Ethan finally understood what the elf captain was thinking.

This elf captain is probably a daughter slave!

As long as my daughter is happy!

However, you are a daughter slave and you love your daughter. That is your business. Please do not impose your wishes on me.

Although he could understand Deskard's difficulties as a father, Ethan was not prepared to cooperate.

"I'm sorry, I have a wife, she is very important to me.

So, I'm afraid I can't do what you want. "

After hearing this, Dikar smiled confidently: "Your Majesty the Great Sword Master, don't be so absolute!

I have lived in human society for a long time, and I know your rules fairly well.

When you humans are ignorant, you will rush to the marriage palace because of love.

But once it develops into a mature individual...

Maturity here mainly refers to the mind.

Once you mature mentally, there will basically be no so-called love marriage.

Having said that, please forgive me for being rude.

I just asked Torisk about you. I know you have a wife, but she is just a fiancée.

And I also know that you are a great sword master with a mature mind. "

Ethan smiled bitterly: "You have really gone to trouble for your daughter. So, you want to discuss benefits with me?"

"No, no, no!" Dikal waved his hand and said with a smile: "I just want to tell you a story.

The protagonist of this story is the first Grand Duke of the North. Do you want to hear it? "

Ethan didn't want to hear any stories at first, but he was still very interested when it was about the Duke of the North.

"All ears!"

Dikal smiled slightly and spoke slowly: "You may have heard many stories about the first Duke of the North, but most of them happened after he became famous.

I'm sure you don't know what happened to the Duke before he became famous.

In the beginning, he was just a knight's squire, the kind of knight's squire who went to the battlefield without even weapons.

He has a low status and has no means of promotion, let alone a deep background.

But it was a person with such a background who eventually became a dominant overlord.

Why do you think this is? "

"Why?" Ethan really wanted to know the reason, so he followed the other person's words.

"Don't worry!" Dikal smiled: "The story has just begun.

Remember, it should have been more than 1,300 years ago!

At that time, the orcs often killed each other because of their different beliefs.

Basically there is no threat to humans.

However, everything changed with the emergence of an orc named [Blade of Valor].

This man is not only powerful, but also very smart.

Under his leadership, his tribe continued to grow and expand.

However, in just a few years, all the orc tribes were brought under their control and the entire Darkmoon Wasteland was unified.

From now on, the orcs no longer fight against each other internally, but act unanimously towards the outside world.

Under his leadership, the orcs began to invade human territory in an organized and large-scale manner.

You also saw the fighting prowess of those orcs.

They are ordinary adult individuals, all possessing the strength of extraordinary human knights.

In the face of this kind of strength, human beings can be said to be helpless.

At that time, you humans were defeated and almost on the verge of extinction.

However, desperate situations always create heroes.

For you humans,

It was a dark age.

But it was also an era when the stars were shining brightly.

Human beings show unparalleled resilience in times of crisis.

Heroes of all kinds are constantly coming forward to guide people on the way forward.

What impressed me most was a little girl with yellow hair.

She is not tall, and there is always a bunch of hair standing unyieldingly on the top of her head, making her look a little cute.

She always wears a palace dress and silver armor, holding the sword blessed by the wind elf and leading the charge.

And when her army charges, they always follow where the little girl's sword points, shouting: Where my king's sword points, my heart is pointing.

Under the leadership of that little girl, they were always able to beat the arrogant orc army to pieces. "

Hearing this, Ethan smiled: "You are talking about [my king] Arturia Pandoragon!"

"Yes!" Dikal smiled: "However, what I am talking about is not her, but the attendant of one of her knights.

His name was Erdogan Guzman, the son of a serf.

His home was destroyed by the orcs, and all his family members were killed by the orcs.

Even the newly born son was not spared.

Filled with rage, he joined the resistance against the orcs.

However, although he works hard and is brave, his talent and background determine his upper limit.

He spent several years, but in the end he didn't even reach the threshold of an extraordinary knight.

But all this changed after a battle.

At that time, the name of [my king] shocked the top brass of the orcs, and they assembled a large number of troops to carry out encirclement and suppression.

[My king]’s army was defeated, and [my king] also died in that battle.

But Erdogan was lucky enough to escape and rescued an elf mage along the way.

The elf mage is called Alice. I won’t tell you her origins. You just need to know that she is a noble being among the elves.

Originally she just came to the mainland to travel, but when she saw the plight of mankind, she felt pity and helped.

And what she joined happened to be [my king]’s team.

When she was rescued by Erdogan.

Perhaps it was because they had experienced a lot together, or perhaps it was because of love.

In the end, Alice married Erdogan.

From that moment on, Erdogan's fate began to change dramatically.

In just a few years, he was promoted to the Great Sword Saint, and inherited the will of [My King], gathering thousands of troops.

He received assistance from all races except the orcs.

Even the dragon clan, which had not appeared for a long time, sent reinforcements.

Under his leadership, it took humans only five years to drive the orcs back to the Dark Moon Wasteland.

He also built dozens of fortresses at various important intersections to completely block the orcs' passage to the south.

This laid a thousand years of peace for you humans.

And who is Erdogan, I think you should know! "

Speaking of this, the two of them had unknowingly walked to the top of the city wall.

From here you can see the vast land outside the city wall, and the dense corpses of orcs.

Dekar sighed, pulled Ethan to sit on a bench, and looked into the distance while continuing: "At this point in the story, I think you should understand what I mean!

Although our elves do not divide civilians and nobles like you humans do.

But there are still big differences between elves.

Although my daughter is not as noble as Miss Alice, she is also the top existence among the elves.

She has the purest elf blood and is the noblest healing magician.

She is qualified to ask for a [Life Potion] for her husband.

Maybe you don't know what the [Life Potion] is, but it doesn't matter. You just need to know that this potion is the biggest secret of our elves and the beginning of the Duke of the North.

The Duke lived for more than 200 years because of it.

This is not only two or three times the normal life of you humans, but also when the Duke died, his heart was still beating.

There is nothing wrong with his body, but his spirit cannot withstand the erosion of time! "

After hearing this, Ethan's face changed drastically.

Elixir of immortality?

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