Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 356: life is so boring

   Chapter 356 Life is too boring

   Shangguan Mei felt that she was in love, and fell in love at first sight with this man she just met.

   But when I think about my current situation, I feel ashamed and don’t know how to deal with it.


"Come to my car, there are quite a lot of people on this street." After the man finished speaking, he thoughtfully helped Shangguan Mei load everything into the car, and then took Shangguan Mei into the car. A limited edition Ferrari sports car.

This is a big red sports car, even the interior of the car is sprayed red, it looks very strange, it is very inconsistent with this man's temperament, but Shangguan Mei can't think about it now, it seems that God is really favoring Her, let her meet the righteous man in desperation.

   After she learned the Gu technique recorded in Song Lin's handbooks and became a strange woman in the martial arts world that everyone admired, she would marry him, and then...


   Shangguan Mei, who was fantasizing, was suddenly kicked out of the car.

   "What are you doing?" All the fantasy bubbles burst after seeing the evil expression on the man's face.

   It turns out that warmth is just an appearance, this is his true face.

   "Who are you? Why do you do this?" Shangguan Mei admitted that she had never met this person, and she had never offended him. Why did he play tricks on himself?

The    man shrugged, "No reason, life is too boring, I happened to meet you, oh, by the way, let me remind you at last, there are not many people in that street just now, this is the place."

  The car sped away, and at the same time, there were many clothes and cosmetics left. It was Shangguan Mei's things.

   At this time, Shangguan Mei discovered that she had been left at the entrance of the commercial street, and today is the weekend, which can be described as a sea of ​​people.

   Looking at the people who were pointing around her, and even taking photos with their mobile phones, Shangguan Mei didn't bother to pick up anything, she hurriedly picked up a piece of clothing to cover her face, and ran away in a hurry.


   Zuo Qiu Ran received a call from Wen Wenqian and came to the Chenghan Research Institute. This was the first time she walked in through the front door with integrity after many years. It felt a little novel.

   "My lord, the results of the experiment are out." Wen Wenqian saw Zuo Qiuran, and respectfully welcomed her into his exclusive laboratory.

   Zuo Qiu Ran is also helpless. She has said several times that Wen Wenqian should call her another name, but this person is stubborn and deadly, saying that the teaching of her ancestors cannot be violated.

   "Is it true?" Zuo Qiuran actually didn't expect this result, because everything was expected, but Wen Wenqian insisted on doing this experiment and getting real data, so he let him.

Sure enough, Wen Wenqian nodded excitedly, transmitted the data on the computer to the big screen, and pointed it to Zuo Qiuran, "This medicine pill can indeed restore Wu Yuan, my lord, this is very important for the world of martial arts and medicine. That said, it's a big breakthrough."

Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, "Remember that when we cooperate with the Zuo Qiu family, the initiative is in our hands, and the Zuo Qiu family will definitely not be able to eat this project, they will definitely find someone to cooperate with, remember to be careful, What you want to do is to let the Chenghan Institute get out of the way at the critical moment, you know?"

  Wen Wenqian nodded again, "I'll let Xie Lang talk about this matter, he's quite good at this."

Zuo Qiuran recalled Xie Lang's temperament and felt relieved, and then looked at Wen Wenqian's excited look again, and said helplessly: "Okay, I will give you the recipe for this medicinal herb as soon as I go back. "

   (end of this chapter)

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