Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 533: Ancient Gods and Self-Rules

Sophia just mentioned the ancient gods, and then the matter was confirmed.

Just as the two were chatting, a servant brought a letter to Sophia.

Sophia took a quick look and handed the letter to Ethan.

Ethan looked at the signature and found that it was sent by the Magicians Association.

The Magicians Association was an organization established together with the Holy Empire in the past, and it has a history of a thousand years.

This association aims to certify magicians and protect the supreme rights and interests of magicians in the kingdom.

Its power is not limited by national boundaries, and it is a truly global organization.

This letter is an announcement they sent to registered magicians around the world.

The main content is that a huge wreckage was found in the Republic of Helingard.

It was a meat whisker, with a diameter of more than 5 meters at the thickest point and a length of more than 3,000 meters, and it did not rot for a long time.

After their investigation, this meat whisker came from a deep-sea creature, not the rumored ancient gods.

Let all magicians not eat it. Because the investigation found that some civilians believed that the flesh whiskers were the remains of gods, and eating them could gain the power of gods.

As a result, they all mutated after eating them. First, they lost their self-awareness, then their bodies were covered with blood holes, and flesh whiskers similar to what they ate grew out of the blood holes, becoming monsters that were neither human nor ghost.

These monsters are resistant to magic and can only be eliminated by physical methods.

The association hopes that if anyone finds such monsters, they will be killed and burned immediately.

In addition to the above, the association also mentioned the problem of large-scale mental degradation of magicians.

They said that they were investigating and asked all magicians not to panic, and at the same time not to believe in rumors, not to make rumors, and not to spread rumors.

After reading the announcement, Ethan smiled: "Are there really ancient gods?"

"Since the remains have been found, it should not be false! However, it cannot be called a god. The Magician Association will never allow a god to be a monster!"

"I'll send an extraordinary eagle to take a look. If possible, it's better to bring back some remains!" Ethan said.

"Good idea! I want to study it too!"

"What does the association mean by large-scale mental degradation?" Ethan asked.

Sophia thought for a moment and said, "There has always been a saying in the magic world that the [World Tree] in the elves' hometown is the source of the magic power of this world.

Its roots connect countless planes, continuously drawing energy from the planes, and finally dissipating the magic power to the whole world through the leaves.

In other words, the magician's ability to obtain magic power is closely related to the [World Tree]!

Now that the [World Tree] is destroyed, everyone's spirit begins to degrade!"

"You also have a mental degradation?" Ethan asked again.

"Since I came back, I have been constantly downgrading. Of course, the main reason is that I have neglected magic, so I don't care too much." Sophia smiled bitterly: "But... since I mastered the self-rule cultivation method, I found that even if I don't practice, my spirit will not be downgraded.

Or the speed of downgrading is very slow, which is exactly what the teacher said at the beginning."

Hearing that Sophia was fine, Ethan breathed a sigh of relief: "I remember your teacher once said that self-rules may be the protagonist of the next era. Judging from your situation, I have to say that your teacher is really foresighted."

Sophia smiled: "In fact, through your explanation and my teacher's diary, I have completely mastered the method of practicing self-rules.

I am currently sorting out materials and preparing to write a paper.

I believe that once this paper is published, it will definitely establish my unshakable historical position in the magic world."

When Ethan heard that Sophia was going to write a paper to make it public, his eyes widened immediately.

"You're crazy! You don't keep your cultivation method to yourself, but write a paper?"

"Haha..." Seeing Ethan's nervous look, Sophia raised her head and laughed without any image: "Look how nervous you are, can't you just make a joke?

I'm not a fool, how could I publish such an important thing.

In fact, even if I want to publish it, I can't, because as soon as I publish it, the Magic Association will come to me for trouble."

Ethan looked puzzled: "What's the explanation here?"

Sophia pursed her lips: "If you want to practice self-rules, there are three prerequisites, one is no faith, the second is that you must firmly believe that you are a god in your subconscious mind, and the third is the way to enter the subconscious mind.

These three prerequisites are indispensable, so you should know the reason at a glance.

Not to mention anything else, just the lack of faith violates the taboo of the Magic Association.

To put it bluntly, as long as you have no faith, you are an alien in the Magician Association. Why should I challenge their authority for no reason?"

Ethan couldn't help laughing when he heard these three prerequisites, because he met all three prerequisites.

"Hearing what you said, the first two points are the easiest, and the third point is the hardest, right?"

Sophia shook her head: "Yes and no! In our current environment, theology is everywhere, and it is difficult not to be influenced.

And it is also difficult to firmly believe that you are a god. Many people look very confident on the surface, but in fact they are always questioning themselves in their hearts.

When things go wrong, they start to question themselves, and they are also irritable, irritable, and have unclear logic. In short, anyone with unstable emotions is basically not suitable for cultivation.

Among the three prerequisites, it is the method of entering the subconscious that is the easiest to solve. After all, it can be solved with just a [Dream Helmet].

Oh! [Dream Helmet] is the name I gave to the copper hat.

How is it? Doesn't it sound good? "

"Haha!" Ethan smiled awkwardly and didn't comment.

Sophia could see that Ethan didn't like the name, but she didn't care, and continued:

"However, this helmet is also not suitable for everyone.

As for the reason... well... you have also read the thesis of that graduate student. She believes that the human brain will release a kind of brain wave, and only when the brain wave resonates with the sound wave emitted by the helmet can it guide people into the subconscious.

If the brain wave of that person is not within the band designed for the helmet, then the helmet is useless.

Here is a very interesting thing. Do you know what the inspiration for her creation of this helmet is? "


"It's the [Coordinator] you killed. "Sophia smiled and said: "After I found out that the helmet is useful, I specially talked to that graduate student.

She graduated from Merlin College. For some reason, she was particularly interested in [Coordinator], so she conducted special research.

She believes that the reason why the [Coordinator] of the Sheffield family can continue to inherit and the rule ability has not changed.

It must be through some method to transmit the power of rules to another person completely.

And from the rule characteristics shown by the [Coordinator], this goal must be achieved through resonance.

Since knowledge can be transmitted through resonance, it proves that there must be something that can resonate with the human brain, which is also the origin of brain waves.

She also created this helmet based on this assumption.

I have transferred her out of the medical school and set up a research room for her, so..."

"So what?"

"You also know that research costs money, but now the financial power of the family is in your hands, so..."

"How much?"

"20 million!"

"20 million?"


"Hmm what? 20 million?"



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