Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 199: Leon Stein

The next day.

The Holy Light Church in Maro City.

Today is not a special day, but almost all the nobles in Maro City gathered here.

Outside the church,

The square was full of carriages with various logos.

There were also hundreds of knights, patrolling on war horses.

Their armor was also like those carriages, with various logos, obviously not from the same family.

But no matter what the logo was, they eventually merged into two forces.

One side was led by the two-headed snake logo of the Stein family, and the other side was led by the saber-toothed tiger logo of the Casillas family.

There was a clear dividing line between the two knights, and both sides stared at each other with solemn faces.

Inside the church.

In the largest chapel, the benches were no longer uniformly facing the Holy Light Cup, the symbol of the Holy Light Church, but were arranged on two opposing sides.

At this time, the chapel was full of people.

Of course, Ethan was also mixed in, sitting in the first row.

He glanced at Cardinal Morris Stern, who was sitting in the main seat.

At this time, he was stroking his forehead, looking like he had a headache.

No wonder Morristern had a headache.

Because just last night, twenty-one families suddenly proposed the Holy Light Judgment on the grounds that the Stein family could not resist the destruction of the cultists.

They demanded the establishment of a parliament to jointly govern to protect the safety of the people of Maro City.

For this reason, he had to get up from his lover's bed in the middle of the night.

He arranged the venue, prepared documents, and summoned everyone in the name of the Holy Light. He was so busy that he didn't even drink a sip of water.

"This group of damn people, when you usually donate, there is not a single copper coin.

Now that the name of the Holy Light is needed, everyone has become a devout Holy Light believer.

You bunch of bastards, you will all go to hell sooner or later!"

Morristern cursed in his heart.

"Since everyone is here, let's start!"

Seeing that the two main parties had arrived, Morristern shook his head and put on a warm face.

Then he stood up and crossed his hands on his chest.

Seeing this, everyone stood up and also crossed their hands on their chests.

"The Holy Light is omnipotent, the Holy Light is omnipresent, the Holy Light... Praise the Holy Light for giving us the power of fairness and freedom, praise the Holy Light for giving us..."

"The Holy Light is omnipotent, the Holy Light is omnipresent, the Holy Light... Praise the Holy Light for giving us the power of fairness and freedom, praise the Holy Light for giving us..."

As Morristern guided the holy words, everyone followed.

Everyone's face was full of piety to the Holy Light, including Ethan.

Although Ethan disdained the Holy Light Church in his heart, he would not be stupid enough to challenge the authority of the Holy Light in public.

In the Aslan Empire, there are only two legal churches, one is the Holy Light Church and the other is the Temple Church.

If you are not a believer of these two churches, you will be miserable.

Once you are a pagan, you don't need to go through a trial to burn you to death.

In theory, both churches are above the imperial power, and they are the law.

Although they do not participate in governance, they are the key to maintaining the imperial power and various principalities.

You can challenge the imperial power, but don't think about challenging these two churches, they are the representatives of public opinion.

This is also the reason why each principality is appointed by the emperor but governs independently.

Therefore, if you want to govern together, you also need their nod.

Even if it is just nominal consent, this form is necessary because it is related to legitimacy.

Of course, this is also the reason why everyone gathered here today.

After the Holy Light Introduction, Bishop Morristern stretched out his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Recently, due to the destruction of pagans, the city of Maro is in danger.

In view of this, many noble gentlemen who care about the safety of the people have stood up and proposed to share the defense responsibility.

And proposed the Holy Light Judgment of joint governance.

For such a move, on behalf of the Holy Light and the people, I express my sincere gratitude to you all."

"However, due to the Holy Light Church's heavy investment in livelihood industries in recent years.

Although it has benefited the people, it has also led to financial constraints, a clear shortage of teachers, and less publicity than before.

I am worried that your selfless spirit may not be conveyed to every believer.

I hope you can understand the inconvenience caused by this."

For this opening remark, Ethan almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

This Holy Light Church really never forgets to make money.

However, it must be said that Bishop Morris Stern's looting has indeed achieved results.

Everyone said that the Holy Light Road should not be abandoned, and changed their past stinginess and donated generously.

As a result, a good ruling meeting turned into a donation meeting.

Of course, the main contributors were those led by the Casillas family.

Even Ethan reluctantly donated 1,000 gold.

Bishop Morristern smiled with satisfaction when the final donation amount stopped at 89,400 gold.

"Thank you all for your generosity. Because of your good deeds, the holy light will surely shine into the hearts of every citizen."

"Then, please take turns to speak to discuss the necessity of joint governance!

Of course, everyone must discuss within the scope of the doctrine."

"Okay, everyone, please start!"

Ethan was almost laughing in his heart.

This Bishop Morristern is really interesting.

He said "discuss the necessity of joint governance."

Please note that it is necessity, not feasibility.

This is equivalent to defining the content of this meeting before the ruling.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the Duke's Mansion's lack of donations.

Since the meeting process has been defined, Ethan didn't want to listen to the verbal battles between the two parties.

He took out a small notebook from his jacket pocket and started writing and drawing.

He was designing a sofa chair. He had always wanted to replace the chair that Rand had sat on, but he had been busy before and had no time to do these things.

Today, I have a rare free time, so I took action.

The chairs in this world are mainly wooden chairs, with some soft cushions at most, but they are not comfortable to sit on.

This is a disaster for Ethan, who is used to sofas.

In fact, Ethan had the idea of ​​making sofas a long time ago and designed sofas,

but later found that some of the early designs were not feasible.

Because there is a lack of an important thing: sponge.

Needless to say, artificial sponges are impossible to make with the current level of technology.

Due to various reasons, the output of natural sponges is very small, which is not enough to support the sofa industry.

Therefore, Ethan could only change the plan.

The general idea was to replace the sponge with a spring.

It might be impossible to make sponges in this world, but there was absolutely no problem with springs. The only thing to worry about was the quality of the springs.

Just as Ethan was immersed in the design of the sofa.

A voice of "I agree!"

caused the meeting room to fall into silence.

Ethan noticed something was wrong in the meeting room and raised his head to look in the direction of the voice.

He saw Leon Stein, the only heir to the Duke of Marro City, standing up with a smile on his face and agreeing to jointly govern.

"Did I hear wrongly?"

This was Ethan's only thought at this time.

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