Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 436: Prelude to the Rose War 1

While Ethan was thinking about Miloqi's problem, the Iris Society thousands of miles away was thinking about Ethan and Maro City's problem.

Ports of Marseille.

The conference room of the Iris Club headquarters.

Each of the several directors had a few banknotes recently issued by Maruo City in front of them.

They looked at the banknotes with expressionless faces. No one spoke, and the atmosphere in the venue was a bit depressing.

After an unknown amount of time, Chairman Andrew put down the banknotes in his hand and said angrily: "Judging from the design of this banknote, it must come from the same company as the threat we received last time.

Therefore, it is now certain that the previous incident was caused by the Great Sword Master. "

When Chairman Botero heard this, he slammed the table: "I thought it was strange before. He has clearly given enough benefits, but he is firmly opposed to becoming a banknote area.

Now I finally understand. After a long time of fussing, it turns out that what he objects to is not paper money, but wanting to eat alone. "

At this time, the eldest Chairman Anji spoke.

"Perhaps this statement is not very accurate. Even if he has the right to dominate now, it is impossible for him to eat alone.

Although their exact allocations are not known, what is known is that he gave shares to all members of Parliament.

This is also the reason why their banknote implementation went smoothly.

Apparently, they learned from our experience when they issued banknotes.

However, based on the size of Maruo City, even if he can get a big share, it will never be as much as the share of income we give him.

Therefore, from the perspective of interests alone, it seems that he is not doing it for money, nor is he dissatisfied with us, but has other reasons. "

"No matter what his reasons are, since he dares to stop us from making money, we must teach him a lesson." Chairman Porter said bitterly.

"How to teach someone a lesson? Treat him with his own medicine?" Chairman Andrew smiled bitterly and said, "Take a good look at the anti-counterfeiting of other people's banknotes.

The first is the paper. They seem to have added some kind of new material fiber. The toughness and feel of the paper are much better than ours.

Perhaps we can solve this problem through a few more experiments.

But how to solve the problem of color-changing ink?

And that number?

The most amazing thing is that large denomination banknotes actually have a gold thread embedded in one-third of the area.

This is simply unbelievable.

I asked professionals about it, and they couldn't even explain it. They just guessed that it was some kind of multi-layer printing technology.

If you want to copy it, you can only embed it manually and the quality cannot be guaranteed.

In other words, it is impossible for us to imitate it. "

"Who said they were going to imitate banknotes?" Chairman Botero raised his eyebrows: "Aren't they anchoring banknotes to grain?

They say that at any time and under any circumstances, the banknotes they issue can buy food in Maruo City, so we will help him. "

Chairman Anji shook his head: "Forget it, Botero, now we still focus on dealing with the possible establishment of the Customs Administration.

Once the Customs Service is established, many of its powers will overlap with ours, which will shake our foundation.

This is what we should be most concerned about.

Maruo City, just let it be!

Anyway, it only has such a small area and cannot affect the overall situation.

As for our issue of banknotes, we still need to speed up the progress of new anti-counterfeiting designs.

At that time, they will release theirs and we will release ours, as long as they do not interfere with each other. "

"Angie, are you too much?" Botero spread his hands and said: "If we don't look for them, will he let us go?

Yes, you are right. Dealing with the Customs Administration is indeed the top priority at the moment.

But the matter in Maruo City cannot be let go either.

You want everyone to coexist peacefully. Even if we are willing, are you sure they are willing?

If we have been unable to solve the anti-counterfeiting problem, will we have to keep delaying it like this?

We have paid a huge price in order to issue banknotes. Can we continue like this?

If not, then the only way to solve the problem is to drag Maruo City down with it.

Only if they can't promote banknotes will they be able to cooperate with us.

By then, all problems will be solved. "

After hearing this, everyone felt that it made sense and nodded one after another.

It is true that only by forcing Maruo City into a desperate situation can the Iris Club have a chance to enter. By then, both anti-counterfeiting and control rights will be obtained.

So one of the chairman asked: "So, what are your specific plans?"

When it came to the specific plan, Botero hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly:

“Buying large amounts of grain and hoarding it, raising grain prices, and bankrupting their credit.

When the bank run comes, we can use this as a threat to get them to join our banknote plan.

At that time, not only can we achieve what we want, but we can also make a fortune. "

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

The reason for silence is not that this plan is not feasible, but because high returns come with high risks.

If you want to increase the price of food in the food-producing areas, and to push the opponent into a desperate situation, you will need a lot of funds.

In fact, the money problem is easy to solve. Iris Club has nothing but plenty of money.

But raising food prices is not just a matter of money, there are many problems that need to be solved.

For example, warehousing, transportation, etc.

And even if food prices really rise, if you want to bankrupt the other party's credit, there is another cyclical issue involved.

At the same time, even if the grain can be sold to recover funds in the later stage, it also involves a problem of capital return cycle.

Once these two cycles are too long, even if the Iris Club has a lot of money, it will not be able to afford it.

With so many risks, everyone has to consider carefully.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Portlo naturally knows what everyone is worried about, but he himself is not very worried, and even firmly believes that the plan will succeed.

Because he just learned an important news.

This news is enough to dispel everyone's concerns.

So he said: "Everyone knows that the empire has three important grain-producing areas, one is Maro City, one is Dawn City, and the other is Ekassia City.

These three places are connected together to form a triangle, and their grain production accounts for about 40% of the total grain production of the empire.

If there is a problem with the grain in any of them, I think everyone knows what that means."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Portlo.

"Just tell us if you have any news! Don't keep us in suspense!"

Portero smiled: "The Red Rose and the White Rose are going to fight again!"

The so-called Red Rose and White Rose refer to family clans, and they all come from the same ancient family - the Holy Rose Family.

The history of this family can be traced back to the Holy Empire era, and Dawn City is the territory of this family.

Now when everyone heard that Dawn City was going to have a civil war, they all showed ecstatic expressions.

"Is the news true?"

"Of course!" Portero smiled: "Everyone knows that the feud between the two families has lasted for hundreds of years.

And every time there is an irreconcilable conflict between the Holy Light Church and the Temple Church, they will inevitably fight.

This time, for the ownership of the Customs Bureau, it is naturally no exception.

Now it is January, and the spring planting season is coming soon. It is estimated that Dawn City will not be able to catch up with the season this year."

Everyone did not understand what Portero meant, so they raised their hands to agree with Portero's plan.

"I agree!"


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