Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 403: Suddenly I miss you

   Chapter 403 Suddenly Missing You

   Sensing that there were other people approaching not far away, Mo Yichen put his arms around Zuo Qiuran's waist and quickly left with a light effort.

   Zuo Qiu Miao and Chu Jiang hurriedly chased them out. Their coming here must not be discovered, otherwise, a lot of trouble will be waiting for them.

   However, after they chased out, they collided with another group of people.

   He was also dressed in black, with a black hat and black mask, which made Zuo Qiu Miao and Chu Jiang subconsciously recognize the wrong person, and without saying a word, they attacked directly.

   The two sides were in full swing, and suddenly there was a gunshot.


   The gunshot sounded as if the pause button was pressed, and the two parties stopped at the same time.

   "Didn't you say that you are not allowed to shoot?" Zuoqiu looked at Chu Jiang.

  Chu Jiang looked innocent, "Master, it's not me."

   On the other side, a young man also whispered, "Who told you to shoot?"

"not us."

   The two sides looked at each other, and then, as if they had negotiated, they retreated in two directions.

If they didn't fire the gun, it means that there are third-party people here. No matter who that person is or what the purpose of the shooting is, we can't stay here. coming soon.

   After they left, Mo Yichen on the hillside above put away the gun.

   "Uncle, why are you shooting? Let them fight." Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes kept looking at the direction Zuo Qiu Miao and Chu Jiang were leaving, wondering what she was thinking.

Mo Yichen rubbed her head, "Their identities are already known, there is no need for them to fight now, they will definitely show up tomorrow, let's go too, Qin Zhao's people should come in a while. "

   Sure enough, as soon as the two left, Qin Zhao rushed over with someone and looked at the huge deep pit and the obvious signs of fighting. His face was dark and a storm was brewing in his dark eyes.

   When Mo Yichen and Zuo Qiuran returned to Qiuwuyuan, it was already late at night. They said good night to each other and went back to their respective rooms.

   However, Zuo Qiuran did not fall asleep.

   She was sitting on the window sill, looking at the starry sky outside the window, recalling the things that had happened since her rebirth.

   Dong Dong Dong!

   There was a sudden knock on the door.

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't look back, only said 'Come in'.

  The door opened and closed, steady footsteps approached little by little, and finally, a pair of strong and warm arms embraced Zuo Qiuran.

   "Why are you still not sleeping?" Mo Yichen's voice sounded low.

Zuo Qiu Ran leaned on him so relaxedly, his eyes still on the starry sky outside, "Actually, I rarely sleep, most nights I practice soul power, but I don't want to practice tonight, I want to steal lazy."

   "What about you? Why haven't you slept yet?" Zuo Qiuran raised her head and asked.

   From her angle, she just saw Mo Yichen's chin, and only then did she know that a man's chin can be so beautiful.

  Mo Yichen put his chin on Zuo Qiuran's head, rubbed gently, kissed again, and then said, "I wanted to sleep, but suddenly I miss you."

   Zuo Qiu Ran smiled, "Uncle, you still tease me so late, I can't help but knock you down."

  Mo Yichen lowered his head, "I'm telling the truth, but I don't mind you throwing me down, do you need me to make a pose to cooperate with you?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran laughed again, the sound like a copper bell infected Mo Yichen, he hugged Zuo Qiu Ran even tighter, his fingers caressing her face and sometimes holding her hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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