Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 590: Leave a name in history

Ethan agreed to Sophia's paper, which was really helpless.

Because only in this way can we tell the two tribes that even without Sophia, we can also cultivate talents who master the magic of [Dispel].

Only in this way can the two tribes' delusions be completely cut off.

Since only this signal needs to be conveyed, it is enough to publish a general theory. Ethan does not want too many people to master this magic.

After some discussion, Ethan brought Sophia to Baron Fortress.

This move is to appease the restless Northland and give Sophia time to organize the paper. The most important thing is that he must keep an eye on Telgamesh here.

When Ethan rushed back to Baron Fortress, the battle here was still going on. Outside the city, there were mountains and plains with four or five-meter-high corpses everywhere. There were flames everywhere, smoke and dust, and even the direction could not be seen clearly.

But just like this, the orcs have not stopped for a moment since last night, and they have been attacking and attacking again!

The Northland also suffered heavy casualties due to the madness of the orcs, especially in the city, where there were broken limbs everywhere.

In the bloody scene, Nolan saw Ethan coming back, with a little confusion in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"It's complicated, I'll explain it to you later." As he said that, Ethan released two time clones, one to help clean up the orcs entering the city, and the other rushed outside the city to hack and kill.

With the addition of Ethan, the situation in the city quickly stabilized.

The orcs outside the city saw for the first time that someone dared to kill into their camp. They thought they were coming to die, but they didn't expect that the golden figure not only ignored any attack, but also brought a golden light that destroyed the world.

The golden light was like the sickle of the god of death, and it cleared an area with a light wave.

However, in just a few tens of seconds, thousands of compatriots were left with only half of their bodies standing on the ground.

This time, they were finally scared and began to flee.

At this moment, they remembered the legend of a thousand years ago.

Legend has it that there was a golden figure waving the sickle of the god of death at that time, dominating the entire tribe. That was the nightmare of all the orcs.

Now the nightmare has reappeared, and the only thing they can do now is to run away, the faster the better.

But the golden figure did not intend to let them go. Even if they escaped into the contaminated area, the golden figure still chased them with a sickle.

Fortunately, this nightmare finally stopped after lasting for two hours.

However, the orcs had already been scared and dared not go beyond the line. Under the leadership of the leaders of each tribe, they retreated deeper into the contaminated area.

The soldiers of the North looked at all this in disbelief, their eyes were full of heat, and then they all looked at the tall figure on the wall.

Nolan looked at the orcs who were retreating like a tide, and there was not much joy in his eyes, but confusion.

"You don't go to deal with the monster, but waste your energy here. Isn't it a bit of a waste of time?"

"Don't rush me to die!" Ethan said lightly: "I'm going to wait for an opportunity!"

Nolan frowned when he heard it: "What opportunity are you waiting for? Wait for the monster to come?"

"No!" Ethan shook his finger: "Now the contaminated area is gradually shrinking. When the contaminated area shrinks to within a thousand miles, that's when I will take action.

You don't have to worry. I have sent people to check and confirm. The contaminated area is shrinking very quickly. At the current speed, it can retreat at least dozens of miles a day. In less than a month, it will shrink to within a thousand miles."

"A month? In a month, the monster would have turned the continent over!" Nolan shouted He roared: "What's the point of shrinking to a thousand miles at that time.

The most important thing is, why wait for this range? Is there any difference between a thousand miles and ten thousand miles?"

Ethan didn't explain too much, and patted Nolan's shoulder gently: "I have my reasons. In short, I won't do anything unless the contaminated area shrinks to a thousand miles.

You don't have to worry too much. As far as I know, Telgamesh is currently focusing on absorbing energy and has no signs of moving.

In other words, everyone is safe for the time being.

In addition, I won't leave. I will live here for a while recently. You know where I live. If you have something, just come to me directly."

After speaking, Ethan picked up Sophia and flew towards the seaside. Of course, this was to go to his own territory.

Seeing that Ethan came suddenly and was going to stay for a while, Rand immediately arranged a small house with a separate door and courtyard, and arranged someone to take care of food and daily life.

Ethan just asked the extraordinary eagle to help bring the information Sophia needed, preparing for Sophia to write a paper here.

In fact, Sophia had already written a professional paper, but the content was too detailed, even including the steps of cultivation.

If it was a research paper, it could be published directly, but as a signal transmitter, it was obviously over the standard, so it had to be revised.

After getting the information, Sophia immediately started writing.

Since she was the first author and knew all the content, it was not too easy to just revise the paper.

It took less than a day to rewrite it.

Then she spent another day to polish it carefully. When she signed her name, Sophia Lawson, in the first author column, she finally showed a satisfied smile on her face.

Originally, this was the end, but after thinking about it, she signed Hermione's name in the second author column and Ethan's name in the second author column, and then she handed the paper to Ethan with satisfaction.

Ethan didn't even look at the content, and directly asked Super Eagle to take it back to Maro City and hand it over to the Tegru family.

After receiving Ethan's instructions, the Tegru family had already made preparations. When they received the paper, they started printing work overnight.

The next day, a special journal called "Magic Wand" was officially issued. This journal was not for the general public, but only for magicians.

The journal quickly spread in the magic world in 19 southern regions through the communication channels that had been established long ago.

And because the content was too shocking, it spread rapidly to the world like a virus with the extraordinary communication ability of magicians.

However, this epoch-making paper did not attract praise, but instead attracted a lot of abuse.

Among them, the Magic Association took the lead in challenging Maro City.

They first removed Sophia and Hermione from the Magic Association, and then sent out a magic delegation to arrest the two for spreading rumors and slandering the goddess of magic.

Ethan ignored them and had no time to pay attention to them, because these people had no idea that their god had resurrected and was moving towards them...

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