Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 129: Sort out your thoughts

the next day.

Ethan Yoyo woke up from the chair.

He was exhausted from killing the little snake last night.

Although he didn't do it himself, he watched the little snakes rush over one after another, and then disappeared into ashes, with the force power still growing.

That kind of pleasure makes people unable to stop. It's impossible to stop at all.

In the end, he gave up because the two-headed snake had insufficient magic power and could not split into smaller snakes.

The force also stayed at 3955, which was equivalent to an increase of 2235 overnight.

Calculated based on the 100% profit from killing the target with the [Loan Usury] skill, he alone gained 745 magic power.

If Volibear's gains are included, the magic gained should be even more.

I want to mention here that for some reason, Volibear also gets 30% of the profits.

After one night, its strength also increased a lot.

Because the income far exceeded expectations, Ethan thought too much and was too excited before. When he suddenly became quiet, he immediately became tired and fell asleep without realizing it.

"It's been so busy lately."

Ethan touched his swollen head and said to himself.

Because so much happened and so much was gained in one day, Ethan had countless ideas.

But if too many ideas are gathered together, it will appear disorganized and impossible to make sense.

Usually at this time, Ethan would take out paper and pen, write down various ideas, straighten out his thoughts, arrange them in order, and prioritize them.

So he stretched his body, made himself a cup of coffee, then took out a paper and pen to plan his ideas.

First, it’s about Volibear.

The first is to lend it secondary talents such as bow specialization, which counts as a daily task.

Second, every three days, he is asked to go to the two-headed snake and harvest a wave. This is considered a three-day mission.

The third is to get a suitable sword for Volibear, otherwise his sword specialization will be wasted.

Since he couldn't bring an ordinary sword into the shadow, the sword he wanted to get had to be a magical treasure.

This can only be decided, because we don’t know how to do it yet.

Maybe you can ask Torisk to help with this matter. After all, he is a scientific research talent.

The second is about territorial development.

The industries he currently owns include the coffee business and the fishing industry, and he basically doesn't have to worry about these two.

What needs to be considered is how to develop new industries. For now, modifying magic ships seems to be a good idea.

If there is no problem with the design of Torisk's [Windbreaker], just try it out on a few family cargo ships and see the effect.

If the effect is good, increase the amount of modifications.

The Lawson family alone has nearly a hundred ships that need to be modified, which is enough for early development.

And if the family benefits from this, other people will definitely follow suit when they see it.

I believe it won’t be long before a modification industry can be developed in the territory.

And since only you can quickly create [Windbreaker], everyone must come here.

This will not only attract many talents, but also generate considerable profits.

At that time, you can also lend the [Inscription] skill to Volibear and let him be responsible for making [Windbreaker] in his spare time.


The only thing to consider is how much benefit to give to Torisk.

This is necessary and necessary.

Only if Torisk has sufficient funds can he conduct scientific research with more peace of mind, and he can also benefit from it.

Perhaps in the future, other industries can be developed using the inscriptions.

As Ethan listed his thoughts one by one, he straightened out his thoughts in no time.

Judging from the current situation, the main focus should be on the research and development of [Windbreaker].

Once successful, the territory will then enter a stage of rapid development.

After figuring everything out, Ethan is about to start working.

At this time, Angelina opened the door and came in.

"You're awake."

"Well!" Ethan stood up and gave Angelina a hug: "Thank you for your hard work last night, adding firewood to me and covering me with a quilt.

I've been busy all night, why don't I get more sleep? "

"Why are you telling me this! This is what I should do." Angelina smiled, but immediately changed to a serious expression: "By the way, there is something I want to tell you. ”

Ethan nodded and pulled Angelina to sit by the fire.

"Say it!"

"Yesterday you were away, and Andreev came to see you for something. He couldn't find you, so he came to me." Angelina said slowly: "He said that someone was causing trouble and didn't listen to his orders. He also instigated The Northlanders who fished went on strike, demanding higher wages.

They also threatened that they would quit if their salary was not increased.

I originally wanted to tell you this yesterday, but seeing that you were very happy at the time, I didn't dare to say it because I didn't want to spoil the fun.

Ethan, what are we going to do? "

Ethan’s head hurt when he heard it.

Of course, it's not because someone is causing trouble.

It's because he has given full authority over all fishing matters to Andreev.

But Andreev didn't seem to understand what full responsibility meant.

Being fully responsible means that no matter the specific affairs or personnel matters, everything is in his hands.

He can do whatever he wants.

Even if he wants to be greedy, as long as he is not too cruel, Ethan will treat it as invisible.

If people don't want to do it, just tell them to go away, right?

Deal with the matter first, and then report the results afterwards.

But he didn't know how to solve such a trivial matter.

It's really a headache.

However, despite this, Ethan can understand Andreev.

After all, Andreev's ability and courage are there, but he is still pushing the issue.

It is normal that he will not deal with the situation.

Ethan really feels that he is short of people around him, people who are courageous, considerate, and can stand on their own.

At this time, he understands why Sofia is so good to him.

People who can solve problems will always get some special treatment.

I am thinking about whether to ask Sofia to introduce some talents to me.

Otherwise, I will have to develop other industries in the future. If there is no suitable person, I will be too busy to deal with these trivial matters.

But these are all things for the future, and now I still have to deal with the current problems first.

"Do you know who is the leader of the trouble?"

"A guy named Brooklyn, who has only been here for a few days."

"Only a few days?" Ethan seemed to have some impression.

A few days ago, a knight came to Ethan and asked Ethan to help him arrange a job for his relative.

At that time, Ethan agreed without thinking.

But who knew that he would attract an ungrateful person.

"It seems that this is not just a problem of ungrateful people." For some reason, Ethan suddenly became alert.

A person who has only been here for a few days actually took the lead in making trouble, which is very wrong.

Although he didn't know what was wrong, his intuition told Ethan that things must not be as simple as they seemed.

"What is his purpose?"

"To disrupt fishing?"

"What good will this do him?"

Thinking of this, Ethan said to Angelina: "Let Andreev call the man to the captain's room and tell him that I want to see him."

"Okay." Angelina responded and went out.

Not long after, Andreev led a tall, dark-skinned young man into the captain's room.

"Master Ethan, I brought the person to you."

"Thank you for your hard work." Ethan smiled at Andreev and said, "You go and do your own thing first!"

Andreev responded "Yes" and retreated first.

At this time, Ethan narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the guy named Brooklyn for a closer look.

He was a burly man, which was out of place with the other fishermen's thin appearance.

There were calluses on his left hand from years of holding weapons.

The other party was left-handed, and might be a soldier.

This was Ethan's first impression of this guy.

But why would a soldier sneak into the fishing team?

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