Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 372: Benford's Law

Under the man's domineering aura, the two guards finally compromised, and Catherine successfully entered the data room.

Although she entered, Catherine was stunned when she saw the nearly 1,000-square-meter data library with hundreds of bookshelves and bookshelves full of information.

With so much information, who knows which one is about the technology of making paper money? How can I find it?

Just when Catherine was at a loss, Volibear's voice came: "Go to the left hand side, go all the way to the end, and then go forward for one and a half miles. There is a wall there that is slightly different from other places. You can see it when you get there."

Hearing this, Catherine was shocked: "Do you know where the information is?"

"I don't know!" Volibear replied: "But I think such an important thing must not be placed on the shelf casually.

And there is a dark room in the data library, which is the location I just mentioned.

If I guess correctly, the technical information must be in it."

Having said this, Catherine had nothing to hesitate and walked straight to the place where Volibear said.

However, because there were other people in the database, she did not open the secret door directly, but walked to a nearby bookshelf and randomly picked up a document to check.

Originally, she planned to wait for the person who came in with her to finish checking the information and leave, and then find a way to enter the dark room.

But who knew that after checking the information, the person did not leave, but came to find Catherine.

"Why are you going to leave?"

"It will take a while, you go first! I will leave later." Catherine replied.

The man spread his hands, pursed his lips and nodded, and just as he was about to leave, he found that Matthews was holding the financial statements for the second quarter of last year.

This is very strange.

Because he has always been responsible for internal finance, Matthews is only responsible for the administrative part.

Now Matthews is holding a financial statement to check, which is obviously over the line.

"What are you checking?"

Catherine was a little confused by this question, but fortunately her talent is to deal with language and text.

This kind of talent is not simply knowing various languages ​​and characters, but being able to read the emotions contained in the language and characters, or understanding the meaning.

She just glanced at the financial report and found that the financial report must be falsified.

So she said without thinking: "I think there is something wrong with this report?"

The black-haired man was shocked when he heard this, but he said calmly: "Oh? What's the problem?"

Catherine felt the change in the other party's mood, but she didn't understand why it was like this.

Originally, she didn't want to talk to the other party more, but she was afraid that the other party would doubt the rationality of her coming here, so she casually pointed to some of the data and said:

"Look, there are nearly 10,000 data in this report, and the probability of the first letters 6 and 8 appearing is too high.

I roughly estimated that the probability of these two numbers appearing alone accounts for about 30% of the total probability of 1 to 9 appearing, which is very abnormal."

The black-haired man was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't know what Catherine was talking about at all.

"What do you mean?"

Catherine didn't know how to explain it, because in her understanding, in a large set of natural data, the probability of the first letters from 1 to 9 appearing has a certain pattern.

The probability of number 1 is about: 30.1%,

The probability of number 2 is about: 17.6%,

The probability of number 3 is about: 12.5%,

The probability of number 4 is about: 9.7%

The probability of number 5 is about: 7.9%,

The probability of number 6 is about: 6.7%,

The probability of number 7 is about: 5.8%,

The probability of number 8 is about: 5.1%,

The probability of number 9 is about: 4.6%.

And the larger and more data, the closer it is to the above probability.

If the first digit in a large set of data is not distributed according to this probability, then it is very likely to be artificially fabricated.

For example, in this report, there are so many 6 and 8, obviously because the person who forged it prefers these two numbers.

When he forged it, he used too many without realizing it.

Although Catherine felt so, it was an unfounded statement and obviously could not be used to explain.

So she could only smile awkwardly and said, "It's just my feeling. It's hard to say whether there is a problem or not. I still need some time.

By the way, didn't you say you were going to leave first?"

The black-haired, blue-eyed man was named Grant, and he had always been the affairs officer in charge of the internal finances of the Iris Club.

Many things related to internal finances needed to be handled by him, so he knew better than anyone that this financial statement was fake.

I won't talk about the purpose.

But what is certain is that if the financial fraud is discovered, not only will he be finished, but a lot of people will also fall into the water.

Now that Matthews suddenly intervened in the finances for no reason, and said it was fake in front of him, and the reason for the investigation was so ridiculous, he immediately sensed a strong conspiracy.

He felt it necessary to have a good talk with the other party, or to give some warnings.

"Matthews, I know you are careful and conscientious, but finance is not your responsibility.

I don't know who has instructed you to do this, but I hope you can stop.

It will be good for all of us."

Catherine understood the other party's worry almost instantly. If she guessed correctly, the financial fraud might be related to the man in front of her.

She didn't expect that she would accidentally cause such a big mess.

How could she be so unlucky that she could be related to the other party just by picking up a piece of information?

Judging from the other party's appearance, if she didn't give a reasonable explanation, it seemed that he didn't want to leave.

What should she do?

Just when Catherine was at a loss, suddenly there was a "bang", and the black-haired man fell to the ground, and then a blue figure appeared from behind the man.

Volibear clapped his hands: "It's really troublesome. I didn't want to touch him, but there was no way. He asked for it."

After that, he took Catherine's hand and walked towards the secret door.

The two searched for a long time near the secret door, and finally found the switch on a bookshelf near the secret door. It turned out to be a book fixed on the bookshelf.

As long as the book was pulled out, the secret door would slowly open.

When the secret door was opened, he thought it was still a data room, but when Volibear saw the whole picture of the secret room, he couldn't help but frown and exclaimed:

"How could this happen?"


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