"Hail!" "Hail!" "Hail!"


The sailors on the pirate ship just experienced the feeling of flying on the pirate ship. Although it was short, it was wonderful.

After seeing the miracle of Ethan pulling the huge pirate ship to the base, they cheered.

Ethan first released his violent posture, then knelt on one knee on the ground, gasping for breath.

In those few seconds, he used his violent posture to increase his strength by 1400 times to sprint.

When the ship landed steadily, he breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his calculation was correct, and he was almost exhausted.

In the end, he still felt uncomfortable, so he lay on the ground to rest.

As for the rest, it was left to others.

The sailors were inspired by Ethan's divine power, and they were all excited and worked hard.

Those who built the string ladder built the string ladder, and those who moved the goods moved the goods.

The purpose was to transfer the winter supplies on the "Popeye" to the pirate ship.

Of course, supplies can't just be thrown away casually.

Ethan and Angelina have planned in advance how to store and where to put what supplies, and they must strictly implement it.

Originally, Ethan wanted to keep an eye on this matter himself, but he knew that he probably couldn't command it, so he could only hand it over to Angelina.

When Ethan was lying on the ground to rest, Angelina didn't come to care, but took the lead in boarding the pirate ship and commanding the work.

Under her guidance, everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

Of course, Angelina could stand up, and Ethan had discussed it with her.

Ethan clearly told Angelina that she could no longer be her noble lady in the new territory.

Because there was nothing there, everything had to be done by herself, women had to be used as men, men had to be used as animals, and everyone had to contribute their due strength.

Ethan hoped that Angelina could shoulder the mission of the hostess.

From the current point of view, she did it.

After a short rest, Ethan got up immediately.

Because he knew that he had to reinforce the hull immediately, otherwise the hull would tilt due to the uneven distribution of the cargo weight, and no one wanted to live in a tilted house.

Therefore, he picked up his sword and ran to the woods nearby.

After a while, he rushed back with a large log on his shoulder and another on his waist.

These logs were made by cutting off the head and tail of a large tree, leaving the main trunk without side branches in the middle, about seven or eight meters long and about 20 centimeters in diameter.

Ethan also took some flat large stones to serve as the foundation for the supporting pillars.

Then he cut one end of the log into an inclined surface that matched the hull, and then he put the pillars on one by one.

If there was no more wood, he would cut more.

With his strength, he only needed two swords to get a log, one to cut the head and one to cut the tail, and at most a few more to trim the side branches.

In fact, Ethan still picked a little bit, and didn't want any with side branches, just the straight main trunk.

Then control the length to ensure that the length of each log is roughly the same.

All this was too easy for him.

In just one hour, he had supported 30 anti-tilt pillars, fifteen on each side of the hull, and it took less than two minutes on average to build one pillar, which was quite fast.

The log pillars were erected, and the main task was completed. He was also tired and wanted to take a break.

But seeing that it was inconvenient to go up and down the gangway, he simply got dozens of logs and prepared to make a fixed ladder, so that it would be much more convenient to get on and off the ship.

And when heavy snow came, it would be much safer to go in and out, at least reducing the risk of slipping.

The ladder he was going to make was also very simple and rough, that is, to split the log in half from the middle, into two sections of about four meters long.

Then cut the log horizontally, so that two 4-meter-long semicircles were obtained.

The flat side of the two semicircles, put together, is a ladder, and the rest is to get some more rising pillars and put these ladders up one by one.

Ethan planned to use mortise and tenon joints to connect the ladder and the pillars. He didn't ask for exquisiteness, just firmness and neatness.

Of course, Ethan also knew that using mortise and tenon technology, no matter how simple the technology was, it would not be completed in a short time. He just prepared the materials first.

It took him almost an hour to prepare these materials.

Seeing that everyone was still moving the goods, he walked into the forest alone to prepare water.

Fortunately, this original station had considered this when choosing the site.

There is a stream one mile away from here. The stream water is melted from the snow on the Anji Mountains. Although it is not very large, it is one to two meters wide. It is definitely not a problem to supply hundreds of people.

Besides, Ethan only has 6 people here.

However, Ethan felt that it was still a little far away, and he didn't want to run a mile away to get water in the future. That would be fatal.

He planned to use the simplest and crudest method to lead the water directly to the station.

Ethan had located a straight line distance through the vision of the little yellow hair.

When he walked to the stream, he directly drew out his long sword, which was a sword energy, and opened a hole on the stream bank.

Then, along the straight distance, the sword energy flew all the way, splitting stones and trees, just to carve a ditch on the ground.

It didn't matter how wide or big the ditch was, or how high or low the terrain was. As long as the water could flow, it would continue to move forward, as long as it could be led to the station.

When tired, sit down to rest, and eat some dry food when hungry.

In this way, he rested and moved forward all the way. When it was close to dusk, he finally opened a small ditch.

The clear stream water flowed continuously along the small ditch to the station.

At this moment, Ethan smiled, but he was almost exhausted.

"Ethan, you are finally back." Angelina rushed up and gave Ethan a warm hug.

At this time, Ethan realized that the work at the station had been completed. Everyone saw him coming back and surrounded him.

"Knight Ethan, you really opened my eyes." Saberi stepped forward and said: "It's been less than a day since you came. Not only have you solved the station problem and the material storage problem, but even the water source is so convenient.

I believe you will take root here deeply, and then grow into a towering tree to shelter all your people!"

Ethan was too tired and replied weakly: "Thank you for your praise. I also believe that you will become the overlord of the sea and the business tycoon on land. Let's encourage each other."

As they said, the two hugged each other.

"Knight Ethan, my mission is complete, and it's time to go back. The rest depends on you." Saberi said seriously: "Before leaving, I have one last word for you, please be careful of 'Nolan'."

After hearing this, Ethan frowned: "Nolan? Who is he? This is the second time I've heard this name? Please help me, Lord Saberi!"

"You will know when you meet him! It's useless for me to say anything now!" Saberi smiled and said: "We finished the work two hours ago and should have left long ago.

I stayed so long to say goodbye to you. Now it's time to say goodbye.

Knight Ethan, please take care! I look forward to seeing you again in the spring!"

"Lord Saberi, please take care too!"

Ethan, Angelina Li and others stood on the beach and watched Saberi and other sailors get on board and leave.

When the boat started, Saberi shouted: "For the Lawson family!"

Sabery's farewell shout infected everyone, and everyone followed and shouted loudly: "For the Lawson family!"

Perhaps because of the pain of parting, Ethan also whispered softly: "For the family!"


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