interfered with this matter. I just hope it can end as soon as possible. I hope you can think about it again when you make a decision. Everything depends on Wilkes. The overall situation of X City is the most important."

  After saying this, Consul Florian raised his eyebrows at Suldak and said: "These words are what I have to say. Some things are entrusted by others, and there are various human feelings mixed in."

   "For this matter, I still support you personally." He had a friendly smile on his face, leaned over, and patted Suldak on the shoulder kindly.

Then he changed his voice and said: "However, the other party is a very prestigious alchemist in the Wilkes magic circle. His students are all over the various magic industries in Wilkes City, and now the entire magic guild is giving its all. Support Christopher Wizard."

"Those members of the House of Representatives, although most of them are noble lords, should have supported you, but the current situation is... If they don't support you, they will have nothing to lose, but if they don't support Christopher Magician, they want to buy magic patterns in the future Constructed, it is likely to go to Bena City."

  Florian consul finally said:

   "So I remind you, you must be mentally prepared... The second reconsideration of the House of Representatives may award that territory to Christopher Magician."

  Suldak sat on a chair, did not refuse the proposal of the consul of Florian, but did not agree either.

   Unexpectedly, this Christopher magician would actually handle the official procedures of Invercargill Forest in Wilkes City.

  He stayed with the consul of Florian for a short while before leaving the city hall.


  The streets of the city hall were lined with trees, and Suerdak was not in a hurry to ride back to the hotel, so he led the horse forward on the street.

  He has a burly figure and looks like a warrior. Walking on the long street, he saw women on the street casting their eyes on Suldak.

  The Gu Bolai horse he was leading was dishonest, and kept sticking out his thick lips, secretly nibbling the flowers in the pond.

  Feeling a sense of oppression on the top of the head, I saw dozens of magicians riding magic handles, flying against the roof at ultra-low altitude.

  A sorcerer whizzed by at the low altitude of the long street, causing the citizens to cry.

Just when Suldak was hesitating slightly, the team of magicians riding on the handles of the magic scorpion actually drew a beautiful and neat arc on the long street, and flew towards Suldak again, and then the A group of mages hovered over Suldak's head one after another, it seemed that they came here specially for Suldak.

  Magic 埽 keeps the magic streamer flowing on it...

  After the magicians stopped the magic horns, they lined up in the shape of an 'eight' to the left and right.

Did a magician land in front of Suldak on a magic scorpion? He is not as polite as the consul of Florian. Maybe he holds a high position in the magic union, and usually looks down on a nobleman like Suldak. lord.

  Even if he spoke, he didn't use any honorifics, so he said: "You are Suldak? Now the magicians in Wilkes City don't welcome you very much. Tell me...what are you still insisting on?"

"I heard that you are the commander of the cavalry battalion of Luthor's Legion. I must remind you that you may cause a lot of unnecessary troubles to Marquis Luther. His two swordsman regiments will mainly repair the magic pattern structure in the future." Put on, magic weapons..."

   "Offend the magic union of our Wilkes City, and the Constructed Swordsman Corps of your legion will not be able to repair magic equipment in the Bailin plane..."

  Suldak did not expect that the other party would actually say this in public.

  (end of this chapter)

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