Lord Highlander

Chapter 882: 869. Private auction

  Chapter 882 869. Private auction

Zazaks is the largest slave trader in Wilkes City. With his wealth, he can easily buy the most expensive property in the noble district, but he can only live in the wealthy district, and his status as a commoner prevents him from buying the noble district. any real estate there.

There are many adventure groups under him. These adventure groups are carrying out jungle exploration, including hunting monsters and collecting herbs, while capturing slaves. Of course, the native slaves they capture are secretly transported to Wilkes City and traded to slave owners. Zazaks.

  Only he has the ability to transport these native slaves to other planes.

  Zazax's slave camp was built between the slums and the poor free market, close to the arena in the business district.

  Slave owner Zazaks is also a frequent visitor to the arena. He often takes war slaves bought from various places to participate in various gladiatorial competitions held in the arena.

  Mayor Marco is the slave owner's guest.

However, the former mayor of Dodan Town has not been very happy recently. After he was summoned by the military department in Wilkes, he was fined a large sum of money to get out, which cost him all his savings. , Originally, he could have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life, but now he can only find something to do with the slave owner Zazaks.

  Luther's Legion arrived in the northern part of the White Forest Plane, and a beast tide broke out in the Thorn Mountains, causing a large number of slave hunters to leave the northern part of the White Forest Plane.

   Now the slave business is much less than before. Half a month ago, Zazaks was thinking about using relationships to push Marco back to the position of mayor, but unfortunately the House of Representatives has never been able to pass it.

  Suldak needs a group of kobolds who are good at mining, but kobold slaves are not always available.

  Businessman Malacombe is very well informed in Wilkes City.

  He heard from his friends that a group of dwarven slaves had come from the side of the slave owner Zazaks, so he tried to meet Zazaks.

   Malakom owns the largest thunder rhino business group in the Bailin plane, and he is also very famous in Wilkes City, so the slave owner Zazaks quickly agreed to the invitation.


  Businessman Malakom led Suldak to a sumptuous dinner in a high-end restaurant. It is said that the main course of this dinner is pan-fried wild beef steak. I heard that this bull was transported from the wild swamp.

  A wild bull weighs five tons, but the only part that can be sent to a restaurant for cooking is the eye meat on the back.

  Suldak only thinks that the meat is a little old, and it can only be considered not unpalatable when paired with a delicious sauce. The power contained in it is very obvious.

  As he kept chewing, he could clearly feel the power flowing into his limbs.

  On the streets of the wealthy district at night, there are often gorgeous magic caravans passing by, and the passengers sitting in the carriages are also men with red faces and gorgeous women. Here, rich people can be seen everywhere.

The magic caravans passing by on the street are very gorgeous, but compared with the magic caravans of nobles and wealthy families, these caravans lack the family emblem, so no matter how beautifully decorated they are, they are actually not much different from the magic caravans waiting for passengers on the side of the road the difference.

   Waiting until it was completely dark, the businessman Malakom and Suldak drove to a house in the rich area. The entrance of this house looked dimly lit and seemed a little deserted.

When the magic caravan drove into the yard, Suldak discovered that the yard was actually full of magic caravans. The caravans with family crests and those without family crests were all parked in an empty field surrounded by thick dense forests. Covered, you can't see the inside of the yard at all.

   I didn’t expect there to be a hole in the sky here. Behind the fountain pool in the vestibule, a square corridor-style building was built.

The square corridor is divided into upper and lower floors. The nobles walked into the building and climbed up the gorgeous stairs to the second floor. There are all kinds of exquisite desserts, juices and fine wines here. Some nobles, businessmen and magicians stood together in twos and threes. , appearing to be chatting.

  Businessman Malakom walked in, and other businessmen kept coming to greet him.

  Although Suldak has almost become a household name in Wilkes City this month, there are not many opportunities to show his face, so not many people know Suldak on the spot.

   Several magicians recognized Suldak, but they didn't intend to greet Suldak, but stood chatting in the corner of the terrace by themselves.

   It wasn't until Zazaks came out from the arched door below, followed by two indigenous slaves with price tags hanging on their chests, that Suldak knew that this reception was actually a private auction.

   "Good evening everyone, I hope everyone can take pictures of their favorite products tonight!"

  Zazacs stood on the lower floor of the square corridor with his belly shy. He looked up at the nobles and businessmen in the corridor on the second floor, with a simple and humble smile on his face.

At this time, the businessman Malakom explained to Suldak in a low voice that this kind of private auction, this kind of private gathering, is still very private, and two or more senior members need to be recommended as referees to be eligible to join this group.

  Of course, it is impossible for senior members here to recommend newcomers endlessly. In fact, each senior member has only one chance to recommend newcomers per quarter.

"This indigenous man came from the Maca plane and belongs to the Nanai tribe. He is about 25 years old, about seven feet tall, and weighs about 180 pounds. The old injury does not affect walking, and although he is physically strong, he does not understand the basic skills and tactics of the Green Empire."

  Zazacs opened the mouth of the male slave, grabbed the braid on his head, and walked around the booth below.

"As we all know, we are currently working on the plane, and there is still a big gap in terms of fighters." He stretched out his chubby hand, patted the slave's face, and then said: "This is a young slave with outstanding physique. With patience and training, you can still become a war slave."

   Zzaks was a little hoarse when he spoke, but it wasn't unpleasant, especially when he spoke, it was always easy to bring the audience around him into a special rhythm.

  All eyes fell on him.

   "Fifteen gold coins start bidding, thirty gold coins cap..." Zazaks continued.

   "Why is there still a cap on the price of the auction?" Suldak secretly asked Malakom, a businessman beside him.

   "This is to prevent malicious bidding. As long as the bidder wants to buy it, as long as he calls out the ceiling price, others have no right to participate in the auction..." the businessman Malakom explained to Suldak in a low voice.

   While speaking, the nobles around had already raised the bidding price to twenty-two gold.

   I didn't expect that the first slave brought out would be so fiercely fought over. It seems that the Nanai people are well-known.

  Although Andrew was not here, Suldak still took out a number plate from the side, stretched it forward and shouted: "Thirty gold!"

   Directly give the capped price and take it back as a Nanai slave.

   "Uh... this... this nobleman bought today's lot number one, and the transaction price was 30 gold coins!" Zazaks shouted at the top of his voice.

  (end of this chapter)

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