Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 472: Understanding

What Norricks said was exactly what Ethan was worried about.

For some unspeakable reasons, Ethan instinctively thought of the Sheffield family in the worst possible way.

But after listening to Norricks' reminder, he had already realized this possibility.

Now seeing Norricks' complete analysis, his heart sank to the bottom.

Because if the Sheffield family had not had financial problems, there would be no so-called opportunity.

I don't know when the next opportunity will come.

Ethan was unwilling, but he did not show any abnormality on his face, but continued to ask everyone if they had different opinions.

Everyone present basically agreed with Norricks' judgment, so no different opinions were raised.

However, there was an aide named Evans in the scene. Seeing that Ethan was still asking for advice, he instinctively frowned.

Evans was originally a toy merchant, famous for his excellent market acumen and deep understanding of human hearts.

His success lies not only in innovative toy design, but also in his clever manipulation of consumers' psychology, so as to stand out in market competition.

Maybe some people think that toys, in an era when most people can't afford to eat, will have a market?

For this question... well, how can I say it!

No matter which world's business has one thing in common, that is, when most people think that some business looks unreliable and unprofitable, that business is often very profitable.

And the toy business in Maro City is like this, and he has almost no competitors in the toy business in Maro City.

The rocking horse that is now popular in Maro City is from his hand.

The rocking horse is actually a small wooden horse, with two upturned arc boards under the feet. Just such a small thing can fascinate children.

The children in Ethan's family play for a long time every day, and even sit on the rocking horse when eating.

Not only children are fascinated, even children as old as Catherine have to play for a while every day before they are satisfied.

The most important thing is that such a simple thing is actually sold for ten gold, and the reason why he dares to sell it so expensively is that he has taken the money of the nobles.

After taking the money of the nobles, he took the money of the common people.

He put the rocking horse in various shopping malls, and it can rock for a few minutes for one cent.

Ordinary people may not be able to afford a rocking horse, but they are willing to spend a copper coin to let their children experience the fun of the nobility.

Especially in recent years, with the great development of the economy of Maro City, the middle class has increased, and the income of ordinary people has increased greatly. Everyone has money in their pockets, so they don’t mind spending this little money.

In addition, the various materials and various security systems in Maro City have been improved in recent years.

Nowadays, more and more people can afford to get married, and there are more and more children, so he has made a lot of money.

Of course, just making money is only enough to enter Ethan’s vision.

What really made Ethan extend an olive branch to him was his planning.

He planned a special "Parent-Child Experience Day" every year, inviting consumers to their toy exhibition to experience the fun of toys.

The exhibition not only displayed new toys, but also set up various interactive areas so that parents and children can participate in games together, complete tasks, and enjoy family fun time.

These activities not only enhanced consumers' emotional connection with their toys, but also increased the brand's visibility and reputation.

Evans' marketing strategy, which is centered on emotions, not only successfully increased the sales of toys, but also established strong brand loyalty in the hearts of consumers.

Through carefully designed activities and interactive experiences, he made toys not only consumer goods, but also a symbol of family happiness and children's dreams.

And this psychological offensive marketing completely conquered Ethan.

Ethan initially arranged him in the Grain Bureau to be responsible for establishing the image of food security.

To be honest, he did a good job. Now the people of Maro City, even if they are worried about their personal safety, will not worry about not being able to buy food, let alone the rise in food prices.

Almost everyone has reached a consensus in their hearts, that is, as long as you are willing to work in Maro City, you don't have to worry about going hungry.

Also because of his outstanding work, he steadily stabilized the hearts of the people in Maro City during the previous food war.

Provided a stable rear environment for the final success of the business war.

Now he is one of the deputy directors of the Grain Bureau, mainly responsible for food security strategies in other regions.

Ethan hoped that he could continue to stabilize people's hearts as before and completely anchor grain and Ma Yuan.

At this time, Evans saw that Ethan still asked for other opinions when everyone agreed with Norricks' analysis. He immediately realized that Ethan did not seem to agree with this analysis.

Or, this analysis was not the answer Ethan wanted.

People are like this. When a person disagrees with something and is unwilling to speak up, he will keep asking others until someone gives the answer he wants.

Evans instantly understood Ethan's intention, but then the question came again.

Norricks's division is obviously reasonable and logical, and it is more in line with the interests of the Duke of Asino. Why doesn't the lord agree?

Could it be...

At that moment, countless thoughts came to Evans' mind.

After a little hesitation, he stood up and said:

"Lord, I agree with Norricks' analysis.

However, I think there is another possibility, that is, the Sheffield family's finances are indeed in trouble.

Their rush to issue banknotes may be the result of two factors. "

"Oh?" Ethan smiled imperceptibly when he heard this: "Why do you say that?"

Although Ethan concealed it well, Evans clearly felt the change in Ethan's mood, so he was more certain of his guess.

If I guessed correctly, the Lord hated the Duke of Asino very much and might even want to kill him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hear that the Duke of Asino was in trouble and appear so happy and try to hide it.

Although it is not clear what grudges there are between the Lord and the Duke of Asino, as long as the Lord hates someone, he must punish him to death.

Of course, since you want to punish someone and say that he has financial problems, you must not just say it, but you still have to show evidence.

After figuring everything out, Evans said seriously: "Lord, you should know that I participated in the previous food war throughout the whole process.

Although I was only responsible for the work in the rear at that time, I have been paying attention to various data in the front.

The Jiaji Grain Company, which belonged to Duke Asino, purchased no less than 20 million catties of grain in total, and this was only the amount they purchased directly.

For the sake of concealment, they also instructed other grain companies to help with the purchase.

And when the grain price was at its peak, their purchase volume became even more crazy.

Although the specific data is unclear, it is estimated that the total amount is no less than 25 million catties.

Based on this amount and the grain price at that time, they lost at least 2 million gold in the grain war.

This number is definitely fatal to most families. I think even the Sheffield family, which is financially strong, must have suffered a lot.

Perhaps, we should send someone to their territory to check whether the Sheffield family has started to sell assets to maintain liquidity.

At that time, based on accurate intelligence, we can formulate corresponding strategies. "


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