Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 393: white-eyed wolf

   Chapter 393 White Eyed Wolf

   Zuo Qiuran raised his eyebrows and glanced at them, and found that all Mo guards were wearing earplugs, and the reason why she and Mo Yichen were not affected was probably because of the soul power in their bodies.


Shangguanyan, whose dumb acupoint was sealed, suddenly fell to the ground and vomited blood, and the acupoint was opened. He looked at the north tower in front of him, and suddenly appeared in his mind when he was a child. The child shouting 'uncle'.

"Xiaolou, as long as you let your uncle go, uncle will give you that book, how about that?" Shangguanyan had the last hope in his heart. He didn't want to die, and he couldn't die. He kept his name incognito for so many years. Go back to the capital and die!

The laughter of the north building finally stopped, he turned around slowly, squatted on the ground, looked at Shangguanyan, swept his embarrassed body with mocking eyes, and asked, "Shangguanyan, why do you negotiate terms with me? You Think I don't care about that book? That thing killed my mother and killed everyone who really loved me, would I want it?"

   After a pause, Beilou suddenly grabbed Shangguanyan's hair, "Uncle? Shangguanyan, you deserve it too!"

One threw Shangguanyan away with force, and the North Building took out a tissue, and wiped his hands with disgust, "My grandfather said before his death that Shangguanyan is no longer a member of the Shangguan family, so you changed your name to Song Yan. Is it? I think this name is very suitable for you. The surname of Shangguan is not worthy of you. Also, don’t worry, I will not kill you. I am a good citizen who obeys the law, how can I kill you?”

  Shangguanyan thought that Beilou was really thinking about his childhood feelings, so he couldn't bear to kill his uncle, but when he could come to the person behind him, his heart fell into an abyss.

  The coming people are the two elders of Tiandaomen, lawless and Wutian.

   "Shangguanyan, we are ordered by the sect master to take you back." Wutian asked his disciple to tie Shangguanyan, and then nodded with Mo Yichen, Beilou and others, and then left.

   They came today just to capture the disciples who defected many years ago. Before going out, the sect master specially explained that they should not get involved in other matters.

   "Uncle, I'll be back in a while." After an explanation, Zuo Qiuran hurriedly chased out, she couldn't just leave Guan Yan.

  Mo Yichen is still sitting in a wheelchair now, so he can't reveal it, so he can only nod his head and say, "Be careful."

   He knew that Mo Jiu would protect Zuo Qiuran in the dark.

   Zuo Qiu Ran, who was leaving, happened to pass by Ye Qi, who had just arrived. The two sides nodded and went about their own business.

   "I received an anonymous report letter, which contains evidence that Bei Qin colluded with Shangguanyan to assassinate the Bei family and the Shangguan family many years ago, and used the rumors of banned books to create chaos in the martial arts world. Now, I will take Bei Qin back."

Ye Qi didn't come by himself, and he was accompanied by He Xinghua, the chief of the Imperial City Police Department, and He Xinghua said calmly: "I also received an anonymous report, and the evidence listed that Bei Qin poisoned and murdered his wife, as well as many other Bei family members, and Smuggling, tax evasion and other acts, and now, I will also arrest Bei Qin according to law."

   Bei Qin was paralyzed and fell to the ground. It was over, he was completely over.

   "North Building, is it you who did it? I am your uncle, your only relative! I raised you after your parents died. How could you treat me like this, you white-eyed wolf!"

   (end of this chapter)

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