"Why is he still alive if he hasn't been dead for hundreds of years!" Sophia fell into self-doubt and said to herself.

Ethan didn't bother her, and just waited quietly. It wasn't until Sophia came back to her senses that he asked: "With just a sword, you can confirm that he is... what the first generation [Coordinator]? "

"That's the sword of Valenciunas, and it's also a burial object! Which family's descendants would dig up the burial objects of their ancestors?"

Sophia cleared all Ethan's doubts with one sentence, and Ethan licked his lips: "Okay! It makes sense!

If he is really Valenciunas, then there will be big trouble. He has seen me in the land of the God of War, and I am worried that he may have begun to doubt me.

Also, I have seen that this person's methods are not only powerful, but also quite vicious. If you are targeted by him, life will be difficult. "

Sophia sighed softly: "So... you want to kill him?"

"That's the plan. But...he is different from others. He doesn't even have a fixed body. If we can't find the source, we can't talk about killing him!"

"What does it mean to have no fixed body?"

"Literally, he seems to have a way of occupying other people's bodies, and he doesn't care whether the body he occupies is damaged or not.

I saw with my own eyes that in order to destroy the town, he used one move to destroy both sides.

I can't sense where his body is, and I'm not even sure whether he has a body or not. In short, everything about him is a mystery. "

Sophia opened her mouth and thought for a moment, then said: "In other words, you are not sure that you can kill him?"

Ethan nodded helplessly: "If I were sure, I would have taken action long ago! However, I have sent people to investigate the specific situation, and it will take some time.

The only worry now is that before the results of the investigation are concluded, that guy will secretly sabotage it. "

"Haha!" Sofia smiled: "Don't worry! As long as he's not stupid, he won't do such stupid things.

Ethan, you don’t even know how strong you are now?

The first ascendant in thousands of years since [God of Death] Anastasia.

The speaker of the parliament of the highest political organization in Maruo City and the actual controller of Maruo City.

The founder and actual controller of the Southern Seventeenth Region Economic Development Bank.

Founder and actual leader of the South York Military Organization.

In addition to this, you also created newspapers and promoted culture.

Establish medical schools to protect people’s livelihood.

Establish a Pyroblast Center to develop new technologies. And every one of them is fruitful.

It can be said that it holds the politics, military, economy, culture, people's livelihood, and science and technology of the seventeen southern regions in its hands. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the uncrowned king.

What can a small Sheffield family do to fight with you?

It's okay if the Sheffield family doesn't cause damage, but if they dare to do anything, the family will be wiped out soon, and there is no need for you to do anything, a bunch of people will line up to deal with them. "

Ethan was praised by Sophia for a while, and he felt a little light-headed.

"What you said makes me feel a little embarrassed."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's the truth!" Sophia smiled and said: "As long as you can keep going, it won't be long before everyone, no matter the noble or the common people, will have their hearts turned towards you.

Even if you want to proclaim yourself emperor at that time, I guarantee you that no duke will dare to come out to oppose it, or even give priority to expressing surrender. "

Sofia kept praising, and finally Ethan realized something was wrong: "Sofia, what exactly do you want to say?"

Sophia smiled mysteriously: "I mean, it's time for you to show your cards."

"What cards are you showing?"

"Show your cards to the Sheffield family!"

"Ah?" Ethan raised his eyebrows: "What kind of cards should I show them? Tell them clearly that I am the one who killed them? If they don't know about this at all, wouldn't it mean that they are looking for trouble?"

"Why do you always have such a lucky mentality?" Sophia smiled bitterly: "Just like the 36G big-breasted girl you raised in Port Velen, do you think others don't know?

Even my sister knows about this, and you don’t know how the news reached her ears. Some people told her.

We even know that every night lately, you will stay at home for a while, go to have a tryst with your real body, and then go home within two hours.

From this, I can even deduce that your clone can only last for two hours.

If I try to pretend not to know, you will always think that you did it perfectly. "

Oh my god! I did it so secretly, but I was still discovered!

Ethan sorted out the process in detail. This was done by his own people throughout the entire process, and there was absolutely no way it would be leaked.

So...how did they find out?

When Ethan came up with this idea, Catherine appeared silently, glanced at Ethan guiltily, and ran away through the door.

Ethan’s head was suddenly full of black lines!

Good! It turns out it's you, the rebellious guy who's been cheating on you.

I will catch you later and see how I deal with you.

Hey...why am I so miserable! He is either ambitious or rebellious. Why can't he be surrounded by obedient and awesome talents like other heroes?

Forget it, let’s put it aside in advance, let’s focus on the present first.

Ethan smiled coquettishly and quickly changed the subject: "Even if they might guess that I did it, there seems to be no need to show off!"

Sofia mentioned that there was a woman outside Ethan just to remind Ethan, and she didn't mean to get entangled.

In fact, she knew better than anyone else that she must not dwell on this matter.

Men generally have the same idea that the red flag is flying at home and the colorful flags are flying outside. They want both family and wild flowers, and they don’t want to miss either.

Since Ethan is still taking care of the family, it’s best not to worry too much, otherwise it will not benefit anyone.

Seeing Ethan change the subject, Sofia seemed to have forgotten what she had said before, and continued: "Whether they know the truth or not is actually irrelevant.

When we took action before, we failed to solve it in one go, which doomed the current situation. Believe me, Valenciunas will not give you another chance to attack.

In this case, it is better to put everything on the table and let them choose for themselves.

If they choose interests, they will swallow their teeth.

If they choose to resist, it depends on who is more powerful. In fact, they have no choice but to swallow their anger and have no way out!"

"No! Sofia, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with swallowing your anger! This is completely giving them a chance to breathe.

Maybe as you said, they will be obedient for the time being, but what about in the future? If they jump out and stab us in the back, wouldn't it be worse?"

Sophia smiled: "I have asked you, and you clearly said that you can't deal with him.

In this case, we must find ways to maintain the surface peace until we find an opportunity to kill him with one blow. .

Otherwise, it will develop into the situation of the Casillas family and the Arthur family.

You should be very clear about the situation of those two families. Because they could not completely deal with each other, they fought each other and consumed each other, which made them weaker and weaker.

When the two families could not bear the consumption and wanted to negotiate, they were surprised to find that it was obviously an internal matter of the two families, but it was completely out of their control and they could not stop it. We must avoid this situation at all costs.

No matter how powerful or difficult the Sheffield family is, it is not terrible. What is terrible is the invisible hands outside. They must not be allowed to get involved.

And our showdown is actually to prepare a protective shield in advance and send a signal to the Sheffield family. First, to test how much they know, and second, to issue a warning. If they are smart, they will naturally know what to do.

Of course, showdowns also require methods. If you showdown randomly, something will go wrong! "

"Okay!" Ethan finally understood Sofia's idea, so he nodded in agreement: "Then what do you say we should do?"


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