Chapter 348

   Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, in response to Lin Shu's words, and then took out a sharp dagger and cut a hole in Wei Dahai's heart.

   "What are you doing?" Seeing this, Wei Hanghang was a little angry, he stepped forward to stop it, but was held down by Lin Shu.

   "Wei Tiantian, look at your brother, Zuoqiu is saving your father." Lin Shu said solemnly.

   Zuo Qiuran placed the jade toad on the wound in Wei Dahai's heart, the toad licked the blood, and then climbed in through the wound and disappeared.

   Then, they saw a miraculous scene. From time to time, a light flashed in Wei Dahai's body, sometimes in his stomach, sometimes in his lower abdomen.

   "His internal organs have been shattered. Jade Toad can repair his organs, but it will take some time." Only then did Zuo Qiuran spare time to explain to the Wei family.

   Mrs. Wei and Wei Hanghang did not understand medical skills, so they could only turn their attention to Wei Tiantian.

Although Wei Tiantian was studying medicine, he had not been there for a long time, and he was still an ordinary person. He had never heard of the Jade Toad, so he could only look at Lin Shu suspiciously. Just rest assured.

  The morgue was very quiet, and everyone was waiting. Suddenly, two people came in at the door, Song Lin and Li Ming.

   "What are you doing? The dead are the worst, Zuo Qiuran, do you have to let the patient die?"

Song Lin didn't see the scene where Zuo Qiuran used the jade toad to save people, so when he saw Mo Qi was giving Wei Da Hai Gong Gong, he just thought it was an ordinary healing. appearance.

   Zuo Qiu Ran saw Song Lin, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. Very good, she was just looking for this person to calculate the general ledger, but he actually came over by himself. If that's the case, don't blame her for being rude.

   "Can't you close your eyes?" Zuo Qiuran sneered, "With me here, it won't be easy for him to die."

   Li Ming sneered, "It's too windy to flick your tongue, who do you think you are? Can you still take your life in the hands of Lord Yama?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked back at Wei Dahai's body, the aura of the jade toad was already very weak, which means that Wei Dahai's five internal organs were almost repaired, and the jade toad was about to disappear.

   This is the preciousness of the Jade Toad. It is hard to get a thousand dollars, and it is a one-time consumable, and it will be gone after you use it.

   "I really can." Zuo Qiuran suddenly raised his hand and sucked out all the silver needles from Wei Dahai's body.


   Wei Dahai, who was originally judged to be a 'dead man', suddenly vomited blood.

   This scene stunned everyone, and the Wei family rushed over excitedly.

   "Dad, are you alive?"

   "Dad, how are you?"

   "Husband, do you still recognize me?"

   Song Lin and Li Ming were stunned, how could this be possible? A person's internal organs have been shattered, how can he be rescued?

   Zuo Qiu Ran first checked Wei Dahai's pulse and made sure that there was no serious problem, and then let Mo Qi withdraw his work, "Okay, this place is too yin, so take him to the general ward first."

  Wei Hanghang now regards Zuo Qiuran as a fairy from heaven and earth, and regards her words as an imperial decree, "I'll arrange it now."

   said, the wind ran away, and when he passed by Song Lin, he didn't even look at him.

   This is something that has never happened before.

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked at Song Lin's stiff and black face, and chuckled, "Master Song, I heard that this person was judged dead by you? Now, do you have anything to say?"

   (end of this chapter)

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