Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 255: Counterattack against the Holy Light Church

The next day.

Parliament Hall.

Ethan sat quietly in his familiar seat, holding a notebook as before, writing and drawing by himself.

Although he didn't say anything, the atmosphere in the parliament was no longer as dull and tense as in the past few days.

Everyone had a rare smile on their faces, discussing today's topic in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Duke Lyon also came in person today, and even borrowed a seat from Sophia and sat next to Ethan.

The two exchanged opinions from time to time.

The scene was extremely harmonious.

This was the first time such a situation had occurred since the establishment of the parliament.

Because of Lyon's move, people gradually began to believe that the Duke's Mansion had completely given up the idea of ​​regaining power.

"Did you see the fat man in the back row?" Lyon said in a low voice without looking up at anyone.

Ethan had noticed a man who looked like a pig sitting in the back row.

The fat on the man's waist was like a woman's skirt, and the extra part covered a layer below.

There was always a faint smile on his face, which looked a bit weird and harmless, but Ethan knew that the man was very powerful.

Because his breathing was very steady.

"There has never been such a person in the parliament. Where did he come from?" Ethan asked in a low voice without looking at the man.

"The new great swordsman sent by the Holy Light Church, [Glutton] Capudo." Leon shook his eyebrows: "The Holy Light Church hopes that the parliament can give them special funding to help the poor.

For this reason, they specially entrusted the Wilde family to submit a bill.

It's almost time for him to take office.

What does the great swordsman think about this?"

What a fart.

Ethan smiled disdainfully and answered Leon with his own expression.

The Holy Light Church owns tens of thousands of hectares of land in Maro City, which is second only to the Duke.

It also occupies the herbal medicine industry, and no tax is required for land income or herbal medicine income.

Is this not enough?

Still want parliamentary funding?

It's a beautiful thought.

As for helping the poor, that is true, but there is more water in it than the "White" Cross.

If the parliament really allocates funds to them, and one out of ten gold coins can be used for the poor, then the Holy Light Church is already very merciful.

And money is secondary. The key is that they help the common people, gain reputation, and win people's hearts, so their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

But the parliament spent money and effort but got nothing.

Does the Holy Light Church think that the parliament is stupid?

Or do they think that they can control the parliament by sending a great swordsman?

Ethan doesn't buy it.

In fact, the entire parliament doesn't buy it.

The Holy Light Church may be very prestigious among ordinary people. After all, they keep brainwashing people and actually take out something to help the civilians.

But in the eyes of the nobles, they are no different from locusts. Apart from wasting food, they are basically useless. Everyone's disgust for them is almost written on their faces.

In the parliament, as long as someone dares to take the lead in opposing them, they can't pass any proposal.

The only question is who will take the lead?

Ethan certainly didn't want to do it himself, but he knew very well that if he didn't take the lead, no one would dare to oppose it.

The result is that once the proposal is submitted, it will be delayed because no one dares to oppose it and no one will agree to it.

Ethan dare not let this matter be delayed. If it is delayed, it will become a bargaining chip when the Holy Light Church is needed at some point in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to cut the Gordian knot quickly, kill the proposal in the cradle quickly, and permanently eliminate such proposals to prevent future troubles.

As for whether it will offend the Holy Light Church, it depends on the means, at least they can't find faults.

Seeing that the representative of the Wilde family was about to go on stage to submit the proposal on behalf of the Holy Light Church, Ethan stood up first and stopped the other party.

Then he went to the stage and spoke first:

"Good morning, gentlemen and ladies!

The proposal I am going to submit today is very important, and I hope you can support it.

As we all know, the Holy Light Church is the only two legal churches in our country, and they have made indelible contributions to the country and the people.

Its long history and inspiring deeds have inspired generations to grow.

In view of this, I propose that the parliament include the Holy Light Church and the Temple Church in the sacred and inviolable list.

The parliament is prohibited from discussing any topics related to the Holy Light Church and the Temple Church, or any proposals related to the two religions.

In this way, the parliament expresses its respect for the two religions."

The members of the parliament knew that the Holy Light Church wanted to make trouble. Although everyone was very annoyed, due to the power of the Holy Light Church, no one was willing to be the first to do it.

Now that someone is taking the lead, and making the other party speechless, they are overjoyed.



Although the method is average, someone finally took the lead!

So everyone stood up and applauded.

"Congressman Ethan's proposal is very good. The two religions must be respected as they should be!"

"It is very necessary for the parliament to determine the sacred status of the two religions. This will prevent villains from using the two religions to cause trouble."

"If anyone dares to talk about the two religions in the parliament in the future, they will be the enemies of the two religions, the enemies of the parliament, and the public enemies of the people. Everyone will kill them when they see them!"


Ethan saw that everyone was noisy and his ears hurt. He stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

In a flash, the parliament returned to peace.

“In view of the sacred status of the two religions, this matter cannot be delayed, and I ask the parliament to vote immediately!

As soon as the results of the vote came out, a statement was issued immediately, and anyone who dared to discuss the two religions in parliament would be charged with treason.

And take effect immediately! "

At this time, Sophia stood up.

“There really shouldn’t be any delay regarding the sacred status of the two religions.

Don't wait any longer, please vote now to get this sacred bill passed.

I have arranged for people to prepare the documents. Once the vote is passed, it will take effect immediately! "

When everyone heard this, they smiled knowingly and cast their votes one after another.

The result is no surprise, 25:0

Passed unanimously.

This is the first time that a bill has been passed unanimously since the establishment of the Parliament. This also shows how "sacred" the Holy Light Religion is in people's hearts!

"It's your turn!" After Ethan stepped down, he specifically said this to the representative of the Wilde family.

"No, no!" The Wilde family representative smiled awkwardly, "I suddenly don't want to propose it."

After saying that, the representative of the Wilde family saluted Ethan and returned to his original position angrily.

The fat man next to him narrowed his small eyes and stared at Ethan.

There was only a gap in his eyes, but there was a cold meaning in his eyes.

How could Ethan be afraid of him? He smiled politely at him, sat back down, and continued to take out his notebook to write and draw, feeling indescribably happy.

After the meeting, Ethan, uncharacteristically, did not go home, but stayed to chat with everyone.

I originally wanted to calm their nervousness.

However, I found it to be a bit redundant.

These people were actually no longer nervous after he appeared.

And heaped praise on Ethan for his performance in Parliament today.

After a burst of laughter, Ethan rushed to the Holy Light Church with Sophia.

Prepare to show your weakness to the Holy Light Bishop, and at the same time arrange for Dr. Waite to go to the imperial capital.

However, the process was a little rough.

In other words, it's a little unpleasant...

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