Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 398: Do it yourself

   Chapter 398 Do It Yourself

   Shangguan Mei didn't expect this man to know even Zhang Li, or what else did he not know?

  Unfortunately, Shangguan Mei had no chance to ask, because in the blink of an eye, the man who was sitting on the opposite sofa disappeared.

  Shangguan Mei looked around and pinched herself again to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

   At this time, she realized how terrifying this man was. With such a profound cultivation, she was afraid that even the masters of hermits could not match.

  Suddenly, Shangguan Mei was a little excited again. She didn't know why this man came to her or why this man wanted to help her. She only knew that as long as this man was there, she would definitely be able to take revenge.

"Hello." Shangguan Mei picked up the phone and called Ying Wan, "Send all the dark guards in the imperial capital and find Zhang Li for me, remember, keep it a secret, and give her to her immediately after you find it. Arrange for a secluded place to settle in, and then take me there."

   Hanging up the phone, Shangguan Mei changed her clothes and left the hospital. She needed to prepare a lot of things to seize the formation, and the only person she trusted now was herself, so she had to do it herself.

   After a pause, Shangguan Mei thought of Sun Shuyi again. If her mother was here, she would definitely prepare everything for her, right?

   Working hard to expel Sun Shuyi's figure from her mind, Shangguan Mei lowered the brim of her hat and drove away.

   But what she didn't notice was that on the back seat of her car, there was a shadow that flickered and appeared, it was actually Xie Quan's face.


   In the main residence of the Mo family, Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu were sitting on the sofa in the living room, feeling uneasy. From time to time, they looked back at Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yichen who were eating in the restaurant.

   "Dad, can she really solve our family's problems?" Lin Shu sentenced himself to death in his heart since he found out about his condition and went to countless authorities to determine that he was unable to operate.

  Even, she even arranged her death early, and she also saw a psychiatrist for a long time to reduce her fear of death.

  So, for a while, it was really hard to believe that there was still hope for her illness. It turned out that she didn't have to die yet.

  Lin Yuanzhou glanced at the direction of the restaurant again. The two of them were very well-bred when eating, and they rarely spoke, but there was a warmth in their eyes.

  Like an old couple who have lived together for many years, they look so natural and quiet.

   He nodded, "Xiaoshu, if there are still people in this world who can help us, then I think there is only Second Miss."

   The two of them were talking when the sound of footsteps and wheelchairs came from behind them, and the two quickly got up.

   "Master Chen, Second Miss." Lin Yuanzhou's attitude was very respectful, and so was Lin Shu.

   "Sit down." Mo Yichen nodded and pointed to the sofa beside him.

   Zuo Qiuran went upstairs and took down the test results passed down by Wen Wenqian.

   "Both of them are experts in this field. I don't think you need to mention the data. You can understand it yourself." Zuo Qiuran handed over the results and sat down beside Mo Yichen.

  Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu looked very carefully. The more they looked, the deeper their brows became. In the end, they were only shocked.

   The test report clearly shows that there is a very subtle factor in the blood of their Lin family members, which will affect some functions of the human body, cause diseases, and even pass it on to the next generation.

   (end of this chapter)

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